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    Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (机械原理),Chapter1 Introduction Chapter2 Structural Analysis of Planar Mechanisms Chapter3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms Chapter4 Planar Linkage Mechanisms Chapter 5 Cam Mechanisms Chapter 6 Gear Mechanisms Chapter 7 Gear Trains Chapter 8 Other Mechanisms in Common Use Chapter 9 Balancing of Machinery Chapter 10 Motion of Mechanical Systems and Its Regulation Chapter 11 Efficiency of Machine,Chapter 4 Planar Linkage Mechanisms,本章重点: 平面四杆机构的类型、 基本知识和设计。 本章难点: 平面四杆机构的设计。,4.1 Characteristics of Planar Linkage Mechanisms 4.2 The Types of Four-bar Linkages 4.3 Characteristics Analysis of Four-bar Linkages 4.4 Dimensional Synthesis of Four-bar Linkages,4.1 Characteristics of Planar Linkage Mechanisms,all kinematic pairslower pairs,契贝谢夫四足机器人,Advantages:,1.The main advantage is their better ability to trap lubricant between enveloping surface. (便于润滑、寿命长)The contact pressure is lower. 2.The lower pairs are easy to manufacture.,Disadvantages:,1.It is difficult to perform precision motion 2.Low speed 3.Difficult to balance,So,the linkage is preferred for low speed and heavy load situation.,4.2 The Types of Four-bar Linkages,4.2.1 The Basic Form of Four-bar Mechanism,Revolute Four-bar Mechanism铰链四杆机构,所有运动副均为转动副的机构,side links(连架杆)1 &3,coupler(连杆)-2,crank(曲柄)1,rocker(摇杆)3,(a) Crank-rocker mechanism,Foot operated sewing machine,雷达天线俯仰机构,(b) Double-crank mechanism,If one crank rotates at a constant speed, the other crank will rotate in the same direction at a varying(变化的) speed. 当主动曲柄匀速转动时,从动曲柄作变速转动。,Unbalanced throw screen mechanism 惯性筛机构,正平行四边形机构如天平称、机车联动机构、摄影平台升降机构和播种料斗机构等。两曲柄等速转动,平行四边形机构:Parallel-crank Mechanism,反平行四边形机构:两对杆长度相等,但不平行。,当以长边为机架时,两曲柄等速反向转动。用于车门开闭机构,如图所示。,车门开闭机构动画,Antiparallel-crank Mechanism,(c)Double-rocker mechanism,Both side links are rockers. 两连架杆都是摇杆。,用于鹤式起重机和炉门开关机构等。,等腰梯形机构也是双摇杆机构 应用: 转向机构车辆的前轮转向 飞机起落架,4.2.2 Variation (变异) of Revolute Four-bar Mechanisms,Replacing a revolute pair with a sliding pair,Slider-crank mechanism 曲柄滑块机构(偏距e),e0, Offset slider-crank mechanism 偏置曲柄滑块机构,e=0, Centric slider-crank mechanism 对心曲柄滑块机构,用于冲床、内燃机、空压机、曲柄压力机等机械中。,Sinusoid Generator正弦机构,缝纫机的刺布机构,Tangent generator正切机构,(2)Taking different links as frame.-inversions 机架变换,Fully rotating revolute:A &B (整转副),Partially rotating revolute :C&D (摆动副),机构中任意两构件间的相对运动关系不因其中哪个是机架而变化。