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    1,Project Formats: Downtown Mixed-Use Transportation Hub Precinct w/ Regional Shopping Centre Total Floor Area: 437,000 m2; Retail 61,000 m2 Year Opened: 1999 Project Functions: Airport express, ferry, bus, tram, office, hotel, public space, residential, cinema, entertainment, restaurants & retail,7,International Finance Centre Hong Kong, China,2,Context The mall is easily accessible due to its waterfront position and is accessible from various forms of public transport, including the Airport Express railway line. Project Attributes & Elements of Success At the heart of Hong Kong, IFC mall houses over 200 international brands and a unique new cinema, making it the number one living and entertainment mega-structure in the city. Complimentary services available through the concierge include: automatic shoe polishing, candies and balloons for children, first aid, free local fax / copy /scanning service, free wheelchair and stroller hire, lost and found, mobile phone battery charging, restaurant recommendations and reservations, sewing kit. Live Musical Performances every Saturday & Sunday, Fashion Exhibitions, Art Exhibitions, Seasonal Decoration & Performances, Cultural Exhibitions. Implications for BCC Project Creating a self-sustaining community within the station in the form of employees and students will create a constant buzz and make for increased sales during class and coffee breaks. IFC is a functioning example of the highest and best use of valuable urban space. A fully functional shopping centre has been successfully integrated with a multi-modal transit node.,International Finance Centre Hong Kong, China,3,Project Formats: Downtown Mixed-Use Transportation Hub Precinct w/ Regional Shopping Centre (6.5 ha) Total Floor Area: Floor Space: 464,515+ m2; Retail: 66,000 m2 Year Opened: Originally opened in 1991 Project Functions: Subway station, bus, office, hotels, residential, entertainment and retail,8,Pacific Place Hong Kong, China,4,Context Located in the heart of Hong Kongs business district Project Attributes & Elements of Success Fashion shows, exhibitions, festive decorations, live musical performances. Pacific Place Mall includes 3 of Hong Kongs 5-star hotels, each with more than 500 rooms. Includes 4 full-size screen cinema at UA Queensway. Anchors include Marks & Spencer, Lane Crawford, Seibu Mix: Hotel: 36%, Office: 33%, Retail: 16%, Apartments: 15%. Implications for BCC Project Creating a self-sustaining community within the station in the form of employees and students will create a constant buzz and make for increased sales during class and coffee breaks. A fully functional shopping centre has been successfully integrated with a multi-modal transit node. Programming the space with fashion shows, exhibitions, festive decorations, and live musical performances will increase dwell times, patronage and community gathering.,Pacific Place Hong Kong, China,5,Project Formats: Downtown Mixed-Use Transportation Hub Precinct w/ Regional Shopping Centres (600 ha). Total Floor Area: Retail: approx. 800,000 m2 Year Opened: 1885 with ongoing redevelopment Project Functions: Commuter trains, regional trains, metro, bus linkages, office, residential, parks, entertainment and retail,9,Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan,6,Context Shinjuku Station is located in the Shinjuku ward of central Tokyo which is known as an entertainment district. Shinjuku Station serves the western suburbs of Tokyo. It is the second largest station in the world. Project Attributes & Elements of Success It is the busiest station in the world in terms of passenger visits, with close to 1.35 Billion passengers/ year. At 65,000 sm2 Isetan has a sales performance of US$32,000/sm2 The station is so large and encompasses so many uses from shopping to dining to entertainment that it is almost its own city. The Retail offering consists of numerous department stores: one 16 story and one 11 storey, as well as three 10 storey shopping malls connecting directly to the train station. The area to the east is a lively, chaotic entertainment district while the area to the west is an orderly business district with tall sky scrapers. Implications for BCC Project Creating a self-sustaining community within the station in the form of employees and students will create a constant buzz. Its popularity as an entertainment complex is an efficient use of urban space and can create a real draw for patrons as it is easy to visit the project via bus/train. Entertainment uses create a buzz and positive excitement within the station.,Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan,7,Project Formats: Mixed- Use Transportation Hub w/ Retail (4 ha) Total Floor Area: Retail: 18,000 m2 Year Opened: Mixed-use/Retail component was introduced in 2001 Project Functions: Train, Bus, Office, residential, entertainment and retail,10,Mockingbird Station Dallas, USA,= Retail,8,Context Located in the heart of Dallas Texas on Mockingbird Lane and North Central Expressway. Project Attributes & Elements of Success Station components include retail, residential, commercial and DART transit links. Slogan of “it all starts at the Station” and aggressive marketing campaign. 