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    中考阅读理解 解题技巧,周口三中 王坤,阅读理解 是英语能力培养的重点项目,是考试的一个重要题型,分值高、题量大。阅读理解考查的根本是检验学生对有关信息的加工能力。 阅读理解能力的重要标志是阅读速度和理解力的正确率。 因此,阅读理解的功夫应下在平时。多分析题型,多了解考点,真正做到有的放矢,提高命中率。,常考文体与话题,文体:记叙文 说明文 应用文 议论文,话题:学习生活 成长经历 人物传记 励志故事 社会文化 风俗习惯 广告图表 活动介绍,能力要求 1 理解主旨和要义 2 快速准确获取关键信息 3 根据上下文推断生词的词义 4 作出判断和推理 5 理解文章的基本结构 6 理解作者的意图观点和态度,主旨大意型,事实细节型,词 义 猜 测 型,题型,推 理 判 断 型,1)What does the writer mainly tell us? 2)Which of the following can summar- ize the main idea of this text? 3)Which of the following best expresses the main idea? 4)Whats the best title for this passage?,主旨大意题的常见的提问形式:,阅读理解基础训练,Basic Training,-主旨大意题,All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live, and together they form a food chain(食物链)。Some food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears.,第一句即是主题句。这个句子概括了本段的中心意思:“地球上所有的生物要生存都离不开其他的生物”。后面讲述了大量的事实之后,作者指出:如果这些食物链中的一个链环消失,所有的食物都会断掉。所有这些事实都是围绕第一个句子展开的。,文章中心是论点,事实细节是论据或主要理由;有关细节的问题常对文中某个词语、某句子、某段落等细节及事实进行提问,所提问题一般可直接或间接在文章中找到答案。,提问的特殊疑问词常有:what, who, which, where, how, why 等。,事实细节型,解题原则:忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断。,1)Which of the following statement is true? 2)Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? 3)The author ( or the passage) states that_. 4)According to the passage, when ( where, why, how, who, what, which, etc.)_?,在阅读理解中,要求查找主要事实和特定细节问题常有以下几种命题方式:,阅读理解基础训练,Basic Training,-事实细节型,Q1) _ calories are required to raise the temperature of 5kg of water from 35to 90. A. 55 B. 175 C. 325 D. 275,Q2) Which statement is TRUE according to the chart above? A. A child aged 8 requires more than 3 times the amount of calories that a baby does. B. A boy aged 16 requires nearly twice the amount of calories that a boy aged 8 does. C. An office worker requires the same amount of calories per day as a woman feeding a baby does. D. A farmer requires nearly 1.5 times the amount of calories that an office worker does.,解释,文章,Passage2 The human body is a living machine, and like all machines, it needs fuel to supply it with energy. That is the food we eat. But how much do we need to stay healthy? The energy value of food is usually measured in calories. A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1. The number of calories people need per day is different, as the chart shows,练习题,解释,第三节,【解析】答案为 D 。 根据文章细节内容,计算公式为: (90-35)×5×1=275 【解析】答案为 C 。 根据文章图表,依次验证A、B、C、D 四个答案的内容是否正确。很易找出 C 符合图表内容。,文章,猜测词义题,解题技巧: 1、通过因果关系猜测词义; 2、通过同义词和近、反义词的关系猜词; 3、通过构词法猜测词义; 4、通过定义或释义说明来推测词义; 5、通过描述猜测词义; 6、用知识和生活经验猜测词义; 7、根据上下文的指代关系进行猜测。,阅读理解基础训练,Basic Training,-词义猜测型,Q: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “illiterate” A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sick Passage3: Most women in Ghana the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewi- ves and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved(应得的,值得的).,解 释,第四节,推理判断题:中考重头戏,着重考查学生归纳概括、逻辑推理等综合能力。,以原文内容为前提,据作者的观点理论(非考生观点),客观地对文中未明显说明的现象或事例给予合理的逻辑推断,做出一定解释。,推理判断型,透过现象看本质,领悟作者思想倾向、观点、立场、语气及态度等。,推理判断型常见的命题方式有: We can conclude (得出结论) from the passage that_. Which of the following can be inferred (推论)? What is the purpose (目的) of this passage? The passage is intended to _. Where would this passage most probably appear?,阅读理解基础训练,Basic Training,-推理判断型,1. Why did Tommys parents send him to a catholic school? A. Because he could eat well there. B. Because he could learn more about nuns. C. Because his parents wanted him to do better in his math. D. Because his parents didnt want him to learn math any more. 2. Tommys mother felt surprised that his son _. A. was still the same as usual B. ate so much at dinner C. kissed her hello after school D. worked hard but said little 3. “Hitting the books” means “_” in Chinese. A. 用功 B. 捶书 C. 发泄 D. 振作 4. The last sentence in the passage shows that _. A. Tommy felt sorry for the mail B. Tommy was afraid of being nailed C. Tommy didnt like the plus sign D. Tommy liked playing jokes on others 5. From the passage, we can infer (推断) that _. A. teachers should be strict with their students B. mistaking (误解) might do good sometimes C. a catholic school is much better than other ones D. nuns are good at helping children with their math,Little Tommy was doing very badly in math. His parents had tried everythingtutors (家庭教师), cards, special learning centersin short, everything they could think of. Finally they took Tommy to a catholic (天主教的) school. After the first day, little Tommy came home with a very serious look on his face. He didnt kiss his mother hello. Instead, he went straight to his room and started studying. Books and papers were spread (铺开) out all over the room and little Tommy was hard at work. His mother was surprised. She called him down to dinner and as soon as he finished eating, he went back to his room, without a word. In no time he was back hitting the books as hard as before. This went on for some time, day after day while the mother tried to understand what was happening.,Finally, little Tommy brought home his report card. He quietly put it on the table and went up to his room and hit the books. His mom looked at it and to her surprise, little Tommy got an A in math. She could no longer hold her curiosity (好奇心). She went to his room and asked, “Son, what was it? Was it the nuns (修女)?” Little Tommy looked at her and shook his head, “No. ” “Well then,” she asked again. “WHAT was it?” Little Tommy looked at her and said, “Well, on the first day of school, when I saw that man nailed (钉) to the plus sign (加号), I knew they werent joking. ”,* Pay attention to the usage of the Cleft Sentence and Non-Predicate Verbs. * Learn to apply these skills to finish exercises on Reading Comprehension.,Practice makes Perfect!,Conclusion:,Thank You!,


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