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    20192019中考英语完形填空编练(九)及答案 【能力选练】 A (2019 中考选练) He was pleased to learn that Chibi knew all the places where the wild grapes and wild potatoes grew. He was amazed to _how much Chibi knew about all the flowers in our class garden. He liked Chibis black and white drawings and put them up on the wall to be _. He liked Chibi's own handwriting, which no one but Chibi could read, and he put that up on the wall. But, when Chibi appeared on the stage at the talent show of that year, no one could _his eyes.“ Who is that?”“ What can that stupid do up there?” Until Mr Isobe announced that Chibi was going to imitate(模仿)the voices of crows. “ Voices?”“ Voices of crows?” _he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crow's voice. He showed how crows cry early in the morning. He showed how crows cry when the village people have some unhappy accident. He showed how crows _when they are happy and cheerful. Everybody's mind was taken to the_mountainside from which Chibi probably came to school. Chibi made very special _deep down in his throat(喉咙)to imitate a crow in an old tree in the end. Now everybody could imagine_the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family. Then Mr Isobe explained _ Chibi had learned those calls-leaving his home for school at sunrise, and arriving home at sunset, every day for six long years. Every one of us cried, thinking how much we had been _ to Chibi all those long years. He was a boy beyond our usual imagination! 1A complain B count C find D refuse 2A admired B printed C punished D avoided 1 3A check B hurt C open D believe 4A Later B Next C Last D First 5A jump B call C fly D dance 6A far B crowded C near D modern 7A scripts B reports C speeches D sounds 8A hardly B happily C exactly D peacefully 9A what B how C whether D who 10A wrong B kind C honest D generous 【解析】 【分析】 本篇短文内容取材于日本画本书乌鸦太郎,讲述了一个叫 chibi的农村男孩,每天走很远路 去上学,沉默寡言,独来独往。后来经过 Mr. Isobe的推荐,chibi在舞台上学乌鸦的叫声,他 发出的这些惟妙惟肖的叫声,让人想到这个孤单的孩子,是如何一天天一个人在旷野里奔跑,追 着一群乌鸦,奋力地把自己的声音融汇到它们中间去,很多人听着流下了眼泪。 1句意:他惊奇地发现赤壁对我们班花园里所有的花儿知道很多。A. complain 抱怨;B. count 计数;C. find 发现;D. refuse 拒绝。根据上文 He was pleased to learn(他高兴地 “了解到)可知此处应为 惊奇的发现”,故选 C。 2句意:他喜欢赤壁的黑白绘画,把他的画挂在墙上欣赏。A. admired 赞美,欣赏;B. printed 印刷;C. punished 惩罚;D. avoided “避免,根据 He liked Chibi's black and white drawings”, 可知因喜欢而去称赞追崇,故选 A。 3句意:没人相信自己的眼睛。A. check检查;B. hurt伤害;C. open 打开;D. believe相信。 根据上下文,当赤壁出现在才艺舞台上时,没有人相信自己的眼睛,故选 D。 4句意:首先,他模仿新孵出的乌鸦的声音。A. Later 后来;B. Next 下一个;C. Last 最 后;D. First “第一,根据 he imitated the voices of newly hatched crows. And he made the mother crow's voice”,推出句意:首先,他模仿新孵出的乌鸦的叫声,然后他发出了乌鸦妈妈 的声音,故答案选 D。 5句意:他表演了乌鸦高兴或兴奋时发出的声音。A. jump 跳;B. call 呼叫;C. fly 飞;D. dance 跳舞。本段一直在讲述 chibi模仿乌鸦的声音,此处应为乌鸦高兴或兴奋时的声音,根据 下文提示 Chibi had learned those calls,故选 B。 6句意:每个人的心思都被带到远处的山坡上,赤壁来上学的地方。A. far 远的;B. crowded 2 拥挤的;C. near 附近的;D. modern 现代的,根据后文 Now everybody could imagine _ the far and lonely place where Chibi lived with his family.每个人都能准确的想象出赤壁和 他的家人居住的遥远而孤独的地方,推出此处是指:每个人的心思都被带到远处的山坡上,故选 A。 7句意:赤壁在他喉咙深处发出非常特殊的声音,最后模仿出老树上的乌鸦的声音。A. scripts 原稿;B. reports 报告;C. speeches 演讲;D. sounds 声音,根据 deep down in his throat(喉咙) to imitate a crow 在他的喉咙深处发声去模仿一只乌鸦,推出是模仿乌鸦的声音, 故选 D。 8句意:现在每个人都能想象出赤壁和他家人居住的遥远而孤独的地方。A. hardly 几乎不; B. happily 幸福地;C. exactly 正确地;D. peacefully 平静地。结合语境可知,人们完全想 象出赤壁所居住的环境,故选 C。 9句意:然后,Isobe先生解释了赤壁是如何学到这些声音的。在日出时离开家去上学。 