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    Unit 1 Finding the Way and FestivalsFestivals lucky money 压岁钱light fireworks 放烟火light firecrackers 放鞭炮doublets 对联family reunion dinner 团圆饭lantern 灯笼gala performances 盛大演出sweet dumplings 元宵New Year Cake 年糕walking on stilts 踩高跷folk dance 民间舞蹈acrobatic show 杂技表演dragon and lion dances 舞龙狮sweeping the graves 扫墓worship 祭拜moon-cake 月饼Unit 2 Means of Traveling and QualitiesUrban Transporttraffic jam 交通堵塞heavy traffic 交通拥挤pavement/ sidewalk 人行道main artery 交通大动脉expressway 高速公路one-way lane 单行道junction (hub) of communication 交通枢纽viaduct/ flyover 高架桥light railway 轻轨subway; underground; tube 地铁underpass 地下通道moped 助动车tram 有轨电车trolley 无轨电车bus 公共汽车double-decker 双层巴士mini-bus 面包车air-conditioned bus 空调车car (automobile) 汽车(小汽车)tourist coach, sightseeing bus 游览车taxi, cab 出租车truck, lorry 卡车trailer 拖车deluxe coach 豪华大巴traffic regulations 交通规则High Way Bureau 公路局a state of bicycle 自行车王国Railway Transport ministry of railway 铁道部railway bureau 铁路局girl attendant 女乘务员ticket collector 收票员locomotive engineer 火车司机station master 火车站站长luggage clerk 行李员luggage man 行李搬运夫chief conductor; train chief 列车长conductor 列车员ticket inspector 查票员train crew 乘务组booking clerk 售票员gateman 检票员express train 快车(普快)through (non-stop/ direct) train 直达列车special express 特别快车high-speed train 高速火车super-express 超级特快deluxe train 豪华列车baggage 行李carriage 车厢smoking car 吸烟车厢sleeping car 卧铺车厢passenger compartment 客车包厢soft sleeper 软卧车厢hard sleeper 硬卧车厢hard-seat coach 硬席车厢dining car 餐车upper berth 上铺middle berth 中铺lower berth 下铺luggage rack 行李架sleeping berth 卧铺transfer station 中转站station square 火车站广场terminal 终点站railway timetable 火车时刻表city traffic map 市内交通图waiting room 候车室inquiry office 问讯处railway network map 铁路网示意图consolidated booking office 联合售票处platform 站台left-luggage office 行李寄存处luggage label 行李标签contraband 违禁品inflammables 易燃物behind schedule 火车晚点through fare 全程票价luggage ticket 行李票half-priced ticket 半程车票single way ticket 单程车票through ticket 通票returning ticket 往返票handling charge 手续费refund 退款Air Transport Civil Aviation Organization 民航机构Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空China Southwest Airline Company 中国西南航空公司General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民航China East Airline Company 中国东方航空公司China South Airline Company 中国南方航空公司China Northwest Airline Company 中国西北航空公司airfield 飞机场airport 航空港runway 机场跑道airport lounge 候机室regular flight 定期航班jumbo jet 巨型喷气飞机boarding card 登记牌aircraft crew 机组airsickness 晕机aircrash 空难QUALITIESconscientious 认真的,尽职的methodical 有条理的creative 有创造精神的determined 坚定的resolute 果断的romantic 浪漫的open 开通的frank 直率的promising 前途无量的optimistic 乐观的understanding 善解人意的punctual 准时的caring 关爱的sincere 真诚的faithful 忠诚的intellectual 