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    三、介词、连词,1.(2009·辽宁,30)It just isnt fair; I was working as a waiter last month,my friends were lying on the beach. A.whenever B.though C.for D.while 解析 句意为:这真不公平。上个月当我在做服 务员的时候,我的朋友们正躺在沙滩上。表示 “与此同时”用while,引导时间状语从句。,D,2.(2009·辽宁,32)Children need friends their own age to play with. A.of B.for C.in D.at 解析 句意为:孩子们需要与同龄的孩子一起玩 耍。表示“同龄的”用(be) of ones own age。这 是“be of+抽象名词”结构的延伸用法。 3.(2009·山东,32)Shall we have our picnic tomorrow? it doesnt rain. A.Until B.While C.Once D.If 解析 句意为:明天我们去野餐吗?只 要不下雨(就去)。,D,A,4.(2009·江苏,30)This special school accepts all disabled students, educational level and background. A.according to B.regardless of C.in addition to D.in terms of 解析 according to根据;regardless of不 管,不顾;in addition to除之外(还); in terms of从的观点,从的角度。本 题选B项。句意为:这所特教学校接收所有的残 疾学生,不管他的受教育水平和背景如何。,B,5.(2009·湖南,22)Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems themselves,and solve the problems themselves. A.to;by B.by;to C.for;to D.in;on 答案 A 解析 句意为:大多数的美国人愿意把难题留给 自己,并自行解决。表示“把留给自己”用 keep.to.;表示“独立地,独自地”用by oneself。,6.(2009·湖南,34) the police thought he was the most likely one,since they had no exact proof about it,they could not arrest him. A.Although B.As long as C.If only D.As soon as 解析 句意为:尽管警察认为他最有可能,但是 由于没有确切的证据,他们不能逮捕他。表示让 步用although;as long as表示条件,意为“只 要”;if only表示条件,意为“要是就好 了”;as soon as表示时间,意为“一就”。,A,7. (2009·宁夏,34)Everybody was touched words after they heard her moving story. A.beyond B.without C.of D.in 解析 句意为:当他们听说了她的感人故事后都 感动得说不出话来。beyond words无话可说,不 知该如何表达,为固定词组。,A,8.(2009·重庆,21)Try on this red skirt;you will look great it . A.on B.by C.in D.for 解析 句意为:试试这条红裙子,你穿肯定很漂 亮。如选A,应改为:The skirt looks great on you.。by在旁边;for为了,均不合题意。,C,9.(2009·重庆,27)Peter was so excited he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. A.where B.that C.why D.when 解析 句意为:当彼得收到他朋友去重庆参观的 邀请的时候,他非常兴奋。本题易错选that。但 由句意知并不是“如此以致”之意。where表 地点,why表原因,均不合句意,故选D。,D,10.(2009·湖北,29)Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request a question. A.in search of B.in the form of C.in need of D.in the direction of 解析 in search of寻找;in the form of 以的形式;in need of需要;in the direction of朝的方向。句意为:如果你以 问题的形式提出要求的话,听起来会有礼貌得多。,B,11.(2009·山东,33)It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot easy reach. A.near B.upon C.within D.around 解析 句意为:在厨房里把你常用的东西放在随 手可及的地方,那样会节省时间的。within easy reach随手可及,在附近。,C,12.(2009·四川,12)Owen wouldnt eat anything he cooked it himself. A.until B.since C.unless D.while 解析 句意为:欧文不会吃任何东西,除非是他 自己做的。A项意为“直到”;B项意为“从以 来”;C项意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句;D项 意为“当的时候”。,C,13.(2009·上海,32)You cant borrow books from the school library you get your student card. A.before B.if C.while D.as 解析 句意为:在你得到学生证之前不能从学校 图书馆借书。if是否,假如;while在同 时;as当时候,均不合题意。,A,14.(2009·四川,6)A great person is always putting others interests his own. A.below B.above C.in D.on 解析 句意为:一个伟大的人总是把别人的利益 置于自己的利益之上。