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    ,安全环保部,HOT WORK 热作业专项培训,WELDING焊接,and,CUTTING打磨,WELDING is a process that joins materials, usually metals or thermoplastics, by causing coalescence. This is often done by melting the work pieces and a filler material to form a pool of molten material that cools to become a strong joint, but sometimes pressure is used in conjunction or by itself, to produce the weld. 焊接是通过普通金属的热聚合来连接材料的过程。一般通过溶解工件和填充材料来形成一个溶解材料填充池,通过冷却是它变成坚固的连接点,但是有时候也通过压力来造成连接,或者它自身来形成 焊缝。,DEFINITION 定义,COMMON TYPES OF WELDING 普通的 焊接,Electric shock 电击 Fumes and gases 烟和气 Welding sparks 焊渣 Arc rays 电弧光,GENRAL WELDING HAZARDS HAZARDS 焊接中的危害,Confined space 受限空间 General work area/Falls总的工作区域/坠落 Electric and magnetic fields 电气和磁场 Area Conditions/Fire 工作场所/火灾,GENRAL WELDING HAZARDS HAZARDS 焊接中的危害,电弧焊,电极,弧,焊把线,焊机,回流,作业点,8,Potential Hazards: 潜在的风险 Unprotected combustible materials exposed to hot work. 在动火作业区域有未保护的可燃材料 Fire and explosion hazards. 火灾和爆炸 Failure to recognize flammable materials such as rubber, foam insulation, wiring, deck covering, wallboard. 对易燃材料错误的判断,例如橡胶、泡沫绝缘,电线、面板敷料,墙板等,General Hot Works Hazards 总的动火作业风险,9,Potential Hazards: 潜在的风险 Spark-producing devices not observed by user. 未使用火花产生装置。 Burning of materials causing toxic gases or atmospheres. 燃烧的材料产生有毒有害气体 oxygen-deficent and oxygen enriched atmospheres while performing hot work. 动火作业时氧气不足或氧气过分充足。,General Hot Works Hazards 总的动火作业风险,10,Potential Hazards: 潜在的风险 Performing hot work in non-designated locations. 在非指定区域动火作业 Protective covers that have been moved, become deteriorated, contaminated, or unsuitable for the purpose. 因为破损、污损或者工作不合适而移走防护罩 Fuel line and oxygen hose breakage. 燃料和氧气的软管破损,General Hot Works Hazards 总的动火作业风险,11,Factors to Consider 考虑的因素,Wetness / Welder in or work piece / Confined space 雨天/焊工站在工件上/受限空间,Precautions 预防,Good electrical connection, Electrode holder and cable properly insulated 良好的电气连接,焊把和电源线绝缘 All electrical connections to welders, power supply to electrode holder clamps and earthing connection must be made only with the circuit open 在电源接通的状况下,保持电源连同焊机,电力通过焊把,以及接地,形成一个回路。,ELECTRIC WELDING SHOCK 电焊-电击,12,Cables and connectors to be capable of handling the maximum possible current 电缆和连接器要能够承受最大的电流 The earth wire must be connected as close as possible to the element to be welded using pliers, clmaps or other systems which garantee good contact 通过接地棒、夹子和其它的系统使接地线牢固,ELECTRIC WELDING SHOCK 电焊-电击,Grounds shall not be connected to handrails, stairs, or from steel power or lighting towers, or on any active oil, gas, steam, air, or chemical line: in live plant area ask to plant-owner for suitable ground point 不允许将接地与栏杆,阶梯,金属动力或者灯车,以及油类,气体,蒸汽,空气或者化学品管线连接,与激活的设备连接需要与设备所有者确定合适的接地点。 Ground machine frames: inspect all grounds for mechanical strength adequacy 接地设备框架:检查所有的接地是否牢固。 Insulate welder from work piece and ground, particularly from wet area 将焊机与工作场所隔离,尤其是潮湿的区域。,Wear dry, hole free gloves 佩戴干燥的没有破损的手套。 Dont touch electrically “hot” parts or electrode or electrically live parts 不要触摸电源过热的区域或者焊条以及电源流通部件 Always inspect the electrode holder before turning the welder on 在打开焊机前,检查焊把 When working at height, use a safety harness 高处作业使用安全带,Instruct employees to do also the following: 遵循以下指令 Open power switch when leaving, stopping for appreciable times, and moving machines 在离开,长时间停止作业以及移动设备的时候,关闭电源开关 When not in use, remove electrodes from holders and place holders where they cannot make electrical contact with employees or conducting objects 当不使用时,从焊把上移走焊条,不要将焊把放在金属面或与人体接触的地方。