理智的broad-minded 心胸宽广的independent 独立的patient 有耐心的generous 慷慨的tidy 整洁的decisive 果断的down-to-earth 务实的quiet 文静的lively 活泼的witty 机智的intelligent 聪明的considerate 考虑周到的imaginative 有想象力的inquisitive 不耻下问的extrovert 外向的introvert 内向的proud 骄傲的slippery 狡猾的rebellious 有反叛精神的uncompromising 不屈服的tough 坚强的stubborn 固执的indecisive 优柔寡断的volatile 多变的distant 冷落的aloof 冷淡的pessimistic 悲观的gullible 易上当受骗的impulsive 冲动的adaptable 适应性强的hypocritical 虚伪的feeble-minded 意志薄弱的hollow-hearted 虚伪的human interact 有人情味的inferiority complex 自卑感light-minded 轻浮的pigeon-livered 温顺的quick-tempered 急性子的Unit 3 Banking and Sports BANK钱: money , cash , bucks , dough , bread , moola , green-backs一分钱: a penny , a cent五分钱: a nickel , five cents十分钱: a dime , ten cents二十五分钱: a quarter , two bits , wenty-five cents五十分钱: a fifty-cent piece一元钱: a dollar , a single , a buck , a bill五元钱: five dollars , a fiver , a five spot , five bucks十元钱: a ten , ten bucks , a ten spotSPORTSKinds of SportsAthletics 田径运动field sports 田赛运动tug-of-war 拔河indoor sports 室内运动outdoor sports 室外运动mass sports 群众运动body-building exercise 健身运动dragon boat race 龙舟竞赛Physical Trainingovertraining 训练过度undertraining 训练不足athletic training 田径训练interval training 间歇训练training schedule 训练日程training method 训练方法training target 训练指标training program 训练计划training time 训练时间volume of exercise 训练量all-round technique 全面技术individual skill 个人技巧basic technique 基本功counter-acting exercises 对抗训练court manner 场上作风ball game skills 球技sportsmanship 体育道德Sports MeetTrack and Field Sports Meet 田径运动The Disabled Sports Meet 残疾人运动会World University Games 世界大学生运动会Invitational Tournament 邀请赛National Games 全国运动会Asian Games 亚运会Olympic Games 奥运会World Cup 世界杯World Championship 世界锦标赛Open Games 公开赛elimination series 淘汰赛finals 决赛semifinals 半决赛quarter final round 1/4 决赛eight final round 1/8决赛breaking a record 破记录team champion 团体冠军gold belt 金腰带gold cup 金杯gold medalist 金牌得主silver medalist 银牌得主bronze medalist 铜牌得主seed player 种子选手defending championship 卫冕冠军赛hot favorite 夺标呼声很高的选手或队unbeaten team 常胜队amateur 业余选手chief coach 主教练chief referee 主裁判 sports enthusiast 体育迷Track and Fielddecathlon 十项全能modern pentathlon 现代五项全能high jump 跳高pole vault 撑杆跳高long jump 跳远triple jump 三级跳远16-pound hammer throw 掷链球discus throw 掷铁饼16-pound shot put 掷铅球javelin throw 掷标枪100/200/400-metre dash 短跑800/1500/5000/10000-metre run 中长跑marathon 马拉松400m/1600m relay 接力赛110/400-metre hurdles 跨栏steeplechase 越野跑walking race 竞走Gymnastics womens gymnastics 女子体操gymnastic apparatus 体操器械floor exercise 自由体操balance beam 平衡木uneven bars 高低杠horizontal bar 单杠parallel bars 双杠mans all-round 男子全能band rings 吊环long horse 跳马side horse 鞍马eurhythmics 艺术体操Ball GamesFOOTBALLfootball field 足球场midfield 中场upfield 前场goal 球门penalty spot 