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    2周六基础写作(13-14),评分标准:,基础写作步骤回顾: 1.审题:体裁、人称、时态 (说明文;第三人称;介绍活动情况主要用一般现在时) 2.断句: 按逻辑意思合理断句 3.关键词: 拟出每句的关键词(可在试卷上做下记号) 4.连词成句 (注意恰当使用各种复合句、with复合结构、 非谓语动词等) 5.连句成篇 (注意运用适当的过渡性语言进行连接) 6.自成一段,不用题目,不要分段,The Student Union of No 1 Middle School did a survey about the connection between sunshine sports and study among 2032 students from Senior 1 to Senior 3 from January 14th to 18th in 2013. According to the survey, most students held the view that it was necessary for students to work hard and rest. And 60& of the students thought that sunshine sports are beneficial to improve study efficiency. Whats more, 42% of the students believed that it should arrange at least one hour every day to do sports while some students thought sports couldnt take up much time for study. Moreover, the survey had shown that many senior 3 students seldom attend sports because of the heavy load in study.(林柱),调查时间:2013年1月14日-18日 调查机构:学校学生会 调查对象:第一中学高一至高三共2032个学生 调查内容:阳光体育与学习的关系,本次基础性写作存在的主要问题: 1.没掌握这种类型作文的固定句式 2 . 信息处理不当: 1)第一句没处理好: the Student Union of No.1 Middle School did a survey among 2,032 students from Grade One to Grade Three on the relationship between sunshine sports and studies. 2)信息组合凌乱无序。 3.表达的错误:,存在的表达问题: *There is a survey with students who add up to 2,032 on the issue that relationship between The student organization of the first middle school had done a survey on January14th to 18th. 93% student think that we should combineand 2032 students come from senior one to senior three took part in this activity. As the survey shows that 93% student hold the opinion that we should *whats more, there are 42% of the students think that have the PE lesson for at least an hour every day.,*There is a survey with students who add up to 2,032 on the issue that relationship between There is a survey among 2,032 students referring to/about the relationship between sunshine sports and studies.,The student organization of the first middle school had done a survey on January14th to 18th. The Student Union of No.1 Middle School did a survey from January 14th to 18th.(between January 14th and 18th) 93% student think that we should combineand 93% of the students think that we should combineand 2032 students come from senior one to senior three took part in this activity. 2032 students coming from senior one to senior three were surveyed.,As the survey shows that 93% student hold the opinion that we should As the survey shows, 93% of the students hold the opinion that we should *whats more, there are 42% of the students think that have the PE lesson for at least an hour every day. whats more, 42% of the students think that students should take exercise for at least an hour every day. there are 42% of the students thinking that,信息排列顺序: 1.调查时间:2013年1月14日-18日 调查机构:学校学生会 调查对象:第一中学高一至高三共2032个学生 调查内容:阳光体育与学习的关系 2. 93%(的)学生(认为)应该劳逸结合(而) 60% (的觉得)阳光体育有助于提高学习效率 3. 42% 每天应至少安排1小时的体育锻炼 4. 33% 不应该让阳光体育消耗大量的学习时间 5. 很多高三的学生平时都因课业繁重而较少参与体育锻炼。,1.调查时间:2013年1月14日-18日 调查机构:学校学生会 调查对象:第一中学高一至高三共2032个学生 调查内容:阳光体育与学习的关系 From January 14th to 18th in 2013, the Student Union of No.1Middle School did a survey among 2,032 students from Grade One to Grade Three. The survey referred to the relationship between sunshine sports and studies. From January 14th to 18th in 2013, the Student Union of No.1Middle School did a survey on the relationship between sunshine sports and studies among 2,032 students from Grade One to Grade Three.,2. 93%(的)学生(认为)应该劳逸结合(而) 60% (的觉得)阳光体育有助于提高学习效率,As the data shows, 93%of the students thought that they should keep a proper balance between sunshine sports and their studies, while 60% of them believed sunshine sports could increase/improve the efficiency of their learning. while 60% of them believed sunshine sports made it possible for students to increase/improve the efficiency of their learning.,3. 42% 每天应至少安排1小时的体育锻炼,42% of the students are in favor of the idea that we should spend at least 1 hour a day in doing sports/doing physical exercise., think students are supposed to do some sports for no less than one hour and,According to 42% of the students, at least 1 hour of physical exercise for sunshine sports should be planned each day. 安排1小时的体育锻炼:arrange plan one hour for physical exercise,4. 