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    M7U1 ambition graduation suitable adequate beneficial access/accessible adapt profit absence annoy/ annoyed conduct resign congratulate,M7U1 残疾人 2. 助听器 3. 听力问题 4. 视力好/差/弱 5. 充满野心/雄心 6. 实现某人的雄心,1. the disabled the disabled people people with a disability 2. a hearing aid 3. hearing problems 4. have good/bad/poor eyesight 5. be full of ambition 6. achieve ones ambition,7. 适合 8.suit, fit, match 9. 对有益 10. 为了的利益 11. 从中受益 12. 换句话说,7. be suitable for 8. fit (大小,尺寸)适合 match 匹配,匹敌=go with 另外的一般用suit 9. be beneficial to be of great benefit to benefit sb./sth. 10. for the benefit of sb. 11. benefit from 12. in other words,13. 撞上 14. 改编自 15. 适合 16. 领养,采纳 17. 切去,省略,停止 18. 切断 19. 插嘴,超车 20. 砍倒,减少 21. 切碎 22. 抄近路,13. bump into=knock into 14. be adapted from 15. adapt (oneself) to 16. adopt 17. cut out 18. cut off 19. cut in 20. cut down 21. cut up/ cutinto pieces 22. cut across/through,23. 在显微镜下 24. 上气不接下气 25. 屏住呼吸 26. 深吸一口气 27. 在某人不在时 28. 缺席 29. 因某事对某人生气 30. 总而言之,23. under the microscope 24. out of breath 25. hold ones breath 26. take a deep breath 27. during ones absence 28. be absent from 29. be annoyed with sb. at sth. 30. all in all,31. 闲坐着 32. 和,也 33. 在很多方面 34. 取笑 35. 在某人的指导、管理下 36. 品行好的人 37. 品行好 38. conduct,31. sit around 32. as well as 33. in many ways 34. make fun of 35. under the conduct of sb. 36. sb. of good conduct 37. conduct oneself well 38. 导电,导热,(乐队)指挥,主持,管理,品行,行为,39. 不必担心,没关系 40. 辞职 41. 祝贺某人某事 42. 祝你一切顺利! 43. 获得接近/进入的权利/机会 44. 与某人会晤 45. 经历某事,39. Never mind. 40. resign (from) sth. 41. congratulations to sb. on sth. congratulate sb. on sth. 42. All the best! 43. have access to be accessible to 44. meet with sb. 45. meet with sth.,46. 盈利 47. 为了的利润 48. 克服这些困难 49. 他们每人都有残疾。 50. 视力有困难 51. 很自豪已经参加过比赛 52. 打破记录,46. gain/ make a profit of 47. for the profit of 48. overcome these difficulties 49. They each have a disability. 50. have difficulty with eyesight 51. be proud to have done taken part in competitions 52. break a record,53. 过着繁忙的生活 54. 去看电影 55. 起主要作用,扮主角 56. 上课 57. 另外,还有 58. 撞上家具 59. 一次,每次 60. 曾经 61. 绝不,53. lead a busy life 54. go to the movies 55. play a major part in 56. take a lesson/ course 57. in addition 58. bump into furniture 59. at a time 60. at one time 61. at no time,62. 有时候 63. 立刻,马上 64. 及时,迟早,最终 65. 准时 66. 和一样 67. 过去常常 68. 梦想做 69. 看起来不同 70. 每次 71. 容易的多,62. at times 63. in no time 64. in time 65. on time 66. the same as 67. used to do 68. dream of/about 69. look different from 70. every time 71. a lot easier,72. 使我生气 73. 自怜 74. 心理上变得更强 75. 变得更独立 76. 过一种正常的生活 77. 过一种和你一样富裕和充实的生活,72. make me annoyed 73. feel sorry for oneself 74. grow stronger psychologically 75. become more independent 76. live a normal life 77. live as rich and full a life as you do,78. 让你一种等 79. 究竟 80. 应该 81. 开始工作 82. 饥饿 83. 在痛苦中 84. 工作至死 85. 从政府中辞职 86. 废除奴隶制 87. 做某事有困难,78. keep you waiting 79. on earth 80. be supposed to do 81. set to work 82. go hungry 83. in pain 84. work sb. to death 85. resign from government 86. abolish slavery 87. have difficulty (in) doing.,88. 听他正接受收音机采访 89. 看得见的爬山者 90. 弱视力或盲人的伙伴 91. 帮助 92. 本可以做 93. 祝你成功 94.毕业证书 95. 介意我写,88. listen to him being interviewed on the radio 89. the sighted climbers 90. the weak-sighted or blind companions 91. give assistance to 92. could have done 93. Wish you success! May you succeed! 94. graduation certificate 95. mind me writing ,96. 尤其,特别 97. 做某事很方便 98. 听力有问题 99. 喜欢某人的陪伴 100. 而不是 101. 的入口 102. 舒适的 103. 达成一致 104. 尊严地,96. in particular 97. It would be handy to do 98. have trouble hearing 99. enjoy the company of 100. rather than 101. the entrance to 102. in comfort 103. meet with your approval 104. with dignity,M7U2 desire junior satisfaction talent alarm divorce sympathy obey favour accompany declare envy staff,M7 U2 渴望某物 渴望做某事 满足某人的渴望 desire后面加句子要虚拟 非常令某人满意的是,1. have a strong desire for sth.= desire sth. 2. have a strong desire to do sth.