,ELECTRIC WELDING SHOCK 电焊 电击,Do not dip hot holders in water for cooling 不要将热焊把放进水里冷却 Report faulty equipment to supervisor 将破损的设备报告给管理人员 Shield operations with screens that protect other workers 使用防护屏风,ELECTRIC WELDING SHOCK 电焊 电击,Treatment for Electrical Shock: 救援电击者 Turn off the power 关闭电源 Use non-conducting material, such as wood, to pull the victim 使用绝缘体如木头等拉动受害者 If the victim is not breathing, administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) after breaking contact ONLY IF TRAINED TO DO SO 如果受害者没有呼吸,只有受过培训的人允许使用心肺复苏术。,Call a physician and continue CPR until breathing starts or until a physician arrives 呼叫医生,继续实施心肺复苏术,直到受害者有呼吸或者医生到达 Treat an electrical burn as a thermal burn by applying clean, cold(iced) compresses 通过清洗,冷敷(冰)挤压等来治疗电击烧伤 Prevent contamination and cover the burn with a clean, dry dressing 使用干净的,干燥的布清理和覆盖烧伤部位。,2. Fumes and gases,Factors to Consider 考虑因素,Confined area. 受限区域 Positioning of welders head. 焊机头部的位置 Lack of general ventilation.缺少通风 Electrode types. 焊条类型 Base metal coatings, galvanise, paint. 基础金属的外衣,镀锌,和油漆,FUMES AND GASES 烟气,Precautions预防,Use ventilation or exhaust. 使用通风和排气装置 Use helmet and positioning of head.使用护罩和规范焊机头部位置 Read warnings on electrode container. 阅读焊条容器上的警告 Provide additional ventilation / exhaust . 提供额外的通风/排气 Use special care - welding in a confined area. 特别关注-受限区域的焊接 Do not weld unless ventilation is adequate. 在没有足够通风情况下不要焊接 Keep your head out of fumes.远离烟气,FUMES AND GASES 烟气,Nitrogen oxides (TLV 5ppm) 氧化氮 Formed by combination of atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen by heat of electric arc, or gas torch. 由于电弧或者气焊把加热空气中的氧气和氮气形成 Symptoms:Irritating cough, tightness in chest, lung irritation. 症状:刺激性咳嗽,胸闷,肺部发炎 Ozone (TLV 0.1ppm) 臭氧 Formed in small quantities in electric arc welding with coated rods and in gas welding, shielded welding. 由少量的电弧焊和焊接中产生 Symptoms are:- Cold, bronchitis, pneumonia. 症状是: - 冷,支气管炎,肺炎。,FUMES AND GASES 烟气,Phosgene(TLV 0.1ppm) 光气 Formed by the action of heat on hydrocarbons. Example insufficiently dried after degreasing. 由加热烃类产生(乙炔) Symptoms are:- Like nitrogen oxide and ozone. 症状: - 如氮氧化物和臭氧。 Carbon monoxide(TLV 50ppm) 一氧化碳 Formed when welding is held on varnishes, paints and other carbonaceous coatings. 在清漆,油漆等含碳化合物表面焊接 Symptoms are:- Asphyxia, headache, nausea etc. 症状是: - 窒息,头痛,恶心等,FUMES AND GASES 烟气,Identify potential toxic exposures that could result from welding or cutting and use sufficient ventilation 确认焊接和切割中潜在的有害物资,确保充足的通风 Use mechanical ventilation or respiratory protection if air contaminants exceed permissible exposure limit (PEL) 如果超过允许范围,使用机械通风和呼吸保护装置 Do not use oxygen for ventilation, cooling, or cleaning 不要使用氧气通风、冷却和清洁,Breathe Protection 呼吸保护,Use air-line respirators if ventilation insufficient in confined spaces 在受限空间内通风不足时使用空气呼吸器 Use safety belts, lifelines, and attendant for confined spaces 受限空间作业使用安全带和生命绳,Breathe Protection 呼吸保护,Factors to Consider 考虑因素,Containers held with combustibles. 盛易燃物的容器 Flammable materials. 易燃材料,Fire Hazards 火灾,The welding heat can reach temperatures of 5000o C. 