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    Contents of the Training 培训内容 Assembly and setup of COD & COK 剪刀/剪模组立 Assembly and setup of main dies主模组立 Assembly and setup of punches冲头组立/失效分析 Understand steel & carbide tools模具组立/材料/钨钢 Understand tool surface & friction 模具表面/摩擦系数 Understand the effect of preform预成形分析,10 Jan 2011,Assembly and setup of COD & COK 剪刀/剪模组立,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,1 Types of Shearing 剪切类型,Half Cutter COK / Complete COD 半剪,Complete COK / Complete COD 全剪,COK: Cut Off Knife 剪刀 COD: Cut Off Die 剪体,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,Basic Mechanism of Shearing 剪切基础知识,What Happen During Shearing:- 剪切过程产生: Elastic Deformation 弹性变形 Roll-over 曲面 Plastic shear 塑性剪切 Initial Fracture 初始断裂 Final Fracture 最终断裂 Physical Separation 实际剪断,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,2 Basic Mechanism of Shearing,Quality Problems:- 质量问题 Oval Shape 椭圆形 Tilting 歪斜 Poor shear 剪切面粗糙 Burr 毛刺 Not Straight 不直,Clearance Too Big 间隙太大,Optimum Clearance 最佳间隙,Clearance Too Small 间隙太小,Elastic Deformation 弹性变形 Roll-over 曲面 Plastic shear 塑性剪切 Initial Fracture 初始断裂 Final Fracture 最终断裂 Physical Separation 实际剪断,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,2 Basic Mechanism of Shearing (Half Cut COK) 半剪,No Control of Blank 落料无法控制 Different Shear Patterns 剪切方式不同 Blank Not Straight 线材不直 Big Roll-over 曲面较大 Low Cost 成本低廉 Easy to Setup 安装简易 Long Tool Life 模具寿命较长,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,2 Basic Mechanism of Shearing,Need Relief Surfaces 需要表面退让(退剪槽 Careful Control of Clearance 间隙要求高 Difficult COK/COD Alignment 剪刀、剪体对齐困难 Better Shear / Quality 较好的剪切质量 Achieve Straight Blank 剪断的线材较直 Small Roll-over 曲面小,(Complete Cut 全剪),Assembly and setup of COD & COK,Common Blank Quality Issue 常见的线材剪切质量问题,Roll-over 曲面 Plastic shear 塑性剪切 Secondary Fracture / Tongue 二次断裂 / 舌状毛刺 Burr 毛刺 Straightness 直线性,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,4 COD & COK Setting 安装,Relief 表面退让 (退剪槽,Small Radius 小圆角,Relief 表面退让 (退剪槽,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,5 COD & COK Materials 材料,Tool Steel 模具钢 Carbide 钨钢,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,6 Main Process Parameters 主要参数,Material Hardness 材料硬度 COK/COD Clearance 剪刀/ 剪体间隙 COK/COD Diameters 剪刀/ 剪体内孔直径 COK Speed 剪刀速度 Lubricants 润滑 Types of COK 剪刀类型,Harder materials need bigger clearance, more tool relief & higher speed 当剪切较硬的线材时, 需要更多的间隙, 表面退让(退剪槽)和更快的速度. Too loose the COD / COK diameters will bend the blank and cause taper ends 剪刀/ 剪体的内孔直径太大时, 会造成线材弯曲, 线材末端缩小. Shearing without lubricants causes short tool life 无润滑剪切会缩短模具寿命.,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,7 Understand Defects 缺陷分析,Poor Sheared Surface: small clearance and no tool relief 剪切面粗糙: 间隙太小/ 没有表面退让 Burr: COK or/and COD worn off 毛刺: 剪刀/ 剪体磨损 Tongue: small clearance and no tool relief 舌状毛刺: 间隙太小/ 没有表面退让 Bent Blank: COK/COD diameter too big 线材弯曲: 剪刀/ 剪体内孔直径太大 