罚球点center half 中卫center forward 中锋striker 前锋left wing 左边锋goal-keeper 守门员sweeper 清道夫defensive play 防守型打法offensive tactics 进攻战术close-marking defense 盯人防守breakingaway attack快速反击massed defense 密集防守off-side tactics 越位战术setting the pace 掌握进攻节奏short pass play 短传渗透off the mark 摆脱防守direct free kick 直接任意球goal kick 球门球corner kick 开角球throw-in 掷界外球goat 乌龙球员heading 顶球 dribble past an opponent 带球过人wall pass 二过一sliding tackle 铲球weave through the wall 穿过人墙sliding shot 铲射overhead kick倒钩volley shot 凌空射门long shot 远射a sudden straight ball 突然直传collect the ball 接球dive retrieve 鱼越救球beat out a shot 把球击出dangerous play 危险动作major offence 严重犯规yellow card 黄牌be fouled out 罚出球场scoring a goal 攻进一球in top gear 技术发挥好be off form 大失水准mo match for 不是对手be locked in an intense contest 争夺激烈throw sb. off ones balance 打乱战术excellent teamwork 配合默契up to ones best level in skill and style of play赛出水平赛出风格draw 平手narrow victory 险胜come from behind to win the game 反败为胜full-time 终场extra game 加时赛replacement 换人substitute 替补队员bench-warmer 板凳球员coaching from the sidelines场外指导top right-hand corner of the net 球门右上角hit the cross bar 击中横梁Group A of Chinas Soccer League 中国甲A联赛International Football Association 国际足联Asian Football Confederation 亚足联BASKETBALLpass 传球dribbling 运球attack 进攻defense 防守assist 助攻steal 抢断screen 掩护privot 策应shooting 投篮dunk shot 扣篮hook shot 勾手投篮turn shot 转身投篮blocking a shot 盖帽a three-piont throw 三分球foul line 罚球线foul shot 罚球control of the ball 控球fast break 快攻rebound 篮板double 两次运球walking 走步request a time out 要求暂停press defense 紧逼战术goal (not) made 球(没)进VOLLEYBALLfirst passer 一传setter/ tosser 二传spike 扣球block 拦网TABLE TENNIShand-shake grip 横握拍法four-handed game 双打service the ball 发球top-spin 上旋side-spin 侧旋a loop-drive 抽球off the table 出台long drive 拉长球BADMINTONtennis 网球handball 手球baseball 棒球cricket 板球rugby 英式橄榄球hockey 曲棍球golf 高尔夫球bowling 保龄球polo 马球WATER SPORTSWater SportsSwimming 游泳freestyle 自由泳backstroke 仰泳butterfly stroke 蝶泳breast stroke 蛙泳side stroke 侧泳individual medley 个人混合泳treading water 踩水springboard diving 跳板跳水platform diving 跳台跳水synchronized swimming /water ballet 花样游泳water polo 水球figure water skiing 花样滑水surf-riding 冲浪OTHER SPOTRSsingle /pair figure skating 单/双人花样滑冰skiing 滑雪ice hockey 冰球weight lifting 举重clean and jerk 挺举snatch 抓举boxing 拳击canoeing 皮艇运动yachting 帆船运动wrestling 摔跤judo 柔道karate 空手道fencing 击剑equestrian (horsemanship) 马术qigong 气功yoga 瑜珈shooting 射击archery 射箭mountain climbing 登山运动parachuting 跳伞cycling 自行车运动motorcycling 摩托车运动automobile race 赛车horse race 赛马Unit 4 Hotel and ComputerHotelhotel 旅馆guest house 宾馆main entrance 大门lobby (进门处的)休息室corridor 走廊staircase, stairway 楼梯elevator ,lift 电梯inquiry desk 问讯处reception office 接待室registration form 登记表service counter 服务台lounge 休息厅roof