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    英译汉理论与实践教程 程永生 Translation from English into Chinese: Theory and Practice Cheng Yongsheng 说 明 2006年申报省级精品课程时将本 课程教学课件的全部内容挂到网上。 由于已经运行了相当长的一段时间, 这次更新时做了较大的修改,但考虑 到不能太多地挤占网络空间,这次仅 章仅选2个例子挂到网上,以便收到 举一反三的效果。 作者简介: 程永生,男,1946年生,安徽潜山人。本 科毕业于安徽大学外语系英语专业,曾留学新 西兰,研究生毕业于坎特伯雷大学英语系,获 优硕士学位(MA with honors)。安徽理工大学教 授;安徽大学兼职教授、硕士生导师。研究方 向为语言学和翻译理论与实践。作者近期的主 要著述有:描写交际翻译学、汉译英理 论与实践教程、国内现当代研究翻译理论 之概况(国家十五重点图书出版规划项目 中国翻译通史的一部分,共11章),还发表 了十多篇有关翻译研究方面的论文。 目录 前言 第一章 报刊文章选段汉译 第二章 美国总统就职演说汉译 第三章 英国名家演说汉译 第四章 英美小说汉译 第五章 美国文学史选段汉译 第六章 国外翻译理论著作选段汉译 前言 我校1996年建立英语专业,成立外语系,我 1998年开始从事英译汉和汉译英教学。从一开 始,便立足于自己选编材料,从理论与实践两 个方面jiao教授英译汉和汉译英。开始,选用的 材料很多,真正上课时用得较少。三年之后, 对如何开设英译汉、如何开设汉译英便渐渐胸 中有数。 于是决定,将段落作为讲解英译汉的材料单 位,从文体的角度划分教学时段,将简略的翻 译理论介绍穿插在教学过程之中。于是便筹划 编写英译汉理论与实践教程油印本。 前言(续) 油印本于2003年初具规模,分八章,其 中前六章与这里使用的相同,另外还有英 语戏剧汉译和英语诗歌汉译两章。每章20 个选段,其中名家演说分英国的和美国的 两章,每章各10个选段,八章共140个选 段。由于英语戏剧和诗歌汉译,对本科生 来说比较生疏,上课的时间也未必够用, 因此,我们这里就没有选用这两章,而只 用六章,100个选段。 前言(续) 在我看来,翻译的成功与否,很大程度 上取决于译者对原文的看法与理解。由于 是本科教学,看法问题不宜展开讨论,而 理解问题即使在传统译学中也是十分强调 的。而在课堂上讲解理解,又不能仅凭借 老师对这个问题的感悟。也就是说,要将 理解讲得头头是道,就得诉诸于对原文的 分析。于是,我在实践中结合自身条件摸 索出了语法分析和文体分析相结合的路子 。具体地说就是,从语法的角度分析原文 前言(续) 各个句子,看它们是简单句还是复合句, 是主从复合句还是并列复合句,是并列并 列复合句还是并列主从复合句,是主从并 列复合句还是主从主从复合句,等等。另 外,还注重构成句子复杂性的其他因素如 看一个句子是以主语开头还是以其它成分 开头,有没有插入成分、同位成分以及这 些成分中有没有镶嵌其他成分等。 前言(续) 文体是一个很复杂的课题。我们仅选用了其 中的五个参数,即从整句与散句、句子复杂程 度、平行结构、衔接手段和词句正式程度的角 度,分析原文的文体。通过语法文体分析,学 生与教师对原文会有更深刻的理解。当然,由 于两种语言和与之相对应的两种文化之间的差 异,通过翻译之后,如果将原文和译文比较一 下,哪怕是与直译的译文比较一下,就会发现 ,原文的许多语法特征、文体特征都已经丧失 。这是翻译的本质使 前言(续) 然,而不是译者的过失。从这里,我们也可以 更深刻地理解翻译的本质和传统译论中关于翻 译文体风格的做法的可行性和理论阐述的真理 性。 在翻译教学中,我不太喜欢使用“你应该这样译 ,不应该那样译”、“你翻译的比他翻译更忠实于 原文”、“译文质量全靠译文的对等程度”之类的 规定性话语,而喜欢用描写性话语。加上,如 果说在过去的课堂上,三句话不离“信达雅”的话 ,现在的课堂上则三句话不离“直译与意译”、 “ 归化与异 前言(续) 化“。因此,我们在翻译教学中提倡分阶段翻译 。具体地说就是,分三个阶段、用三种方法翻 译原文。第一阶段,采用异化译法,从词汇到 结构直译原文;第二阶段,采用异化加归化的 方法翻译原文,在直译的基础上对原文做局部 调整,但一般不重组原文的结构;第三阶段, 采用归化方法翻译原文,基本上是在熟读原文 的基础上,将原文的意义领悟在胸,然后按照 汉语的行文习惯,下笔抒词。三种方法生产出 三种不同的产品,但 前言(续) 我们认为,这些都是正确的译文。第一种 译文,可能就是鲁迅先生所说的“容忍多 少的不顺”的那种。这样的译文,有时不 太妨碍理解,有时如果你学过外文,通过 嘴嚼,也能领略作者的意图;第二种译文 基本上是文从字顺的,但在行文和意义表 达的地道性上尚欠火候;第三种译文实际 上就是写作,但我们不主张抛开原文太远 ,因为毕竟是英语专业本科生的课堂教学 。 前言(续) 按照这样的思路,我将六章材料基本上 写成了一本英译汉理论与实践教程。 但有些地方看来还需要调整,编成教材后 ,如何使用书中的材料等问题还没有考虑 得十分成熟,所以本书虽于2003年完成了 初稿,至今尚没有出版。但2005年在申报 省级精品课程翻译理论与实践时已经 将书稿挂到网上了。 前言(续) 由于还没有正式出版,所以教学时,只将原 文选段包括各章后面的练习印发给学生,供他 们预习、复习、完成课后作业之需。 本人在使用本书时,一般每节讲解三个选段 。第一个选段由老师做示范讲解,第二选段供 学生自己课堂研讨,第三个选段老师用于总结 。另外两个选段,在时间允许的时候,要求学 生上黑板翻译,由老师讲评。 第一章 报刊文章选段汉 译 第一节 第二节 第三节 第四节 Original 1: Outside the United Nations, human rights matters have been discussed with the Group of 7 major industrialized countries and the Non- Allied Movement at their summit meetings, as well as with the Organization of American States, the Organization of African Unity, the Association of South-East Asian Nations, European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Rio Group and in other important regional and subregional forums. 1) Analysis of the original: A) Grammatical analysis B) Stylistic analysis A) Grammatical analysis: (1) Sentence structure (2) Additional complication (1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of an unusually long simple sentence, whose backbone structure could be reduced tohuman rights matters have been discussed with as well as with . (2) Additional complication: The sentence begins with a prepositional phrase. B) Stylistic analysis: (1) Periodicity (2) Structural complication (3) Parallel structure (4) Cohesive device (5) Structural and lexical formality (1) Periodicity : The selection consists of a single simple sentence only and it is a periodic sentence, beginning with a prepositional phrase. By the way, the selection sounds exotic to the Chinese ear with so many names of international organizations. (2) Structural complication: The selection is structurally complicated with the two coordinate prepositional phrases at the end of the sentence. (3) Parallel structure: In the selection, parallel structures are frequently used, for example, with , as well as with; the Group of 7 major industrialized countries and the Non-Allied Movement; the Organization of American States, the Organization of African Unity, the Association of South-East Asian Nations, European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Rio Group; and regional and subregional. (4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: the pattern discussed with and with is used to reinforce the coherence of the whole passage; parallel structures are used throughout the selection; the possessive pronoun their is used to refer to Group of 7 major industrialized countries and the Non-Allied Movement; names of international organizations are listed one after another; subregional and regional are used as partial repetitions, and so on. (5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal for all the sentences it contains are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, the selection is also formal for the frequent employment of such formal words, including nominalizations, as matter, discuss, major, industrialize, summit, movement, organization, association, commonwealth, independent and others. 2) Staged translation A) Translation 1 with comments B) Translation 2 with comments C) Translation 3 with comments A) Translation 1: 联合国之外,人权方面的事务已经 讨论过了,和七个主要工业国集团、 不结盟运动,在它们的峰会上;也已 经讨论过了,同美洲国家组织、非洲 统一组织、东南亚国家联盟、欧洲联 盟、独立国共同体、里约集团以及在 其他重要的地区和次地区的论坛上。 Comments: Such a translation is awkward in that in the case of expressing similar ideas as the selection contains, the usual Chinese way will be: 某某问题已经在某某地点和 某某、某某以及某某讨论过了. If the discussion partner list is too long, the Chinese might turn to such expression as 某某问题已经在某某地点和某某与某某讨 论过了,也已经在某某地点和某某、某某等讨论过 了,. The alternative Chinese patterns point to the necessity that such phrases as和七个主要工业国集团 、不结盟运动; 在它们的峰会上; 同美洲国家组织、非洲 统一组织、东南亚国家联盟、欧洲联盟、独立国共同体 、里约集团以及在其他重要的地区和次地区的论坛上 should be fronted or reorganized. B) Translation 2: 在联合国之外,人权问题已经在峰 会上同七大工业国集团、不结盟运动 讨论过了,也已经同美洲国家组织、 非统组织、东南亚国家联盟、欧洲联 盟、独立国共同体和里约集团讨论过 了,在其他地区性和次地区性的论坛 上也已经讨论过了。 Comments: The present translation is different from the previous in that by repeating 同 讨论过了with 在也已经讨论过了 as a reinforcement, all the discussion participants are now well organized in an orderly pattern. However, abbreviations could have been used for the names of the international organizations, and other measures could also be taken. C) Translation 3: 人权问题在联合国内外都已经讨 论过了。例如,在联合国机构之外, 在七国集团和不结盟运动的峰会上, 在美洲国家组织、非统、东盟、欧盟 、独联体、里约集团中,在重要的地 区与次地区论坛上,都已经讨论过了 。 Comments: In the present version, abbreviations are used, the repetition of 讨论过了is avoided by repetition of 在.