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    牛津 版 四 年级 下 册英语教案姓名: 时间: 年 3 月学年度第二学期教学周安排周 次时 间教 学 内 容课 时第1周3.1-4.4Unit 1 Touch and feel 4第2周3.7-3.11Unit 2 Smell and taste4第3周3.14-3.18Unit 3 Look and see4第4周3.21-3.25Revision and test M14第5周3.28-4.1Unit 4 Subjects4第6周4.4-4.8Unit 5 Sport4第7周4.11-4.15Unit 6 Music4 第8周4.17-4.22Revision M24第9周4.25-4.29Mid-term test 4 第10周5.2-5.6五一放假、运动会4第11周5.9-5.13Unit 7 My day4第12周5.16-5.20Unit 8 Days of the week4第13周5.23-5.27Unit 9 A friend in Australia4第14周5.30-6.3Revision and test M34第15周6.6-6.10Unit 10 My garden4第16周6.13-6.17Unit 11 Childrens Day4第17周6.20-6.24Unit 12 The ugly duckling4第18周6.27-7.1Revision M1-44第19周期末考试单元分析单 元第 1 单元教学内容单词: hard smooth rough fluffy hot cold hard soft warm 句型:1、Touch the 。 2、How does it feel? Its / How _ the desks feel? 3、 What is it? Its an apple.教学目标1、可以听说读写hard soft thick thin touch等词汇;2、理解课文,在理解课文的基础上见实物回答问题;3、掌握故事里的短语现象;理解故事,跟读故事;教学重点1、可以听说读写hard soft thick thin touch等词汇;2、听懂问题并进行回答;掌握故事里的短语现象;3、理解故事,跟读故事;教学难点1、理解课文,在理解课文的基础上见实物回答问题;2、准确的运用各形容词进行交流;3、可以一用Touch the . How does it feel? Its . and 句型进行问、答对话。4、听懂关于故事的问题并进行回答理解故事;教时安排共计 4 课时:P2-3 -2课时P4-5 -1课时P2-5 -1课时课 题Unit 1 Touch and feel上课时间 月 日教学目标:1、可以听说读写hard soft thick thin touch等词汇;2、理解课文,在理解课文的基础上见实物回答问题;教学重、难点:1、重点:听说读hard soft thick thin touch等词汇;2、难点:可以用Touch the . How does it feel? Its . and 句型进行问、答对话。教学准备:PPT 、部分实物 学习方法指导:跟读、听读、同伴交流、游戏:猜一猜等教 学 过 程教学步骤教学活动环节设计意图及效果分析Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 leading inStep4 PracticeStep5:ReadingHow are you ?Whats the weather like today?How do you go to school?Where did you go and what did you do?Say a rhyme :A bag, a doll, I can see.Soft and nice, For you and me .A pen, a pencil, I can see .Hard and smooth, For you and me.1、Look and learn :(PPT)Its soft. / Theyre hard./ smooth. / rough .2、Look and say :(PPT)The is . 1、Find, point and say 2、Ask and answer: How does it feel?Its soft.1、 Listen and point:P2-P32、 Read and repeat:P2-P33、 Read together:P2-P3复习以前学习过的rhyme,并营造上课的氛围操作方法:播放节奏,全班读或男女生分段朗读让学生跟着模仿即可,初步感知句型 课 后 作 业1、 Copy the new words: hard soft thick thin touch2、 Read the text twice.板 书 设 计Unit 1 Touch and feel Touch the . How does it feel? Its . and soft hard thick thin课 后 小 记课 题Unit 1 Touch and feel上课时间 月 日教学目标:1、掌握故事里的短语现象;2、理解故事,跟读故事;教学重、难点:1、重点:理解故事;2、难点:听懂关于故事的问题并进行回答理解故事;教学准备:PPT 学习方法指导:分角色表演让学生通过图片的提示,进行课文复述并表演根据课文内容进行提炼总结; 通过句型转换,能较为正确地描述课文。教 学 过 程教学步骤教学活动环节设计意图及效果分析Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 leading inStep4 PracticeStep5:ReadingHow are you ?Whats the weather like today?1、 Listen and enjoy2、 Look and say : Look at the elephant.It is big and strong.It has two big ears, two long tusks(象牙), four thick legs, a thin tail and a long trunk(象鼻).