So,inversion of a mechanism in no way changes the type of revolute and the relative motion between its links.,a)slider-crank mechanism曲柄滑块机构,b) guide-bar mechanism导杆机构,If lBClAB Oscillating guide-bar mechanism 摆动导杆机构,Rotating guide-bar mechanism 转动导杆机构,c)crank and oscillating block mechanism摇块机构,Self-tipping vehicle自卸车辆,d)translating sliding-rod mechanism 移动导杆机构或定块机构,Elliptic trammel椭圆规,正弦机构,含有两个移动副的情况:,双滑块机构,刺布机构,十字滑块机构 Oldham coupling,双滑块机构,双转块机构,Double rotating block,(3)Enlarging a revolute pair,Note:Enlarging a revolute pair in no way changes the motion relationship between any links.,Crank1-eccentric偏心轮,偏心轮机构多用于曲柄销承受较大冲击,曲柄较短,需要装在直轴中部的机器,(4)Interchanging guide-bar and sliding block 变换导杆和滑块,Any link in a sliding pair can be drawn as a guide-bar, and the other link as a sliding block. The centre line of any sliding pair can be translated(平移) without changing any relative motion.,4.3 Characteristics Analysis of Four-bar Linkages,4.3.1 Conditions for having a crank,a+bc+d (1),dc+b-a a+dc+b (2),cd+b-a a+cb+d (3),a+d b+c (1) a+b c+d (2) a+c b+d (3),(1)+(2) 得 a c,(1)+(3) 得 a b,(2)+(3) 得 a d,即:,Grashof Criterion: 曲柄摇杆机构存在曲柄的条件,1. The crank must be shortest link.,2. The sum of the shortest and the longest links must be less than the sum of the remaining two links 最短构件与最长构件的长度之和小于等于其它两构件长度之和。 (杆长之和的条件),即a最小时为曲柄,铰链四杆机构类型判定: (根据是否符合杆长之和条件),如不满足杆长之和条件,如满足杆长之和条件,The shortest link is the frame.,Double crank mechanism,If the link opposite to the shortest Link is the frame.,Double Rocker mechanism,If the link adjacent to the shortest Link is the frame.,Crank-rocker mechanism,Double rocker mechanism,铰链四杆机构类型判定:,双曲柄机构,曲柄摇杆机构,双摇杆机构,N,双摇杆机构,Y,Y,Y,if,AB2C2D Parallel-crank mechanism,AB2C2D antiParallel-crank mechanism,The centre lines of the four links can become collinear(共线).,At these positions, the output behavior may become indeterminate(不确定的). These positionsAB1C1D are called change-points.,The change-points are handled by inertia of flywheel fixed with the driven crank or providing the duplicate(复制的) linkage 90 out of phase(相位).,Slider-Crank Mechanisms -conditions for having a crank,直角 AC1E:AC1AE b-ae,即曲柄存在的条件:ba+e 偏置 ba 对心,直角 AC2E: AC2AE a+be,示 例:,(1),不满足曲柄存在条件,(2),双摇杆机构,满足曲柄存在条件,根据机架不同来判定,曲柄存在条件可以理解为 整转副存在条件: 1.满足杆长之和条件,即存在整转副; 2.与最短杆相连的两个运动副是整转副。