上(中)three times, and addition of人权问题在联合国内外都讨论过了 and 例如 for the clarity of the ideas, coherence of the text and improvement on the structure of the translation as a whole. The addition of 在联合国内外, together with the repetition of 讨论过了, is meaningful in that first, the implied meaning is made explicit while the discussion participants are made implicit; second, the translation now assumes an explicit deductive pattern of development, that is, development from general to specific. Original 2: Parallel to this, the High Commissioner has initiated and vigorously pursued the restructuring of the Centre for Human Rights with the aim of ensuring a secretariat capable of providing the highest standards of work to respond effectively to an ever-growing number of mandates and human rights challenges around the world. The Commission on Human Rights is a unique world forum with primary objective being to make the enjoyment of human rights a reality for all people. This can only be achieved by translating principles and norms into concrete deeds affecting the way people live. In doing so, the Commission on human rights can also give greater impetus to the initiatives being undertaken by the High Commissioner. It is essential that the Commission, as the most important forum dedicated to human rights, accord the High Commissioner the support needed for forging greater determination in promoting and protecting all human rights. 1) Analysis of the original: A) Grammatical analysis B) Stylistic analysis A) Grammatical analysis: (1) Sentence structure (2) Additional complication (3) Notes (1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of five sentences in all, and of the five sentences, the first is a simple sentence; the second is also a simple sentence but with an absolute nominal construction embedded; the next two are also simple sentences but the last is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and a subject clause. (2) Additional complication: The first sentence begins with an adjective phrase and it could be reduced to such a backbone structure asthe High Commissioner has initiated and pursued with the aim of. (3) Notes: In the first sentence, a secretariat capable ofmeans a secretariat that is capable of. And also in the sentence, provide to means to provide in order to. In the second sentence, with primary objective being to make the enjoyment is an absolute nominal construction. Again in the second sentence, make a reality for all people assumes the structure of make + object + object complement. In It is essential that in the last sentence, the that clause serves as the real subject, and it serves as the formal subject. The clause is in subjunctive mood. Also in the sentence, there is a pattern of according somebody something. B) Stylistic analysis (1) Periodicity (2) Structural complication (3) Parallel structure (4) Cohesive device (5) Structural and lexical formality (1) Periodicity : Of the five sentences the selection consists of, the first, the fourth and the last are periodic while the other two are loose sentences. The three sentences are regarded as periodic in that the first sentence begins with an adjective phrase; the fourth begins with a prepositional phrase while the last begins with a formal subject, keeping the real subject further back. Also in the last sentence, there is a parenthetic structure embedded, as discussed in the grammatical analysis. (2) Structural complication: all the sentences are structurally complicated to some extent though most of them are complicated at phrasal level rather than at sentential level. For example, in the first sentence, the two past participles in the predicate are in coordination; and there are a number of prepositional phrases together with an adjective