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    Unit 1 Living Well,Do you know anyone with a mental or physical disability? Does their disability make it difficult for them to do some things? What have they tried to do to overcome these difficulties?,张海迪五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤,高位截瘫。她因此没进过学校,童年起就开始以顽强的毅力自学知识,她先后自学了小学、中学和大学的专业课程。张海迪十五岁时随父母下放聊城莘县一个贫穷的小村子,但她没有惧怕艰苦的生活,而是以乐观向上的精神奉献自己的青春。在那里她给村里小学的孩子们教书,并且克服种种困难学习医学知识,热心地为乡亲们针灸治病。在莘县期间她无偿地为人们治病一万多人次,受到人们的热情赞誉。,1983年海迪开始走上文学创作的道路,她以顽强毅力克服病痛和困难,精益求精地进行创作,执着地为文学而战,至今已出版的作品有:长篇小说轮椅上的梦、绝顶。散文集鸿雁快快飞、向天空敞开的窗口、生命的追问。翻译作品海边诊所,丽贝卡在新学校、小米勒旅行记,莫多克一头大象的真实故事等。她的作品在社会上在青少年中引起很强的反响,长篇小说轮椅上的梦已在日本,韩国出版。,Zhang Haidi,幼时患病,两耳失聪,双目失明。七岁时,安妮·沙利文担任她的家庭教师,从此成了她的良师益友,相处达50年。在沙利文帮助之下,进入大学学习,以优异成绩毕业。在大学期间,写了我生命的故事,讲述她如何战胜病残,给成千上万的残疾人和正常人带来鼓舞。这本书被译成50种文字,在世界各国流传。以后又写了许多文字和几部自传性小说,表明黑暗与寂静并不存在。后来凯勒成了卓越的社会改革家,到美国各地,到欧洲、亚洲发表演说,为盲人、聋哑人筹集资金。二战期间,又访问多所医院,慰问失明士兵,她的精神受人们崇敬。1964年被授于美国公民最高荣誉总统自由勋章,次年又被推选为世界十名杰出妇女之一。,Helen Keller,海伦·凯勒 美国盲聋女作家教育家,Lets see their performance.,Do you know them?,21位舞者是生活在无声世界的聋哑人,他们平均年龄17岁,最小的只有13岁。,邰丽华: 我感觉残疾不是缺陷,而是人类多元化的一个特点,残疾不是不幸,只是不便,其实每个人的人生都是一样的,有圆,有缺,有满,有空,这是你没有办法选择的,但是你可以去选择看人生的角度,然后带着一颗快乐而感恩的心态去面对人生的不圆满。这就是我对生活的感悟。,Warming Up:,Lets see more examples in our daily life.,Please looked at the pictures on P1 and read the stories about these people, then discuss in groups what their disability might be.,Welcome to the Family Village!,There is a website called “Family Village” on the internet. Lets see what can we see in it.,Pre-reading,Reading:,First reading: Read the text quickly and answer: 1. Marty is _ person. A. a healthy B. an ill C. a disabled D. a rich 2. Marty has _disease. A. a mental B. a muscle C. an eye D. a leg 3. Whats Martys dream? Being a famous football player and representing his country in the World Cup. Being a doctor. Being a college student. Being a basketball player.,C,B,A,Second reading: Read the text carefully again and answer: Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg? Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本). Because they would transplant(移植) the new muscle. Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease. 2. Which of the following is false? Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends. Martys disability has made him more independent.,D,C,3. From the passage we can infer that_. A. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him. B. Marty never loses heart. C. Marty is afraid of being made fun of D. Marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger 4. Which of the following is TRUE? The doctor could give Martys disease a name. The doctor knew how to make Marty well. Someone in the world could cure the disease. No one could give Martys disease a name. 5. We can infer that_. Marty will lose heat. Marty feels sorry for being disabled. Martys life is full of challenge. D. Marty feels lonely.,B,D,C,6.What is the tone of the text? A. Sad B. Happy C. Positive D. Negative.,7. According to Martys opinion, what should we do to the disabled?,a. Dont feel sorry for them b. Dont make fun of them c. Dont ignore them d. Accept them for who they are e. Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do,C,clumsy and drops things or bumps into furniture,gets out of breath after running just a short way,has to stop half way up the stairs and rest before getting up to the top,too weak to go to school and has missed a lot of lessons,goes to the movies and football matches with friends,spends a lot of time looking after pets,studies a lot,8. Fill in the chart on P3, Ex1 according to the text.,Answers:,1. He does a lot of things, such as writing, computer programming, going to the movies and football matches with friends, looking after his pets and having a lot of study.,2. Dont feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and dont ignore them