Oval Shape: COK/COD diameter too big 椭圆形: 剪刀/ 剪体内孔直径太大 Big Roll-over: clearance too big and Tool worn off 曲面大: 间隙太小/ 模具磨损,Assembly and setup of COD & COK,7 Understand Defects 缺陷分析,硬材料 间隙较小 剪切面较好 刀口易磨损 钨钢易破损,软材料 间隙较大 剪切面难控制 要退让曹 材料易弯,Assembly and setup of main dies 主模组立,Assembly and setup of main dies,Basic of Cold Forming 冷锻的基础知识 Materials for Die Construction 模具的材质 Types of Die Design 模具设计的类型 Importance of Die Surface Finishing 模具表面加工的重要性 Compressive Stress 压应力 Good Die Assembly 正确安装模具 Defective Parts / Poor Die 缺陷部件 / 劣质模具,Assembly and setup of main dies,Basic of Cold Forming,正挤压,反挤压,打头,Assembly and setup of main dies,Basic of Cold Forming,A combination of discipline, skill, knowledge & continuous improvement. 生产良好的冷锻件, 操作者需要具备: 纪律, 技能, 知识和持之以恒的进取精神。,冷锻的基础知识,Assembly and setup of main dies,Materials for Die Construction 模具的材质,Assembly and setup of main dies,Types of Die Design 模具设计的类型,Solid Main Die 实心主模,Step Solid Main Die 台阶实心主模,Die-Piece / Casing / Insert 套片整装主模,Step Die-Piece / Casing / Insert 台阶套片整装主模,Assembly and setup of main dies,Types of Die Design 模具设计的类型,Low Cost 成本低廉 Easy Assemble 组装简易 Long Tool Life 模具寿命长久,The REASON for different die designs 不同模具设计的成因,Normal Cost 成本一般 Easy Assemble 组装简易 Tool Life Shorter 模具寿命较短,Some Assembly Problem 某些组装问题 Difficult to Alignment 对齐困难 Short Die-piece Life 套片寿命短 High Cost 成本昂贵,Some Assembly Problem 某些组装问题 Difficult to Alignment 对齐困难 Short Die-piece Life 套片寿命短 Very High Cost 成本最昂贵,Assembly and setup of main dies,Importance of Die Surface Finishing 模具表面加工的重要性,Grinding marks promote cracks 模具研磨纹路造成脆裂 Rough surfaces promote galling 粗糙的表面造成表面磨伤 Poor internal surface causes short KOP life 粗糙的内孔面缩短顶针使用寿命 Sharp radius causes die chip & fracture 模具尖角太锋利造成模具脆裂或破损,Assembly and setup of main dies,Compressive Stress 压应力,Proper compressive stress to reduce material breathing during forming 适当的压力可减少在冷锻时材料的伸展 Increase product dimension stability 增加产品尺寸的稳定性 Extend tool life 延长模具寿命,0.5% hot-shrink-fit interference 0.5% 预热组合的过盈配合量,0.5% cold press interference 0.5% 冷装组合过盈配合量,0.5% taper press interference 0.5% 斜角部分的过盈配合量,Assembly and setup of main dies,Good Die Assembly 正确组装模具,Positive step to ensure proper support of die piece by die insert 有效间隙以保证给予套片适当的支撑,Positive step to ensure proper support of die insert 有效台阶以保证给予组合套心适当的支撑,Sufficient chamfer,Proper installation of die piece 适当安装套片,Sufficient Interference 足够的过盈量,足够的倒角,Assembly and setup of main dies,Defective Parts / Dies 缺陷部件 / 模具,Die Piece Breaks: 套片破裂 1 Die piece and die case off centers 套片和主模套偏心 2 Rough surfaces / insufficient polishing 表面粗糙 / 研磨,抛光不足 3 Poor matching of taper surfaces 斜角部分配合不好 4 Insufficient compressive stress 压力不足 5 No proper support from die insert 组合套心没有给予套片恰当的支撑 6 Insufficient step radius 台阶部分圆角太小 7 Poor punch / die alignment 冲件 / 主模没有对齐 8 Blank over-length 线材剪切太长 9 Punch Recess hitting 二冲窜伤 10 High KO force (taper / over forged / rough surface) 顶出力太大 (倒锥,太饱满,表面粗糙),Assembly and