phrase and an infinitive phrase. In the second sentence, there is an absolute nominal construction together with other structural complications; and other sentences are complicated in similar ways. (3) Parallel structure: Parallel structures are frequently used, for example, initiated and vigorously pursued; an ever-growing number of mandates and human rights challenges around the world; principles and norms; and promoting and protecting. (4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; the High Commissioner, commission and human rights are repeated; initiative is used as a partial repetition for initiate; and so on. (5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, all the sentences are formal for their grammatical completeness and freedom from any colloquial structure. Lexically, the selection is also formal in that formal words, including nominalizations, can be easily located such as commissioner, initiate, vigorously, pursue, restructuring, and many others. 2) Staged translation: A) Translation 1 with comments B) Translation 2 with comments C) Translation 3 with comments A) Translation 1: 与此平行,高级专员已经启动了并不遗余力 地追求人权中心改组,目的是确保书记处能够 提供最高的工作标准,以有效地回应不断增长 的官方要求和世界范围内的人权挑战。人权专 署是世界上唯一的论坛,其主要目的是让享受 人权成为所有的人的一种现实。这个目的的达 到,只有通过将原则和规范转换成影响人们生 活方式的具体的做法。在这样做的时候,人权 专署也可以提供更大的动力,为正在采取的启 动行动的高级专员。下面的做法是有必要的, 专署,作为致力于人权工作的最重要的论坛, 必须为高级专员提供支持,为他更加增强决心 来促进和保护所有的人权。 Comments: The translation of the first three sentences, though word for word, sentence for sentence, are basically acceptable. For in the translating process, what should be fronted and readjusted has been fronted and readjusted already. However, those of the last two sentences are acceptable against Chinese norms. Instead, in expressing the similar ideas, the following two are preferred: 在这样做的时候,人权专署也可以为 提供更大的动力; and 作为,专署必须为提 供更多的支持,以便他。这样做是很有必要的. This analysis points to the necessity for improvement to be made on the translation. In addition, 与此平行at the very beginning is not a typical Chinese expression; 这 个目的的达到,只有通过将原则和规范转换成影响人们 生活方式的具体的做法could be readjusted, and so on. B) Translation 2: 同样,高级专员已经启动并正在竭力追求重 组人权中心,以确保书记处能够提供最好的工 作标准来有效地回应日益增长的官方指令和世 界范围内的人权挑战。人权专署是唯一的世界 论坛,其主要目的是将人人都享有人权变为现 实。这个目标,只有通过将原则和规范都转换 成影响人们的生活方式的具体行动,才能达到 。这样做,人权专署就能为高级专员做好正在 启动的工作提供更大的动力。作为致力于人权 工作的最重要的论坛,专署必须为高级专员提 供必要的支持,以便他在促进和维护所有的人 权事务中能下定更大的决心。 Comments: Improvements have been made in terms of readability, coherence and authenticity with the proper words and sentence patterns substituted for the previous. For example, the patterns proposed in the above comments are now used; 同样is substituted for 与此平行; and readjustments are made in accordance with what is previously commented on in other aspects. Consequently, the translation, now without any foreignized structure, is much more readable, coherent and authentic. C) Translation 3: 与此同时,高级专员已经启动并孜孜以求于 改组人权中心,以便秘书处能以最高工作标准 去有效应对联合国官员日益增长的要求和世界 范围的日益增长的挑战。专署是世界上唯一的 人权论坛,主要致力于实现人人享有人权。这 个目标,只有通过将原则和规范变为影响人们 的生活方式的具体行动,才能实现。在实现目 标的过程中,人权专署就能进一步推动高级专 员做好正在启动的工作。作为最重要的人权论 坛,专署必须为高级专员提供必要的支持,以 便他痛下决心,来推进和保护一切人权。 Comments: Improvements are further made in terms of authenticity and coherence by using such expressions as 与此同时;以便;主要在于, and so on; and by employing the sentence pattern这个目标,只有,才能实现and by substituting主要致力于实现人人享有人权and在 实现目标的过程中,人权专署就能进一步推动 高级专员做好正在启动的工作for the previous. Consequently, the translation sounds more like a piece of Chinese writing.


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