either. Just accept them for who they are and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.,3. Because they can see the real person inside Martys body. Also, Martys active and positive life style has made them changed their conduct towards Marty.,9. Answer the questions on P4 Ex4.,Third reading:,1. Read the text again and try to summarize the main idea of each paragraph.,Para.1: Para.2: Para.3: Para.4: Para.5: Para.6:,Marty Fielding introduced himself briefly.,Marty tells us sth about his illness.,Marty was laughed at by other people when he was at primary school.,Marty was accepted by most of his fellow students at high school.,Marty tells us how he lives a good life.,Marty doesnt feel sorry about his disability and he tells us sth about his hope for healthy kids.,2. The main idea of the whole text:,Though he is a _person, Marty never feels_ for himself and he enjoys his life.,disabled,sorry,Words and expressions:,disability n.伤残;无力;无能 disabled adj.伤残的 the disabled(指一类人)伤残人士 disable vt.使丧失能力;使伤残 disablement n.残废;伤残,选词填空: disability, disable, disabled, disablement He gets money from the Government because of his _. The _ are to receive more money. She managed to lead a normal life in spite of her _. Many soldiers were _ in the war. The insurance(保险) policy covers sudden death or _.,disabilities,disabled,disabilities,disabled,disablement,2. ambition n. 野心;雄心 ambitious adj.有雄心的;野心勃勃的 be ambitious for sth/to do sth对(做)某事怀有雄心/热切的希望 ambitiously adv.野心勃勃地 Eg: A boy who is ambitious/filled with ambition usually works hard.,完成句子: Mothers are often highly _(怀有热切的期望) their children. I am _(热切希望能成功) in life. His _(要做首相的雄心) is likely to be realized.,ambitious for,ambitious to succeed,ambition to become prime minister,3. beneficial adj.=having a good or useful effect有益的;受益的 be beneficial to 对有益; 对有利 beneficially adv.受益地; 获利地 beneficiary n.受惠者;受益人 benefit n.益处;帮助 vt.有益于;有助于,翻译: 1) 新鲜空气和优良食物有益于健康.(beneficial) 2) 他的休假已产生了有益的效果.(beneficial) 3) 旅游业对该地区的经济将有裨益.(benefit) 4) 这本书对你没有多大益处.(benefit),Fresh air and good food are beneficial to the health.,His holiday has had a beneficial effect.,Tourism will benefit the economy of this district.,The book isnt of much benefit to you.,4. in other words=that is to say换句话说 in a/one word简言之;总之,翻译: 他们叫他离开-换句话说,他被解雇了. 2) 总之,我不喜欢这份工作. 3) 换句话说,他成了英雄.,They asked him to leave-in other words he was fired.,In a word, I dont like the job.,He became, in other words, a hero.,5. adapt vt. 使适应;改编 adapt (oneself) to使(自己)适应 adapt sth for使某物适应;使某物适合;改编某物 adapt sth from根据改编某物 adaptable adj.能适应的;可改编的 adaptation n.适应;改编本 adapter/adaptor n.适应者;改编者,介词填空: The play is adapted _ a novel. This book is adapted _ beginners. When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself _ new customs. Novels are often adapted _ the stage, television and radio.,from,for,to,for,6. breath n.呼吸;气息 out of breath上气不接下气 catch ones breath喘息;歇口气 hold ones breath不出声;屏息 get ones breath (again/back)喘过气来;恢复过来 lose ones breath喘不过气来;呼吸困难 take a deep breath作一次深呼吸take breath歇口气;歇会儿 take sbs breath away使某人大吃一惊 breathe vt.呼吸 breathing adj.呼吸(着)的 breathless adj.屏息的,1.I was all_ when I got to the top of the mountain. A. held my breath B. out of breath C. taken a deep breath D. taken my breath away 2.We _ while Mr Evans read the exam results. A. took a deep breath B. out of breath C. got our breath back D. held our breath,B,D,7. absence n.缺席;不在(某处) absence of mind心不在焉;神不守舍 absent adj.缺席的;不在的 vt.使缺席;使离开 be absent from缺席;不在 presence n.出席;到场 present adj.出席的;在场的;现在的,完成句子: Mr. Green will be in charge _ (在我离开期间). Why were you _(旷课) yesterday?,during my absence,absent from school,8. annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼 annoyed adj.颇为生气的 annoying adj.恼人的;讨厌的 annoyingly adv.恼人地;讨厌地 annoyance n.