(find these words: ears teeth nose legs tail ) 1、 Read and think: My tusks are smooth and hard.My legs are big and thick.My ears are big and soft.My tail is long and thin.2、Enjoy the story: The blind men and the elephant1、Think and answer:A、How many blind men are there?B、Which parts of the elephant do they touch?1、Look and read : What do elephants look like? 2、Retell the story 3、Read and complete Repeat the story 看图片,简单描述大象活动目的:通过对大象的描述,了解大象了解大象身体的各个部分特征让学生通过图片和词句的解释能准确地理解其意思填空完成短文活动目的:加深对课文的理解操作方法:学生独立思考或与同桌共同完成 课 后 作 业1、 Tell the story to your family. / Role-play the story.2、 Complete Workbook 4B page 7.板 书 设 计My tusks are smooth and hard.My legs are big and thick.My ears are big and soft.My tail is long and thin.课 后 小 记课 题Unit 1 Touch and feel上课时间 月 日教学目标:复习本单元的知识,帮助学生掌握的更牢固。教学重、难点:The opposites 教学准备:PPT 学习方法指导:同伴问答; 自编歌谣教 学 过 程教学步骤教学活动环节设计意图及效果分析Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 PracticeStep4:ReadingHow are you ?Whats the weather like today?1、 Look and learn :tall / long happyHard. 1、Miss Fang: Joe, put your pencil in the bag. Kitty, put your ball in the bag. Mark, put your toy bear in the bag. Alice, put your hand in the bag. Touch one thing. How does it feel? What is it? S1: Its big and round. Its smooth and soft. Its a ball.Miss Fang: Yes, it is. Well done.2、Think and complete :This is Marks pencil.It is long and thin. Touch it.It is hard and smooth. Look! It is blunt.Lets sharpen it with a pencil sharpener.3、Play a guessing game Read books P2-5让学生复习以往所学过的反义词,做到温故而知新熟悉课文 让学生跟着模仿即可,初步感知句型课 后 作 业1、 Make a riddle.2、 Complete Workbook 4B pages 2 and 5.板 书 设 计 How does it feel? Its . What is it? Its a .课 后 小 记单 元第 1 单元教学内容单词: hard smooth rough fluffy hot cold hard soft warm 句型:1、Touch the 。 2、How does it feel? Its / How _ the desks feel? 3、 What is it? Its an apple.课 题Module 1 Using my five senses 上课时间 月 日教学目标:学习课文中Listen and say 这个核心对话内容教学重、难点:可以理解并回答以下问题:Peter has three glasses of juice. Do you know what juice it is?教学准备:PPT 学习方法指导:a. 观看课文flash。观看之前教师提问:Peter has three glasses of juice. What colour are they? Do you know what juice it is? b. 学生回答教师的问题 c. 学生跟读模仿朗读课文教 学 过 程教学步骤教学活动环节设计意图及效果分析Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 LearningStep4 PracticeStep5 reading How are you ?Whats the weather like today?1、 Ask and answer :Touch the apple. How does it feel?- hard / softrough / smooth2、 Look and say : Touch the apple.Its hard and smooth.Smell it. Its nice.Taste it. Its sweet.1、 Touch the Its (hard/soft/smooth/rough/) 2、 Let's guess: What are these?Fruit A is big. Its green and round. Its hard and smooth.Taste it. Its sweet.What is it? 1、Look and learn :I like _s. Theyre green and round. Some are red inside. Some are _ inside. Theyre hard and _. Theyre very sweet. I eat _s in summer. Do you like _s?2、Make a riddle : This fruit is _. Its _(size/colour). Touch it. Its _.Taste it. Its _.What fruit is it? Can you guess? 1、 Read and act 2、 Lets talkAsk and answer : S1: Guess. Are they watermelons or lemons?S2: Are they soft or hard? Are they smooth or rough? Are they sweet or sour?Repeat books. 复习How does itfeel/smell/taste?和相应的回答,让学生能从这三个方面来描述一种水果学习watermelon这个词,并且能够进行一定的描述 根据提示让学生来完成对话突破难点课 后 作 业1、 Make a riddle.2、 Complete Workbook 4B pages 2 and 5.