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    ,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 4: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,1. In paragraph 2, the author says that “Who will take the helm? is one question that will keep CEOs awake at night in the next millennium.” Why do you think the CEOs feel so worried about people who will take over as managers?,The CEOs feel so worried because Gen Xers have been described very negatively by many writers. Studies accuse them of being arrogant, uncommitted, unmanageable, and lazy. They care about nothing, and are unwilling to pay their dues. The CEOs worry how this generation is going to manage the firms, especially, the services firms.,Reference,Ex. I, p.71,2. Why are Gen Xers so independent? In paragraphs 46, what examples does the author give to show their independence?,Gen Xers are so independent because they had been the “latchkey kids”. When they were young, they had been left alone by divorced and / or working parents. Therefore, they learnt to deal with things independently. For example, at the workplace, they hope to have flexible work schedules. They dont want to be watched closely and instructed step by step while doing their work. They only want guidance and encouragement from their managers.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,3. What kind of environment do Gen Xers prefer to work in? Why?,Gen Xers prefer to work in an environment which is fully equipped with the most advanced technology, such as telecommuting, teleconferencing, etc. As a generation who has grown up with rapidly changing technology and the availability of huge amounts of information, they feel very comfortable with using technology and computers. Only in a technologically advanced environment, can they work effectively and efficiently.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,4. According to paragraph 9, what makes Gen Xers place a high value on work-life balance?,First, they cherish the traditional family values because they feel they missed them when they were young. Their parents had hardly spent any quality time with them owing to their busy work. Secondly, they doubt that they will be rewarded in the future if they give up their needs of today. What happened to their parents is a good example. Their parents had worked so hard for the goodof the company, but ended up simply being laid off.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,5. Why do Gen X job applicants usually make the interviewers surprised and irritated at a job interview?,Gen X job applicants usually openly ask life-balance questions at a job interview, which makes the interviewers surprised and irritated. The interviewers have been too used to hearing Baby Boomer job applicants say “How can I best contribute to the company?” and “My greatest weakness is that I work too hard.”,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,6. The author gives a subtitle “Just Do It” to paragraphs 1213. How do you understand the meaning of “Just Do It” from the two paragraphs?,From the two paragraphs, we can learn that “Just do it” here means that Gen Xers expect everything to be clear, honest and substantial. The examples include: 1) They support substance over style. 2) They emphasize outcomes over process. 3) They want their managers to communicate honestly with them. 4) They expect their managers to give them tangible rewards rather than soft words.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,7. According to paragraphs 1417, Gen Xers are constantly changing jobs instead of working for a single employer all their lifetime like their parents. What are the two reasons we can find to explain Gen Xers frequent change of their jobs?,1) Gen Xers believe that their future lies in their resumes rather than their loyalty to any one company. 2) They want to develop diverse work skills by trying different but challenging jobs.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,8. In what way will Gen Xs life-balance beliefs affect corporate policies in the future according to the authors forecasts in paragraph 21?,In the authors opinion, Gen Xs life-balance beliefs will lead to the development of family-friendly corporate policies in the future. To be specific, there are two types of family-friendly policies mentioned here: 1) Employees will enjoy flexible work schedules and reduced work hours. 2) Employees will be able to choose benefits that are most suitable for them to meet their individual needs, such as benefits which support early family concerns like insurance, child care, etc.