garden 屋顶花园fitness center 健身中心gym room 健身房bowling center 保龄球中心tennis court 网球场golf course 高尔夫球场billiard-room 弹子房mens room 男洗手间ladies room 女洗手间cloak-room 存衣处beauty salon 美容厅barbers shop 理发店hairdressers 女理发馆sauna 桑拿蒸汽浴massage 按摩dining room (hall) 餐厅restaurant 饭馆bar 酒吧buffet 小卖部postal service 邮政服务部telex 电传fax 传真express mail service (EMS) 特快专递newsstand 售报处door-man 门口服务员porter 搬行李服务员maid 打扫房间服务员desk-clerk 服务台工作人员attendant (旅馆)服务员waiter (waitress) (餐厅的)男(女)服务员suite 一套房间single room 单人间double room 双人间balcony 阳台bedside table 床头桌dial (call) phone 自动(叫号)电话bathtub 澡盆tap 龙头shower 淋浴washbasin 洗脸盆shower nozzle 喷头towel 毛巾hot (cold) running water 热(冷)自来水plug 插头socket 插座bath towel 浴巾waste-paper basket 废纸篓lavatory 厕所toilet paper 手纸thermometer 温度计laundry 洗衣店laundry bag 洗衣袋dry cleaning 干洗pressing 烫check in 办理住宿登记手续check out 付帐离开旅馆Computersdesk top computer 台式电脑laptop/ notebook 手提电脑personal computer 个人电脑main frame 主机compatible computer 兼容机brand name computer 品牌机hardware 硬件software 软件upgrade 升级diskette 软盘,盘片programmer 程序设计师computer capacity 计算机能力computer language 计算机语言computer utility 计算机功用operational speed 运算速度operational skill 运算技巧information technology 信息技术information highway 信息高速公路WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) 手机上网multi-media 多媒体PC game 电脑游戏sulf on internet 上网network 网络netizen 网民web-size 网址webster 用户webzine 网络杂志web-phone 网络电话e-mail 电子邮件e-business 电子商务e-life 电子生活cyberspace 虚拟世界cyber lover 网络恋人cyber romance 网恋cyber shopper 网上导购员cyber salon 网上沙龙cyber worm 网虫cyber addict /cult 网迷cyber pet 网上宠儿cyber phobia 网络恐惧症cyber crime 网络犯罪cyber terrorist 网络恐怖分子online shopping 网上购物online recruitment 网上招聘online galaxy 网上一族virus 病毒hacker 黑客pornography 色情文学Unit 5 Restaurant and EqualityRESTAURANTMeatmeat (balls,slices,cubes) 肉minced meat 肉末sausage 香肠ham 火腿bacon 腌肉game 野味pork 猪肉beef 牛肉veal 小牛肉mutton 羊肉liver 肝kidneys 腰,肾tripe 独giblets 鸡(鸭)杂gizzard鸡(鸭)盹ducks web 鸭掌Sea Foodcarp (silver carp) 鲤鱼(鲫鱼)yellow croaker 黄花鱼belt fish 带鱼mandarin fish 桂鱼sardines 沙丁鱼salmon 马哈鱼eel 鳝鱼white bait 银鱼cuttlefish 鱿鱼shark fish 鱼翅jellyfish 海蛰sea cucumber (beche-de-mer) 海参(dried) shrimps 虾米prawn 对虾lobster 龙虾crab 蟹oysters 蚝scallops 干贝turtle 甲鱼tangle 海带clam 蛤Vegetablescabbage (chinese cabbage) 卷心菜(大白菜)spinach 菠菜rape 油菜cauliflower 花菜egg plant 茄子celery 芹菜potato 土豆carrot 胡萝卜radish 小萝卜turnip 萝卜cucumber 黄瓜string beans 菜豆French beans 扁豆broad beans 蚕豆peas 豌豆soy bean 黄豆marrow 冬瓜broccoli 西兰花taro 芋头asparagus 芦笋lettuce 莴苣chili 红辣椒green pepper 青椒sweet potato 地瓜pumpkin 南瓜seaweed 紫菜bean curd 豆腐bean milk 豆浆bean sprout 豆芽bean thread 粉丝dried bean curd 豆腐干bamboo shoots 竹笋dried lily 黄花菜fungus 木耳lotus root 藕mushroom 蘑菇Chinese mushroom 香菇onion (spring onion) 洋葱(小葱)leeks 韭菜garlic 大蒜ginger 姜pickles 