板 书 设 计 Taste it. Its . (sweet/sour) Touch the Its (hard/soft/smooth/rough/)课 后 小 记单 元第 2 单元Smell and taste 月 日教学内容1、 单词: Look and learn2、 句型:复习How does it feel/taste?和相应的回答; Do you like apples?3、 Look, I can make some fruit juice. Watermelon juice and strawberry juice are both red. How do you know which juice it is? I can smell it. I can taste it.4、 学习to be句型的选择疑问句复数形式的使用和回答教学目标1、 复习How does it feel/taste?和相应的回答;为引出新的水果做铺垫。2、 提问How does it feel? 让学生选出合适的触觉形容词:hard和smooth;3、 提问How does it smell? 能尝试用nice和bad进行回答。4、 提问How does it taste? 学生可以回答sweet和sour。教学重点1、 各单词的认读和书写;2、 会表达这个句子 Look, I can make some fruit juice. Watermelon juice and strawberry juice are both red.教学难点1、 学习to be句型的选择疑问句复数形式的使用和回答2、 提问How does it taste? 学生可以回答sweet和sour。教时安排共计 4 课时:P6 -1课时P6 -7 -1课时P8-9 -2课时教学步骤教学活动环节设计意图及效果分析第一课时Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 LearningStep4 PracticeStep 5BlackboardwritingStep 6Homework第二课时Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 Listen, read and guess Step4 Let's talk Step5 HomeworkStep6 Blackboardwriting第三课时Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 Listen, read and guess Step4 Let's talk Step5 HomeworkStep6 Blackboardwriting第四课时Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 LearningStep4 PracticeStep5 Read and judgeHow are you ?Whats the weather like today?1、 I like apples. Some are sweet. Some are sour.Yummy, yummy!2、 Look and say : Touch the apple.Its hard and smooth.Smell it. Its nice.Taste it. Its sweet.1、 Touch the Its (hard/soft/smooth/rough/) 2、 Let's guess: What are these?Fruit A is big. Its green and round. Its hard and smooth.Taste it. Its sweet.What is it? 1、Look and learn :I like _s. Theyre green and round. Some are red inside. Some are _ inside. Theyre hard and _. Theyre very sweet. I eat _s in summer. Do you like _s?fruit is it? Can you guess? 2、Ask and answer : S1: Guess. Are they watermelons or lemons?S2: Are they soft or hard?Are they smooth or rough? Are they sweet or sour?Is it.or.?Its .Listen and repeat books.Recite the new words.How are you ?Whats the weather like today?1、 Say a rhyme 2、 Ask and answer :What do you like?How does it feel/smell?What colour is the juice?How does it taste?They are round and purple. Theyre smooth. Theyre sweet and juicy.We eat them in summer. Are they grapes or strawberriesA: Is it juice or juice?B: Its juice.A: Youre right./Sorry, its Repeat booksAct the story.Practice it for 5-8 Minutes, then act the story in 3 groups.Taste/Smell it. How does it taste/smell?Its sweet/ sour. Its .How are you ?Whats the weather like today?Listen and guess Its green. Its not round. Its smooth. Taste it. Its sweet. Is it a grape or a pear?- Is it or ? Its Are they or ? Theyre Listen and put in order Retell the story Share your story Repeat the storyyummy grape sweet sour Those grapes are sour.How are you ?Whats the weather like today?Retell the story Learn the sounds: sh-shop, ship, she, shineshort, shoulder, shape, shall -sh -fish, dish, wash Let's read : Marshall is in the toy shop.Is Marshall a girl? No. He is a boy1. fish shop ( ) 2. chair share ( )3. she short ( ) 4. snow ship ( )5. wash slide ( ) 6. shape shine ( )看图,进行问答练习;复习How does it feel/smell/taste?