= desire to do sth. 3. satisfy/meet ones desire 4. sb. desire that (should) do It is desired that (should) do 5. much to ones (great) satisfaction,6. 对满意 7. 远远不令人满意 8. 满意地 9. 试验,考验 10. 感到惊恐、害怕 11. 出于同情 12. 表示同情 13. 请帮我一个忙 14. 赞同,6. be satisfied with 7. be far from satisfactory 8. with satisfaction 9. try out 10. feel alarmed 11. out of sympathy (for sb.) 12. show/have/offer/ express sympathy for sb. 13. do me a favor 14. in favour of sth.,15. 一堆 16. 陪某人去某地 17. 陪伴某人 18. 打电话 19. 挂电话 20. 回电 21. 别挂断 22. 接电话 23. 转向,回转,15. a pile of 16. accompany sb. to sp. 17. keep sb. company 18. ring sb. up/ call sb. (up)/ telephone sb./ give sb. a call/ring 19. ring off/ hang up 20. ring back 21. hold on 22. answer the phone 23. turn around,24. 不管,让某人一个人呆着 25. 将放一边,节省保留 26. 一共,总计 27. 一定做 28. 比年幼或资历浅 29. 优于 30. 在某方面有天赋 31. 遵守规章 32. 测试,24. leave sb. alone 25. set aside 26. in all 27. be bound to do 28. be junior to 29. be superior to 30. have a talent for 31. obey the rules 32. experiment with sth.,33. turn in turn into turn out (to be.) turn up turn down turn off turn on turn to turn back,33. 上交 把变成 结果是,原来是,被证明是 出现,调高 拒绝,调低 关 开 转向,向求助 折回,转回来,34. leave out leave for leave off leave behind leave aside 35. set out set out to do set about doing set off set up set down,34. 省去,遗漏,不考虑 离开.去 停止,中断 留下,不带走 不予考虑,搁置一边 35. 出发 开始做,着手做 开始做,着手做 出发,使爆炸 建立 写下,set sb. free set back set to work set foot on/in set a good example to sb. 36. 不在,缺席 37. 允许她被伤害 38. 与其不如,释放 往回拨 开始工作 踏上 给某人树立一个好的榜样 36. be absent (from) 37. allow her to be harmed 38. morethan,与其说他是父亲,不如说是老师 与其说他聪明,还不如说是勤奋。 39. 脸部表情 40. 在第二天早上 41. 在早上 42. 感到尴尬 43. 他看起来像人真是烦人和令人害怕。,He is more a teacher than a father. He is more diligent than smart. 39. facial expression 40. on the second morning 41. in the morning 42. feel embarrassed 43. It was disturbing and frightening that he looks so human.,44. 提高社会地位 45. 承诺做某事 46. 瑞雪兆丰年 47. 更确切的说 48. 惊讶的看着 49. 伸手去拿,努力争取 50. 画的妆 51. 罗列,44. improve his social position 45. promise to do 46. Heavy snow promises a good harvest.(预示,有的希望) 47. or rather 48. look atwith wonder 49. reach for 50. wear the makeup 51. write out a list of,52. 感到好笑和惊讶的表情 53. 有个情人 54. 愤怒的哭泣 55. 从梯子上摔下来 56. 紧紧的抱住她 57. 推开 58. 钟敲响8下 59. 划火柴,52. the amused and surprised look 53. have an affair 54. weep with anger 55. fall off a ladder 56. hold her firmly in his arms 57. push him away 58. The clock struck eight. 59. strike a match,60. 突然想到 61. 罢工 62. +n.不仅仅,+Num.超过,+adj./adv.非常 63. 仅仅 64. 少于,不超过 65. 和一样多 66. 最多,不超过 67. 不少于 68. 驶过来,60. sth. struck sb. It struck me that 61. on strike 62. more than 63. no more than 64. less than 65. no less than 66. not more than 67. not less than 68. drive up,69. 停住,起草 70. 保护人类不受伤 71. 阻止她伤害她自己 72. 失败感 73. 不能使人爱上机器 74. 留点时间锻炼,69. draw up 70. protect a human being from harm 71. prevent her from harming herself 72. a sense of failure 73. cannot have women falling in love with machines 74. set aside some time for exercise,75. 在第22世纪 76. 曾经 77. 在公众场合 78. 电子系统 79. 触动了警报 80. 去理发 81. 低质量 82. 大概480本书 83. 因最有名,75. in the 22th century 76. at one time 77. in public 78. electrical systems 79. set off the alarm 80. go for a haircut 81. be of poor quality 82. around /about 480 books 83. be best-known for,84. 探索未来世界 85. 令人惊异的头脑 86. 寻找 87. 因为 88. 经营糖果店 89. 在接下来的40年左右 90. 帮助解决 91. 兼职,84. explore future worlds 85. an amazing mind 86. search for=in search of 87. as a result of 88. run a candy store 89. the next 40 or so years 90. help out 91. work part-time,92. 获得化学硕士 93. 放弃教学 94. 成为全职作家 95. 认真对待 96. 使书出版 97. 在他一生中 98. 获得很多奖,92. gain a masters degree in chemistry 93. give up teaching 94. become a full-time writer 95. take himself seriously as a writer 96. have stories published 97. throughout his life 98. receive many awards,99. 以为基础 100.一套 101. 研究 102. 感染HIV 103. 结束,99. be loosely based on 100. a set of 101. research into 102. be infected with HIV 103. sth. come to an end bring sth. to an end put an end to sth.,


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