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    Unit Three TEXT I My Friend, Albert Einstein,I. Pre-reading Questions This is an open question.,III. Library Work,1. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 1791), Austrian composer, one of the worlds great musical geniuses, wrote masterpieces in every branch of music. During his short life, Mozart composed a great volume of music. His 789 compositions include operas, symphonies, concertos, quartets for the piano and for stringed instruments, and sonatas for both piano and violin. His music has delicate beauty and is always fresh and pleasing to the ear.,III. Library Work,2. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 1827), German composer, was one of musics greatest geniuses. His works have a rare originality, emotional depth, and expressive power. He was known for his nine symphonies, piano concertos and sonatas, and string quartets. Most of Beethovens compositions were written in the classical forms established by his predecessors Mozart and Haydn, so he is sometimes considered the last great composer in the classical tradition. But he also remolded and,III. Library Work,expanded the old forms and infused them with a highly personal intensity of emotion, so he is also referred to as the first of the Romantics.,III. Library Work,3. the Nobel Prize: Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833 1896), a distinguished Swedish chemist and industrialist, provided for the award of the Nobel Prizes. He experimented with different kinds of explosives such a nitroglycerin(硝化甘油)and dynamite(达纳炸药,氨爆炸药), both deadly explosives. However, he was a pacifist and he feared that his inventions might further warfare. In his will he left about $9,000,000 in a fund to reward those who did,III. Library Work,most for their fellow men in science, literature, and peace. In his will, he specified that the interest accrued by the fund “be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind” in the field of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace, regardless of nationality.,III. Library Work,4. the Nazis: Nazism is a political doctrine of racial supremacy, nationalism, and dictatorship. Nazi is an abbreviated form of the German words for National Socialism. It was Adolf Hitler, a member of National Socialist German Workers Party, who developed the program for Nazism in his book Mein Kampf (1925 1927 My Battle). He defined the Germanic people as a race, called Aryans, superior to other races. He blamed Germanys,III. Library Work,troubles on Jewish capitalism, Communism, and the heavy reparation payments(战争赔款)Germany was required to make to the victorious Allies by the Treaty of Versailles (June 28, 1919) that ended the First World War.,IV. Organization of the Text,1. Paragraph 1 Einsteins simplicity 2. Paragraphs 2 4 his modesty 3. Paragraph 5 7 the growth of a genius 4. Paragraphs 8 11 concentration on work,IV. Organization of the Text,5. Paragraphs 12 13 love of natural simplicity 6. Paragraphs 14 15 academic courage 7. Paragraphs 16 - 17 a man untouched by the turmoil of everyday life but upset by political events 8. Paragraph 18 sense of justice,IV. Organization of the Text,9. Paragraph 19 youthful innocence 10. Paragraph 20 a man on a ceaseless search for cosmic simplicity,V. Key Points of the Text,Paragraph 1 convey: make known (ideas, views, feelings, etc.) to another person. E.g.: Mary asked me to convey her gratitude to you. His recent book conveys to us his outlook on life. Convey also means “carry something (from one place to another)”. E.g.: Pipes convey heat from the central heating system to every part of the building.,Paragraph 1,A conveyor belt(传送带)is a mechanical contrivance for carrying heavy articles of goods from one place to another. simplicity: the state of being simple 简单;简朴;纯朴;真诚;坦率 E.g.: a room furnished with simplicity 摆设简朴的房间 Her clothes were characterized by their simplicity and good taste. 她的衣着特点是朴素大方。,Paragraph 1,He dressed with elegant simplicity. 他的穿着朴素高雅。 He believes everything with childlike simplicity. 他像孩子一样单纯,对一切信以为真。 speak with simplicity 说话坦诚 catch: attack; entrap E.g.: The wind caught the sails. 风吹袭帆篷。 We got caught in a downpour. 我们被大雨淋着了。,Paragraph 1,Sorrow caught the bereaved mother. 丧子的母亲悲不自胜。 would be none the worse for its wetting: would not be harmed by its being wet none the worse for: not harmed by; not adversely affected by 并不更差;依然如故 E.g.: Hes none the worse for his fall from the window. 他从窗口掉下,结果并没有怎么样。 I like a man none the worse for being outspoken. 我并不因一个人直言不讳而讨厌他。,Paragraph 1,think none the worse of somebody 依然看重某人 He got lost in the street for quite a while, but was none the worse for it. knack: a special skill or ability, usually the result of practice E.g.: She has a knack of doing sums in her head, however complicated they may be. a knack for versification 做诗的技巧 a knack of the trade 做买卖的诀窍,Paragraph 1,Verne had a happy knack of combining adventure with science. 凡尔纳有一种把冒险和科学结合起来的巧妙本领。 