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    Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (机械原理),Chapter1 Introduction Chapter2 Structural Analysis of Planar Mechanisms Chapter3 Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms Chapter4 Planar Linkage Mechanisms Chapter 5 Cam Mechanisms Chapter 6 Gear Mechanisms Chapter 7 Gear Trains Chapter 8 Other Mechanisms in Common Use Chapter 9 Balancing of Machinery Chapter 10 Motion of Mechanical Systems and Its Regulation Chapter 11 Efficiency of Machine,Chapter 5 Cam mechanisms,本章重点: 凸轮机构分析:包括用反转法确定从动件的运动规律和机构压力角。 凸轮机构设计:包括常用运动规律的特点及选择,盘状凸轮轮廓设计,以及凸轮机构基本尺寸的确定。 本章难点: 反转法思想的建立和应用。,5.1Characteristics and Classification of Cam Mechanisms 5.2 Follower Motion Curves 5.3 plate Cam with Translating Roller (or knife-edge) 5.4 Plate Cam with Oscillating Roller Follower 5.5 Plate Cam with Translating Flat-faced Follower 5.6 Plate Cam with Oscillating Flat-faced Follower,Chapter 5 Attentions 1.Classification of cam 2.Follower motion curves 3.How to design the pitch curve and cam contour 4. Pressure Angle, the Radius of base circle, Radius of Curvature,5.1Characteristics and Classification of Cam Mechanisms,Applications (Used for),transmitting complicated and precise motion,Dwell(停歇)for a short time during a cycle,凸轮机构从动件的加速度,速度,位移严格按预定规律变化,原动件连续运动,从动件间歇运动,5.1.1 Characteristics of Cam Mechanisms,组成,cam driver (具有曲线轮廓或凹槽的构件),a follower the driven element,the frame,Characteristics : 1. the cost for cutting cam contour is high. 2 .it cant transmit heavy load,used for control mechanisms.,5.1.2 Classifications of cam Mechanisms,1 By the cam shape,(a) plate cam (or disc cam),(b) Translating cam,(c) three dimensional cam,2.By the motion type of the follower,(a) Translating follower,(b) Oscillating follower,3.By the shape of the follower end,(a).knife-edge follower,能与任意复杂的凸轮轮廓接触,凸轮轮廓易磨损,传力不大,低速。,(b). roller follower,可承受较大载荷,最常用。,(c). flat-faced follower,简单,低廉,易形成润滑油膜,高速。,4 By the manner of keeping the cam and the follower in contact,(a).force-closed cam mechanisms (力锁和),配气机构,进刀机构,(b). form-closed cam mechanisms,5、Requirements(要求),分析从动件的运动规律 按照运动规律设计凸轮轮廓,5.2 Follower Motion Curves (从动件运动规律 ),Steps of design cam : 确定从动件运动规律 ,然后确定凸轮轮廓。,.概念(key concepts),以尖底偏置直动从动件盘形凸轮机构为例,行程htotal follower travel,the lift,偏距eoffset,偏距圆offset circle.,基圆半径r0:凸轮轮廓上对O点的最短向径; 基圆:以O为圆心,r0为半径的圆; Base circle, prime circle,二、分析从动件的运动,推程 推杆从最低位置A上升到最高位置 B,尖底与凸轮接触点:AB。,远休 推杆远停不动,尖底与凸轮接触点: BC。,回程 推杆由最高位置B下降到最低位置 A, 尖底与凸轮接触点:CD。,近休推杆近停不动;尖底与凸轮接触点: DA。,行程htotal follower travel,the lift-最大位移,Cam angle for rise推程运动角: =BOB=AOB1,Cam angle for outer dwell远休止角: S=BOC=B1OC1,Cam angle for return回程运动角: =C1OD,Cam angle for inner dwell近休止角: S =AOD,displacement curve位移曲线 求导得速度,加速度图,动态演示前述各概念,5.2.1 Constant velocity Motion Curve 匀速运动规律(推程段),a =lim(,惯性力(inertia force) F=-ma,rigid impulse刚性冲击: 由于加速度发生无穷大突变而引起的冲击称为刚性冲击。