,(1) 曲柄摇杆机构,(2) 双摇杆机构,(3) 双曲柄机构,雷达俯仰机构,鹤式起重机,惯性筛,(3),满足整转副存在条件,双曲柄机构,正平行四边形机构、 反平行四边形机构,当两曲柄长度相等,4.3.2 Pressure Angle 压力角 and Transmission Angle 传动角,neglect the friction force & gravity force 不考虑摩擦力和重力,crank-rocker mechanism:,input link-AB output link-CD,The force applied to the CDF, direction: along to BC,The velocity of point CVc , direction: vertical to CD,defined as the pressure angle(压力角) of the mechanism at that position.,The acute angle(锐角) between the directions of the force F and the velocity of the point receiving(受到) the force on the follower is,有效分力,有害分力,越小,Ft越大,对机构传递越有利(效率高,不易自锁),传动角 :The complement of the pressure angle is transmission angle 压力角余角,平面连杆机构经常用衡量机构的传动质量(易于测量),越大,对机构传递越有利,机构不停地在运动,和不停在变化,为使机构不出现自锁和过大冲击,越小,越大,Ft越大, 对机构传递越有利(效率高,不易自锁),Note: and must be drawn on the driven link!,4.3.3 Toggle (肘节) Positions and Dead-points,1.the limiting position C1D,C2D,如果曲柄 AB为主动件,转到极限位置时,只用很小的力,可克服作用在CD上很大的力.杠杆增力位置toggle position,如果摇杆CD为主动件,曲柄的压力角,加在AB上的力通过铰链中心A,使从动件AB运动的有效分力等于0.曲柄AB不能运动死点位置dead-point,2.死点位置的不利影响及克服,运动不确定性 运动突然停止,卡死,避免由死点处启动,运转时利用惯性通过死点,Example: sewing machine,工件夹紧机构,3.死点位置的应用- In some circumstances(情况), the dead point is very useful. It can provide a self-locking(自锁) feature(性能).,Landing mechanism in airplane飞机起落架,轮子上的力将不能引起机构运动,力通过转动中心D- -dead position; 需要收起落架时,转动CD即可。,原动件作匀速转动,从动件相对机架作往复运动的机构,从动件正行程和反行程的平均速度不相等。这种特性称急回运动特性。,4.3.4 Quick Return Characteristics-急回特性,Crank : rotate in a constant angle velocity,Driven links (rocker, slider) : the working strokeslower speed,the return stroke faster speed,Quick-return mechanism,V工作V回程,所以急回运动特性可缩短非生产时间,提高劳动生产率。例:牛头刨床机构,正行程:曲柄AB1AB2 , 1, t1=1/1 摇杆C1DC2D, , 3=/t1 慢,反行程:曲柄AB2AB1, 2(2 1) , t2=2/1(t1) 摇杆C2DC1D, , ”3=/t2快,Kcoefficient of travel speed variation. K1 从动件行程速度变化系数。,crank acute angle between the two limiting positions 0,1800,越大,急回特性越显著,为极位夹角:,offset slider-crank mechanism偏置曲柄滑块机构:,3.其他具有急回特性的机构,If the driving crank AB rotates clockwise with constant angular velocity, the slider will take a longer time in its rightward(向右) stroke than in its leftward(向左) stroke.,Since =0o, an in-line(对心) slider-crank mechanism has no quick-return characteristics.,Oscillating Guide-bar Mechanism 摆动导杆机构:,4.4 Dimensional Synthesis of Four-bar Linkages,连杆机构的设计有二个任务:机构选型(称为型综合)和确定机构的尺寸(称为尺度综合)。,Usually, different problems will use different methods. Graphical method图解法 Analytical method解析法 Experimental method实验法,Dimensional synthesis(综合) of a mechanism is the determination of the kinematic dimensions necessary to achieve(获得) the required motion.,固定铰链 A、D :,活动铰链 B、C :,圆心,圆或圆弧,图解设计问题作图求解各铰链中心的位置问题。