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    Unit 5,success,Success covers a multitude of blunders. (George Bernard Shaw , British Dramatist) 成功由大量的失望铸就。 You have to believe in yourself . That's the secret of success . (Charles Chaplin , American actor ) 人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀 . I succeeded because I willed it ; I never hesitated . (Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor ) 我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。,In-Class Reading,characteristics of successful students,What is a good student?,Study is the first thing we should do as students. But we also need to improve ourselves in other aspects, such as which should not be driven away by study.,ethics, individuality, personality , hobby, etc,Part 1 (para.1-3),Introduction : Knowing the characteristics of good students will help you become a successful student.,Para. 1,1 Many students new to college do not know e.g. He is a green hand new to job. e.g. English is a language easy to learn but difficult to master. e.g. 我向你推荐一个适合这个职位的人选。 I recommend you a man suitable for the post.,take to need in order to gain a particular result (为了获得某种结果而)需要 e.g. It takes a lot of courage to propose to a girl in public.,have/ get what it takes to,to have the qualities needed for success 具有的天资/条件 e.g. 你有成为演员的天分,我看好你哟。 You have what it takes to be an actor. I got you back. e.g. Have you had what it takes to stand by me ? 你真的可以做我坚强的后盾吗?,Para 2,1 for one thing , for another e.g. 为什么不买辆车呢? -一方面我不会开车,另一方面我也买不起。 - Why dont you buy a car? - For one thing, I cannot drive ;for another, I cant afford it.,2 necessarily adv. in a way that must be so 必定,必然 e.g. A girl looks good does not necessarily live well. 长得漂亮的女孩不一定活得也漂亮。 e.g. 脾气好的人不一定是软弱的。她的小宇宙必然会爆发的。 A good-tempered lady is not necessarily weak. Her little universe will necessarily burn!,Para.3,1 Non-restrictive attributive clause 非限制性定语从句 who, whom, of whom, which , of which , whose b) 和主句或先行词用逗号隔开.对主句内容起到补充说明的作用,省略后对主句的意思影响不大。 C) 可以修饰先行词,也可修饰整个主句。,e.g. 他绝对不是一个爱出风头的人。 He is absolutely not a person e.g. Mike , who always likes to be in the limelight , is a narcissist. Mike 是个自恋狂,他总是爱出风头。,who likes to be in the limelight.,Tell the difference between the following 2 sentences: He didnt mention the matter that / which made her angry. He didnt mention the matter, which made her angry.,他没有提到那件让她生气的事。,他没有提到那件事,这让她很生气。,get down to,to begin to give serious attention to 开始认真对待,着手 e.g. It is hard to get down to study after a good holiday. 度过愉快的假期之后,很难一下子投入到学习中去。 e.g. 你必须得认真考虑你的未来了。 You must get down to thinking about your future.,(n.),Para.5,1 take advantage of make use of ; profit from 利用 e.g. Dont take advantage of peoples moments of weakness. 不要利用别人一时的软弱。 e.g. 你应该借此机会积累更多的经验。 You should take advantage of the chance to gain more experience.,care about,to be worried, anxious, mind 忧虑,关心,介意,在乎 e.g. 走自己的路,让别人说去吧。 Dont care too much about others comments, just do what you like. e.g. 他所在乎的只有金钱,地位和女人。 What he cares about are only money, status and beauty.,Para. 7,end up 最后处于, 以而结束 e.g. If you keep on going your own way, you will end up losing more. 如果你继续我行我素的话,你最终会失去的更多。 e.g. I planed to go to class but ended up in the internet bar. 我本来打算去上课,可最后却坐在了网吧。,e.g. 刚刚开始他们看不惯彼此,可后来却成了好朋友。 They couldn't bear to see each other at first, but they ended up becoming good friends./ good friends.,engage in,take part in 参加,从事 e.g. She didnt want to engage in such nonsensical conversation. e.g. He has engaged in teaching for 20 years. e.g. 他成天忙着参加各种相亲。 He is engaged in various blind date.,忙于,


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