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    英语散文选读教学大纲,内容简介,英语散文选读是高等院校英语专业教材,也可作为社会上英语爱好者自学之用。编者以独特的视角,精选了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、D.H.劳伦斯、伯特兰·罗素、乔森纳·斯威夫特等不同历史时期的西方著名作家、学者的名篇全文和节选,内容涉及文学、艺术、历史、社会、宗教和日常生活等诸多方面,所选作品老到深邃与机智活泼兼收、简洁朴实与华丽堂皇并举,堪称思想性和艺术性兼而有之的上乘佳作,英语学习者和爱好者可从中管窥精深博大的西方文明思想。 全书分为18个单元,各单元文章主题力求相关,旨在为学习者提供不同视角,以扩展思维和想象,作者介绍和词句注释详细贴切,为读者的理解和鉴赏补充了大量背景知识,课内讨论问题和写作任务,加强读者的语言技能,引导读者思考,提高读者的文学鉴赏能力,词汇训练和阅读在扩大读者词汇量和阅读量的同时,为读者的进一步学习打下坚实的基础。,Contents,Unit 1 Text A My Wood Text B The Crooked Streets Unit 2 Text A On a Faithful Friend Text B The Ant-Lion Unit 3 Text A Film Making Text B The Nature of Dramatic Illusion Unit 4 Text A Meditation on the Moon Text B The Faces of Buddha Unit 5 Text A Snow Text B This Autumn Morning Unit 6 Text A Seeing People Off Text B The Shadow in the Rose Garden Unit 7 Text A On Arrivals Text B On Doors Unit 8 Text A French and English Text B The English and the Americans Unit 9 Text A The Pleasures of Ignorance Text B The Pleasures of Ignorance,Contents,Unit 10 Text A A Hanging Text B The Ecstasy of War Unit 11 Text A The Inner Ring Text B On Being Modern- Minded Unit 12 Text A Why We Fall in Love Text B My Own Ten Rules for a Happy Marriage Unit 13 Text A Of Great Place Text B A Little Great Man Unit 14 Text A The Spider and the Bee Text B Old China Unit 15 Text A Getting up on Cold Mornings Text B Company of the Wisest Unit 16 Text A In July Text B The Town Week Unit 17 Text A The Convalescent Text B A Country Sunday Unit 18 Text A Conversation Text B Letter to His Son,本课程坚持以学生为中心的教学理念。教师在课堂中起计划、组织、讲解、指导、控制、督促与检查的作用。具体的教学包括:教师在课堂上引领学生快速完成散文Text A的欣赏,并引导学生配合课后练习进行相关的口头讨论,阅读理解,词汇练习等。此外,要求学生运用同样的方法在课后完成对Text B的赏析并完成相应的课后练习,达到巩固学习的目的。,教学方法与教学手段,该课程是本科英语专业高年级的一门专业知识课。该书收集了不同历史时期的西方著名作家、学者的名篇全文和节选,内容涉及文学、艺术、历史、社会、宗教和日常生活等诸多方面,英语学习者和爱好者可以从中管窥精深博大的西方文明思想,在学习那些富有哲理的言论,耐人寻味的隽语和发人深省的警句的同时,思考和感悟自己的人生。细细品读这些散发着浓郁西方文化但不乏独到见解、充满个性的名家妙笔无疑会令英语学习者在精神上获得极大的满足感,有助于加强抽象思辨能力,领略英语散文流光溢彩的艺术风貌,并深深体会英语文字摇曳多姿的丰富表现力。 该课程的学习以 “英国文学选读”等课程作为先修课程,在以往学习课程的基础上,加强对英语文学,特别是英语散文的学习和修养,从而提高学生的审美情趣,文学修养、鉴赏水平和文化综合素质,初步学会分析和欣赏名家名篇。,课程的性质、地位、作用及与其他课程的联系,教学目标与要求,1.通过学习各个历史时期,各种风格的散文,使学生综合了解英美文化、风俗、习惯、历史、传统等许多方面的知识,体会名家对文学、艺术、历史、社会、宗教和日常生活领域的精辟见解,提高学生的审美情趣,文学修养、鉴赏水平和文化综合素质,初步学会分析和欣赏名家名篇,把握作品中反映的不同时代社会、哲学和艺术思想。 2. 通过学习不同的体裁的文章,包括随笔、书信、游记、演说辞等,掌握其写作特点,从而在写作中学会有意识地选词和用词,提高英语作文的质量,写出优美的文章。 4.通过相关配套的练习,提高学生的口头与书面表达能力。,测试与评估,About E . M . Forster E . M . Forster was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. After leaving university he traveled in continental Europe with his mother. He visited Egypt, Germany and India. By that time, Forster had written all but one of his novels. When the First World War broke out, he became a conscientious objector. He is known best for his ironic and well-plotted novels examining class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British society.,A Passage to India Forster spent a second spell in India in the early 1920s as the private secretary. After returning from India, he completed his last novel, A Passage to India (1924), for which he won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction.(詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖) Forster achieved his greatest success with A Passage to India, in which Forster employs his first-hand knowledge of India. The novel takes as its subject the relationship between East and West, seen through the lens of India.,The Order of Merit (荣誉勋章)in 1968,詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖: 英国最古老的文学奖 此奖项创办于1919年,每年评奖一次,是布莱克夫人(Mrs Janet Coutts Black)为了纪念她的最后一任丈夫而设立的;她向苏格兰艺术协会(Scottish Arts Council)进行了捐助。奖项的获得者是由爱丁堡大学英语文学系的教授们从前一年在英国出版的英语作品中选出的。获奖者不分国籍。,Major works,Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905),The Longest Journey (1907 ),A Room with a View (1908),Please write down of contents explanation for Business Area.,Howards End (1910 ),Major works,A Passage to India (1924),Maurice (1971),The life stories and other stories(1972),Please write down of contents explanation for Business Area.,Collected short stories(1947),Major Works,- The difficulty of establishing relations between the British Colonist and the native Indians, the confrontation of oriental culture and west culture,-A story of a young mans self awakening. As a homosexual, he expressed his sympathy for the homosexuality in his work; but he did not publish it during his lifetime,Maurice(1971),A passage to India(1924),Major Works,The conflicts and relationships between three families represented by upper class man Schlegels, low class man Basts and middle class women. At last Basts married middle class women and their son inherited the End.,Friendship between rich young men and a young men in the countryside. The latter one helped the former to maitain his marriage. The latter lost his life to save the formers life.,The Longest Journey(1907 ),Howards End (1910 ),He is known best for his ironic and well-plotted novels examining class difference and hypocrisy in early 20th-century British society.,Writing style,In traditional English novel style,Freedom,equality, humanists and sexuality,focus on the Middle Class,by means of wit, irony and symbolism,The Bloomsbury Group or Bloomsbury Set,informal discussions in Bloomsbury throughout the 20th century,. lived, worked or studied near Bloomsbury in London,influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics,Bloomsbury Group,Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes E. M. Forster Lytton Strachey,a group of writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists,My wood By E.M. Forster,Unit 1,Before the text:,2. Suppose you won a lottery of 20 million RMB. How would you spend the money?,Which do you think can give you more satisfaction, owning or sharing? Why?,詹姆斯·泰特·布莱克纪念奖: 英国最古老的文学奖 此奖项创办于1919年,每年评奖一次,是布莱克夫人(Mrs Janet Coutts Black)为了纪念她的最后一任丈夫而设立的;她向苏格兰艺术协会(Scottish Arts Council)进行了捐助。奖项的获得者是由爱丁堡大学英语文学系的教授们从前一年在英国出版的英语作品中选出的。获奖者不分国籍。