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    应用型大学英语综合教程,上海交通大学出版社,应用型大学英语系列教材,Book 4,2,上海交通大学出版社,Language in Use,Enhancement of Language Abilities,Unit Seven,Table of Contents,Language Skills Development,3,上海交通大学出版社,Focus1 content,Starter,Text: A lifestyle,Working with words and phrases,Discussion,Practice: interpreting,Practice: translation,Practice: writing,Surfing the Internet,Highlights,Table of Contents,Part 1 Language Skills Development,4,上海交通大学出版社,focus1highlights,Highlights S: Feeling alone a luxury or misfortune L: Lonely am I R: A lifestyle W: Patterns of organization (5): comparison and contrast Internet work: Searching for information on how to deal with loneliness and depression,Part 1 Language Skills Development,5,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,A. Read the short passage and discuss in pairs whether you share the same opinion or not.,Mind Map misfortune / n. 不幸 companionship / n. 友谊,友情 literally / ad. 确实,真正地 spread out分散,散开 proximity / n. 接近,临近,6,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,Feeling Alone A Luxury or Misfortune Being or feeling alone is one of the saddest emotions for human beings. You can have all the money in the world but if you dont have anyone to share it with, you have nothing. The need for human companionship is universal. In ancient times, people stuck together because they literally needed each other to survive. In todays world, we tend to spread out and live more isolated lifestyles. In some ways this is a luxury. In other ways we had it better when we lived in close proximity. Humans are creatures of community and need each other for companionship.,7,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,focus1starter,Pros: The idea presented in the topic sentence is quite true because the need for human companionship is universal, and humans are creatures of community who need each other for companionship, as indicated in the text. Loneliness may not kill a human being physically, but it surely makes you feel you have nothing and can literally drive people mad or even sentence them to death mentally or spiritually. Cons: Some examples in history and reality show that human beings can still survive alone without feeling so sad or being driven mad. One of the most famous stories is Robinson Crusoe, which is based on the real experience of a sailor. The victim of a shipwreck managed to live on a deserted island for many years in loneliness before finding Friday, a slave, to be his servant and being rescued by a passing boat. So its safe to say that while feeling alone is never a positive or healthy feeling, it is not a disastrous or deadly feeling either when compared with such extremely deadly feelings as being in despair, feeling humiliated, or being unwanted.,8,B. Listen to a short poem, Lonely Am I, divided into four parts, and try to memorize it; then recite one of the four parts by turns in groups and see which group can recite most fluently and emotionally.,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Mind Map court room 法庭 repentance / n. 后悔,忏悔,9,focus1starter,上海交通大学出版社,1. Starter,Lonely Am I Lonely are the nights Lonely are the days Lonely am I, in so many ways Lonely are the seasons Lonely are the years So lonely am I, that it brings tears Lonely is this place Lonely is my life Lonely am I, that I reach for a knife Lonely is this court room Lonely is my sentence So lonely am I, that I ask for repentance,10,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,11,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,12,focus1text,上海交通大学出版社,Text Organization,13,1 In my youth, before becoming a farmer and cattleman, I was a bank employee. This is how it all came about: I was twenty-four years old at the time and was living in this same little apartment on Santa Fe Avenue. Now, its well known that accidents can happen even in such a small space. In my case, it was a tiny accident; when I tried to open the door to go to work, the key broke off in the lock. (To be continued),focus1text,2. Text: A Lifestyle,Translation,活法 1 年轻的时候,我曾经是一家银行的雇员,后来却沦为农夫兼牛倌了。