腌菜white 蛋白yolk 蛋黄Rice and Breadporridge 粥rice soup 泡饭steamed rolls 花卷steamed buns 馒头instant noodles 方便面macaroni 通心面pancake 烙饼Chinese dumpling 饺子fried dumpling 锅贴spring roll 春卷eight-jewel rice pudding 八宝饭bread and butter 黄油面包toast 土司sandwiches 三明治cake 蛋糕cookies 小甜饼pudding 布丁dessert (sweet) 甜食filling 馅Dishes and Soupsseasoned dishes 时令菜the dish of the day; todays special 今日特菜side course; side dish 配菜peached eggs 荷包蛋omelette 炒鸡蛋cold dishes 冷菜hors doeuvre 拼盘green salad 蔬菜色拉preserved eggs 皮蛋twice-cooked meat 回锅肉rinsed instant-boiled lamb 涮羊肉chicken velvet 芙蓉鸡片braised fish in chili sauce 辣子干烧鱼spiced goose 五香鹅shrimps and green peas 虾仁炒青豆sweet and sour pork chop 糖醋排骨beancurd in earthed pot 沙锅豆腐fish-flavored eggplant 鱼香茄子hot pot 火锅broth 肉汤consommé 清炖肉/或菜汤thick soup 浓汤egg drop soup 蛋花汤sour-pepper soup 酸辣汤Fruitslichee 荔枝longan 龙眼orange 橙子tangerine 桔子lemon 柠檬pomelo 柚子apple 苹果pear 梨apricot 杏peach 桃plum 梅子cherry 樱桃strawberry 草莓loquat 枇杷banana 香蕉pineapple 菠萝olive 橄榄fig 无花果date 枣子grape 葡萄persimmon 柿子pomegranate 石榴haw 山楂watermelon 西瓜preserved fruit 蜜饯Beveragesgreen tea(jasmine tea) 绿茶black tea 红茶coffee 咖啡cocoa 可可cocktail 鸡尾酒whiskey 威士忌酒brandy 白兰地酒gin 松子酒martini 马提尼酒champagne 香槟酒red wine 红葡萄酒yellow wine 黄酒liqueur 烈性酒aperitif 开胃酒beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤Soft Drinkslemonade 柠檬水fruit juice 果汁soda water 苏打水mineral water 矿泉水vanilla ice cream 香草冰淇淋ice cream sandwich 夹心冰淇淋milk shake 奶昔 popsicle, ice sucker 冰棍ice cream bar 雪糕Tableware and Cutleryknives and forks 刀叉chopsticks 筷子tablespoon(dessert spoon) 汤匙(小匙)cup and saucer 茶杯和茶碟plate 盘子dish 盘碟napkin 餐巾bowl 碗table-cloth 桌布glass 玻璃杯wine cup (glass) 酒杯tumble 大玻璃杯(尤指啤酒杯)mug 带把儿大杯corkscrew 拔瓶塞的螺丝锥tin opener 开瓶器salt celler 盐瓶pepper pot 胡椒瓶cruer stand 调味品架toothpick 牙签chopping board 沾板 recipe 食谱Condimentstable salt 食盐soy(a) sauce 酱油vinegar 醋gourmet powder 味精cooking wine 料酒corn starch 淀粉sesame oil 麻油baking powder 发酵粉spices 香料aniseed 大料mustard 芥末pepper 胡椒curry powder 咖喱粉chili sauce 辣椒酱cream 奶油cheese 干酪sugar 糖jam 果酱marmalade 果酱(橘子等做的)Cooking Termsto boil 煮to stew 炖,烩to roast 烤to fry 煎to stir-fry 炒braised 焖broiled 烧brilled 铁扒toasted 烤(面包等)stewed and braised with soy sauce 红烧smoked 熏的steamed 蒸的pepper-and-salt 椒盐的tough 硬的,老的tender 嫩的well-done 做的正好medium-done 不老也不嫩under-done 做得太生over-cooked,over-done 做得太过火fat 肥的lean 瘦的fresh 鲜的salty 咸的tasteless 味淡的delicious 美味的tasty 合口味的nourishing 有营养的crisp 脆的iced 冰镇的raw 生的hot,peppery 辣的rich, greasy, oily 油腻的fragrant 香的mellow 芳醇的light 清淡的heavy 不易消化的ToastsHeres to you! 祝您健康!Bottoms up! 干杯!Cheers! 祝您健康!干杯!Your health! 祝您健康!Lets drink to! 为干杯!I propose a toast to! 我建议为干杯!Othersafternoon tea 下午茶 banquer 宴会


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