A. what 什么;B. how 如何;C. whether 是否;D. who 谁,根据 Then Mr. Isobe explained Chibi had learned those calls,推出句意:然后 Mr. Isobe 解释赤壁如何学到这 些叫声的,故选 B。 10句意:我们每个人都哭了,想着我们在过去的岁月里对赤壁有多大的误解。A. wrong 错误 的;B. kind 热心的;C. honest 诚实的;D. generous 慷慨的,根据前文 “Who is that?“ “What can that stupid do up there?“那是谁?”“那个笨蛋能在那里做什么?”可知大家长期对他 有错误认识,故选 A。 【点睛】 完形填空题与单项选择题不同,它给出的是一篇意思较为完整的短文。做该题型试题时,首先应 跳过空格通读全文,以全文为背景,联系句子的上下文进行推理和判断,从 4 个选项中选出一项 进行试填。考生可以从词义用法、固定搭配、逻辑推理和上下文的联系等方面去考虑。最后应再 把全文通览一遍,细心检查所选答案能否使短文上下连贯,前后呼应,词句通顺,使短文意思完 整。检查时还应从语法、惯用法、逻辑推理和事情发生的情节等方面进行考虑,以达到准确无误 之目的。例如第 10 小题是考查形容词辨析,根据前一句“Every one of us cried”再结合前面 “所说的话 What can that stupid do up there?”可以推测大家对多年来对赤壁的错误认识感到内 疚,故答案选 A。 【能力选练】 B 3 2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案教育类 I believe listening is a powerful medicine It was Sunday I had the last to see and I got into her room She was an old woman , sitting on the bed , trying to her socks Usually I said something like this : “How are you feeling ? The nurse says your son is visiting you todayI believe you are seeing him” She me with a serious voice , “Sit down , doctor This is my story , not yours ” I was surprised and I sat down and helped her with the socks She began to tell me that her only son lived not far from her , she had not seen him for five yearsShe believed her health problems were worse because of her sonAfter hearing her story and helping her put on her socks , I asked if there was I could do for her She her head and smiled All she wanted me to do was to Each story is Some are clear; others are notSome are true; others are not , yet all those things do not really What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard Listening to someones story costs nothing but it is the key to healing (康 复)I often what the woman taught me , and I myself of the importance of stopping , sitting down and truly listening I the power of listening 【小题 1】 Adoctor Bnurse Cpatient Dstudent 【小题 2】 Atake off Bget off Cclean out Dput on 【小题 3】 Alooking forward to Basking for Cgoing on Dworrying about 【小题 4】 Aimpressed Bstopped Casked Dgreeted 【小题 5】 Aexcited Bmad Cembarrassed Dangry 【小题 6】 Aor Bso Cbut Dif 【小题 7】 Amissin Bloving Cunderstanding Dmeeting 【小题 8】 Anothing else Banything else Cnothing Deverything 【小题 9】 Ashook Bdropped Cwaved Dmoved 4 【小题 10】 Asee Bsmell Clisten Dfeel 【小题 11】 Aterrible Bdifferent Csimilar Dtrue 【小题 12】 Ahappen Bappear Cmatter Dchange 【小题 13】 Athink of Bdream of Clead to Dlaugh at 【小题 14】 Ateach Bask Cremind Dcheer 【小题 15】 Atalk about Bshow off Cbelieve in Drun out of 【能力选练】 C 【*内蒙古包头】B When I was about 12, a girl in my class liked to point out my problems. I was too thin; I wasn't a good student; I talked too much; I was too _46_, and so on. At last, I became very angry and ran to my father. He listened to me 47 . Then he asked, “Are these things true or not? Do you know what you are really like? Go and make a 48 of what she said and find the _49_ that are true. “ I did as he told me. To my great _50_ . 1 discovered that about half of the things were true. Some of them I couldn't change (like being very thin). But there were things 1 could and wanted to change. For the _51_ time, I got a clear 52 of myself. 5 I brought the list back to Dad. He refused to take it. “That's just for you.