setup of main dies,Defective Parts / Dies 缺陷部件 / 模具,Step Die Fractures: 台阶主模破损 Hydraulic effect / too much oil/air & oil trap 液压影响 / 润滑油太多/憋气憋油 Insufficient step radius 台阶部分圆角太小 Rough surfaces / insufficient polishing 表面粗糙 / 研磨, 抛光不足 Poor punch / die alignment 冲件 / 主模没有对齐 Blank over-length 线材剪切太长 Poor hot-shrink-fit 预热组装配合差 Heavy knock out action 顶针冲击力过大 Punch Recess hitting 二冲窜伤 High KO force (taper / over forged / rough surface) 顶出力太大 (倒锥,太饱满,表面粗糙),Assembly and setup of main dies,Defective Parts / Dies 缺陷部件 / 模具,Main Die Chip off / Cracks: 主模脆裂 Improper sitting of main die 主模安装位置不正确 Insufficient step radius 台阶部分圆角太小 Rough surfaces / insufficient polishing 表面粗糙 / 研磨, 抛光不足 Poor punch / die alignment 冲件 / 主模没有对齐 Blank over-length 线材剪切太长 Poor hot-shrink-fit 预热组装配合不好 Over knock out action 顶针行程过大 Punch Recess hitting 二冲窜伤,Assembly and setup of main dies,Defective Parts / Poor Dies 缺陷部件 / 劣质模具,Die wear: 模具磨损 Poor hot-shrink-fit 预热组装配合不好 Poor punch/ part / die alignment冲件 / 冲头/ 主模没有对齐 Wrong carbide grades 选择错误的钨钢等级 Insufficient or wrong lubricant 润滑不足或用错润滑油 Parts Defects: 部件缺陷 Galling due to misalignment / poor carbide 磨伤-模具没有对齐 / 劣质钨钢 Blank diameter over size due to poor hot-shrink fit 光杆直径太大-预热组装配合差 Blank diameter under size due to wrong die diameter 光杆直径太小-主模内径错误 Inconsistent blank diameter due to die diameter too big 光杆直径不稳定-主模内径太大 Rough surfaces due to poor die polishing 表面粗糙-模具研磨, 抛光不足,Assembly and setup of punches 冲头组立/失效分析,Timing / Speed 时间/速度 Friction 摩擦系数 Alignment 对齐 How Punches Fail 二冲如何损坏 Common Punch Problems 常见二冲问题 Common Product Problems 常见产品问题,Timing / Speed 时间 / 速度,4m/sec (4米/秒),1m/sec (1米/秒),(MH-10 Machine),(UI-10 Machine),Friction 摩擦系数,Tool Dimension (can check) 模具尺寸 (可以测量) Tool Surface Roughness (difficult to check) 模具表面粗糙度(较难测量),Friction 摩擦系数,Changing Factors:- 影响因素 Lubrication Oil 润滑油 Tool Surface Roughness 模具粗糙度 Preform Setting 一冲成形设置 Machine Speed 机器速度 Changing Dimension:- 受影响尺寸 Flatness 平直度 Head Corner Radii 头部圆角 Head Roundness 头部圆度 Head diameter 头部直径,Alignment 对齐,Premature Wear of Recess Incorrect Head Shape Premature Break of Recess Off-center Recess ( 0.05mm ),梅花部分磨损 头形错误 梅花部分破裂 梅花偏心 ( 0.05mm ),How Punches Fail,1. Wear off Incorrect Hardness (Above HRC 65) Insufficient Lubricant Incorrect Punch Material (M2, M42, Carbide) Without Coating (TiN, TiCN, TiAlN) Poor Preform (1st Punch Preparation) Nature Wear 2. Chip Off Poor Alignment Poor Setup Skill Poor surface Incorrect Punch Material Mishandling Vibration Speed too Fast 3. Break off Recess Stripped off bending / Misalignment Pin and Insert Mismatch Incorrect Preform (1st Punch Preparation) Speed too Fast Wrong / Instable Process High Friction Poor Cut Off,二冲如何损坏,1. 磨损 硬度错误 (高于 HRC 65) 润滑不足 二冲材质错误 (M2, M42, Carbide) 没有涂 层 (TiN, TiCN, TiAlN) 一冲成形差 (1st Punch Preparation) 自然磨损 2. 破损 没有对齐 安装技术差 表面粗糙 二冲材质错误 人为损坏 震动 机器速度太快 3. 