火焰的温度可以达到5000o C The spark can travel to10m 火花可以飞溅出10m,WELDING SPARKS 焊接火花,Precaution预防,Do not weld on containers having combustible materials ( paints / thinner ). 容器上有易燃物时不要焊接(油漆/稀释剂) Remove flammable materials from welding area or shield. 移走焊接区域易燃材料 Keep a fire watch 安排监火员 Keep a fire extinguisher in the welding area. 焊接区域有灭火器 Wear fire retardant clothing 穿戴防火材料制作的工作服,WELDING SPARKS 焊接火花,Sparks are one of the most common fire causes in construction site, both those at ground level and particularly those falling from the upper level underneath. Sparks containment (carpet, shield, etc.) is one of the most important duty of a welder 火花在施工中最容易导致火灾一种形式,尤其是高空火花在没有防护的情况下,Factors to Consider 注意因素,Gas shielded arc most severe 气体弧光是最严重的 UV and INFRA red lights 紫外线和红外线,ARC RAYS 电弧射线,Precaution 预防,Wear suitable eye protection 使用合适的眼部保护 Select a filter lens. 选择过滤镜片 Always use helmet when welding.带安全帽 Provide non-flammable shielding.使用不易燃的防护 Wear clothing which protects skin.长袖衣服 Use eye and skin protection to avoid ultraviolet radiation burns 使用眼部和皮肤保护避免紫外线灼伤,ARC RAYS 电弧射线,Metal enclosure.金属外壳 Wetness. 雨天 Restricted entry. 限制入口 Heavier than air gas. 比重比空气重的气体 Welder inside or on work piece. 在工件上面或里面焊接,Welding in Confined Space 受限空间的焊接,Factors to Consider注意因素,Carefully evaluate adequacy of ventilation. 注意通风 Apply basic electric shock precaution. 提供基本电击预防 Method of welder retrieval from outside enclosure.了解焊机接通方案 General safe work practices for confined space to be apply掌握基本的安全技术 Permit to work shall be apply办理许可证 Always check with your welding supervisor/ foreman or safety officer before to start to work in confined space工作前向管理员/工头/安全员确认,Welding in Confined Space 受限空间的焊接,Precaution预防,Execute Gas Test before to work 工作前进行气体测验 Shut off gas supply at cylinders and torch valves outside confined spaces 关闭受限空间外气瓶与焊把阀门 Ensure all containers contacting toxic or flammable substances are either filled with water, cleaned, vented, and tested before welding, cutting, or heating 确保在焊接,切割或者加热前,所有的容器与有毒有害物资或者易燃物资接触过的充满水,清洗,通风以及测试,Fire Precaution for Confined Space受限空间火灾预防,Remove torches and hoses from confined spaces at shift change and overnight 下班后,将焊把和软管从受限空间内拿出来。 Prevent residue buildup. Ensure containers are vented before welding, cutting, or heating 防止残渣残留。在焊接,切割和加热前确保容器有足够的通风 CO2 fire extinguisher can not be used 受限空间灭火器不能选择二氧化碳灭火器,Fire Precaution for Confined Space受限空间火灾预防,.,磨光机的采购要求,避免火星向上,应向一侧或向下 Avoid sending sparks upward. Where practical, direct sparks sideways or downward 。 检查火花可能伤及到人或财产的周围区域,确保没有可以点燃的材料 Check the surrounding area for any people or property that might be hit by sparks. Make sure there are no flammables that could be ignited,Grinding machine and operation打磨机械与操作,在更换或安装砂轮及刀具前,拔掉工具的插头。 Always unplug the tool before replacing or installing stones, disks, and cutters 使用电焊遮光罩或其他适合的屏障,预防火花及碎屑 Use welding screens or other suitable barriers to contain sparks and grindings,Grinding machine and operation打磨机械与操作,Grinding machine and operation打磨机械与操作,打磨机械的最大转速应有标注。 The maximum working speed of the grinding machines shall be marked on the Machine. 防护罩应最大程度的罩住砂轮,同时开口依据作业性质尽可能小。 A guard shall be provided to enclose the wheel to the greatest possible extent, with the opening as small as possible consistent with the nature of the work.,GUARD防护罩,Grinding machine and operation打磨机械与操作,当使用打磨机械与砂轮片时,需要脸部、眼部防护。安全眼镜应佩戴。 