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    (短文改错+ +阅读理解) (限时:30 分钟) 一、阅读理解。 A Found Sports Club April 15th,2016 A dictionary was For young people from 13 to 18 years old found in the libraryEvery Sunday 7:30 am.8:30 pm. on the afternoon of Renmin Road 32 April 15th.Please Tel:07352351683/2351782 call 07352169338 orJust 10 yuan a time come to the Lost andBasketball,swimming, Found to get it. badminton and skating Tim Chinese Café MondaySaturday Lunch Take away 12:0014:00 $5 Each Box Lunch $6 (Under 10 $4) (Put whatever you want into one box) FridaySaturday Evening Free Bottle of Wine For Each Table of Four 17:0023:00 (Evening and over 18 only) Dinner $12 (Under 10 $6) Sunday Lunch Enjoy your meal! 12:0015:00 Tel:4655 9651 Lunch $7 (Under 10 $4) Green Avenue,Londbridge ( A )1.Where did Tim find a dictionary? AIn the library. BIn the classroom. 1 CAt the Lost and Found. ( C )2.What can we do in the Sports Club? ASwim and dance. BPlay volleyball and skate. CPlay basketball and swim. ( A )3.You can have lunch in this Chinese Café _. Aat 12:30 on Tuesday Bat 14:30 on Thursday Cat 11:30 on Sunday ( C )4.Steven and his nineyearold son go to have dinner in this Chinese Café on Friday evening.They should pay _. A$6 B$12 C$18 ( B )5._sitting at one table can enjoy a free bottle of wine for dinner. AFour 12yearold boys BFour adults CA couple with their child B Astronauts have very busy lives. Each day they are carefully planned by mission(任务) control. The 12-hour working day on the International Space Station(ISS) begins with a wake-up call. After a quick wash with a wet cloth, the crew(全体乘务员) have breakfast and run through the jobs for the day. Space stations are like large houses that need much care and attention. Much of the crew's time is spent preparing and carrying out scientific experiments. At least two hours each day is spent on exercise. It is necessary to keep the crew healthy. In some ways, living in a space station is like being on a desert island. A crew of two or three astronauts has to survive far from home for weeks or months. If their mission is to be a success, they have to learn to live and work together as a team. Crew members have to learn to share jobs such as cleaning and repairs. They also have to talk about problems and discuss how to deal with them. 2 Astronauts first feel the influence of weightlessness(失重) when the rocket engines are turned off. Straight away, they begin to float(漂浮), held down only by seat belts. Weightlessness allows astronauts to appear super strong. They can lift objects that would be far too heavy to move on the earth. Without the influence of gravity(重力), astronauts become weak. To stay fit, they have to exercise several hours each day. In a space station, there is no up or down. There is no difference between a floor and a ceiling(天花板). This can make astronauts feel sick until they get used to this strange environment. 1.Astronauts on the International Space Station work for hours every day. A.8 B.10 C.11 D.12 2.What is the crew's time mainly used for? A.Exercising. B.Doing scientific experiments. C.Reading. D.Connecting with the ground. 3.Which of the following is TRUE? A.Astronauts need to work as a team. B.Weightlessness makes astronauts become strong. C.There are up and down in a space station. D.Astronauts exercise one hour each day. 4.What's the best title for the passage? A.Astronauts' Lives in the Space Station B.The Influence of Weightlessness C.How to Live in the Space Station D.How to Exercise in the Space Station 主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文,讲述了宇航员的一天的生活。他们的主要任务是做科学实验,但 每天做锻炼是必不可少的,因为失重状态下对人的身体影响很大。宇航员是作为一个团队来工作 的,所以团队精神是必需的。 1.D“ 细节理解题。从文中首段的 The 12-hour working day on the International Space Station(ISS) begins with a wake-up call.”可知,宇航员在国际太空站每天工作12小时,故选D。 2.B“ 细节理解题。从文中第二段的 Much of the crew's time is spent preparing and carrying out scientific experiments.”可知,宇航员的时间很多花在准备和执行科学实验上, 3 故选 B。 3.A“ 细节理解题。从文中第四段的 they have to learn to live and work together as a team” 可知,宇航员在太空要学会作为一个团队生活和工作,故选 A。 4.A 主旨大意题。Astronauts' lives in the Space Station“意思是 宇航员在太空站里的生 活”。通读全文可知,本文讲述了宇航员在太空站的工作时长、工作内容、饮食、健康以及如何适 应失重的问题等,故讲述的是宇航员在太空站的生活。故选 A。 C Mr. Harris taught sixth-grade science. On the first day of class, he gave us a talk about an animal called “birdcat”, which died out during the Ice Age. He passed around a skull as he talked. We all took notes carefully and later we had a test. When he returned my paper the next day, there was a big red “X” through each of my answers. I had failed! There had to be some mistake! I had written down exactly what Mr. Harris said. Then I learned that everyone in the class had failed. What had happened? “Very simple,” Mr. Harris said. He had made up all that “birdcat” “There had never been any such animal. The information in our notes was therefore incorrect. Did you think you would get good marks for incorrect answers?” Needless to say, we