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    虚 拟 仪 器 virtual instrument 姓名:李盼盼 nWhat is the virtual instrument technology The virtual instrument technology is using high-performance modular hardware, combining the highly efficient and flexible software to finish all kinds of test, measurement and automation applications. Flexible and efficient software can help you create fully customizable user interface, modular hardware can easily provide a comprehensive range of system integration, the standard software and hardware platform can meet the requirements of synchronization and timing application. n什么是虚拟仪器技术? 虚拟仪器技术就是利用高性能的模块化硬件,结合高效灵活 的软件来完成各种测试、测量和自动化的应用。灵活高效的 软件能帮助您创建完全自定义的用户界面,模块化的硬件能 方便地提供全方位的系统集成,标准的软硬件平台能满足对 同步和定时应用的需求。 nThe virtual instruments is popular with different users of engineering application and measurement or control. I owe it all to its direct graphics programming language. Virtual instrument graphical data flow language and program diagram can naturally shows you the data flow, and make user interface show data directly . So that we can easily see、modify data or control input. 虚拟仪器在各种不同的工程应用 和测量或控制的用户中广受欢迎 ,这都归功于其直观化的图形编 程语言。虚拟仪器的图形化数据 流语言和程序框图能自然地显示 您的数据流,同时使用户界面直 观地显示数据,使我们能够轻松 地查看、修改数据或控制输入。 nThe main characteristics of virtual instruments are : 1、Adopted the general hardware, all kinds of difference of instruments is mainly software . 2、 Can take full advantage of the computer ability, strong data processing function, can create a more powerful instrument . 3、 Users can definition and make various instruments according to their own needs . n虚拟仪器的主要特点有: 1、尽可能采用了通用的硬件,各种仪器的差异主要是软件。 2、可充分发挥计算机的能力,有强大的数据处理功能, 可以创造出功能更强的仪器。 3、用户可以根据自己的需要定义和制造各种仪器。 nCompared with other technologies, the virtual instrument technology has four advantage : 1、high performance The virtual instrument technology developed on the basis of PC ,including function talented processors and file I/O, make you can real-time to carry on complicated analysis while data high-speed import disk. In addition, the constant development of the Internet and faster computer network makes the virtual instrument technology show its more formidable advantages. 1、性能高 虚拟仪器技术是在PC技术的基础上发展起来的,包括功能超卓的处 理器和文件I/O,使您在数据高速导入磁盘的同时就能实时地进行 复杂的分析。此外,不断发展的因特网和越来越快的计算机网络使 得虚拟仪器技术展现其更强大的优势。 2、extensible software and hardware tools of NI (national instruments ) company make we no longer restricted to the current technology. This benefits from flexibility of software, We can improve the whole system with the least hardware investment and little, even without software upgrades ,only need to update computers or measuring hardware . In using the latest technology, we can take them integrated into the existing measuring devices, and finally quicken the time of products to market . 2、扩展性强 NI的软硬件工具使得我们不再受限于当前的技术中。这得 益于NI软件的灵活性,只需更新计算机或测量硬件,就能 以最少的硬件投资和极少的、甚至无需软件上的升级即可 改进整个系统。在利用最新科技的时候,我们可以把它们 集成到现有的测量设备,最终以较少的成本加速产品上市 的时间。 3、有效的软件体系 结构可以结合最 新技术的计算机, 仪器和通讯,同时 也提供了灵活的 和强大的功能,使 我们很容易制作 、发布、维护并 修改高性能 3、The efficient software architecture can combine with the newest technology of computer、instruments and communication ,At the same time also provides flexible and powerful function, make us easily create、release、 maintain and modify high-performance solutions with low cost. 的解决方案的解决方案, ,成本较低成本较低 。 4、The virtual instrument technology is essentially an integrated concept of software and hardware . Along with the product on the function constantly becomes complicated and engineers usually need to integrate several measuring equipment to meet the complete test requirements, and connection and integration of these different equipment should always spend a lot of time . Virtual instrument software platform of NI provides standard interface for all the I/O devices , helping us easily multiple measuring equipment integrated into a single system, reduce the complexity of the task. 4、虚拟仪器技术从本质上说是一个集成的软硬件概念。随着产 品在功能上不断地趋于复杂,工程师们通常需要集成多个测量 设备来满足完整的测试需求,而连接和集成这些不同设备总是 要耗费大量的时间。NI的虚拟仪器软件平台为所有的I/O设备 提供了标准的接口,帮助我们轻松地将多个测量设备集成到单 个系统,减少了任务的复杂性 n“Software is that the instrument ” raised by NI is the core idea of virtual instrument . As the PC、 semiconductors and software functions of further update, the future development of the virtual instrument technology provide a excellent mode for designing testing system, and make the engineers in measurement and control gain formidable function and flexibility. n“软件即是仪器”这是NI公司提出的虚拟仪器理念的核心思 想。随着PC、半导体和软件功能的进一步更新,未来虚拟 仪器技术的发展将为测试系统的设计提供一个极佳的模式 ,并且使工程师们在测量和控制方面得到强大功能和灵活 性。 The End Thank you !


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