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    Lecture 1,Content,Analysis of the work in autumn semester Analysis of the final examination Requirements for this semester Assessment Arrangement About TEM4 & 8 writing Mechanic of composition,Comments,Generally, satisfied. Appreciate your hard-work (meet my requirements, hand in homework on time, keep your paper neat) Appreciate your co-operation (pay attention) Everyone passed.,Comments,Work harder! Participate more actively. Revise your writing. Read more.,BACK,The final exam,Did you do a good job? (Far from satisfactory.) What was wrong? (Error Correction.) (Essay Writing.),College Students Everyday Expenses Are High,BACK,Requirements for this semester,1. attendance 2. participation 3. hand in your homework on time 4. do more reading and write a book report every month,BACK,Assessment,Two indispensable portions constitute a students final grade: Terminal exam score (期考成绩) (70%) In-term performance (平时成绩) (30%) Attendance Assignment,BACK,Arrangement,Week 1-8:TEM4 training Week 9-16: textbook including unit 9,10,11, 12,15, 16, 17,BACK,About TEM 4 & 8,TEM 4 TEM 8,MENU,TEM4,Section A Composition 15 points section B Note-writing 10 points 审题 Practice,BACK,Section A Composition,测试要求: 根据所给作文、提纲或图表、数据等,写一篇约200个单词的作文。能做到内容切题、完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。 考试时间为35分钟 测试体裁: 记叙文、说明文、议论文,评分标准,评分标准,字数不足应酌情扣分。 累计字数在150-170之间,扣1分。 累计字数在130-150之间,扣2分。 累计字数在110-130之间,扣3分。 累计字数在90-110之间,扣4分。 累计字数在90以下,最多给5分。 注: 1)如题目中给出主题句、起始句、结束句,均不得计入所写字数。 2)对于规定三段的作文,只写一段者0-4分;只写两段者0-9分 3)按照规定,考生作文若为0分,无论其总分是否高于60分,均作不及格处理;若其作文分高于0分,低于6分,报成绩时,需从总分中减去6分,再加上实得作文分。也就是从总分中减去实得作文分与6分之间的差额部分。,命题作文题型,立场选择型 Should College Students Hire Cleaners?(2010) Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment? (2009) Is It Wise to Make Friends on the Internet?(2007) Saving Money or Spending Tomorrows Money(2006) Will Phones Kill Letter Writing?(2004) More Pressure from Academic Studies Does (Does No) Good to Us(1997) TV: A Good Thing or a Bad Thing?(1994) 问题解决型 The Best Way to Stay Healthy(2002) One Way to Solve the Problem (Air Pollution)(1998),命题作文题型,道理论证型 The Importance of Extracurricular Activities(2000) The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood (2003) Travel Broadens the Mind(2001) 4.比较对比型 The Main Difference Between My College Life and My Middle School Life(1996) The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Part-time Job (1995) 5. 自由发挥型 The Benefits of Volunteering (2008) My Idea of a University Arts Festival (2005) A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on Television (1999) My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the Future (1993) My View on Reading Extensively (1992),BACK,Note-writing,测试要求: 能根据提示写50-60个单词的便条、通知、请帖等。能做到格式正确,语言得体。考生时间为10分钟。 测试体裁: 简单的应用文,评分标准,评分标准,1.格式:(2分) 包括日期、称呼和结尾三部分。 日期写在右上角,以下写法均可: May 20th,2008 20 May,2008 May 20,2008 20/5/2008 5/20/2008 May 20th May 20 称呼写在日期下一行左侧,以下写法均可: Dear Jane, Dear Jane: Jane, Jane; 结尾写在右下方,以下写法均可 Truly yours, Yours truly, Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Yours, 凡不符合正确格式或表达均要各扣1分。结束语和谦称在同一行,人名没写或用表示等扣一分,最多扣分,评分标准,2. 内容:(2-3分) 缺一项内容扣1分,最多三项内容扣3分 3.语言(5-6分) 严重语法、句法错误扣1分,一个句子或同类错误扣1分,拼写等小错误两个扣1分,最多扣4分 注: 总字数要求50-60字(包括三部分格式),少于40或多于80字扣1分。,便条种类,1.祝贺 2.慰问/安慰 3.邀请 4.接受/拒绝邀请 5.致歉 6.询问/建议 7.留言 8.告示/广告,BACK,审题,1)背景介绍,背景介绍要多留心,字数越多,所限定的话题就越具体。 如08年作文题: December 5th is International Volunteers Day. Since 1985, when the United Nations announced the special day, tens of millions of people around the world have volunteered to help those in need. China now has 4.5 million registered volunteers who have provided more than 4.5 billion hours of volunteer work. What can you gain from volunteering? The Benefits of Volunteering 此题限定必须使用I或we第一人称,2)给出话题,话题标题 话题是文章的中心,所有内容以此来展开 标题是一篇文章的题目,3)详细指令,部分段落 考题要求写成三个部分, 可以写三段,也可以是三个段落以上。 