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    7B Unit 8 Pets Revision,elephant,tiger,dog,cat,rabbit,goldfish,parrot,mouse,panda,camel,ant,giraffe,snake,kangaroo,Guess what I am!,Im orange. I live in a tank. I have fins.,goldfish,Guess what I am!,I have four legs. I have a shell. I move very slowly.,tortoise,Guess what I am!,I love to go to the park and play with balls and sticks. Sometimes, I bark at people.,dog,Guess what I am!,I have two legs. I like to sing. I have feathers. I can fly.,parrot,Guess what I am!,I have long ears. I eat lots of vegetables.,rabbit,Guess what I am!,I have fur. I sleep a lot. My favourite food is fish.,cat,Talking about pets,A: What is your favourite pet? B: I really like A: Why? B: Because Which animal do you like best ? A : I likebest. B : Why? A: Because .,Sample:,watch it swim around,给那大象喂香蕉,一条黑白相间的尾巴,为我用树枝搭建帐篷,敲笼子的门,在他的膝盖上睡觉,看它游来游去,在阳光下读书,教这鹦鹉说话,按门铃,拉兔子的耳朵,梳理皮毛,保暖,遛狗,确保,在缸的底部,照顾他到最后,feed the elephant bananas,sleep on his lap,read in the sun,teach the parrot to speak,knock on the cage door,build me camps out of sticks,a black-and-white tail,look after him until the end,ring the doorbell,pull the rabbit's ears,brush the fur,keep warm,take the dog for a walk,at the bottom of the tank,make sure,重点词组,frighten the cat,把某物握在手中,睁大眼睛,一个兔笼子,在的边缘,和她一起玩,吓唬猫,发出许多噪音,重约两公斤,hold sth. in ones hand,play with her,make a lot of noise,weigh about 2 kilogrames,on the edge of,a rabbit hutch,with eyes open wide,重点词组,坐在饭桌旁,sit at the table,把她自己藏在橱柜里,hide herself in the cupboard.,打扫鱼缸,clean the fish tank,所有动物中最聪明的,the cleverest animal of all,四处找我,look around for me,蓝绿相间的羽毛,blue-and-green feathers,Three poems about pets P.94 SB,Fill in the blanks,My dog is the _ of all. He doesnt just _ and _ a ball. He opens his eyes _ and does wonderful _ . My dog is my _ friend. Ill look after it until the end. My goldfish is a _ pet. She doesnt need a _. She isnt any _. She doesnt _ or miaow. She just bubbles. I dont have to _her much. She is really a nice pet. Cats can sleep anywhere. They can sleep on the _ of the piano. They can sleep on the _ ledge. They dont _ where they are sleeping at all.,cleverest,chase,catch,bed,wonderful,best,tricks,wide,care,window,top,feed,bark,trouble,You should be much_ (polite). Kate doesnt like dogs because theyre very _ (noise) and need a lot of care. We should always keep our classroom _ (clean) and tidy. People hate all _ (mouse) except one mouse - Mickey mouse. 5. The students will go_ (camp) this Sunday.,more polite,noisy,clean,mice,基础强化,camping,Fill in the blanks using the right form of the words given.,5.A tortoise has four legs and it has a shell, too. But it moves very _ (slow) 6.This bike belongs to me, I am the _ (own) of this bike. 7.It says that we eat about 27,000 kilos of food during our lives. Thats the _ (weigh) of about six elephants. 8.English is used _ (wide) in the world. 9.Is there anybody _ (hide) behind the door? 10.The twin brothers are quite _ from each other. Do you know the _ between them? (different),slowly,owner,weight,widely,hiding,different,differences,1)肯定祈使句:用动词原形开头,可通过please使命令的口气变得客气一点。Please可放在句首,如放在句尾时,通常用逗号与句子的前面部分隔开。