,What are the four effects Forster describes as resulting from his purchase of the wood? Explain briefly some of the details Forster uses to explain each of these four effects.,Forster uses many allusions (references to works or events outside the essay itself) to explain his ideas. Research several of these allusions and explain how these contribute to the central idea of the essay. (For example, in the second paragraph Forster refers to the Gospel of Matthew and Leo Tolstoys views on property.),In this essay, Forster uses his own experience with ownership to generalize about societys materialism. Do you consider yourself materialistic? In what ways? Do you consider it a positive or negative trait in yourself or others? Think of something you have purchased after wanting it for a long time.,Main idea,The first paragraph serves as introduction of the whole essay, in which the author states the fact that he purchases a wood with a check as the reward for his book and therefore reflects on the psychological effects property has on people.,Main point,The wood makes the author feel heavy, which means that he believes the property makes one sinful.,修辞技巧对主题的烘托,1924年,福斯特发表了小说印度之旅,该小说的发表在美国受到了极大的欢迎,非常畅销,而该小说的畅销为作者带来了不小的一笔财富,由此作者用这笔钱购买了一片小树林。也就是在购买了这片小树林之后,作者发现了财产对人们的心理影响。在我的小树林中,作者一开篇就结合自身的经历提出了一个问题“财产对人有什么影响?”。随后,作者紧紧围绕这个问题,从四个方面分析了财产对人造成的心理影响:即,财产可以让人变得“笨重”、“贪婪”、“假装创新”及“自私”。为了有效突出该主题,作者运用了不同的修辞技巧,主要包括“典故”和“引用”。,典故的运用,典故是一种重要的修辞手段,是诗词曲赋中常用的一种表现方法,其主要特点是借助一些历史人物、神话传说、寓言故事等来表达自己的某种愿望或情感。 在该散文中,作者运用了圣经典故、历史典故等,增加了文章的色彩与效果。,圣经中的许多故事经常被作为典故在文学作品中应用。基督教的教义中“原罪”之说提倡人的“禁欲与简单生活”以赎罪,只有在赎罪后人才可以在死后进入天堂。而财产的拥有则加重了人在世间的罪恶。所以,在文章的第二段,作者提出了“财产首先让人感觉笨重”的主题。作者首先指出笨重的人是无法进入天堂的。作者运用圣经中的典故“富人要想进入天国比骆驼穿过针眼都难”。这个典故的运用暗示了有财产的人要想进天堂是很困难的;既而,作者指出在福音全书中,“笨重就等同于动作迟缓”,然后,作者提到圣经中的典故“到约旦河接受洗礼”; 最后,作者指出“笨重的人由于动作迟缓而使得他们在去约旦河洗浴之前不得不三思而后行”。通过这些圣经中的典故的运用,作者揭示出第二段的主题:财产的拥有让人感觉笨重,笨重的人行动迟缓,行动迟缓的人很难到约旦河接受洗礼,并最终被上帝拥入怀抱。作者通过这一系列圣经中典故的运用是想告诉读者:人一旦拥有了财产就会背上沉重的精神负担,而这些精神负担会让他们在做任何事情前犹豫不决,而最终失去被上帝接纳的机会。,此外,在文章的第四段作者指出“财产的拥有让人变得无限贪婪”。作者有一天在自己的小树林里看到一只小鸟后惊喜万分,他首先想到的是“这是我的小鸟”。但小鸟在看到作者后受到惊吓后飞走了,最后落在了作者的邻居Mrs Henessy的田地里。这让作者感到极大的伤害和失落。作者此时提到圣经中的典故“亚哈并不想霸占葡萄园”在圣经中,亚哈由于贪婪并受到魔鬼的指使霸占了拿波的葡萄园。该典故暗示了作者对自己小树林的不满足,映射了作者在看到小鸟落到邻居家的田里后,内心的欲望进一步扩大的心理过程。在该段的后半部分,为了进一步强调自己私欲的膨胀,作者夸张地运用了“幸福呀,克努特大帝!”、“亚里山大大帝更幸福!”的表达方法表达了自己对两位大帝的羡慕与崇拜。作者在文章中表达了对这两位以领土扩张与占领而著名于人类历史的大帝的羡慕与颂扬,从而使他的对财产的贪婪之心跃然纸上。,在文章的最后一部分,作者指出:“财产让人变得自私”。 作者的小树林里有许多黑莓,为了防止路人采摘,作者也想模仿别人在小树林周围建一堵高墙。在该部分,作者又一次运用了圣经中“拉撒路”的典故来突出主题。在圣经中,有一个财主(Dives),天天奢华宴乐。一个讨饭的拉撒路(Lazarus),乞讨财主桌子上掉下来的零碎充饥。后来拉撒路死了,被天使带去放在亚伯拉罕的怀里。财主死后被埋葬了,在阴间受痛苦,举目远远地望见亚伯拉罕和他怀里的拉撒路,他企求主可怜他。亚伯拉罕说:“儿阿,你该回想你生前享过福,拉撒路也受过苦。如今他在这里得安慰,你倒受痛苦。在你我之间,有深渊限定,以致人要从这边过到你们那边,是不能的,要从那边过到我们这边,也是不能的。”通过这个典故的运用作者试图告诉读者:圣经中的穷人与富人之间虽有天堂与地狱之隔,但至少他们还可以彼此看到对方。而作者如果在自己的小树林周围建起高高的围墙的话,经过作者小树林的路人由于高墙的阻隔甚至在作者独享黑莓的时候不能够看上一眼。此处作者通过圣经中典故的运用突出了作者该段的主题“财产让人自私”。,引用,“引词入文”已经成为一种比较普遍的修辞现象,具有增强表达效果和强化艺术魅力的双重修辞功能,有利于刻画人物,揭示主题,点染意境。在我的小树林中,作者多处运用了对名人、名言的引用来突出主题。,在文章的第二段,作者引用了俄罗斯小说家托尔斯泰的观点 “ property is sinful”。托尔斯泰一生提倡简单的生活方式,并认为财产是邪恶的。在该段中,托尔斯泰对财产看法的引用与圣经中有关“财产使人笨重、行动迟缓”的典故的运用相互印证,进一步突出了作者的观点:财产对人产生恶劣的心理影响,使得该段的主题更加鲜明,令人信服。