Part 1: introduction Part 2: body (应占全文7080%) Part 3: conclusion,4)评分依据,Sample 1,Make Friends Online Nowadays the Internet has become part of our life, as it provides us libraries of millions of floors. Scientist working around the clock forever and friends all over the world. So millions of young people have made friends online. However, with so much news about online crime, people assume that anyone on the other side of the computer without his/ her ID confirmed must present a danger. But for my part, I wonder that do we really need to be so wary when making a friend online? Good people those who are warmhearted, friendly, and share similar interests with us, are figures as popular as bad ones who may have some dirty thought of people, and make use of you at the slightest opportunity. The truth is probably some where between the tow extremes. So in my opinion, it not wise to say all people online are credulous, and we should know some proper suggestions when making friends online. First of all, we should choose the correct ways of looking for friends. Big, well-informed and well-known websites are absolutely safer than some private, and wasteful information websites. Next, when we find someone who we would like to talk to and has some hobby with us, do not make a hurry meeting for each other. Try to spend more time chatting online, maybe having the video-chatting. Last but not the least, if both of you finally decide to go out and meet somewhere, do let your parents or at least your friend know. Remember to choose a public place instead of some shabby one. As it is the time we took internet as part of our life, making friends online is reasonable. But keep an eye open and use the proper way can also protect us when we do,Sample 2,Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? Nowadays, it is popular to make friends online. Many people think that it is wise to make friends online while other people disagree on it. Like a coin has two sides. Making friends online has its advantage and disadvantage. Firstly, making friends online can help you know all kinds of people who come from different places easily and quickly. If you are unhappy, you can tell the real reason to your web-friends who can help you out of the trouble. However, there is a big disadvantage in that you dont know you friends are good or bad. I have heard several examples that many girls especially young university girls were cheated by the soft and sweet words. Having come to the conclusion, we should not believe one man easily online. It is necessary for us to keep our minds clearly and think considerately. Making friends online is not wrong by itself, but depends on your decision. If your web-friends are of great value to you, you should can try making friends with them, hasty conclusion will result in failure. Believe it!,Sample 3,Is It Wise to Make Friends Online? A wonderful world appears before you when you click the mouse on Internet. The benefits of it have obviously made our daily life more colorful, amazing and exciting. There is also the fact that millions of young people have made friends online. However, in my view, its better and wiser to make friends in real life. Admittedly, internet provides us with a convenient and world-wide platform on which we can make friends. However, in most cases, you dont know who you are talking with. You have no idea of his or her background, occupation and other factors helping you judge whether he or she is a reliable person for you to make friends with. Chances are that you may be cheated by someone who takes advantages on your warmth and hospitality. Furthermore, it is believed that if one spends too much time making friends online, he may gradually loses the ability to communicate and make friends in real life. As all that he does is typing, he loses the chance to speak to others. As a result, he may get impersonal and boring. as stated above, if you want to get sociable and considering the safety, its better and wiser to make friends in real life.,BACK,Practice,Recently, a survey carried out by a consulting company reveals that by the end of 2007, the percentage of the netizens shopping online has reached 50.4% and 45.1% respectively in Shanghai and Beijing. Write on Answer Sheet Two a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Advantages of Shopping Online You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your view is. In the second part, support your view with appropriate details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.,BACK,Practice,Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situation: You hear that Mr. Wang, general manager of a famous company, is going to give a lecture in your school. Write your friend, Lisa, a note, telling her the topic and theme of the lecture and advising her to attend. Please tell her the time and place of the lecture as well Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.,TEM 8,测试要求: 根据所给题目及要求撰写一篇400个单词左右的说明文或议论文。