断裂 梅花破裂 二冲棒弯曲 / 没有对齐 二冲套和冲棒不配 一冲成形错误(1st Punch Preparation) 速度太快 错误/不稳定生产程序 摩擦系数太大 线材剪断不良,Common Punch Problems,Short Tool Life Incorrect Hardness (Above HRC 65) Insufficient Lubricant Incorrect Punch Material (M2, M42, Carbide) Without Coating (TiN, TiCN, TiAlN) Poor Preform (1st Punch Preparation) Poor Alignment Poor Setup Skill Punch Material too Hard (Above HRC 68) Mishandling Vibration Speed too Fast Wrong / Instable Process High Friction Dimension out Poor Tool Suppliers Poor Rework Tooling not match Order Wrong Tool Poor Tool Suppliers,常见二冲问题,寿命短 硬度错误 (高于HRC 65 ) 润滑不足 二冲材质错误 (M2, M42, Carbide) 没有涂层 (TiN, TiCN, TiAlN) 一冲成形问题 (1st Punch Preparation) 没有对齐 安装技术差 二冲材质太硬 (高于 HRC 68) 人为损坏 震动 机器速度太快 错误/不稳定生产程序 摩擦系数太大 尺寸错误 模具供应商不佳 模具修改误差 模具不能配合 购买错误模具 模具供应商不佳,Common Product Problems 常见产品问题,Incorrect Recess Profile Lubrication Oil Tool Surface Roughness Incorrect Tool Dimension Incorrect Recess Depth Recess Wear Recess Chip off Recess Off-set Poor Punch Alignment Poor Preform Poor Cut off Big Chamfer Lubrication Oil Incorrect Tool Dimension Incorrect Preform Unusual Visual Defects Lubrication Oil Tool Surface Roughness Incorrect Tool Dimension,成形形状不正确 润滑油 模具表面粗糙度 模具尺寸不正确 成形深度不正确 冲棒磨损 冲棒破损 成形偏心 二冲没有对齐 一冲成形差 线材剪断不良 斜角大 润滑油 模具尺寸不正确 一冲成形不正确 非正常的外观缺陷 润滑油 模具表面粗糙度 模具尺寸不正确,4. Understand steel & carbide tools,Manufacturing of Fasteners and forging parts fall in the same family 紧固件与冷锻件的生产工艺,Low carbon steel,Anti-galling SUS 高耐磨不锈钢,Hot work steel 耐 热钢,General tool steel 普通工具钢,High speed steel 高速钢,Coarse grain carbide 粗颗粒钨钢,Fine grain carbide 细颗粒钨钢,300 SUS,400 SUS,4000 Mpa 兆帕,3000 MPa,2000 MPa,1000 MPa,How Strong is Strong 钢的强度对照表,1000 Mpa = 100kg/mm2 1000 兆帕 = 100 千克/毫米2,低炭钢,300 系列不锈钢,400 系列不锈钢,Die Design模具设计,螺纹锁紧件,套壳,上套心,下套心,钨钢套心,衬套给予轴向预先加压,1,2,3,Good Die Assembly 正确组装模具,预先加压,卸载,加载,merging of micro cracks to surface defects and larger cracks 0.1 a 0.5 mm 微小的裂痕深入到表面, 使裂纹加深,5. Understand tool surface & friction,Understand tool surface & friction 理解模具表面及摩擦力,What is friction 什么是摩擦力? Effect of friction 摩擦力产生的影响? Practical considerations 应用时需考虑的因素?,What is friction 什么是摩擦力?,Y Force拉力,X Force 压力,Friction Coefficient m = X force / Y force 摩擦系数m = X压力/Y拉力,Normal Friction Coefficient for metal forming = 0.05 to 0.2 通常金属表面磨擦系数 = 0.05 to 0.2,Effect of friction 摩擦力产生的因素,Assume High Tool Friction 采用摩擦力大的模具,Assume Low Tool Friction 采用摩擦力小的模具,Effect of friction 摩擦系数产生的影响?,Assume Low Tool Friction 采用摩擦力小的模具,Assume Low Tool Friction 采用摩擦力小的模具,Effect of friction 摩擦系数所产生的影响,Assume Low Tool Friction 摩擦力 那一边大小?,?,Practical considerations 实际情况需考虑因素?,?,Practical considerations 实际情况考虑因素,Understand the effect of preform 了解预成型的影响,Understand the effect of preform 了解预成型的影响,What is Preform 什么是预成型 What is an optimised preform 什么是好的预成型 The effect of preform 预成型的影响 What is an optimised process control 什么是好的预成型过程控制 Can preform be always be the same 预成型都是相同的吗? Should we have a preform drawing 我们需要预成型图纸吗,What is Preform 什么是预成型?,What is an optimised preform什么是好的预成型?,Operational:- 操作方面 ?,Tool Life:- 模具寿命方面 ?,Product Quality:- 产品质量方面 ?,What