17 companies currently occupy 12,800 m2 of office space at Mockingbird. 211 loft apartments, 1,580 parking spaces. The Angelika theater can draw over 1,200 people on a weekend night. There are various public art pieces throughout Mockingbird station which are a part of the DART Public Art program. The public art showcases local artists Implications for BCC Project Commission public art displays. Use the station to showcase local artists. This creates a feeling of community pride while supporting local talent. A marketing budget could promote the available retail and entertainment options at BCC and make people aware of the stations potential as a community focal point.,Mockingbird Station Dallas, USA,9,Project Formats: Mixed-Use transportation Hub w/ Retail (70 ha) Total Floor Area: Office Space: 81,000 m2; Retail Space: 66,000 m2 Year Opened: 1994 Project Functions: Train, tram, bus, metro, office, residential, education, conference, park and retail,11,Euralille Lille, France,10,Context Built to take advantage of the Channel Tunnel connection with England and to give Lille international appeal; Euralille is located between Lille-Europe Station and Lille-Flanders Station. The Euralille project integrates many urban amenities including multi modal transportation, shopping, business, leisure and education. Project Attributes & Elements of Success The Euralille includes components such as shopping, multi modal station access, office space, international business centre, Matisse urban park, Aeronef centre for plays and musical events, Grand Palais complex (for exhibition and conferences) as well as a school for business and an international primary education school. There is also a housing and rental housing component to the project and is now home to over 1,700 people. 60% if visitors to the shopping centre arrive by public transport. Lille markets itself as the “crossroads of Europe” due to its many transportation linkages. . Implications for BCC Project Commission public art displays. Use the station to showcase local artists. This creates a feeling of community pride while supporting local talent. A fully functional shopping centre has been successfully integrated with a multi-modal transit node.,Euralille Lille, France,11,1.0 Mixed-Use Destination Retail Centre,with Multi Modal Transportation Function,Key Findings,12,Key Findings at Large Scale Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,Gathering Place Due to their central location, many stations are able to create a destination feel and gathering place for commuters as well as people of the community. This is achieved by tying together leisure elements in an otherwise fragmented urban landscape. This has been very successful at Namba Parks. Public Art The showcasing of public art at stations such as Mockingbird and Euralille not only give an opportunity for local artists to show their works to the world, they also create a sense of local pride. Street Appeal At stations such as Namba Parks people are drawn in by the architecture and views of upper level parks; they are able to access the project from street level. Hosting New Brands Projects such as Zlote Tarasy are used as incubators for brands that are new to the market.,1.2 Key Findings,13,Sheltered Parks The creation of parks with inviting vegetation and shelter from the elements are features which have been successful at projects such as Zlote Tarasy. Entertainment Centre Creating an entertainment centre at a transit node is an efficient use of urban space as well as an effective draw for patrons as it is easy to use public transit to visit the project. More than 60% of people arrive at Potzdamer Platz by public transportation links within the station. Animation of Open Space Pop-jet fountains, water features and landscaping are important elements that animate open space. Canary Wharf has used various fountains to create atmosphere in its outdoor plazas.,Key Findings at Large Scale Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,1.2 Key Findings,14,Urban Regeneration The Station can act as a catalyst for urban regeneration through station revitalization or development. Renovations include mixed use elements such as hotels, shopping centres and apartments. Such projects are underway at Canary Wharf and Zlote Tarasy. Parking Options Parking is an important element, allowing commuters to park & ride or visit the project by car. Parking is often underground. Convenience Oriented The highest representation of services at the stations include grab & go and convenience retail. These services cater to commuters who rush through the station on a daily basis. By giving commuters at BCC the convenience of service-oriented retail, it could induce cross demand