,5.2.2 Constant Acceleration and Deceleration Motion Curve (等加速等减速运动规律),first half of the riseacceleration second half of the risedeceleration,soft impulse柔性冲击 : 加速度发生有限值的突变 Used for low and intermediate speed cams.,5.2.3 Cosine Acceleration Motion Curve 余弦加速度运动规律 (simple harmonic(简谐) motion curve),soft impulse,若远、近休止角为零,无柔性冲击; 若远、近休止角不为零,有柔性冲击。,5.2.4 Sine Acceleration Motion curve 正弦加速度运动规律 (cycloid(摆线) Motion curve),No rigid and soft impulse high-speed cams,5.2.5 3-4-5 Polynomail Motion Curve 5次多项式(略),5.2.6 Combined Motion Curve (略),5.3 plate Cam with Translating Roller (or knife-edge),Methods graphical Design:principle of inversion (反转法) Analytical:,principle of inversion(反转法),5.3.1plate Cam with Translating knife-edge follower直动从动件盘形凸轮机构,Given :,Clock-wise,Deign the pitch curve (理论廓线) of the cam,尖底从动件凸轮轮廓的设计动画,1、画出基圆、偏距圆,尖底从动件的起始位置C0(B0) 。,2、将S运动图做等分。 (推程运动角和回程运动角),3、沿方向,按从动件运动规律等分基圆角度,得到C1、C2C9各点 。,4、过C1点作偏距圆的切线,量取11B1C1,得到B1。,5、将得到的B0、B1、B2B9各点连成光滑曲线。,The process(步骤) to design the pitch curve is:,Note:,1、 The pitch curve can not be drawn in the direction of . 注意反转方向,分点一定沿w方向分。,2、分段数不宜过小,实际设计中,常取5°一个间隔。,3、 The centerline of the follower must always be tangent to the offset circle. 过基圆上的点可作偏距圆的2条切线,应根据 偏置方式和反转方向w正确作出其中的一条切线。,4 、位移线图与凸轮轮廓线图的比例尺应一致。,5.3.2 Graphical Synthesis of Plate Cam with Translating Roller follower.,The roller is always tangent to the cam contour(廓线) at all times.,Roller centerreference point.,设计滚子从动件凸轮机构时, 凸轮的基圆半径是指理论轮廓 曲线的基圆半径。,滚子从动件凸轮轮廓的设计动画,画小滚子,做包络线 envelope of the family of the roller circles 实际廓线cam contour,The locus of the roller center relative to the cam is called the pitch curve理论廓线of the cam.,Are there any other methods to find the cam contour?,可否将理论廓线的各点向径OB减去滚子半径rr,得实际廓线?,The pitch curve should be designed first.,The pitch curve and the cam contour are two parallel curve.,The pitch curve and the cam contour are two parallel curve.,BT is a common normal (公法线) to the pitch curve and the cam contour.,d is not a point on the cam contour.,a is not a point on the cam contour, either.,5.3.3 Analytical Synthesis of the Pitch Curve 5.3.4 Analytical Synthesis of the Cam Contour 5.3.5 Locus of Centres of Milling Cutter.,example 5-1 (study after class),5.3.6 Pressure Angle ,plate cam with translating roller follower,F凸轮作用于从动件的驱动力方向, Along common normal,pressure angle压力角:接触点法线与从动件上作用点速度方向所夹的锐角。,F F=Fcos 有用分力 F=Fsin 有害分力 摩擦,jam (卡住),过大,机构自锁,(allowable pressure angle ),F F=Fcos 有用分力 F=Fsin 有害分力 摩擦,jam (卡住),Pressure angle changes during motion so it is necessary to control the value of the maximum pressure angle MAX.,1、压力角,凸轮和从动件之间的推力作用线与从动件上力作用点的速度方向线所夹的锐角。,1、直动尖顶从动件盘状凸轮机构,2、直动滚子从动件盘状凸轮机构,首先要作出理论廓线!,3、摆动滚子从动件盘状凸轮机构,首先要作出理论廓线和反转圆!,2、从动件受力分析与自锁,Q 载荷,F 凸轮作用于从动件的驱动力,F,有用分力,有害分力,机构传动不利!,当大于某一数值,此时无论凸轮给从动件的驱动力多大,都不能推动从动件。自锁 出现自锁的压力角lim 极限压力角,当接近lim,此时虽未自锁,但驱动力急剧增大,轮廓会严重磨损,所以规定 。 