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    Language points,section B,一: 问路 1. Excuse me. Where is the ? 2. Excuse me. How can I get to the ? 3. Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how to get to the ? 4. Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me the way to the ? 5. Is there a near here /around here /in the neighborhood? 6. . Excuse me. Could/Can you tell me how I can get to the ?,总结:问路与指路,二:指路 1. Go straight ( until ). 2. Go down/along . 3. Turn left/right (at.). 4. Turn (left/right )at the+序数词 +crossing(十字路口). 5. Take the+序数词+ turning(转弯处)on the left/right. 6. Its +介词短语(cross from/near/next to). 7. Its about meters on the left/right,turn right/left 向右/左拐; right/left adv.,意为“向右;向左”。 on the right/left 在右面/在左面 on ones right/left 在某人的右面/左面 2. go along/down 沿着走 =walk along/down 3. Turn left at the first crossing. 在第一个十字路口左拐。 Take the first turning on the left.,三. neighborhood n. 街区;街坊 in the neighborhood 在附近 = near here in the neighborhood of在附近 四. turn 1. v. 转向,翻。 He turn s to me. Turn to page 3. Turn back. 向后转。 2。n. 轮流,轮次 Its your turn to read. Take turns. 轮流。,五. I like to spend time there on weekends. 我喜欢在那度过周末时光。 spend 花费(时间、金钱等) 只能以人做主语 1) spend + (时间、金钱) + on sth. 2) spend + (时间、金钱) + doing sth. e.g.1) 杰克每天花很多时间做作业。 Jack spends a lot of time _his homework. 2) 我妹妹每天花很多时间读书。 My sister spends much time _books.,spend, take, cost和pay的用法区别,1. spend 主语必须是人 sb.+ spend time /money on sth. 某人在上花费时间(金钱) 2) sb.+spend time /money (in) doing sth.某人 花费时间(金钱)做某事 2.take 常用it作形式主语,真正的主语时是动词不定式,放在句末 It takes/took sb. 时间to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。 3. cost 主语是物, 还可以表示“值”, sth. costs (sb.) 金钱 某物花了(某人)多少钱。 4. pay 主语是人 花费金钱;付款 sb+ pay(s) (sb.) money for sth. 某人付钱(给某人)买。 Eg:1) 我买那本书花了5美元。 I _5 dollars on the book. The book _me 5 dollars. I _5 dollars for the book. 2) 造这座桥花了他们两年时间。 They _two years (in) _(build) this bridge. It _them three years _this bridge.,spend spent take - took cost - cost pay - paid,注意,spent,cost,paid,spent,building,took,to build,六. I love to watch the monkeys climbing around. 我喜欢观看猴子们到处爬。 watch sb. doing sth.看见/观看某人正在做某事 (事情正在进行中) watch sb. do sth.看某人做某事 (事情经常发生或已经做过) Eg: I often watch Mike _on the playground on weekends. 我 经常看到麦克周末在操场上踢足球 I watched Mike _on the playground at this time yesterday.我昨天这个时候看到麦克在操场上踢足球。 七. sometimes有时some times几次/倍sometime某时some time 一段时间,play soccer,playing soccer,八. look like+n./代词看起来像 look+adj.看起来 He _his father. He_ young. 九. To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. 1) to get there 动词不定式短语,在句中做目的状语,放在句首起强调作用,也可放在句末。 2)get there 到那 get to+地点=arrive in(大)/at(小)+地点=reach +地点 here,there,home前无介词to,at,in,十一.The best things in life are free! 一生中最好的事情是免费的! 1. in life 一生中 life n. 生命,生活 all ones life 一生,终生 have a life 过着的生活 (1) He lives in the country_.他终生住在乡下。 (2)They_.他们过着幸福的生活。 2. free adj. 免费的 空闲的 反义词 busy be free 有空 (1) _you _tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? (2) These books_.这些书都是免费的。 (3) 格林先生本周不忙。 Mr. Green _this week. 或(Mr. Green _this week.),all his life,have a happy life,Are,free,are free,isnt busy,is free,十二. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there. enjoy +n./代词/v.-ing enjoy oneself=have a good time =have fun玩得愉快 e.g. 1) My sister enjoys _music.我妹妹喜欢听音乐。 2) Do you enjoy _in this city?你喜欢住在这个城市吗? 3)We_ at the party。我们在晚会上玩得很开心。 We _at the party。 We _at the party。 十三. You can get to the library easily. easily adv. v. (+宾语)+easily easy adj. ) (easy + ly easily) 1) He can answer these questions_. 2) Its _for him to learn English.,enjoy ourselves,have a good time,have fun,


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