A项意为“在下面;低 于,劣于”;B项意为“在上面;高于,优 于”;C项意为“在里面,在方面”;D项 意为“在上面;关于”。,B,15.(2009·陕西,13)My parents dont mind what job I do I am happy. A.even though B.as soon as C.as long as D.as though 解析 A项意为“即使”;B项意为“一 就”;C项意为“只要”;D项意为“似乎,好 像”。句意为:只要我快乐我父母不介意我做什 么工作。,C,介词的分类 1.按结构分 普通介词(如:at,by,for,in,over,to, up等) 合成介词(如:onto,into,within, without) 分词介词(如:concerning, considering, including等),介 词,简 单 介 词,定义: 是由 一个 单词 构成 的介 词。,双重介词:是由两个简单的介词重叠使用而构 成的 (如:from behind,from among) 短语介词:两个或两个以上的词所组成的短语 构成的,一般来说,这个短语的最后一个词是 简单介词。 (如:in case of,according to,out of,because of,by means of, in spite of,instead of) 注意 介词与某些动词、名词或形容词常常有比较固定的搭配。如:belong to属于;love for对的爱;full of充满。,介 词,2.按意义分 表示时间的介词:at,on,in, after,for,since,by,till,until,during 表示地点、位置的介词: in,at,round,around,beyond,on, beneath,over,under,above,below,up,down, before,behind,between,among 表示方向、方位的介词:to,in,for,at 表示空间运动的介词: along,across,through,over,up, down,from,to,into,out of,介 词,表示工具、方法和手段的介词: with,by,in,through,on 表示原因的介词:because of,owing to,due to(一般不位于句首),on account of,at,for,from,with,of,without, besides,except,except for,but,apart from (意思较广) 表示让步的介词:in spite of,despite,after all,for all,with all,介 词,常考连词一览表,连词与分词的应用错误 The flowers his friend gave him will die unless every day. A.watered B.watering C.water D.to water,本题是对英语中省略问题的考查。这类问题 在英语高考试卷中经常出现,是考生经常出错的问 题。本题的完整形式为:.unless(they are) watered every day。they are(指the flowersare)被省 略了,故本题的答案为A项。,【解题探究】 A。在省略问题中,有这样的一类问 题:当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,并且 从句的谓语动词中有be动词时,从句中的主语和be 动词可以同时省略。请参看下面的例句:,If you go to Xian,you will find the palaces there more magnificent than (they are) commonly supposed. 如果你去西安的话,你会发现那里的宫殿比它们通常被认为的更加壮观。 with复合结构的误用 with复合结构实际上可以表示为“with+宾语+宾语补足语”结构,这个宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、分词等充当。另外,考生还要了解with复合结构在句中可以充当原因状语、伴随状语、条件状语、定语等。,(2008·福建,34) You have no idea how she finished the relay race her foot wounded so much. A.for B.when C.with D.while,考生易因分析不清结构而选错答案。分析题干 可知,句中的“her foot wounded so much”并不是 一个句子,排除A、B、D项中的连词,故选项C为 本题的正确答案。,【解题探究】 C。with复合结构是一个在高考中常 考的知识点,它的构成为“with+宾语+宾语补足语”, 其中的with介词,其宾语补足语采用何种形式要由它 与宾语之间的关系决定。根据语法知识可知,动词 wound是一个及物动词,常用于被动语态结构,with 是一个介词,后不能接句子,故本题只能选C项。 wounded为过去分词,表示被动的含义。,单项填空搭配型 搭配型试题主要考查考生对英语中固定搭配的识记和运用,主要包括动词、名词、介词等的固定搭配。在备考过程中要注意对英语习语、短语特别是动词短语进行归纳、比较。做题时,考生一方面要揣测命题人的意图,分析句子的结构,正确理解句子的意思;另一方面要明白常用习语的多种不同的意思,并且能区别相似习语的意义,从而选出正确答案。,介词 (1)介词与名词:answer to,key to,the reason for,the cause of,advice on,lack of,a picture of (2)介词与形容词:be afraid of,be active in,be tired of,be bored with,be prepared for,be suitable for,be familiar to/with,be free from ( 3)介词与动词搭配:talk about,prevent.from,belong to,get over,depend on,object to,refer to,look forward to,make up for,devote to,动词 (1)动词+介词:deal with处理;turn to求助于;look at看;act on照行事;respond to对作出回应 (2)动词+副词:carry out执行;give in让步;hand out分发;see off给送行 (3)动词+副词+介词:put up with忍受;live up to不辜负;hold on to坚持;do away with废除;get along with与相处;think highly