许用压力角 ( lim ),3、凸轮基圆半径的确定,点P为凸轮与推杆之间的速度瞬心,根据瞬心法得到:, 转向系数,从动件偏置 方向系数, 顺,-1 逆, 导路偏于左,-1 导路偏于右, 对心,回程: ds/d 0, S ,推程: ds/d 0, e 0, S ,1 , 正配置 -1 , 负配置,0, 推程为正 0, 回程为负, =,凸轮机构按正配置:,凸轮机构按负配置:,回程: ds/d 0, e 0, S ,推程 : ds/d 0, e 0, S,1、,2、 , e, S()一定时: r0,r0 越小,机构越紧凑, 所以在保证max 条件下, 基圆半径尽可能小。,讨论:,实际设计: 根据结构等需要先定一个r0值, 初选r0=(1.62)d,d为凸轮轴的直径; 再检查amaxa; 若不满足,增大r0,再设计。,滚子半径rr的选择,(1) 理论廓线内凹:,r 理论廓线的曲率半径 ra 实际廓线的曲率半径,ra=r+rr 不管rr大小,实际廓线可求且光滑。 (2) 理论廓线外凸: ra=rrr,分三种情况:,可求 不实用 运动失真,5.3.7 Radius of Curvature (曲率半径),凸轮轮廓的曲率影响到凸轮能否正常工作。,若r rr ,则ra0, 实际廓线可求;,若r =rr ,则ra=0, 实际廓线出现尖点; 极易磨损,不宜使用。,若r rr ,则ra0,实际廓线交叉; 加工时交叉部分被切去,出现运动失真现象。,实际设计时:初选rr=(0.10.5)r0。,综上所述:滚子半径必须小于理论轮廓曲线外凸部分的最小曲率半径:,建议:,5.4 Plate Cam with Oscillating Roller Follower 摆动从动件盘形凸轮机构,Given :转向,r0,a,l,max,-,Design the cam contour.,一、摆动从动件盘状凸轮,已知:转向,r0,a,l,max,-,将S运动图做等分,1、作基圆、反转圆和摆杆的初始位置C0 (B0) 。,2、在反转圆上从OA起等分角度,得到 A1、A2A9。它们为反转后从动件回转轴心的位置。,3、以分点Ai为圆心,l 为半径,与基圆交于C1、C2、C9;从AiCi向外量取从动件摆角1、2 ,得到B1、B2、B9。,4、将B0、B1、B2B9各点连成光滑曲线。,滚子从动件:,若在上述摆杆的尖底B处要加一个半径为rr的滚子,则上述所得的凸轮廓线就是滚子从动件盘状凸轮的理论廓线。然后,以理论廓线上的点为圆心,滚子半径rr为半径,作出一系列的滚子圆,再作这些滚子圆簇的包络线,即得凸轮的实际廓线。,5.5 Plate Cam with Translating Flat-faced Follower 直动平底从动件盘形凸轮机构,5.5.1 Graphical Synthesis,(3)过B1、B2点作出一系列平底,得到一直线族,作出直线族的包络线,便得到凸轮实际轮廓曲线。,(1)取平底与导路的交点B0为参考点,(2)把B0看作尖底,运用上述方法找到B1、B2,注意:平底宽度要保证在所有位置都能与轮廓曲线相切。 只要导路方向不变,无论对心或偏置,凸轮实际廓线一样。,5.5.2 Analytical Synthesis,Pressure Angle,Chapter 5 Attentions 1.Classification of cam 2.Follower motion curves 3.How to design the pitch curve and cam contour 4. Pressure Angle, the Radius of base circle, Radius of Curvature,For the plate cam with tanslating offset roller follower as shown in Fig. R=30mm,lOA=10mm,e=15mm,rR=5mm E and F are two contact points. Construct the pitch curve and indicate radius of prime cirde rP. 2) Find the rotation angle of the cam during the follower contacts with the cam form point E to F. 3) Find the pressure angle when the follower contacts with the cam at point F. 4) Find the displacement of the follower during it contacts with the cam form point E to F. 5) Location the position where the pressure angle reaches the maximum and Mark the out.,Homework,复习思考题 1、 连杆机构和凸轮机构在组成方面有何不同,各有什么优缺点? 2、 凸轮机构中,刚性冲击是指什么?举出一种存在刚性冲击的运动规律。 3、 凸轮机构中,柔性冲击是指什么?举出一个具有柔性冲击的从动件常用运动规律。 4、 何谓凸轮的理论轮廓与实际轮廓? 5、 凸轮机构中的力锁合与几何锁合各有什么优缺点? 6、 为什么不能为了机构紧凑,而任意减小盘形凸轮的基圆半径? 7、设计滚子从动件盘形凸轮机构时,如实际轮廓上出现尖点,将可能出现什么后果?面对这一实际结果,设计上应如何加以处理?,习题 1、图(a)和图(b)分别为滚子对心直动从动件盘形凸轮机构和滚子偏置直动从动件盘形凸轮机构,已知:R=100mm,OA=20mm,e=10mm,rT=10mm,试用图解法确定;当凸轮自图示位置(从动件最低位置)顺时针方向回转90°时两机构的压力角及从动件的位移值。,(a),(b),2、设计一偏置直动滚子从动件盘形凸轮机构,凸轮回转方向及从动件初始位置如图所示。已知偏距e=10mm,基圆半径r0=40mm,滚子半径rT=10mm,从动件运动规律如下:=150°,S=30°,=120°,S=60°,从动件在推程以简谐运动规律上升,行程h=20mm;回程以等加速等减速运动规律返回原处,试绘出从动件位移线图及凸轮轮廓曲线。,3、设计一平底直动从动件盘形凸轮机构,凸轮回转方向及从动件初始位置如图所示。已知基圆半径r0=60mm,行程h=20mm,=150°,S=30°,=120°,S=60°,从动件在推程以简谐运动规律上升,回程以等加速等减速运动规律返回原处,试绘出该机构凸轮轮廓曲线并决定从动件底面应有的长度。,4、设计一平底摆动从动件盘形凸轮机构,凸轮回转方向和从动件初始位置如图所示。已知lOA=75,r0=30mm,从动件运动规律如下:=180°,S=0°,=180°,S=0°,从动件推程以简谐运动规律顺时针摆动,max=15°;回程以等加速等减速运动规律返回原处。试绘出凸轮轮廓曲线并确定从动件的长度。,


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