,文章的第五段阐述了“财产让人变得假装创新”,因为这种所谓的“创新”具有“炫耀”与“空洞”的特征。在该段中,作者引用了莎士比亚对贪欲的评价。前一句引用表达了莎士比亚的观点“欲望的结果就是让人丧失自己的精神和意志”;而第二句引用则表达莎士比亚“财产事前给个乐儿;事后,只是一场梦”的辨证思想。通过这两个引用的巧妙运用,作者试图表达财产与欲望不可分割的关系,而所有对财产的欲望最终给人带来的不过是一场梦。所以在该段的最后一句,作者引用了旦丁的名言“占有是伴着损失的”,即:一切的“得”与“失”都是相伴产生的,该引用进一步强化了该段的主题。,修辞手法与讽刺口吻,在我的小树林中,作者不仅通过典故与引用的运用突出了文章中各个部分的主题,而且还通过其他一些修辞手法的运用突出了文章中的讽刺与幽默的口吻。在这些修辞手法中,比较突出的是“假正经”(mock seriousness)与夸张手法。,所谓的“假正经”指的是在文学作品中,作者将一些无关紧要的小事情用较为严肃的、正式的表达方法表达出来,从而产生一种反差,其主要功能是突出讽刺和幽默的口吻。在我的小树林中,作者多次用到此修辞手法,使文章的讽刺色彩更加突出。例如,在文章的第一段,作者表达了自己对所购买的小树林的不满之处:“不够大,树也不多,还有一条公用的道路从中穿过”。然后作者写到: “other people should participate in my shame”,在该句中,作者实际上要表达的是“如果别人和我一样(因为树林小,树木少,等原因)为此感到遗憾,那是很正常的事”但作者却运用了非常正式的表达方法 “participate in my shame”来表达别人与作者的相同的看法这一简单的主题,体现了作者幽默与自嘲的口气。 在文章的第四段,作者讲述了自己有一天听到了小树林里有树枝被折断的声音,他的第一个感觉是有人在小树林里偷采黑莓,他马上想到:偷采黑莓的人会 “depreciating the value of the undergrowth”。作者想要表达的是“有人在树林里采黑莓,会不小心踩坏里面的植物”。而作者运用了 “depreciating the undergrowth”这一表达方法,尤其是“depreciating”的运用更为夸张,更使得作者内心由于这分财产的获得而变得小心翼翼,惶惶然的心情以一种幽默而辛辣的口吻跃然纸上。,我的小树林虽然篇幅不长,却充分体现了作者的写作技巧与优美精练的语言。通过包括典故和引用的运用,作者成功地表达了该散文的主题,即:人一旦有了财产就会变得“笨重”、“贪婪”、“假装创新”和“自私”。而通过假正经和夸张手法的运用,突出了文章幽默和讽刺的口气 。,2. A man of weight who failed to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. He was not wicked, that unfortunate millionaire in the parable, he was only stout; he stuck out in front, not to mention behind, and as he wedged himself this way and that in the crystalline entrance and bruised his well-fed flanks, he saw beneath him a comparatively slim camel passing through the eye of a needle and being woven into the robe of God. 圣经中那个不幸的百万富翁并不坏,只是胖而已,他大腹便便,屁股浑圆,在水晶门内东挪西插想挤进去,肥嘟嘟的身体两侧被挤得到处青肿,却看见他的下方,一只较瘦的骆驼穿过针眼,织进了上帝的袍子。 Allusion: Matthew, XIX, 23-24. Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”,3.THE FOUR GOSPELS 新约四福音书 .The book of Matthew (Levi)(马太福音) Author: Matthew Formerly a tax collector One of the 12 disciples Written around 60-65 AD Purpose: To prove that Jesus is the Messiah “anointed one”, the eternal King Written specifically to Jews, emphasizes the fulfillment of prophecy Uses a lot of OT references. Begins with the genealogy of Jesus .The book of Mark(马可福音) Author: John Mark, cousin of Barnabas Not one of the 12 disciples, but traveled with Paul on his missionary journeys Written around 55-65 AD Purpose: To present the person, work and teachings of Jesus Written to the christains in Rome The book of Mark may have been written before the other three because the others quote heavily from Mark. Mark records more miracles than the others gospel books. Begins with the preaching of John the Baptizer With the common language and excellent transportation and communication systems, ideas in Rome could rapidly spread to the far reaches of the empire,.The book of Luke(路加福音) Author: Luke, a doctor, a Greek, gentile christian, only known gentile author in the NT Not one of the 12, but a close companion of Paul Written around 60 AD Purpose: To present an accurate account of the life of Christ and present Christ as the perfect human and Savior Written to Theophilus and to gentiles in general More parables than the other gospels .The book of John(约翰福音) Author: John the apostle, a son of Zebedee, brother of James, called the “Sons of Thunder” One of the 12 Written around 85-90 AD, after the destruction of Jerusalem and before his exile to the isle of Patmos Purpose: To prove conclusively that Jesus is the Son of God and that all who believe in Him will have eternal life Written to new Christians and those seeking Begins with the beginning “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”,4. insurance stamps 保险印花(以证明已按期交纳保险费) 5.the Jordan also the Jordan River a river in Israel and Jordan, which flows into the Dead Sea. It is often mentioned in the Bible, and was the river in which John the Baptist(施洗约翰) baptized Jesus and in which John the Baptist christened repentant sinners 忏悔的罪人. 6. fourteen-stone =196 pounds (1 stone =14 pounds)=196 pounds (1 stone =14 pounds) 7. Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) 列夫. 托尔斯泰 Russian novelist and philosopher. His masterpieces include War and peace, Anna Karenina, and Resurrection. After the 1870s, he accepted the principle of nonviolence, and considered wrong all organizations based on the premise of force, including both the government and the church. He preached a simplicity of life, regarding property as sinful. This is an apparent reference to a short story by Tolstoy entitled “How Much Land Does a Man Need?“,8. the coming of Son of Man Jesus warned the people of the coming disasters upon Jerusalem and its people. He foretold that the son and the moon would grow dark and the stars would fall from heaven, and the powers in space will be driven from their courses; great catastrophe would befall the city., then the savior, the Son of Man, would appear for the salvation of people. In Christianity Jesus is generally referred to as the Son of Man.,Main Idea,In paragraph 3 and 4, the author points out that property can make a person more and more greedy. Through the use of an allusion about Ahab, the author expresses his unsatisfactory with the little wood and his admiration to Canute and Alexander.,Trod: 踩,踏 Squawk: 鸟类咯咯叫声 Grossly: extremely Amiss: wrong Vineyard:葡萄园 Beset: to affect sb/sth in an unpleasant or harmful way 困扰,威胁 dominion: an area controlled by one ruler 领土,疆域 Round off: to finish an activity or complete sth in a good or suitable way 圆满结束,圆满完成,Canute 克努特 (995-1035), King of England, Denmark, and Norway. He was a very vain king. He is remembered for once ordering the sea to stop moving toward the land. Alexander 亚历山大大帝 Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) , King of Macedonia who took control of Greece, Egypt, and most of the countries east of the Mediterranean Sea,“Ahab did not want that vineyard-he only needed it to round off his property, preparatory to plotting a new curve” An allusion from


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