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    Lesson 109 A good idea,Review形容词比较级和最高级,1. 直接加er hard-harder- the hardest, short-shorter-the shortest 2.以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写该辅音字母+er/est big-bigger-biggest 3.以辅音字母+y结尾的变y为i加er/est lazy-lazier-the laziest,heavy-heavier-the heaviest,2019/5/15,Review形容词比较级和最高级,4. 以不发音e结尾的形容词直接加r/st large-larger-the largest 5. 多音节及某些双音节词,+more/ the most difficult-more difficult- the most difficult, tired-more tired-the most tired,2019/5/15,special,good(well) -better-the best bad -worse-the worst many/much -more-the most little -less- the least,2019/5/15,far -farther/further -the farthest/furthest old -older/elder -the oldest-eldest,2019/5/15,dictation,2019/5/15,ai'di idea (点子,主意),good/bad idea (好坏点子),He is full of ideas. 他主意很多。,many & a few,2019/5/15,a few,几个(用于可数名词前),2019/5/15,a little & much,2019/5/15,a little,少许(用于不可数名词前),2019/5/15,less les adj.(little的比较级) 较少的,更小的,teaspoonful,一满茶匙 a teaspoonful of tea,2019/5/15,pity / piti/遗憾,What a pity! 真遗憾! 感叹句 What + a + 可数名词! What a beautiful flower (it is)! What + 不可数名词! What sweet juice (it is)!,2019/5/15,Advice建议,Give me some advice. Thats very good advice.,2019/5/15,instead代替,There isnt any cigarette, have a biscuit instead.,2019/5/15,idea ai' di n.主意,这是个好主意。 Its a good idea. a little & little (用于不可数名词前) a little表示“少”,但是还有一点点,即重点放在“有”(乐观) little 表示“有,但是极少”,即强调“几乎没有”(悲观) There is a little juice in the glass. There is little juice in the glass.,teaspoonful 'ti:spu:nfl n.一满茶匙 a teaspoonful of salt less les adj.(little的比较级) 较少的,更小的 I have got little money. I have got less money. I have got the least money.,pity 'piti n.遗憾 What a pity! instead in'sted adv.代替 I dont have any beer. I would like to have a cup of coffee, instead. advice dvais n.建议,忠告 U 一条建议 a piece of advice,夏洛特:我来煮点咖啡好吗,简? CHARLOTTE:Shall I make some coffee, Jane? 简:这是个好主意,夏洛特。 JANE:Thats a good idea, Charlotte. shall 表征询意见 我们去公园好吗? Shall we go to the park? some 一般用于肯定句,但如果是征求某人意见,或期望得到对方的肯定回答时,可用于疑问句。 idea C 我有一个好主意。 I have a good idea.,Watch the video and then try to answer the question:,What does Jane have with her coffee?,夏洛特:咖啡好了,你要放点奶吗? CHARLOTTE:Its ready. Do you want any milk? 简:请稍加一点。 JANE:Just a little, please. Its ready = The coffee is ready. a little 一点,用于修饰不可数名词。又如: a little money/ water/coffee 一点儿钱水咖啡 a little & little There is a little coffee in the cup. There is little coffee in the cup. a little 表示“少”,但是还有一点点,即重点放在“有”(乐观) little 表示“有,但是极少”,即强调“几乎没有”(悲观),夏洛特:加些糖怎么样?两茶匙行吗? CHARLOTTE:What about some sugar? Two teaspoonfuls? 简:不,再少一些。请放一勺儿半。那对我已足够了。 JANE:No, less than that. One and a half teaspoonfuls, please. That's enough for me. teaspoon 茶匙 a teaspoonful of sugar 一茶匙的糖 handful adj. 一把 a handful of sand 一把沙子 a mouthful of food 一满嘴饭 little - less the least less than 少于 一勺儿半 be enough for sb. 对某人来说足够了,CHARLOTTE:Shall I , Jane? JANE:That's , Charlotte. CHARLOTTE:Its . Do you ? JANE:Just , please. CHARLOTTE:What about ? Two ? JANE:No, that. , please. That's for me.,make some coffee,a good idea,ready,want any milk,a little,some sugar,teaspoonfuls,less than,One and a half teaspoonfuls,enough,简:太好了。 JANE:That was very nice. 夏洛特:你再来点吗? CHARLOTTE:Would you like some more? 简:好的,请再来一点。 JANE:Yes, please. more “更多的”,是many 和much的比较级 many / much more the most 此处是指“再来点儿咖啡吗?” many + C much + U I have many friends. I have more friends. I have much money. I have more money.,简:我还想抽枝烟。可以给我一枝吗? JANE:I'd like a cigarette, too. May I have one? 夏洛特:当然可以。我想那个盒子里有一些。 CHARLOTTE:Of course. I think there are a few in that box. d like = would like “想要”(没有人称和数格的变化,相当于want,但比want口气委婉) May I ?