of对评价很高,(4)动词+名词+介词:shake hands with与握手;make friends with与交朋友;make fun of取笑;catch sight of看到;lose interest in对失去兴趣 (5)动词+介词+名词:arrive at a conclusion得出结论;come to ones help前来帮助某人;come into effect生效 形容词、副词 (1)(be)+形容词/-ed+介词: be strict with对要求严格;be fond of喜欢;be proud of为感到自豪;be covered with被覆盖;be packed with挤满;be lined with排列着,(2)形容词+副词: right away立即 (3)副词+and+副词: up and down上上下下地;back and forth前前后后地 名词 (1)名词+名词: bookshop;women teachers (2)名词+介词:kind of,(3)名词+介词/and+名词: arm in arm手挽着手;day after day日复一日;year by year一年又一年;day and night夜以继日;face to face面对面 做这类题时,应注意以下几个方面: 1.明确习惯用语或固定搭配的准确意义; 2.运用合理的方法,兼顾相关信息; 3.对于词语辨析题要对语境、语法结构、词语搭配、词语意义和上下文进行全盘考虑。其方法为,分析比较法 对所给试题的语法知识和语境进行比较分析,弄清楚题干的真正意思,然后联系上下文,进行结构分析并作出正确判断。 (2008·江苏,23) Is Peter there? ,please.Ill see if I can find him for you. A.Hold up B.Hold on C.Hold out D.Hold off 解析 hold on意为“不要挂断,请等一会儿”,符 合句意,其余选项均不是打电话时的用语。,B,对号入座法 将自己掌握的词组意思与题干及选项之间的关系对照分析,然后将各个选项直接代入空格处检查,从而选出正确答案。 After studying in a medical college for five years,Jane her job as a doctor in the countryside. A.set out B.took over C.took up D.set up 解析 考查动词短语辨析。take up为“从事, 做”的意思。,C,排除法 根据某些固定句型或词组的搭配要求进行正确选择,再根据题干内容,将那些明显不符合语境和逻辑的选项排除,最后就可以根据语境,找到能够讲得通的正确选项。 (2008·江苏,28) Why do you suggest we buy a new machine? Because the old one has been damaged . A.beyond reach B.beyond repair C.beyond control D.beyond description 解析 A项意为“无法到达”;B项意为“无法修 理”;C项意为“无法控制”;D项意为“无法描述”。 由句意可知,B项正确。,B,1. (2009·济南二次统考)Its a mistake to think of Florida only its tourist attractions. A.in addition to B.by way of C.in terms of D.by means of 解析 in addition to除了,此外;by way of/by means of通过方式;in terms of 就而言。句意为:认为佛罗里达只在旅游方 面有吸引力是错误的。,C,2.(2009·潍坊二次质量检测) having some money does add to our sense of happiness,having too much money does not. A.While B.When C.As D.Until 解析 该题考查连词。while此处是连词,引导让 步状语从句,意为“尽管”。句意为:尽管有些钱 能够增加我们的幸福感,但是太多的钱却不能给 我们带来幸福。,A,3.(2009·潍坊二次质检) Where shall we go to spend the weekend? Nowhere ,anywhere you like. A.in all B.in general C.in case D.in particular 解析 该题考查介词短语。句意为:我们到 什么地方去过周末?没有什么特别的地方, 你喜欢的地方就行。in all总共;in general总 的来说,一般来说;in case以防,万一;in particular尤其,特别。,D,4.(2009·潍坊一次质检)Many adults agree that teenagers shouldnt live alone they have their parents permission. A.if B.unless C.in case D.now that 解析 句意为:许多大人一致认为除非有父母的 允许,否则青少年不允许单独居住。unless除 非;in case万一;now that既然,由于。,B,5.(2009·潍坊一次质检)Equal treatment for all is guaranteed in this area, race, religion or sex. A.in need of B.in spite of C.regardless of D.in terms of 解析 该题考查介词短语。句意为:不分种族、 宗教或性别,在这个地区人人都享有平等的待遇。 regardless of不管,不顾。,C,6.(2009·青岛二次质检)Unable to work at a steady job a terminal illness,he decided to volunteer at the local children center. A.at the cost of B.as a result of C.in case of D.at the risk of 解析 考查词组辨析。句意为:由于患有一种不 治之症,他无法有一个稳定的工作,于是他决定 去当地的儿童中心做义工。at the cost of表示 “以为代价”;as a result of表示“由 于”;in case of表示“要是”;at the risk of表示“冒着的危险”。根据句意,应 选B项。,B,7. (2009·青岛二次质检 ) he lives in a large flat and owns much money,he doesnt seem as happy as before. A.While B.Whether C.Unless D.Before 解析 考查连词。句意为:尽管他住在大公寓 里,还有很多钱,但他好像不像以前那样快乐了。 while此外表示“尽管”,所以这里选A项。,A,8.(2009·青岛一次质检)I was halfway back to the hospital where the doctor was working Susan caught up with me. A.when B.since C.until D.though 解析 该题考查连词的用法。when意为“当时 候”。,A,9.(2009·日照二次调研) the Web is so popular,Chinese leaders recognize it as an important platform for listening to the people. A.When B.Though C.As D.While 解析 考查原因状语从句。句意为:因为网络如 此流行,中国领导人把它作为一个倾听民声的重 要的平台。,C,10.(2009·烟台二次模拟 ) There are three persons waiting ahead of you.Please be seated your number is called. A.while B.after C.since D.until 解析 考查连词的用法。 until表示“直 到”,即坐在这里等着,直到叫到你的号。 其他几项不合题意。,D,11.(2009·烟台二次模拟 ) Foreign trade has been developing very fast in Guangdong. Yes.Guangdong is Chinas largest province foreign trade volume. A.in terms of B.in spite of C.in case of D.in favor of 解析 考查介词短语。in terms of意思是 “从方面来说,就而言”;in spite of 意思是“不顾,不管”;in case of意思是“万 一”;in favor of意思是“支持,赞成”。显然只 有A符合语意:广东是中国在外贸额方面最大的 省份。,A,12.(2009·济南模拟 ) As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain,the visit to the village scenes of my childhood. A.called up B.called for C.called on D.called in 解析 call up唤起;call for需要;call on号 召;call in召集。本题题意为“本次参观使 我想起了童年的情景。”因此选A。,A,13.(2009·济南模拟 ) How long do you think it will be China sends another manned spaceship? Perhaps two or three years. A.when B.until C.that D.before 解析 考查状语从句。“It will be/was+时间 +before+.”是个固定句式,意思是“多久后才 会/多久后才”。句意为:你认为多久后 中国才会再次发射载人飞船?其他选项不符合句 式结构要求。,D,14. (2009·烟台模块检测 ) repeated assurances that the product is safe,many people have stopped buying it. A.In spite of B.On account of C.Because of D.As a consequence of 解析 考查介词词组辨析。句意为:尽管不断保 证说该产品是安全的,但是很多人还是不再购买 了。所以这里选A。,A,15.(2009·淄博质检 ) I didnt quite follow him because he explained the theory that is too abstract for me. A.out of the way B.on the way C.in a way D.by the way 解析 考查短语辨析。in a way在本题中表示“以 某种方式”,句中的that引导定语从句,修饰way。,C,16.(2008·山东命题专家原创卷(一) ) I hate to say it, your bike has blocked the way. A.and B.but C.so D.or 解析 考查连词的用法。句意为:我尽管不太想 说,不过您的自行车把路挡住了。but作连词时可 用于引出下文,表示吃惊、生气或不同意。从句 子的前后关系可以排除其他选项。,B,17.(2008·山东命题专家原创卷(二) ) If you can make up your mind about the color,I can start on the outside of your house. Well,right now I cant decide whether I want white or yellow for the door,but Ill let you know tomorrow . A.in case B.above all C.at last D.for sure 解析 考查介词短语辨析。for sure介词短语作 状语,表示“肯定”,符合题意。in case当“以 防,万一”讲,above all最重要的是。,D,18.(2008·山东命题专家原创卷(二)) In the past few years,my home village has changed recognition. A.from B.beyond C.over D.with 解析 考查介词。表示“超出,非所能及”, 应该用beyond+n.。,B,19. (2008·山东命题专家原创卷(三)) private cars are bringing us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution. A.While B.As C.If D.Since 解析 while在此题中是连词,用于句首表示让 步,意为“尽管,虽然”。句意为:尽管私家车给 我们带来了方便,但它们也带来了更多的交通事 故和污染。as引导让步状语从句时用倒装语序。,A,20.