is an optimised preform 什么是好的预成型,Operational:-操作方面 Controllable 可控制的 Achievable 能够完成的 Stable 稳定的 Maintainable 可持续的 Low cost 低成本的 Manufacturable 可操作的 Repeatable 可重复的 Independent 不受制约的,Tool Life:-模具寿命方面 Low punch force 低冲力 Low punch stress 低压力 Manufacturable 可持续的 Low cost 低成本的 Prolong Operation 延长生产力,Product Quality:- 产品质量方面 No / Minimum Defects 无缺陷或缺陷最小 Achieve consistent quality 达到品质一致 Achieve required dimension 达到要求尺寸,The effect of preform预成型的影响,Operational:-操作方面 Controllable可控制的 Achievable可实现的 Stable稳定的 Maintainable可持续的 Low cost低成本的 Manufacturable可操作的 Repeatable可重复的 Independent不受约束的,Tool Life:-模具寿命 Low punch force低冲力 Low punch stress低压力 Manufacturable可操作 Low cost低成本 Prolong Operation延长生产力,Product Quality:-产品质量 No / Minimum Defects无/最小缺陷 Achieve consistent quality达到质量一致 Achieve required dimension达到要求尺寸,Punch force冲力 Punch stress压力 Tool wear 模具磨损,Laps / Folds 褶皱 Surface 表面条件 Dimensions尺寸,Tool life 模具寿命,Part quality 部品质量,The effect of preform预成型的影响,Test 1:-试验1 Wide Punch Chamfer Angle冲模倒角较大,Test 2:-试验2 Small Punch Chamfer Angle 冲模倒角较小,Forming of fasteners using different Preform design (effect of preform on the final forming shape) 采用不同预成型的产品的最后成型,Using 5113 for Illustration以5113为例,矮扁的预成形,较高的预成形,The effect of preform预成型的影响,Higher forming pressure 较高的成型压力,Lower forming pressure 较低的成型压力,Fastener forming using flatter preform采用扁而平的预成型,Fastener forming using taller preform 采用较高的预成型,矮扁的预成形,较高的预成形,The effect of preform预成型的影响,Taller preform 高预成型 Low punch force冲力小 Longer tool life模具寿命长Stable process 过程稳定 Major Folds 较大褶皱,Lower Preform 低预成型 High punch force冲力大 Shorter tool life模具寿命短 Minimum folds 褶皱最小 Ring mark 环状痕迹,The effect of preform预成型的影响,The geometry of preform is defined by: 预成型形状具体取决于: profile外形 height高度 diameter直径 weight重量,The geometry of preform is affected by:影响预成型形状的因素: Tool temperature 模具的温度 Lubrication oil 润滑油 Machine stability 机台的稳定性 Machine speed 机台速度 Tool alignment 模具组合情况 Tool surface conditions模具的表面条件 Tool profile模具外形,The geometry of preform is guided by:预成型形状主要取决于: Preform diameter =80% of final diameter 预成型直径=80% 最终直径,What is an optimised process control什么是理想的过程控制,A process that will robust enough withstand external factors 成形过程稳定,不易受外来因素影响 A process that can be accurately repeated 此过程可重复性较精确 A process that can be dimensioned and expressed 过程可测量可描述,Can preform be always be the same预成型总是相同的吗?,The geometry of preform is affected by: 预成型的形状取决于: Tool temperature模具的温度 Lubrication oil润滑油 Machine stability机台的稳定性 Machine speed机台速度 Tool alignment模具组合 Tool surface conditions模具表面条件 Tool profile模具外形 Tool profile tolerance模具外形公差,NO 不,Should we have a preform drawing我们是否需要预成型标准化?,YES是,Minimise Dimension variation尺寸变化最少 Standardise learning curve学员培训标准化 Standardise tool setting标准模具设置 Achieve consistent product quality达到产品质量一致,定位是不是太短,表面机加工纹粗糙,间隙太大,粗糙横向平磨,裂纹波,定位是不是太短,间隙太大,粗糙手工磨修,裂纹波,冲头折断,冲头拉断,粗糙横向平磨,打得太死,包住冲头,冲头折断,冲头拉断,间隙太大,表面机加工纹粗糙,裂纹波,


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