表请求,允许 one = a cigarette a few + 可数名词 桌上还有几个苹果。 There are a few apples on the table. a few & few a few “有一些”,肯定意义 few “几乎没有”,否定意义 There are a few apples on the table. There are few apples on the table.,简:恐怕盒子是空的。 JANE:I'm afraid it's empty. 夏洛特:真遗憾! CHARLOTTE:What a pity! 简:没关系。 JANE:It doesn't matter. it = the box What a/an + C (+主+系/谓) What + U (+主+系/谓) What a lovely hat it is! What nice coffee youve made! Thats all right. Its OK.,夏洛特:那就吃块饼干吧。多吃点,少抽点! CHARLOTTE:Have a biscuit instead. Eat more and smoke less! (禁烟广告) 简:这是极好的忠告啊! JANE:That's very good advice! have = eat instead 替代 She had a cup of tea instead. instead of 代替,而不是 她想要牛奶,而不是果汁。 She wants some milk instead of juice. more 是much 的比较级 less 是little的比较级 advice U a piece of advice 给他一个忠告 give him a piece of advice,JANE:That . CHARLOTTE:Would you ? JANE:Yes, please. JANE: , too. May I ? CHARLOTTE:Of course. I think . JANE:Im afraid . CHARLOTTE: ! JANE:It . CHARLOTTE:Have a . and ! JANE:That's !,was very nice,like some more,I'd like a cigarette,have one,there are a few in that box,it's empty,What a pity,doesn't matter,biscuit instead,Eat more,smoke less,very good advice,Watch the video again, then try to retell the text.,CHARLOTTE:Shall I , Jane? JANE:That's , Charlotte. CHARLOTTE:Its . Do you ? JANE:Just , please. CHARLOTTE:What about ? Two ? JANE:No, that. , please. That's for me.,make some coffee,a good idea,ready,want any milk,a little,some sugar,teaspoonfuls,less than,One and a half teaspoonfuls,enough,JANE:That . CHARLOTTE:Would you ? JANE:Yes, please. JANE: , too. May I ? CHARLOTTE:Of course. I think . JANE:Im afraid . CHARLOTTE: ! JANE:It . CHARLOTTE:Have a . and ! JANE:That's !,was very nice,like some more,I'd like a cigarette,have one,there are a few in that box,it's empty,What a pity,doesn't matter,biscuit instead,Eat more,smoke less,very good advice,How do they compare?,2019/5/15,Homework,1. 第109-110课单词每个写2遍,汉译1遍,并用单词各造一个句子。 2.背诵第109课课文。 3. 完成一课一练第109,110课。,2019/5/15,1. Tell her not to fall off the wall. 2. I do not want them to miss the train. 3. I want a dress like that one but it must be my size. 4. Short skirts are in fashion now. 5. This is the most expensive shirt in the shop.,2019/5/15,1. I do not want her to break the glass. 2. Tell him not to lose any money. 3. It is the prettiest skirt in the shop. 4. This is the least interesting story I have ever read. 5. I would like less than one and a half teaspoonfuls.,2019/5/15,6. Having a biscuit instead is a good idea. 7. Have you made fewer mistakes than she has? 8. Hans is the tallest boy in the class. 9. The yellow suitcase is the heaviest of them all. 10. Shall I make some coffee?,2019/5/15,将下列句子改为感叹句,1. He is a clever boy. What a clever boy he is! 2. This is a lovely dress. What a lovely dress this is! 3. It is an interesting film. What an interesting film it is! 4. They are wonderful actors. What wonderful actors they are!,2019/5/15,反义疑问句,1. It is a nice day, ? 2. You arent a doctor, ? 3. He will write soon, ? 4. They went to the zoo yesterday, ? 5. She often gets up early, ? 6. He doesnt like to eat vegetables, ? 7. Close the door, ? 8. He can play the guitar very well, ?,2019/5/15,isnt it,用good的适当形式填空,1. A name is than gold. 2. Its to be healthy than to be rich.,2019/5/15,good,better,better,A few, few, a little, little,1. Will you eat cake? 2. people live to be a hundred. 3. He did quite well. There are mistakes on his test paper this time. 4. Unluckily, I had money on him. 5. There are students in the class.,2019/5/15,Thank you!,


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