事情的经过是这样的:当时我二十四岁,住在位于圣菲大街的这套小公寓里。大家都非常清楚,即便这么小的地方也难保不出意外。我出的是一点儿小事,早上开门去上班时,我的钥匙断在锁孔里了。,上海交通大学出版社,14,While waiting for the locksmith, I informed the bank I would be coming in a bit late. Fortunately, the locksmith arrived quite promptly. Through the peephole I said to him, “My key broke off in the lock.” He looked annoyed. “On the inside? In that case, its going to take me at least three hours, and Ill have to charge you about” He estimated a terribly high price. “I dont have that much money in the house right now,” I replied. “But as soon as I get out, Ill go to the bank and pay you.” (To be continued),focus1text,2. Text: A Lifestyle,Translation,在等锁匠的当儿,我跟银行打了个招呼,说我要晚到一会儿。还算幸运,锁匠立马就赶到了。对着猫眼,我对他说:“我的钥匙断在锁孔里了。”他看起来很恼火:“打里头断的?那样的话,少说也得花上我三个钟头的工夫,我得收你”他报了个高得吓人的价。“眼下我家里没有这么多钱,”我回答说。“不过我一出来就去银行取钱付给您。”,上海交通大学出版社,15,“Im very sorry, sir,” he articulated with instructive courtesy. “But I am not only a charter member of the Argentine Locksmiths Union, but also one of the principal framers of the Magna Carta of our organization, in which the chapter dedicated to Basic Maxims states that the perfect locksmith is prohibited from collecting subsequent to the conclusion of the work.” I smiled, incredulous. “Youre joking, of course.”,focus1text,2. Text: A Lifestyle,Translation,“非常抱歉,先生,”他以一种教训口吻礼貌地说道,“不过我得告诉您,我非但是阿根廷锁匠工会的创始成员,还是该组织基本章程的主要起草人之一。基本行为准则一章明文规定,优秀的锁匠不得在干完活之后再收款。”我不相信他说的那一套,笑着说:“您肯定是在开玩笑。”,上海交通大学出版社,Questions about Para. 1,articulate: vi./vt. 1) 清晰(发音),清晰(吐词) e.g. He was too drunk to articulate properly. 2) 明确表达,清楚说明 e.g. I couldnt articulate my fears. a. 1) 口齿清楚的,发音清晰的 e.g. All we could hear were loud sobs, but no articulate words. 2) 善于表达的 e.g. Shes unusually articulate for a ten-year-old.,Note the sarcasm in the combination of the two contradictory words, “instructive” and “courtesy”, which suggests that the locksmith was speaking dominantly as sort of an authority. As a matter of fact, he did behave as a kind of “VIP” who meant what he said.,16,focus1text,1. What happened to the narrator one day when he was about to go to work?,His key broke off in the lock while he was unlocking the door.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Why did the locksmith charge the narrator a terribly high price?,Because the key broke off in the lock on the inside, which would take the locksmith at least three hours to fix.,3. Why couldnt the narrator reach an agreement with the locksmith?,The “Basic Maxims” stated that the perfect locksmith is prohibited from collecting subsequent to the conclusion of the work, but the narrator was unable to pay in advance.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,17,focus1text,2 “My dear sir, the subject of the Magna Carta of the Argentine Locksmiths Union is no joking matter. The writing of our Magna Carta, in which no detail has been overlooked, took us years of arduous study. Of course, not everyone can understand it; nevertheless, I believe you will understand Clause 7 of our Introduction: Gold shall open doors, and the doors shall adore it. ”,Translation,2 “尊敬的先生,阿根廷锁匠工会基本章程可不是用来开玩笑的。基本章程中的所有细节都是仔细斟酌过的,我们经过多年的艰苦推敲才完成了编写工作。当然,不是人人都能领会它。不过,我相信您能理解基本章程总论的第七条款:“黄金可以开万门,万门都会爱黄金。”,上海交通大学出版社,Magna Carta: Magna Carta, or Magna Charta (Great Charter) was the first document forced onto an English king by a group of his subjects (the barons) in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges. Magna Carta influenced the development of the common law and many constitutional documents, including the United States Constitution.,Note the difference between “no + n./a.” and “not + n./a.”, the former is more emphatic than the latter. e.g. You are no stronger than your brother (You are as weak as your brother). You are not stronger than your brother (You are not as strong as your brother). You are simply not a dancer, but Im no dancer.