In Hoffmanns opinion “simplicity” is the best word to describe the essence of Einsteins character. The abstract notion of simplicity is explained by a phrase in the first paragraph. Which is it? SA: Knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter.,Paragraph 1,This knack for going instinctively to the heart of a matter was the secret of his major scientific discoveries - this and his extraordinary feeling for beauty: This unusual ability of his to perceive beauty, this natural ability of grasping the nature of a matter was the key to his many important scientific discoveries.,Paragraph 2,carte blanche: (French) (plural: cartes blanches) full freedom, especially in politics and in spending money 签好字的空白纸;全权,自由处理权 E.g.: He was given carte blanche to build, landscape, and furnish the house. 那幢房子的建造,庭院布置和装饰完全委托给他了。 He refused carte blanche for the bombers. 他拒绝授予轰炸机自由选择轰炸目标的权力。 The king gave his minister carte blanche in,Paragraph 2,foreign affairs. plead with: ask (someone) very strongly in a begging way 恳求;请求 E.g.: The girl pleaded with her parents to let her go to school by herself. plead (with somebody) for forgiveness (ones life) 请求(某人)原谅(饶命) She pleaded with me to give up the plan. 她求我放弃这个计划。,Paragraph 3,be in awe of: also stand in awe of, have respect as well as fear and reverence for 敬畏(某人) awe n.: the feeling of respect and amazement when one is faced with something wonderful, frightening, or completely unknown E.g.: He visited the exhibition and stood in awe of the fossils of prehistoric animals. The audience listened to the learned philosopher in awe.,Paragraph 3,awe v.: cause a feeling of amazement or fear E.g.: The magicians performance awed us all. awed adj.: overwhelmed by respect and fear 敬畏的 in tones of awed amazement: with voice qualities that showed amazement as well as respect and fear 用敬畏惊讶的语气 approach: to speak to, especially about something for the first time 找商量,同接洽,同联系 E.g.: Did he approach you about lending him some money? 他同你谈过想借些钱的事吗?,Paragraph 3,He is rather difficult to approach. 他这人很难接近。(指不好说话等) inflection: a movement up or down of the voice; intonation E.g.: A sentence that asks a question usually ends on a rising inflection. awry: not in the correct position or shape; twisted; bent 曲的;歪的;斜的 not as planned or intended; in a wrong manner 离开了预期(或正确)方向(的);错(的),Paragraph 3,E.g.: glance awry 斜视 go (run, tread) awry (人)背离正道,走向邪路 set somebody at ease: also put somebody at (his) ease, to free someone from worry or nervousness 使不拘束,使自在 E.g.: The examiner soon put (set) the candidates at ease. 主考官很快就使考生们的情绪放松了。,Paragraph 4,the staggering - and altogether endearing request: the surprising and shocking, almost unbelievable, and yet very pleasant and affectionate request stagger v.: cause shocked disbelief 使吃惊 E.g.: His excessive conceit and self-confidence staggered all his colleagues. a risk-taking boldness that staggers others 使别人吃惊的大胆冒险行为 Its a fantastic task that staggers the imagination. 那是件令人难以想象的艰巨伟大的工作。,Paragraph 4,endearing adj.: causing feelings of love and affection 使人喜爱的;引人爱慕的 E.g.: Marks teacher answered his questions with an endearing smile. endearing qualities 使人喜爱的品质 endearing tones 充满柔情的声调 vestige: a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists E.g.: With the overthrow of the monarchy, all vestiges of feudalism are gone.,Paragraph 4,From the two anecdotes related in Paragraphs 2 4, what impression of Einstein have you got? SA: We can see Einstein was a very modest man though he was such a distinguished scientist.,Paragraph 5,run abreast of: also run abreast with, to run side by side with keep / be abreast of: to know all the time the most recent facts about something non-material 使不落后于 E.g.: Read the papers if you want to keep abreast of the times. 如果想跟得上时代就得读报纸。 Even this arrangement did not keep wages abreast of the rising living cost. 即使这样的安排也不能使工资水平跟上日益上涨的生活费用。,Paragraph 6,his genius burst into fabulous flower: his great talent results in extraordinary success; his great talent yielded an incredible result fabulous: from “fable”, nearly unbelievable 惊人的,令人难以置信的 E.g.: a fabulous fortune 一笔巨额财富 a fabulous thunderstorm 大雷雨,Paragraph 7,offshoot: a new stem or branch of a plant; (figuratively) a thing that is developed from something else 萌蘖枝条;枝族,旁系;衍生事物 E.g.: South African offshoots of British companies 英国公司在南非的分支机构,Paragraph 9,The intensity and depth of his concentration were fantastic. When battling a recalcitrant problem, he worried it as an animal worries its prey. He could concentrate on his work with such single-mindedness and for such long hours that it was surprising. When tackling a problem which was difficult to solve, he attacked it as an animal chases and frightens another animal it preys upon.,Paragraph 9,recalcitrant: often used to describe a person or an 拒不服从的;倔强对抗的;难处理的,难对付的;(疾病等)难治的 E.g.: a recalcitrant boy 犟男孩 recalcitrant behavior 桀骜不驯的行为 a subject recalcitrant both to observation and to experiment 既难研察又难验证的课题 Try not to punish a recalcitrant child severely, it is better to reason with him.,Paragraph 9,worry: When an animal worries its prey, it shakes it, pulls at it, frightens it, or even eats it. In other words, the animal will not stop attacking its prey. Similarly, Einstein would not let go a problem unsolved, he would keep at it. up against: (American colloquial) facing (a difficulty) quaint: attractively unusual or old-fashioned 老式而别致的,奇特而有趣的;古怪的,奇特的 E.g.: a quaint little house 一座古雅小巧的房子,Paragraph 9,a quaint pronunciation of English words 对于英语单词古怪而有趣的发音 Smoke drifted lazily from a multitude of quaint chimneys. 