,各铰链间的运动关系:,图解设计的基本原理,i =1、2、···、N,4.4.1、Body Guidance 1、The fixed pivots have not been determined 已知B,C及连杆的三个位置,设计该铰链四杆机构。, B点绕A点、C点绕D点定轴转动, 连接B1B2、B2B3; 作B1B2、B2B3垂直平分线交于A点; 连接C1C2、C2C3; 作C1C2、C2C3垂直平分线交于D点。,给出B、C三个位置,A、D位置唯一 给出B、C二个位置,A、D位置无穷 (需加其他条件方可获得唯一解),2、 The fixed pivots have been determined 已知A,D及连杆MN的三个位置,设计该铰链四杆机构。,接下来,将原机构的各位置的构型均视为刚体,并向某一选定位置相对移动,使新机架的各杆位置重合,便可得新连杆相对于新机架的各个位置,即实现了机构的倒置。,这样,就将求活动铰链的位置问题转化为求固定铰链的位置问题了。,这种方法有时又称为反转法。,为了求活动铰链的位置,可将待求活动铰链所在的杆视作新机架,而将其相对的杆视为新连杆。,机构的倒置原理,以E1F1为机架,E1F1为原位,1、刚化AE2F2D,使得E2F2与E1F1重合,求得A、D,2、刚化AE3F3D,使得E3F3与E1F1重合,求得A 、 D ,3、作A A 、 A A 的公垂线交于B1,4、作D D、 D D 的公垂线交于C1,AB1C1D便是所求,求解步骤动画,4.4.2 Function Generation 按给定两连架杆的位置设计四杆机构,目的:求解出铰链C。 引入转换机架的思想,采用反转法求得。, 作DE1B2DE2B2,得B2; 作DE1B3DE3B3,得B3; 作B1B2、B2B3的垂直平分线, 交点就是所求C1。,连杆长度: b=ul ×B1C1 摇杆长度: c=ul ×D1C1,4.4.3 Design of Quick Return Mechanisms 1、按K设计四杆机构,已知:曲柄摇杆机构,摇杆CD长度,摆角,K 设计此机构(确定A,曲柄和连杆长), 由(1)式算出极位夹角; 任选D的位置,按已知条件作出 摇杆极限位置DC1和DC2; 作C2C1OC1C2O90° 得C1O与C2O交点O; 以O为圆心,OC1为半径作辅助圆, A点在圆弧上任选。,2、 Oscillating guide-bar mechanism,Known: K (time ratio) lAD(the frame),Require: lAB,D,4.4.4 Path Genaration 实现给定点的运动轨迹实验法,设计时确定: 1、各杆的长度比例。2、描绘连杆曲线的点的位置,图谱法,Attentions (this chapter):,The types of four-bar linkages Conditions for having a crank Pressure angle and transmission angle Dead point and quick return characteristic Dimentional synthesis of fourbar linkages,Question ?,杆件数目?,运动副类型?,连杆机构类型?,课外实践作品,仿生尺蠖机构,Homework,Read book p43-57. 2. Exercise p66:4-3,4-4(1),(2):a,b,c,d 4-5,4-6,复习思考题 1、如何依照各杆长度判别铰链四杆机构的型式? 2、平面四连杆机构最基本形态是什么?由它演化为其它平面四杆机构,有哪些具体途径? 3、图示摆动导杆机构中,AB杆匀角速转动。该机构存在的几何条件是什么?给定其摆杆的行程速度变化系数K后,怎么用K值表达AB和AC杆的长度关系?,习题 1、图示铰链四杆机构,已知:lBC=50mm,lCD=35mm,lAB=30mm,AD为机架, (1)若此机构为曲柄摇杆机械,且AB为曲柄,求lAB的最大值: (2)若此机构为双曲柄机构,求lAB的范围; (3)若此机构为双摇杆机构,求lAB的范围。,题1图,题2图,2、图示两种曲柄滑块机构,若已知a=120mm,b=600mm,对心时e=0及偏置时e=120mm,求此两机械的极位夹角及行程速比系数K。又在对心曲柄滑块机构中,若连杆BC为二力杆件,则滑块的压力角将在什么范围内变化?,3、图示六杆机构,已知(单位mm):l1=20,l2=53,l3=35,l4=40,l5=20,l6=60,试确定:1)构件AB能否整周回转?2)滑块行程h;3)滑块的行程速度变化系数K;4)机构DEF中的最大压力角max。,4、图示机床变速箱中操纵滑动齿轮的操纵机构,已知滑动齿轮行程H=60mm,lDE=100mm,lCD=120mm,lAD=250mm,其相互位置如图所示。当滑动齿轮在行程的另一端时,操纵手柄朝垂直方向,试设计此机构。,5、设计一偏置曲柄滑块机构,已知滑块的行程速度变化系数K=1.5,滑块的冲程lC1C2=50mm,导路的偏距e=20mm,求曲柄长度lAB和连杆长度lBC。,


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