33%: 不应该让阳光体育消耗大量的学习时间,But 33% students pointed out that we should not spend too much time on doing sunshine sports, which should be used to study.,hold the view that sunshine sports may take up most of our time which are supposed to be spent on study.,A third of the students argued that sunshine sports should not cost plenty of their study time.,5. 很多高三的学生平时都因课业繁重而较少参与体育锻炼。,Many students of Grade Three had little time to do physical exercise due to their heavy burden of studies. Many students of Grade Three were so busy with their study that they had little time to do physical exercise. 消耗大量的学习时间:cost plenty of study time; take up too much of their study time,From January 14th to 18th in 2013, the Student Union of No.1 Middle School did a survey among 2,032 students from Grade One to Grade Three. The survey referred to the relationship between sunshine sports and studies. As the data shows, 93%of the students thought that they should keep a proper balance between sunshine sports and their studies, while 60% of them believed sunshine sports could increase the efficiency of their learning. According to 42% of the students, at least 1 hour of physical exercise for sunshine sports should be planned each day. However, a third of the students argued that sunshine sports should not cost plenty of their study time, and many students of Grade Three had little time to do physical exercise due to their heavy burden of studies.(范文),调查报告的写作指导,调查报告(时态): 用一般现在时 或 一般过去时。,调查报告的写作层次: 1)调查时间、调查机构、对象、内容、范围 2)调查结果 3)调查的其他情况(或结论 看法评论),第1句,第2-4句,第5句,A survey was carried out done made among (+调查对象) on about (+调查内容) + 调查时间. According to the result, The results shows that.(分析调查数据和结果) (是否需要得出结论或评论视写作要求而定),基础写作,07年广东英语高考基础写作分析 (1)题目:基础写作(共1小题,满分15分) 上周,我们以“谁是你的偶像”为题,在2600名学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据:,A survey was carried out among 2,600 students on “Who Is Your Idol” last week. Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”.,调查报告的写作句式: 开头: *Recently a surveyed has been made on+调查内容 among+调查对象 *Last week, we did/made/carry out a survey on +调查内容 among+调查对象 *Recently a survey has been done among 1,054 students on whether to read e-books or printed books. *We did a survey among 368 middle school students on how they spent their Spring Festival. *Last Saturday, I made a survey on the after-school coaching institutions of our city.,说明调查结果: *We can see from the survey that *As the survey shows, *As is shown on the survey, *According to the survey, *From the results, we can see that,1)30% of the students like/ prefer/are fond of/take interest in for the reason thatwhile 25% choosebecause. 2)one third of those interviewed/surveyed said they are against/ are opposed to /dont agree with.for the reason that while 25% said theybecause 3) Only 5% of them make no comment/show no opinion /dont express their opinion for the reason that. A majority of The rest of ,表达调查结果的句型,Note:如何表达图表中的数据 有百分之的人 1)40% of + the +N. 代词+ 谓语+ 其它内容 主语+谓语., with a percentage of 40%. Those who take up 40%. 2)Another 30% of 3)The rest . 4)The majority of .(80%) + 谓语. Very few . (only 5%) + 谓语,任务型写作,My name is Logan Koshenka and I would like to share my story with you. I am just an average teenager like you. I live in an average home, go to school and get good grades. one thing is common with most teens-we need money, and many of us do a part-time job to get it. However, should we get a job and make about $7.50 an hour or use all the valuable time working? As for me, I prefer to make money through jobs l like. For the past few years, I have been finding many different ways to make cash. Through trial and error, I have learned a lot of lessons. Over the past year, I had three iphone app ideas. They all failed. I bought a great many promising products which turned out to be bad-selling. I made four different websites that nobody visited. I knew that I would eventually get it. All I wanted was another source of income. Now my money comes from running the website“ Teen Cash Flow”and mobile marketing. Today I think its safe to say that I am successful. As a student at 17 years old, I make anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000 per month. The number is growing. I am proud of myself.,1)你读完故事后的感受 2)举例谈谈你自己或朋友每次挣钱的经历 3)你认为是否应该提倡中学生挣钱并列举理由,读写任务:中学生挣钱,para 1: 概括 who: Logan Koshenka, an average teenager(17-year- old) what: prefer to make money through jobs I like, find many different ways to make cash, but all failed, was successful, the number is growing.,The passage is about a 17-year-old student named Logan Koshenka. He liked to make money on his own and met with one failure after another, but finally he became successful and gained a handsome income. (范文),Logan Koshenka, an average teenager, is in favor of doing a part-time time job to earn money. After failing to make cash in many different ways, he finally succeeded by running a website and he is proud of himself.