“ he said. “You know the truth about _53_ better than anyone else. When people say something that is true about you, you should find it helpful. “ Our world is full of people who think they know your business. Don't _54_ and feel 55 . Listen to them. ( )46. A. beautiful B. proud C smart D. rich ( )47. A. bravely H. happily C. quickly D. quietly ( )48. A. joke B. programme C.list D. record ( )49. A. secrets B. mistakes C. lessons D. points ( )50. A. surpriseB. interest C. opinion D. fact ( )51. A. first B. second C. next D. last ( )52. A. book B. picture C. drawing D. notice ( )53. A. yourselves B. myself C. herself D. yourself ( )54. A. clean B. open C. close D. wash ( )55. A. hurt B.safe C. pretty D.cheap B 【主旨大意】本文讲述的我被一同学指出一些缺点后,心里很不服气,最后在爸爸的帮助下,我 意识到自己的缺点,同时也明白了,在生活中要多听取意见,接受批评,认真改正,才能健康的 成长。 46. B“”解析:由句意可知在我的缺点中有 我太自负 这一条,故选 B。 47. D 解析:根据语境 A(勇敢地)、B(高兴地)、C(迅速地)可知不符合句意,故选 D。 48. C 解析:a list of“意为的清单”。 49. D“解析:根据句意可知,此处应表达为 要点”,应用 points 表示。故选 D。 50. A“”解析:联系上下可知,应表示为 让我吃惊的是。故选 A。 51. A 解析:for the first time “意为 第一次;首次”。 52. B“解析:句意为 第一次,”我对自己有了一个清楚的描绘。 picture“在此意为 描绘”。 53. D 解析:yourself“”意为 你自己的。 54. C“解析:由句意为 不要听不进去”,可知此处应为 close. 55. A 解析:feel hurt“意为 感觉受伤害”。 6 【能力选练】 D Im Chen Peng. I am 15 years old. I am a student in Grade Eight. I like 31 very much. I am so lucky. I have been a Teen reporter 32 I sent some articles to the newspaper in 2013. I think its fun and helps me 33 my English writing. At first, when the editor asked me to write something. I had to think 34 a long time. But now I can think and write faster than before. I often see my pictures and articles in the newspaper. My classmates and teachers were really 35 when they saw that! Join us! 31. A. writing B. singing C. reading 32. A. when B. since C. before 33. A. understand B. research C. improve 34. A. for B. on C. at 35. A. angry B. surprised D. sad 【主旨大意】 本文一篇记叙文。作者介绍了自己从 2013 年开始为报纸投稿,成为青少年记者。 作者刚开始感觉写作困难,现在能写得好,已发表了多篇文章,使得老师同学很惊讶。 31. A 由下文成为 Teen reporter(青少年记者)可知作者喜欢写作,用 writing。故选 A。 32. B 本句主句是现在完成时,从句须用 since 引导的一般过去时。故选 B。 33. C“根据上下文可知,成为青少年记者帮助作者 提高了英语写作”,improve“意为 提高;改 善”,符合句意。故选 C。 34. A“此处表达一段时间的 a long time”须置于介词 for 之后。 35. B“我的同学和老师看到我发表的文章和图片 非常惊讶”,angry“意为 生气的”,surprised “意为 惊讶的”,sad“意为 悲伤的”。故选 B。 【能力选练】 E A king was old and he knew it was time to choose a new king. He told all the young people in the country, “Ill give 36 of you a seed (种子). Plant it and bring it back one year later. Show me the plant that you bring 37 Ill choose a new king from you.” A boy 38 Ling got a seed, too. He planted it 39 . But the seed doesnt grow at all. A year later, Ling had to take his 40 box to the palace. Others all brought beautiful plants there and Ling felt 41 . The king 42 the palace and looked around. When he found there was nothing in Lings 7 box. The king smiled and said to the others, “One year ago, I gave everyone a seed 43 couldnt grow. But all of you, 44 Ling, have bought me plants and flowers. Ling was the only one with the honesty (诚实) and 45 to bring such a box. So he will be the new king! ” ( )36. A. each B. neither C. both D. none ( )37. A. and B. but C. although D. so ( )38. A. liked B. helped C. named D. asked ( )39. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly ( )40. A. full B. empty C. beautiful D. broken ( )41. A. sad B. excited C. happy D. satisfied ( )42. A. got B. arrived C. went D. arrived at ( )43. A. which B. who C. what D. it ( )44. A. besides B. with C. except D. as ( )45. A. skill B. courage C. experience D. fear 【参考答案】完形填空 36-40 AACBB 41-45 ADACB 8


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