(2008·山东命题专家原创卷(三)) You seemed to have been impressed by the singer. Well,not exactly so.It was his way of singing the singer himself that really impressed me. A.rather than B.as well as C.but also D.together with 解析 该题考查强调句中被强调部分之间的连接 词的用法。由语境“是他的演唱方式而不是他 (歌手本身)打动了我”可知A为正确选项;as well as,together with两项虽然结构上也对, 但不符合语境“not exactly so”。,A,.单项填空 1.(2009·山东命题专家原创卷(七)) Theres no decision yet when the work might start. A.due to B.as to C.in addition to D.owing to 解析 考查词组。due to由于;as to至于;in addition to除之外;owing to因为。句意为: 至于什么时候开工还没有确定。,B,2.(2009·山东命题专家原创卷(八)) It is most important to chew your food for a while, whether vegetable or meat, you swallow it down. A.after B.for C.before D.until 解析 考查状语从句。句意为:不管你的食物是 蔬菜还是肉,在咽下之前咀嚼一会儿是最重要的。 当主句谓语动词强调动作的迟缓性时只能用 before,而不用until,而且句中常有时间段状语 或时间段暗示。本题就是考查before这一用法的。,C,3.(2009·山东命题专家原创卷(十)) We should try every effort to prevent violence from happening at school, more and more students would drop out of school their personal safety could not be guaranteed. A.for;now that B.for;if C.though;so long as D.though;if only 答案 B 解析 考查连接词。第一个空处表示原因,第二 个空处表示条件,句意为:我们必须竭尽全力阻 止校园暴力的发生,因为如果人身安全得不到保 障,就会有越来越多的学生辍学。所以第一个空 填for,第二个空填if。,4.(2009·山东名校联考卷(一)) Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores,and this is especially true it comes to classroom tests. A.before B.since C.when D.after 解析 when it comes to sth./to doing sth.是 一固定句型,意为“当涉及某事/做某事时”。,C,5.(2009·山东名校联考卷(二)) you have made up your mind to go there,I will accompany you. A.For B.Since C.Before D.While 解析 考查状语从句的引导词。since表示“既 然,因为”,通常放在句首,表示对既知事实的陈 述,也可以表示理由;for常置于句中,而不置于 句首。句意为:你既然已经下定决心去那里了, 我就陪你去吧。,B,6.(2009·山东名校联考卷(二)) He is too young, and what you have said is completely his imagination. A.over B.beyond C.beneath D.around 解析 beyond ones imagination,意思为“超出 某人的想像”。句意为:他还小,你所说的都超乎 他的想像。,B,7.(2009·山东名校联考卷(二)) Foreign tobacco companies have targeted young people in Taiwan ,new research concludes. A.by chance B.for purpose C.in person D.by intention 解析 考查固定短语。by chance偶然地;by intention故意;in person亲自,亲身;for purpose为了目的。句意为:最新研究得出: 外国烟草公司故意把目标对准台湾的年轻人。,D,8. (2009·山东名校联考卷(五)) After graduating from college,he just didnt know what is for him in the future. A.in store B.at heart C.in preparation D.within reach 解析 考查介词短语的辨析。句意为:他大学毕 业后,不知道未来将要发生是什么。in store for (sb).储备;将要发生,就要出现,符合题意。,A,9.(2009·山东名校联考卷(六)) Leading the US womens volleyball team back to her hometown for the Beijing OlympicGames, Lang Ping felt when she saw some familiar faces. A.at home B.at heart C.at will D.at sight 解析 考查短语辨析。句意为:当郎平看到一 些熟悉的面孔时,她感觉舒服多了。 at home自 在的,不拘束的;干扰项at heart意思是“内心里; 本质上”;at will意思是“任意,随心所欲地”; at sight意思是“一看到就”。由题意可知,A 为正确答案。,A,10.(2009·福建质检) Was it at half past five when we were still sound asleep he got up? A.that B.before C.when D.after 解析 考查句式结构。去掉was it和空格后,该 句意思和结构都很完整,由此可以判断这是一个 强调句,所以应该填that,构成强调句型。,A,11.(2009·厦门模拟)Six billion people already live on ourplanet,and the number is growi


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