能够做到内容充实、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体。考试时间45分钟 作文要求中给出导语及作文提纲,或者是命题作文,或者是考生自主命题作文。,BACK,Materials. Use white sheets of A4, unruled. Use blue or black ink; no other color is to be tolerated. 2. One side or two sides? In order to save paper, you may write on both sides. In this case, write “PTO” (=Please turn over) or simply “Over” at the bottom of the front page, so as to indicate that there is writing on the other side.,NEXT,Mechanics of Composition,3. Margins. Leave a margin of about an inch (=2.54cm) at the top, at the bottom, and on both sides. 4. Spacing. If you use a typewriter, use double spacing. If you use a pen, use single spacing. Indent the first line of a paragraph about 4 letters. When a sentence is written in direct speech, it should be indented as a paragraph.,NEXT,Mechanics of Composition,5. Titles. Write the title in the center of the first line; or, if it is too long for one line, in the first and second lines. In this case, make the part in the second line shorter than that in the first line, and center the second part as well as the first part. How a Knowledge of English has Helped me in my Studies and Work Begin the first word and all other important words in the title with a capital letter. The articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are usually unimportant. Do not underline the title. Do not use a full stop after the title even if it is a grammatically complete sentence. A question mark or a mark of exclamation, however, should be used when necessary. Do not enclose the title in quotation marks unless it happens to be a quotation.,NEXT,Mechanics of Composition,6. Paging. Number the pages with Arabic numerals in the upper right-hand corner of each sheet except the first. 7. Folding. Fold your manuscript lengthwise down the center. See that the front page is concealed, not exposed. 8. Endorsing(背面签名). Place your folded manuscript so that the crease is at the left and the loose edges are at the right. Then endorse it one inch below the top. The simplest form of endorsement is your name and the date. E.g.:,NEXT,Mechanics of Composition,9. Spelling. Keep the rule of uniformity in the same composition. As you are aware, there are English spellings and American spellings. You must not spell the same word in the same composition in different ways. When you are in any doubt about the spelling of a word, you have simply to refer to a dictionary. 10. Syllabication(划分音节). When you have to divide a word at the end of a line, divide it between syllables, and use a hyphen at the end of the first line. Words of one syllable cannot be divided.,NEXT,Mechanics of Composition,11. Underlining. Single underlining has the same value in handwriting and typewriting as italics have in printing. 12. Italics. 1) Use italics for titles of newspapers, magazines, and books. Titles of articles are usually set in quotation marks. 2) Italics are sometimes used for emphasis.,NEXT,Mechanics of Composition,13. Omissions, Corrections, and Insertions. 1) Strike out the word or letter to be omitted. 2) Strike out the wrong word and write the right one above it. 3) Use a caret () below the word or words inserted. You had better not insert a letter in a word in this way. eg: the art or practice of writing 4) Use a vertical line between two words that have been mistakenly written as if they were one word. English|composition 5) Use the mark “/” before a word that ought to begin a new paragraph.,NEXT,Mechanics of Composition,14. Your manuscript should be as neat as possible.,MENU,Mechanics of Composition,


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