(高眺) Logan Koshenla, an average teenager, made a great success on making cash from running the website and mobile marketing. Although he had gone through a lot of failure, he never gave up, which led to his success.(杜婉),1)你读完故事后的感受(篇幅不用太长,通常2-3句话, 结构可以是:总体感受解释说明) 句式: *I am shocked to find that *After reading the passage, I am lost in thought. *It is a pity that. *when reading the story, my tears rolled down. *I am deeply moved by the story.,1)你读完故事后的感受(篇幅不用太长,通常2-3句话, 结构可以是:总体感受解释说明) After reading this passage, I think Koshenka is such an outstanding teenager that he makes money through jobs he likes, though he has come across failures and difficulties. I admire both him and his independence(婉霓) After reading the story, I am greatly touched by Logan. As a student, its hard to be economically independent but he made it by never giving up and trying over and over again.(范文),2)举例谈谈你自己或朋友一次挣钱的经历 As an average teenager, I also had a part-time job experience. Last summer vacation, with seeing my parents hardship in supporting our family, I decided to go to a toy factory so as to share their economic burden. Therefore, I got up so early that I could have more time to work, but the weather was too hot and the work was too boring to let me stand. Every time when I wanted to give up, I would tell myself that my parents is harder than me, so I insisted at last.(曼琪),2)举例谈谈你自己或朋友一次挣钱的经历 The story reminds me of my experience of earning money myself. It was a time when I was on a summer vacation. Being bored, I decided to find a job to make some money. So I worked in a factory. After that, I had to struggle for getting up earlier so that I could go to work on time. Whats more, I nearly did the same things day by day and felt exhausted when a day ended. Despite the hard work, I got what I deserved a month later. It was not until then that I realized how difficult it was to make money.(林柱),3)你认为是否应该提倡中学生挣钱并列举理由 应该挣钱: I am in favor of students making money./I am for students making money. I agree with students making money. 理由:buy what we want and release our parents economic burden. improve living skills so that we are likely to find a good job have a chance to learn how to communicate with others gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons,3)你认为是否应该提倡中学生挣钱并列举理由 不应该挣钱:I dont agree with students making money./ I am against students making money. I am opposed to studentsmaking money. I oppose students making money. 理由:students first and most important task is to learn for knowledge can benefit us much more than money. make money in different ways will waste much time for study.,2)举例谈谈你自己或朋友每次挣钱的经历 (范文)This reminds me of my experience of making money. Last summer holiday, my neighbour was about to have a one-month trip and wanted to hire someone to look after her dog. I took the job. And I not only earned some “pocket money”, but also had a good time with my neighbours dog. That was the first sum of money I had ever made.,(范文)The passage is about a 17-year-old student named Logan Koshenka. He liked to make money on his own and met with one failure after another, but finally he became successful and gained a handsome income. After reading the story, I am greatly touched by Logan. As a student, its hard to be economically independent but he made it by never giving up and trying over and over again. This reminds me of my experience of making money. Last summer holiday, my neighbour was about to have a one-month trip and wanted to hire someone to look after her dog. I took the job. And I not only earned some “pocket money”, but,also had a good time with my neighbours dog. That was the first sum of money I had ever made. In fact, I do not agree with students making money. I do believe that students first and most important task is to learn. Without learning, one will not find a good job, let alone maintain a happy life. So students should focus much on learning rather than on making money, for knowledge can benefit us much more than money.,


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