和相应的回答,让学生能从这三个方面来描述一种水果。学习watermelon这个词,并且能够进行一定的描述。根据提示让学生来完成对话突破难点。根据第一课时学习的水果,来说一说它们的外形、果汁的颜色、味道等。通过猜一猜的形式引出本节课所要学习的故事中的事物和主人公。复习to be句型选择疑问句的使用,另外通过说一说问一问,进一步巩固和复习对水果、果汁的描述。让学生进一步描述水果,并且用选择疑问句来进行询问,也是对句型的复习。整体导入,先让学生静心倾听这个故事,并且根据故事内容来判断4幅图片的正确顺序。规范语音语调,巩固对故事的认知复习上一课的故事,集体复述。让学生说说除了刚才学习的sh在开头发音的单词,还有哪些。适当了解sh在结尾时相同发音的情况。根据老师补充的词句和书上的儿歌,进行合起来朗读,加深学生的印象。做辨音的练习,让学生能够对sh在开头或结尾的词进行判断,与上个单元ch的进行比较, 与相似的sh进行比较课 后 作 业1、 Review pages 4 to 8.2、 2. Play a game like the one on page 7 with your parents. 3、 3. Write about the fruit your friends like.4、 4. Complete Workbook 4B page 13.板 书 设 计A riddle This fruit is (big/small/round). Its (colour).Touch it. Its Its juice is (colour).Taste it. Its (sweet/sour) .Is it juice or juice? Answer: _课 后 小 记单 元第 3 单元Look and see 月 日教学内容1、 单词: Look and learn2、 句型:The sun rises in the morning. The shadow is long. At noon, the sun is high in the sky. The shadow is short. The sun goes down in the evening.Look at the shadow. How does Henry know the shape is his shadow? 教学目标1、 学习The sun The shadow is , the moon is 2、 学习How does Henry know the shape is his shadow? 3、 掌握人的影子的不同时间段的方位的表达教学重点各单词的认读和书写rise ,go down ,set ,shapes,shade ,high Evening, noon ,night ,glue,a pair of scissors,some sticks,教学难点1、 掌握人的影子的不同时间段的方位的表达2、 根据课文内容准确的回答各问题教时安排共计 3 课时:P10 -11 -1课时P12 -1课时P13 - 1课时教学步骤教学活动环节设计意图及效果分析P10-11第一课时Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 LearningStep4 PracticeStep5 HomeworkStep6 BlackboardWritingP12第二课时Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 Listen, learnStep4 PracticeStep5 HomeworkStep6 BlackboardwritingP13第三课时Step1GreetingStep2 Warming upStep3 Look and guessStep4 LearnHow are you ?Whats the weather like today?Lets playWhere is the mouse? 1、 Lets guessWhose shadow is it? 2、 How do our shadows change from morning to evening? 3、 Think and sayThe shadow is long. The shadow is short. The shadow is long again. 4、 listen and learnThe sun rises in the morning. The shadow is long. At noon, the sun is high in the sky. The shadow is short. The sun goes down in the evening.1、 Look and sayThe sun rises in the morning. The shadow is long.The sun goes down in the evening. Look at the shadow. It is long again. 2、Read and choose1、Listen and number2、listen and repeatevening night moon shadowThe sun rises in the morning.At noon,the sun is high in the sky.The sun goes down in the evening.How are you ?Whats the weather like today?Look and readP10Look and learn:shapes , shadow1、Think and answerWhere is Henrys new friend? Who is Henrys new friend? 1、 Read and match2、 Read and order3、 Read and think4、 Look and say1、 Enjoy the story2、 Retell the story3、 Read and completeHenrys new friend Henry the dog takes a walk in the m


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