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,18,focus1text,3 “Please,” I said to him. “Be reasonable. Open the door for me, and Ill pay you at once.” 4 “Im sorry, sir. There are ethics in every profession, and in the locksmiths profession they are inflexible. Good day, sir.” 5 And, with that, he left. 6 I stood there for a few minutes, bewildered. I thought about the white-haired locksmith and said to myself, “That man is a lunatic. Im going to call another locksmith shop.”,Translation,3 “请你通融一下。”我对他说,“替我把门打开,我立马就付钱给你。” 4 “对不起,先生。每个行当都有自己的道德准则,而锁匠行当的道德准则是没有通融余地的。再见了,先生。” 5 说完这些,他便扬长而去。 6 我站在那儿愣了一会,想着那个白发锁匠,自忖道:“那家伙是个疯子。我打电话给别的锁匠铺试试。”,上海交通大学出版社,inflexible: a. 1) 不可更改的 e.g. Since it is an inflexible rule, why do you want to break it? 2) 不灵活的,顽固的 e.g. They viewed him as stubborn, inflexible and dogmatic.,bewildered: a. 迷惑不解的 e.g. I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle. Note that this adjective comes from the past participle of the verb “bewilder”. Similar words are excited, interested, frightened, disappointed, etc.,lunatic: n. C 疯子 e.g. We dont believe this guys story hes either a lunatic or a pathological liar. Youre driving on the wrong side of the road, you lunatic!,2. Text: A Lifestyle,19,focus1text,7 I searched in the telephone directory and called. 8 “What address?” a guarded feminine voice asked me. 9 “3653 Santa Fe, Apartment 10-A.” 10 She hesitated a moment, had me repeat the address, and said, “Impossible, sir. The Magna Carta of the Argentine Locksmiths Union prohibits us from doing any work at that address.”,Translation,7 我查了电话号码簿,拔通了一个电话。 8 “您住哪儿?”是一个谨慎的女人的声音。 9 “圣菲3653号,10栋A座。” 10 她迟疑了一会,让我重复了一遍地址,然后说道:“不行,先生。阿根廷锁匠工会基本章程禁止我们在该地址作业。”,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: A Lifestyle,20,focus1text,11 I lit up in a flame of anger. “Now listen here! Dont be ridic.” 12 She hung up without letting me finish the word. 13 So I placed some twenty calls to as many locksmith shops. The instant they heard the address, they all flatly refused to do the job.,Translation,11 我心头蹿起一股怒火:“你给我听着!甭跟我” 12 没等我把话说完,她便挂断了电话。 13 我先后给大约二十家锁匠铺打了电话。他们一听到我的地址,便无一例外地断然拒绝了。,上海交通大学出版社,light up in a flame of anger: 勃然大怒 e.g. The boss lit up in a flame of anger when he saw his driver dozing while driving.,Note that “as many” is the omission of “as many as twenty” and the expression used here suggests clearly that some twenty calls were placed to an equal number of locksmith shops rather than to the same one or two locksmith shops.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,21,focus1text,14 “OK, fine,” I said to myself. “Ill find a solution elsewhere.” 15 I called the janitor of the building and described the problem to him. 16 “Two things,” he answered. “In the first place, I dont know how to open locks, and, in the second place, even if I did know how, I wouldnt do it, since my job is cleaning up the place and not letting suspicious birds out of their cages.”,Translation,14 “好,没关系,”我自言自语道,“我另想办法。” 15 我打电话给公寓管理员把问题描述了一番。 16 “两点,”他说,“第一,我不知道如何开锁。第二,就算我知道,我也不会开,因为我的工作是打扫卫生和不让那些形迹可疑的鸟儿从笼子里给溜了。”,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: A Lifestyle,22,focus1text,17 I started to get very nervous, then I remembered Monica DiChiave. I dialed her number, waited, and heard her voice. “Monica,” I said, “hows everything? Hows it goin, honey?” 18 Her reply left me trembling. “So, you finally remembered to call? I havent seen hide nor hair of you in almost two weeks.”,Translation,17 这下我真的开始紧张了,然后我想到了莫妮卡·迪希阿维。我拨了她的号码,等了会儿,听见了她的声音。“莫妮卡,”我说,“你好吗?一切都还不错吧,亲爱的?” 18 她的回答让我为之一震:“哈,你终于想起来给我打电话了?我都快两个礼拜没见你的影子了。”