felt that was unfair. What kind of a test was this? And what kind of a teacher? “We should have figured it out.” Mr. Harris said. After all, at the very moment he was passing around the “birdcat” skull, in truth a cats, hadnt he been telling us no other findings about this animal except the skull? He had told us many unbelievable things about the animal, such as the size, the color, the strength but none of us had questioned. Mr Harris said he hoped we would learn something from this lesson. Teachers and textbooks are not always correct. In fact no one is. He told us not to let our minds go to sleep and to speak up if we ever thought he or the textbook was wrong. Up to now I havent made any great scientific discoveries, but Mr. Harriss class gave me and my classmates something just as important: To look people in the eye and tell them they are wrong. 16. “Figure it out” should mean “_”. 4 A. think and find it out B. answer it C. draw it out D. learn and turn it out 17. I failed in the science test because_. A. I didnt answer all the questions B. I didnt answer the paper according to what Mr. Harris said. C. the information in my answers was wrong. D. Mr. Harris made some mistake. 18. Which of the following statements is WRONG? A. There is no an animal called “birdcat”, which died out during the Ice Age. B. The information that Mr. Harris gave in the class was incorrect. C. Mr. Harris told us many amazing things about “birdcat”. D. Mr. Harris showed the class a skull of a cats. 19. We can learn from this passage that_. A. Mr. Harris was the only person who found the animal birdcat B. Mr. Harris used a cats skull instead of a birdcats because they were the same. C. We should be brave to speak out against what we dont believe. D. Teachers and textbooks are usually incorrect. 20. Which would be the best title for this passage? A. An unforgettable Test. B. A strange Animal Called “Birdcat” C. An Unfair Test D. Incorrect Information 【考点】记叙文的阅读。 【设计思路】此篇虽然大意容易理解,但答题时要注意小细节的阅读。要求学生在阅读中运用审 读文章、辨析文章结构、梳理文章主线等能力。同时在设计时也注重了情感的培养。因此在选材 上选择了与学生生活接近,能打动学生情感的文本。 难易度:16中。17易。18中。19易。20中。 参考答案 16-20 ACDCA D On Miriam Gardsbane's 9th birthday two years ago, her aunt gave money to a group that cares for elephants. The woman, who lives in Kenya, told the group she was giving the money to celebrate Miriam's birthday. Miriam and her mother then visited Africa to 5 learn how that money was helping to support elephants. Miriam fell in love with the animals and wanted to help save them. A few months after visiting Africa, Miriam watched How I Became an Elephant, a documentary about the mistreatment of elephants in Thailand, and a young girl's campaign to save them. Miriam decided to make her own effort to raise money to save elephants. Last year, Miriam created a group called They Deserve to Be Free after seeing a programme that showed young elephants being mistreated in Thailand. She asked her friends to give money to the park rather than giving her birthday gifts. She made and sold baked goods, and made signs about elephant abuse. She also created a plan to make and sell clay elephants. She asked her art teacher to help her make the elephants. Miriam says she is lucky because her mother and her art teacher support her. Her father says Miriam is serious about helping the animals. He says that what her daughter is doing is making her a little bit more mature. Miriam now knows a lot more about animals and what is happening to them. She is proud of her work, and is happy that she can help elephants. She and her friends often sell their clay elephants at a local farmers' market. Last year, she sold about $2,000 worth of them and sent all of that money to the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand. 1.Miriam Gardsbane is years old now. A.9 B.10 C.11 D.12 2.They Deserve to Be Free is . A.a group to help elephants B.an elephant C.a girl's name D.a programme 3.Miriam is a little more mature because . A.she is serious about helping the animals B.she can make clay elephants C.she can make money D.she falls in love with elephants 4.From the passage we can know that Miriam is a(n) girl. 6 A.creative B.beautiful C.warm-hearted D.interesting 参考答案: 主旨大意 本篇文章是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了 Miriam在姑姑的影响下开始加入保护大象的队 “伍。她建立了一个名叫 They Deserve To Be Free”的组织来保护大象。 1.C 数字计算题。根据文章第一句“On Miriam Gardsbane's 9th birthday two years ago” 可知 Miriam Gardsbane 现在 11 岁。故选 C。 2.A“ 推理判断题。根据文章第三段 Last year, Miriam created a group called They Deserve to Be Free after seeing a programme that showed young elephants being mistreated in Thailand.”可推断正确答案为 A。 3.A“ 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第四段最后两句 Her father says Miriam is serious about helping the animals. He says that what her daughter is doing is making her a little bit more mature.”可知答案为 A。 4.C 推理判断题。文章主要介绍了 Miriam 是如何帮助保护大象的,由此可知选 C。 二、短文改错。 7


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