炊烟从许多古色古香的烟囱袅袅腾起。 a quaint old lady 古怪的老太太 a quaint sense of duty 不合情理的责任感 Many quaint little cottages make the place a new tourist attraction.,Paragraph 9,twirl: to cause to curl 捻弄;卷曲;扭转 E.g.: twirl ones moustache 拈胡子 She twirled her hair round her fingers. 她把头发缠绕在手指上。,Paragraph 10,A dreamy, faraway and yet inward look would come over his face. There was no appearance of concentration, no furrowing of the brow only a placid inner communion. Even when he was thinking hard on a difficult problem, Einstein would still appear to be calm and relaxed with no facial signs showing he was thinking hard - only calm and untroubled streams of thought going on in his mind.,Paragraph 10,furrow: make deep lines or folds in the skin of the face, especially the forehead E.g.: She looked at the examination paper with a furrowed brow (= a forehead with lines in it). placid: calm; peaceful 宁静的;平静的;平和的;温和的 E.g.: a placid temper 平和的性情 a placid world 平静的世界,Paragraph 10,fathom: come to understand; get the true meaning of E.g.: He explained the astronomical phenomenon in such a complicated way that we could hardly fathom his meaning. fathom somebodys motives (mystery) 弄清某人的动机(秘密) a man hard to fathom 难以捉摸的人 I cant fathom what you mean. 我不能完全猜透你的意思。,Paragraph 11,shake: to trouble the mind or feelings of; upset 使心烦意乱;使震惊 E.g.: She was badly shaken (up) by the accident. 那场事故使她烦心极了。 He was shaken but unhurt in the accident. 在事故中他受了惊吓,但没有受伤。 haggard: having lines on the face and hollow places around the eyes and in the cheeks, as through tiredness or lack of sleep 憔悴的,形容枯槁的,Paragraph 11,I steered the discussion away from routine matters: I directed the course of our discussion away from ordinary subjects Steer generally means “make a boat or a car go in a particular direction.” Figuratively, steer often means “direct.” E.g.: steer visitors to the park steer a conversation away from unpleasant subjects,Paragraph 11,surcease: (archaic) cessation; pause E.g.: offer somebody peace and surcease 让某人安宁歇息 find surcease from care 找机会散散心 grope: try to find something by feeling with the hands in a place where one cannot see properly 触摸,暗中摸(for);摸索,探索(for, after) E.g.: He groped in his pocket for the note from his roommate.,Paragraph 11,There was a short circuit and the lights were all out. She had to grope her way to the bedroom. grope for the right words 搜寻恰当的字眼 grope with tax reform 探索税收改革,Paragraph 11,What, according to the author, is Einsteins most outstanding trait as a scientist? SA: Einsteins most outstanding trait as a scientist is his concentration on his work. Why did Einstein insist on working hard when he was so badly shaken by his wifes death? SA: Because hard work can divert his attention away from his wifes death.,Paragraph 12,accomplished: skilled, clever; good at something, though not professional 熟练的;有造诣的;有才艺的 E.g.: an accomplished artist 精湛的艺术家 an accomplished scholar 有造诣的学者 at the piano: playing the piano as (an) accompaniment E.g.: At the piano will be 由担任钢琴伴奏。,Paragraph 13,agitate: shake (a liquid) or move (the surface of a liquid) about 搅动(液体等);(尤指剧烈地)摇动 wiggle: (informal) to (cause to) move in small side to side, up and down, or turning movements 扭动;摆动 E.g.: to wiggle ones toes They wiggle and waggle when they walk. 他们走起路来总是以扭一摆的。,Paragraph 13,They wiggled their hips to the sound of pop music. 他们随着流行音乐的乐声扭摆着屁股。 What revelation is made through Einsteins comment on Beethoven and Mozarts works? SA: His comment on Beethoven and Mozarts works reveals his love of natural simplicity and that a scientists duty is to “find” and reveal this inner beauty of the universe.,Paragraph 14,plausible: seeming to be reasonable or probable. The word is often used derogatorily. (论点等) 貌似有理的; (说法等)貌似真实的 E.g.: a plausible excuse 貌似有理的借口 a plausible commentator (liar) 花言巧语评论员 (说谎大王) Your reasoning sounds plausible, but I rather doubt it.,Paragraph 14,Each of these assumptions, by itself, was so plausible as to seem primitively obvious. But together they were in such violent conflict that a lesser man would have dropped one or the other and fled in panic. Each of these assumptions, when judging by itself, was so seemingly reasonable and self-evident. But when they are put together they were so contradictory to each other that a less able man would have discarded one or the other and been frightened away.,Paragraph 15,a house of card


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