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,9. In paragraph 23, the author forecasts that many Gen Xers will choose to become entrepreneurs rather than take a job in a company. What advantage and disadvantage are mentioned by the author about Gen Xers trend to start their own business?,The advantage is: Companies will find it easy to obtain goods or services from an outside supplier. The disadvantage is: Companies will have fewer candidates when they want to promote junior managers.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,10. In paragraph 25, what suggestion does the author give to deal with the culture clash between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers within the workplace?,The author suggests that cultural conflicts between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers within the workplace should be faced directly and honestly. Cultural diversity should be understood, respected and accepted in the company. Meanwhile, there should be lines for the two groups to communicate with each other to foster mutual respect.,Reference,Unit 4: Reading comprehension,Ex. II, p.72,1. Introduction (Paras. 13),2. Body (Paras. 423),3. Conclusion (Para. 2426),Text Outline,Unit 4: Structure of the text,1. Introduction (Paras. 13),Much has been written about Gen X employees, but most of it is _. Recent interpretations, however, offer some _.,Text Outline,negative,new and somewhat different insights,Unit 4: Structure of the text,2. Body (Paras. 423),1) The characteristics of Gen X (Paras. 418),Text Outline,2) Changes that Gen X managers will likely bring to corporate culture and leadership (Paras. 1923),Unit 4: Structure of the text,2. Body (Paras. 423),Text Outline,A. _ rather than arrogant B. _. C. _. D. Demand honesty and clarity; respect substance over style. E. Change jobs often to _.,Good at technology,Value work-life balance,develop different job skills,Independent,Unit 4: Structure of the text,1) The characteristics of Gen X (Paras. 418),2. Body (Paras. 423),2) Changes that Gen X managers will likely bring to corporate culture and leadership (Paras. 1923),Text Outline,Unit 4: Structure of the text,Text Outline,A. They will _ due to their emphasis on independence and their skills in technology. B. They will _ due to their life-balance beliefs. C. They will _ and expand informal dressing to the whole workweek owing to their “just do it” attitude and impatience with the old corporate cultures. D. Many of them will _ and become entrepreneurs themselves owing to their independence and their doubt about their future in a corporate workplace.,support continued growth in telecommuting,support family-friendly corporate policies,support a more casual workplace,start their own businesses,Unit 4: Structure of the text,Text Outline,3. Conclusion (Para. 2426),Cultural differences between Baby Boomers and Gen Xers should be _ in the workplace. _.,tolerated and respected,It is still not clear whether Gen Xers will shape a better future by enacting their beliefs. Many questions concerning their management remain unanswered,Unit 4: Structure of the text,1. The Our company is one of the leading manufacturers of commercial and _ kitchen equipment, such as ovens, freezers, refrigerators, blenders, etc.,institutional,Part A, Ex. V, p.73 Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in the right form.,Unit 4: Vocabulary,2. An annual increase of 1.3% in food production is necessary at the present time to feed the _ human population, assuming present diets remain invariant.,burgeoning,Unit 4: Vocabulary,3. You can _ the joy of your beloved ones when they receive the DVD shows made by your own hands as a special gift.,envision,Unit 4: Vocabulary,4. This book depicts the cultural history of race and the complicated relationship between _ and mainstream culture in early twentieth-century America.,marginal,Unit 4: Vocabulary,5. These sorts of jobs are available between late May and late August and often _ a wide range of work.,encompass,Unit 4: Vocabulary,6. There is currently a trend for companies to _ much of their IT to third-parties, in some cases to overseas third-parties.,outsource,Unit 4: Vocabulary,7. In ancient China, women would compete to show off their _ in needlecraft on Qixi, the most important way of celebrating the festival.,prowess,Unit 4: Vocabulary,8. Morgan _ publicity of any kind, and never permitted signs bearing her name at construction sites.,shunned,Unit 4: Vocabulary,9. Immigrants need time to overcome difficulties when they are _ into new cultures.,assimilating,Unit 4: Vocabulary,10. Electronics chain stores are sometimes willing to _ profits for a period of time in order to gain market share.,forgo,Unit 4: Vocabulary,Part B,1. _ leaders are those courageous individuals who throughout history have refused to accept the status