and increase sales of comparison retail items.,Key Findings at Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,1.2 Key Findings,15,Positioning for Various User Groups Some stations function as a gathering place or tourist attraction while others serve mainly commuters, this must be considered in the retail offering. Canary Wharf is know worldwide where as Mockingbird and Metrotown are more locally oriented. Current Demand for Public Transit As cities realize the impracticality of continued auto-oriented commuting the need for transport has increased. Stations have been developed and revitalized to meet this growing demand. Once in a car-oriented community, Metrotown now receives over 50% of its 18 million patrons by commuter train. Function & Fashion Many of the multi-modal stations today are not only functional as transit nodes, but are also architecturally stunning buildings which make a powerful statement for the city and induce a sense of local pride. Zlote Tarasy and Berlin Haupbahnhof are successful examples of this.,Key Findings at Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,1.2 Key Findings,16,Self Sustaining Some Stations have their own working community with offices shops restaurants, others have their own power generation facilities. (Examples include Mockingbird Station, IFC, Pacific Place and Shinjuku Station). Shopping Centre Projects such as Canary Warf, Principe Pío, Euralille and Pacific Place have integrated a shopping centre into the station building or complex. Government Services Projects such as Euralille have integrated Government services into the project to provide locals and commuters with convenient access. Job Creation Large multi-use stations have created hundreds of jobs. The recently completed Hauptbahnhof created over 900 new jobs.,Key Findings at Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,1.2 Key Findings,17,Programming the Space Large and underutilized space can be programmed during the evenings to attract people at off peak times or can boost morale during busy holiday periods. Euralille holds craft fairs and Potzdamer Platz features an amphitheatre where musical, theatre and laser shows can take place. Tenant Mix Regardless of the stations positioning, the most significant representation is always food & beverage. In general the tenant mix range is as follows: Food & Beverage: 30-70% Accessories & Apparel: 22-30% Service: 12-25% Other Uses: 10-20%,Key Findings at Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,1.2 Key Findings,18,Store Size The store size in multi-modal stations depends on the positioning of the station and its users. Larger stations with more varied users and destination appeal will have store sizes similar to a regional mall where commuter oriented stations will consist of kiosks and smaller convenience stores. Highest & Best Use A move towards mixed and multi-use is becoming more common in multi-modal stations to make the best use of valuable land. Currently stations in Japan and Hong Kong are functioning examples.,Key Findings at Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,1.2 Key Findings,19,Common Brands Starbucks Marks & Spencer Simply Food WH Smith Prêt a Manger Costa Coffee Boots The Tie Rack McDonalds Burger King Swatch 7-Eleven Mobile phone providers country dependent,Key Findings at Mixed-Use Retail Centres w/ Multi-modal Transportation,1.2 Key Findings,20,2.0 Mixed-Use Retail Destination Centres,Urban Vertical,21,Trocadero London,Hareen Shops Singapore,The Mailbox Birmingham,YM Square Tokyo,Peninsula Place Beijing,La Cittadella Kawasaki,Roppongi Hills Tokyo,Horton Plaza San Diego,Canal City Fukuoka,Suntec Centre Singapore,2.1 Case Study Profiling & Benchmarking,Urban Vertical Mixed-Use Retail Centres Benchmarks,22,2.1 Case Study Profiling & Benchmarking,Table 2.1: Case Study Summary,23,Project Format: Mixed- Use Retail Entertainment Complex Total Floor Area: 232,000 m2 Year Opened: 2000 Project Functions: Office, hotel, sports venue, theatres, entertainment, restaurants and retail,1,Canal City, Fukuoka,24,Context Fukuoka is a commercial and cultural cross point that has bridged Japan with other Asian countries. Canal City is located adjacent to Fukuokas entertainment district and between its Central Business District and retail core. Project Attributes & Elements of Success Canal City Hakata is built around an artificial canal which flows through its centre, and is composed of various facilities such as amusement areas, shops, restaurants, cinema complex, musical theatres and hotels. The design is based on a North American shopping mall on a tight development site. The entire Canal City development consists of Entertainment takes place in the centre of Canal City, by way of various events and performances that change according to the seasons. Dancing Water, provides a kinetic display of pulsing water bursts and graceful gestures like dancers. Water shows are choreogra


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