Full face eye protection shall be used when working with grinding machines and abrasive wheels and safety spectacles should be worn under the shield.,砂轮片的转速,磨光机的转速,检查砂轮片与磨光机的转速是否匹配(注:磨光机转速不应大于砂轮片转速) INSPECT THE SPEED OF THE WHEEL AGAINST MACHINE. THE SPEED OF THE MACHINE MUST NOT BE MORE THAN THE SPEED OF THE WHEEL.,.,41,The right wheel and current use of the manual grinding is fundamental for the basic safe condition of these kind of activities 正确的砂轮片和电流是使用磨光机的基本安全条件,.,42,Handling Of Wheels 砂轮的处理 Often wheel breakage can be attributed to careless handling and storage. Wheels damaged from these causes may appear perfect yet represent a danger to operatives. Manufacturers inspect wheels prior to packing to ensure that they are dispatched in perfect condition Over tightening” on spindles and flanges Shall be avoided as it is possible approach the ultimate crushing strength of to the wheel. 通常,砂轮的损坏是由于粗心操作与储存。在打包前,厂商对砂轮进行检查,确保其在锭子上紧固良好。轮缘应避免可能的过度受力。并且要注意防潮,.,注意事项 1.砂轮片的保存 保存方法不当往往是造成砂轮片消耗的主要原因 2.打磨钨极棒时必须使用砂轮机,General Work Area Hazards 总的危害,Factors to Consider注意因素,Cluttered area. 凌乱的区域 Indirect work (welding ground) connection. 直接的工作连接 Electrical equipment. 电气设备 Engine driven equipment. 引擎设备 Gas cylinders. 气瓶 Falls from height 高处坠落,General Work Area Hazards 总的危害,Precaution预防,Keep cables, materials, tools neatly organised.将电缆,材料,工具保持整洁 Connect work cable as close as possible. 使电缆尽可能近的靠近工作区域 Use only double properly grounded equipment. 设备接地 Always disconnect power to equipment after use. 停止作业时,切断电源 Use in only open, well ventilated areas. 在敞开的通风区域作业 S clasp and insulation使用S型钩并确保绝缘隔离,General Work Area Hazards 总的危害,Precaution预防,Refuel with engine off. 加油时关闭引擎 Never touch cylinder with the electrode. 不要用电极触碰气瓶 Never lift a machine with cylinder attached. 不要将设备与气瓶连接 Keep cylinder upright and chained to support. 保持气瓶直立以及使用铁链固定 Proper safe accessibility and falls protections. 安全通道和高处作业防护 Keep enclosure complete and guards in place. 保持四周有围护和防护,General Work Area Hazards一般工作区域的危险,Temporary power lines to portable arc welding machines should be carried overhead whenever practical, or laid on the floor or ground suitably protected so that they cannot be damaged or interfere with safe passage 临时电源线或者软管需要用S型钩挂高或者埋地,绝缘隔离,避免破损,If flammability is unknown, ensure that a competent person tests the environment conditions 如果不知道是否易燃,确保由合格的人员对环境条件进行测试。 Move objects to designated safe location, or remove or protect fire hazards 移走物体设计安全区域,或者移走保护火灾危害品,Fire prevention 火灾预防,Make suitable fire extinguishing equipment available and maintain it for instant use 放置灭火器并确保压力充足 If normal precautions are inadequate, assign additional personnel to guard during and after operations, instruct them in hazards and use of firefighting equipment 如果普通的防护不足够,必须安排监火员,Fire prevention 火灾预防,Post weld heat treatment: is a process that reduces residual welding stresses that form in both weld metal and base metal heat affected zones. The process depends on the alloy, involve temperatures generally between 500°C and 800°C usually reached by electrical low voltage source applied to specific resistance and insulated materials. The current is a serious hazard in this process. 焊后热处理:是一个降低来自于焊接金属盒基础金属加热影响区域的剩余焊接压力的过程。这个过程通过合金干涉由于低压电源通过电阻和绝缘材料来产生的温度,控制在500到800之间的温度,这个因素是最主要的风险。 热处理时,每一回路必须都要有漏把,做好防电和防烫伤工作,设置隔离措施和警示标志,FINAL TREATMENT 最后热处理,.,.,


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