,祈使句,Please come earlier next time. Stop talking, please.,Dont be too noisy. Dont frighten the cat,看例句,总结规律,2) 否定祈使句:Dont + 动词原形+,语法回顾,Rearrange the words to make sentences,1.feed/dont/too much/food/goldfish 2.the cat/dont/play with/let/the dog 3.the cat/healthy/please/keep/Simon 4.in /sun/read/dont/the 5.frighten/dont/the child/please 6.bring/my lunch/me/Eddie,Dont feed goldfish too much food.,Dont let the cat play with the dog.,Simon, please keep the cat healthy.,Dont read in the sun.,Dont frighten the child, please.,Eddie,bring me my lunch.,practise,“must” & “should”,情态动词must意为“必须”,表示一种应尽义务. 否定式mustnt表示“绝不许”,表示一种禁止. must可表示现在或将来的情况,一般疑问句的否定回答常用”neednt”,意为“不必”. 情态动词should意为“应该” ,否定形式为“shouldnt”意为“不该”,他们都用来向别人提出建议,告诉别人应该做某事或不该做某事。,语法回顾,Using should & must,should & should not (shouldnt) to give advice and to tell people what is the best or right thing to do must to tell people that it is necessary or very important to do something must not (mustnt) to tell people that it is necessary or very important not to do something,Use should (not) & must (not) to complete the sentences,1. It is very important to finish your homework. You _ finish your homework. 2. Dont play at the Internet café. You _ play at the Internet café. 3. It is a good idea to clean your parrots cage twice a week. You _ clean your parrots cage twice a week. 4. It is not right to pull the cats tail. you _ pull the cats tail.,must,should,mustnt,shouldnt,1. 我们必须努力学习. We must study hard. 2. 你不应该花很多时间看电视. You shouldnt spend too much time watching TV. 3. 他们绝不能从图书馆里拿走任何一本书. They mustnt take any book out of the library. 4. 我必须每天下午给我的鹦鹉喂食吗? 不,不需要。 Must I feed my parrot every afternoon? No, you neednt. 5. 每天陪你的小狗玩一段时间是很有必要的。 It is necessary to play with your dog for some time every day.,Translate,1.请再喂金鱼一些鱼食。 2.你应当保持鸟笼的干净。 3.你必须要确保这洞不能太大也不能太小。 4.不要在雨中遛狗。 5.你应当买一本有关介绍正确照顾宠物方法的书。,Please feed the goldfish some more fish food.,You should keep the cage clean.,You must make sure that the hole can not be too big or too small.,Dont walk the dog in the rain.,You should buy a book on/about the right way to look after pets.,6.如果你有充分的时间,你应该每天至少带她出去到公园两次。 7.不要在桌边喂狗是很重要的。 8.她很怕蛇,不要吓她。 9.大多数的时候,我的猫喜欢睡在橱顶上,否则它会制造很多噪音。 10.安静点!你绝不可以按门铃。你需要更礼貌了。,If you have enough time, you should take her out to the park at least twice a day.,Its very important not to feed the dog at the table.,She is very afraid/frightened of snakes. Dont frighten her.,Most of the time, my cat likes sleeping on top of the cupboard, or shell make much noise.,Be quiet! You mustnt ring the doorbell. You need to be more polite.,Main task: learn to write an article about your favourite pet P.105,Writing,Introduction :,Main body,Conclusion :,Say what kind of animal your favourite pet is,lifestyle(food, home, likes, dislikes),qualities,appearance,how to look after the pet,Say why your favourite pet is special,1.My favourite pet is a rabbit. Her name is Polly. I love it very much. 2.Polly is a very beautiful pet. She has white fur, and it looks like a white coat. She has two big and long ears. She has two red eyes and a lovely mouth. When she eats food, her mouth looks very interesting. Her tail is very short and its also white. She is small and weighs about 2 kilograms. How lovely the rabbit is! 3.Polly is usually very friendly. She is very brave, and she isnt afraid of dogs or cats. Usually she likes eating carrots and grass. She likes the sun, but hates the rain. 4.Polly is so lovely and beautiful. She is my best friend. I will take good care of it until the end.,Thank you !,Bye-bye,


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