,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: A Lifestyle,23,focus1text,19 Arguing with women is beyond my capacity; nevertheless, I tried to explain to her quickly what was happening to me. I dont know whether she didnt understand me or refused to hear me out. The last thing she said before hanging up was: “Im nobodys plaything.”,Translation,19 尽管我不会跟女人吵架,但我还是尽量快速给她解释我发生了什么事情。我不知道是她没有听懂我说的还是她根本不想听,总之,她挂电话之前跟我说的最后一句话是:“我可不是谁的玩物。”,上海交通大学出版社,beyond ones capacity: 超出某人的能力范围 e.g. Raising the five children left by her husband is obviously beyond her capacity.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,24,focus1text,20 Then I called the bank, in the hope that some fellow employee could come and open the door. Bad luck; it was Enzo Paredes, a dim-witted joker whom I detested. “So you cant get out of your house?” he exclaimed abominably. “You just never run out of excuses not to come to work!”,Translation,20 然后我打电话给银行,指望某个同事能来帮我开门。倒霉的是接电话的偏偏是恩佐·帕雷德斯一个我讨厌的笨蛋。“你是说你出不了门了?”他令人厌恶地喊道,“你总能找到不来上班的借口啊!”,上海交通大学出版社,dim-witted: a. 笨的,傻的 e.g. How did the dim-witted man become a general in the war? Similar expressions: slow-witted, half-witted, simple-minded, feeble-minded, thick-skulled, thick-witted.,abominably: ad. 令人厌恶地 e.g. I cant stand him talking abominably all the time at the meeting.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,25,focus1text,21 I was seized by something akin to a homicidal urge. I hung up, called again, and asked for Michelangelo Laporta, who was a little brighter. Sure enough, he seemed interested in finding a solution. “Tell me, was it the key or the lock that broke?” 22 “The key.” 23 “And it was left inside the lock?” 24 “Half of it was left inside,” I replied.,Translation,21 我心里涌起一股恨不能杀人的冲动。我挂断了重拨,要稍微聪明一点的米开朗琪罗·拉波塔接电话。果不其然,他好像有点儿兴趣寻求解决办法:“告诉我,是钥匙断了还是锁坏了?” 22 “钥匙。” 23 “断在锁孔里啦?” 24 “有一半断在里面了。”我回答道。,上海交通大学出版社,Meaning: I was so angry that I was inclined to kill someone to vent my rage.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,26,focus1text,25 “Didnt you try to get out the little piece with a screwdriver?” 26 “Yes, of course I tried.” 27 “Oh. Well then, youre going to have to call a locksmith.” 28 “I already called,” I retorted, suppressing the rage that was choking me, “but they want payment in advance.”,Translation,25 “你没试过用一把螺丝刀把里面的钥匙碎片弄出来吗?” 26 “当然试过了。” 27 “喔,那样的话你应该叫一个锁匠。” 28 “我已经打过他们的电话了,”我按捺住令我七窍生烟的怒火回道,“可他们要我先付工钱。”,上海交通大学出版社,retort: vi. 反驳 e.g. He retorted that it was all my fault. He retorted that I was to blame.,suppress: vt. 1) 压制,抑制 e.g. Medically, it is unhealthy to suppress your anger, sorrow, or other strong feelings. 2) 镇压,禁止 e.g. The revolt was suppressed in a matter of hours.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,27,focus1text,29 “So, pay him and there you are.” 30 “But, dont you see, I havent got any money.” 31 Then he grew bored. “Man, Skinny, you sure have your problems!” 32 I couldnt come up with a quick reply, and his remark left me baffled. 33 And so ended that day.,Translation,29 “那你付给他不就完了。” 30 “但是,你还不明白吗?我没有钱。” 31 他不耐烦了:“那就是你这吝啬鬼自己的问题了。” 32 我一时无言以对,无计可施。 33 这样,一天过去了。,上海交通大学出版社,Question about Paras. 7-33,Meaning: I was speechless at what he said, and at a loss as well.,baffle: vt. 使困惑,使为难 e.g. She was quite baffled when her boyfriend remained silent all the time.,2. Text: A Lifestyle,28,focus1text,4. Apart from the first locksmith, who else did the narrator try to call for help?,He called many others for help, including twenty other locksmith shops, the janitor, his girlfriend, and his bank colleagues.,上海交通大学出版社,2. Text: A Lifestyle,29,focus1text,34 The next day I found the telephone out of order. Another insoluble problem: how to request the repair service without a telephone to place the call? 35 I went out onto the balcony and began to shout to people w


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