quo. A. Scornful B. Visionary C. Impersonal D. Respectful,Part B, Ex. V, pp.7475 Choose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.,1. _ leaders are those courageous individuals who throughout history have refused to accept the status quo. A. Scornful B. Visionary C. Impersonal D. Respectful,Unit 4: Vocabulary,2. The thick soap wont foam properly, so it is necessary and economical to _ it with water. A. pierce B. dip C. dilute D. balance,2. The thick soap wont foam properly, so it is necessary and economical to _ it with water. A. pierce B. dip C. dilute D. balance,Unit 4: Vocabulary,3. Ive been on suspension for over 2 weeks because I stood up to a rude, _ boss. A. arrogant B. disloyal C. corporate D. uncommitted,3. Ive been on suspension for over 2 weeks because I stood up to a rude, _ boss. A. arrogant B. disloyal C. corporate D. uncommitted,Unit 4: Vocabulary,4. The successful candidates are all creative in solving problems and _ at learning new technologies and skills. A. capable B. marginal C. adequate D. adept,4. The successful candidates are all creative in solving problems and _ at learning new technologies and skills. A. capable B. marginal C. adequate D. adept,Unit 4: Vocabulary,5. She _ as she talked about the messy young boys who had drunk up all her milk and eaten up all her chocolates. A. bristled B. disdained C. downsized D. shunned,5. She _ as she talked about the messy young boys who had drunk up all her milk and eaten up all her chocolates. A. bristled B. disdained C. downsized D. shunned,Unit 4: Vocabulary,6. Not only does he have one of those distinctive radio voices that sets him apart, he also brings a fun and a slightly _ attitude to his show. A. irrelevant B. irreverent C. burgeoning D. mentoring,6. Not only does he have one of those distinctive radio voices that sets him apart, he also brings a fun and a slightly _ attitude to his show. A. irrelevant B. irreverent C. burgeoning D. mentoring,Unit 4: Vocabulary,7. _ assets comprise items such as land, buildings, plants, machinery, fixtures and fittings, IT equipment and vehicles. A. Diverse B. Massive C. Classical D. Tangible,7. _ assets comprise items such as land, buildings, plants, machinery, fixtures and fittings, IT equipment and vehicles. A. Diverse B. Massive C. Classical D. Tangible,Unit 4: Vocabulary,8. These few old-style wooden shops are soon to be demolished. With them will go the last _ of the towns original look. A. prowess B. moniker C. vestige D. portfolio,8. These few old-style wooden shops are soon to be demolished. With them will go the last _ of the towns original look. A. prowess B. moniker C. vestige D. portfolio,Unit 4: Vocabulary,9. Our way to stay ahead of the competition is by continually creating _ products and services while building new value in existing product lines. A. unmanageable B. deliverable C. innovative D. institutional,9. Our way to stay ahead of the competition is by continually creating _ products and services while building new value in existing product lines. A. unmanageable B. deliverable C. innovative D. institutional,Unit 4: Vocabulary,10. He always smiled and never had a negative comment about anyone or a _ remark about any situation. A. cynical B. skeptical C. hierarchical D. prototypical,10. He always smiled and never had a negative comment about anyone or a _ remark about any situation. A. cynical B. skeptical C. hierarchical D. prototypical,Unit 4: Vocabulary,The 51 million members of Generation X, born between 1965 and 1976, grew up in a very different world than 1)_ generations. Divorce and working moms 2)_ “latchkey” kids out of many in this generation. This led to 3)_ of independence, resilience (弹性) and adaptability. At the same time, this generation expects immediate and ongoing feedback, and is equally comfortable 4)_ feedback to others. Other traits 5)_ working well in multicultural settings, desire for some fun in the workplace and a pragmatic (重实效的) approach 6)_ getting things done.,previous,Unit 4: Cloze,created,traits,giving,include,To be continued .,to,Ex. VI, pp.75 Choose an appropriate word from the following list to fill in each of the following blanks. Each word can be used only ONCE. Change the word form where necessary.,Generation X saw their parents get laid off or 7)_ job insecurity. Many of them also entered the workplace in the early 80s, 8)_ the economy was in a downturn. Because of these factors, a Gen Xer doesnt 9)_ time complaining if he is dissatisfied 10)_ the company he sends his resume out and accepts the best 11)_ he can find at another organization. At the same time, Generation X takes employability 12)_. But for this generation there isnt


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