烦恼;使人烦恼的事情,单句改错: Its annoyed to miss a train. He was annoyed with the boys rudeness. I felt annoying when he refused to help. To his annoy, he discovered they hadnt waited.,annoying,at/about,annoyed,annoyance,9. all in all总而言之 above all首先;最重要的是 after all毕竟;终究 first of all首先 not at all根本不;别客气 for all虽然;尽管 in all总共;总之,选词填空:all in all, above all, after all, for all, in all He is a poor musician _ his training. You must, _, be loyal to your country. There are five hundred books on the shelf _. Everyone makes mistakes, and _, he is only a child. The book has some weak spots, but _ I consider it a success.,for all,above all,in all,after all,all in all,10. independent adj.独立自主的 be independent of 不依赖;独立于 independence n.独立;自主 independently adv.独立地;自主地,完成句子: It was the first time that she _ (独立生活). If you have a car, you _(不依赖) trains and buses. I quite like living alone, because it _ _(使我更独立).,had lived independently,will be independent of,makes me more,independent,11. make fun of=laugh at 取笑 for fun/in fun为了玩乐;开玩笑地 have fun玩乐,选词填空: make fun of, in fun, have fun The kids at school used to _ Jills clothes. Dont get upset. He said it was only _. We _ in camping last week. Its cruel to _ the disabled.,make fun of,in fun,had fun,make fun of,12. encouragement n.鼓励;奖励 encourage vt.鼓励;激励;支持 encourage sb in sth在某事上鼓励某人 encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事 encouraged adj.受到鼓励的;被鼓励的 encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的;鼓励的 encouragingly adv.鼓舞人心地,选词填空:encouragement, encourage, encouraged, encouraging My mother _ me to apply for the job. She felt _ by the many letters of support. Praise acts as an _ to the young. The results of the survey have been very _. She was given _ to try something new.,encouraged,encouraged,encouragement,encouraging,encouragement,13. conduct n.行为;品行 vt.指挥;管理 conduct oneself为人;表现 conductor n.管理人;指挥;售票员,完成句子: The guide _(带领游客参观了) the museum. Im glad to see _(你在校的行为) has improved. The reporter was criticized for _ (不专业行为).,conducted the visitors round,your conduct at school,unprofessional conduct,Phrases and sentence structures:,She was proud to have recently represented her country in an athletics competition where she won a gold medal in the 50-metre race. 她很骄傲最近她代表她的国家参加了一次运动比赛,并赢得50米赛跑的金牌.,1) “to have represented”是不定式_, 表示不定式的动作发生在谓语动词was proud之_,的完成式,前,1I am sorry _ you waiting for such a long time. A. keeping B. having kept C. to keep D. to have kept 2He is said _ a new book about business English. A. to write B. to have written C. writing D. having written,2) “where”=_, 引导的是_从句,修饰的是_.,in which,an athletics competition,定语,2. Other disabled people find the website beneficial其他残疾人认为这个网站很有益,“find”是_, the website是_, beneficial是_. “find”后还常接_、_、_、_等作宾语补足语。,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,不定式,动词-ing形式,过去分词,介词短语,单句改错 We found playing tennis interested. He finds necessary to carry out this plan. The little girl found it difficult understand her parents. I hoped to find her being in better health.,interesting,it,to,3. My motto is: live one day at a time.我的座右铭是:过好每一天.,“at a time”在此表_, 它还表_.,相关词组: at one time_ at that time_ at the same time_ (at) any time_ at no time_ at times_ at all times_ at other times_,随时;总是,在任何时候;随时,在任何时候都不;决不,同时;一度,曾经,在别的时候;平时,在那时,同时;但,有时;间或,一次,每次,在某个时刻,1You can borrow only two books_. A. at one time B. at a time C. at other times D. at the same time 2_ like this, I dont make a decision by myself. A. At a time B. In time C. At that time D. On time 3He was a teacher_ but now he works for foreign trade. A. at times B. at any time C. at other times D. at one time,B,A,D,4. My life is a lot easier at high school than it was at primary school.我的生活在中学时要比小学时容易得多.,“a lot”在此的作用是:_, 类似用法的词和短语有:still, no, any, much, rather, a bit/a little, far, even, a lot/a great deal,修饰形容词或副词的比较级,仍然没有任何马骑, 确实有点,远,甚至太多(路).,She got _(多得多) books than I. It is _(暖和一点) today.,far more,a bit/a little warmer,口诀:,


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