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    外贸交际英语scene1 Get Customers.ppt

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    外贸交际英语scene1 Get Customers.ppt

    Get Customers,Warm-up Speaking Practical Writing Practical Learning Training,Scene One,Teaching Objectives,1. 知识目标: (1)了解寻找客户的基本方法; (2)掌握邀请客户参加广交会的交际技巧; (3)掌握建交函及其回复函、邀请函及其回复 函、促销函写作内容和方法; (4)了解通过关键词查找客户的方法。 2. 能力目标: (1)能够使用网络平台查找新客户; (2)能够通过B2B网络平台,利用关键词查询 真实买家信息。 3. 素质目标: (1)熟悉并适应贸易工作; (2)能够进行商务英语交际; (3)具有一丝不苟、严肃认真的工作作风。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Importances and Difficulties,教学重点:建交函、邀请函及促销函写作; 利用关键词查询买家信息。 教学难点:通过B2B网络平台,利用关键词 查询真实买家信息。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Basic Knowledge When vocational college students graduate from their business major, they will try to get their jobs. Most of them will work as foreign trade salesmen. The first working step is trying to get the foreign customers. This step is to establish business relationships. It is a beginning of a successful business. It is a most important work to establish business relationships with customers to a new or old company. It is helpful to win new customers and to enlarge the business and it is the key step to develop business and win benefits.,Section I. Warm-up,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Basic Knowledge,Most common ways of establishing business relationships are as follows: Internet advertising, searching customer information online, posting products with detailed information on B2B database websites, such as alibaba.com, ecplaza.net, made-in-china.com, ec21.cn, commodity fairs exhibition, business delegation visits, friends introduction, etc. You may also contact with the customers through banks, embassy, counselor, foreign branches to know some basic information including credit status and business situation as well as the business capability.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Work Background,Most common ways of establishing business relationships are as follows: Internet advertising, searching customer information online, posting products with detailed information on B2B database websites, such as alibaba.com, ecplaza.net, made-in-china.com, ec21.cn, commodity fairs exhibition, business delegation visits, friends introduction, etc. You may also contact with the customers through banks, embassy, counselor, foreign branches to know some basic information including credit status and business situation as well as the business capability.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Section II. Speaking,Pre-task,Task,Practice,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,China Import & Export Commodities Fair 中国进出口商品交易会,NOTE,China Import and Export Fair, also renowned as the Canton Fair, has been held successfully without any suspensions for 102 sessions in Guangzhou every spring and autumn since its inauguration in 1957. On October 15, 2006, at the Opening and Celebration Ceremony of the 100th session of the Canton Fair, Mr. Wen Jiabao, the Premier of the State Council of Peoples Republic of China, announced on behalf of the Chinese Government that:,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,“In order to better adapt to the new circumstances of opening up, expand import, increase export and promote the harmonious and balanced development of import and export trade, Chinese government decide to change the name of Chinese Export Commodities Fair into China Import and Export Fair starting from its 101st session”. Boasting export and import functions, the Canton Fair becomes the best platform for international business people to trade with China.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Pre-task Invitation to Canton Fair,1. The 111st Canton Fair will be held on April 15th, 2012. 2. One purpose of my phone call today is to invite you to participate in this Fair. 3. New model kites will be exhibited on the Fair. 4. Wish to get your help and wish to receive your invitation letter for visa application. 5. I will send you the invitation letter tomorrow and I will arrange for your coming.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Pre-task Additional Sentences,1. We will attend XX(展会名称)Fair in Guangzhou during xx/xx-xx/xx, 2012. 2. Warmly welcome to our Booth No.8B51. 3. Were one of the manufacturers specializing in XX(产品名称). 4. You'll know our products better after this visit. 5. They've met with great favor home and abroad. 6. All these articles are best selling.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Task Assign a task by teacher,You invite one of customers to exhibition. You should decide the name of your company and products. You make a role-play, one roles as exporter, the other one roles as customer.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Practice check and make conclusion,Important sentences and phrases 1. We can surely meet your demand. 2. We will offer you best quality kites in excellent designs with competitive price. 3. participate in 4. This talk is excellent for value.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,The letter for building up business relations,Section III. Practical Writing,Invitation letter,Do it Yourself,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Promotion letter,Establishing business relation,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 1. Establishing Relations,Dear Sirs, We got your name and address online. We know you are a wholesaler of kites in Europe. We are manufacturer of Chinese Kites in the Kite Capital cityWeifang. We may offer varied designs of kites in different colors and sizes. Details see our website http:/www.wfkites.com. We may send you samples later. Wish you have interests for further negotiation.,Waiting for your response. Details see our website http:/www.wfkites.com. We may send you samples later. Wish you have interests for further negotiation. Waiting for your response. Best regards Wang Dawei Weifang Kite Plant Add: 35, Weizhou Rd, Weifang, China Tel:86-536-8881234 Fax: 86-536-8881235 E-mail:kitewfkites.com,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,1. How to get information for buyer and seller?,Discussing Questions,(1) Internet, ads, fairs; (2) Inquiries received from merchants abroad; The introduction from business connections; The market investigations; (3) CCPIT: China Council for the Promotion of International Trade; The Chamber of Commerce; The Commercial Counselors Office; The Banks.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.How to write letter for establishing relations?,Discussing Questions,Illustrating the channel for getting information; (2) Introducing self-information; (3) Introducing important products and sending catalogues for reference; (4) Expressing the willingness to get agreement,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Establishing business relation,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 2. Response to Establishing Relations,Dear Sirs, Thanks for your email received this morning. We have a plan to buy Weifang kites in a large quantity. Pls offer your products catalogue and price list for reference. Each type should have detailed specifications. Wish to have successful cooperation and mutually benefits.,Faithfully, Mr. Smith Global Trade Company, Kite Branch Tel: +44-(0)-8707-353666 Fax: +44-(0)-8707-353667 E-mail: infoglobaltrade.com Website: http:/www.globaltrade.uk,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,1.信息来源,Practical Sentences,我们从驻贵国的中国大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司是纺织品的主要出口商。 We have obtained your name and address through the Commercial Counselors Office of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China and understand that you are the leading exporter of textiles. (2) 我们从网上获取贵公司的名称和地址。 We got your name and address online. (3) 我们从中国驻伦敦大使馆的参赞处得知你们的名字和地址。 Weve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in London.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,2.写信目的,Practical Sentences,我们有意与贵公司建立业务关系。 We would like to establish business relationship with your company . (2) 我们愿与贵公司建立商务关系。 We are willing to establish trade relations with your company. (3) 我们希望与您建立业务往来。 Please allow us to express our hope of opening an account with you.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,3.公司及产品简介,Practical Sentences,我公司经营电子产品。 Our company specializes in electronic products. (2) 我们主要经营风筝。 We are manufacturer of kites. Our chief line is production kites. Our business area is sales and production of kites. We specialize in manufacturing kites. We limit ourselves in sales of kites. (3) 本公司经营这项业务已多年,并享有很高的国际信誉。 Our company has been in this line of business for many years and enjoys high international prestige.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,4.随函附上产品目录,Practical Sentences,为了使贵方对我方经营的产品有所了解,特寄我方最新目录,以供参阅。 In order to acquaint you with the products we deal in, we take pleasure in sending you our latest catalogues for your reference.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,5.表达建交意愿,(1)很荣幸向贵公司推介本公司,希望我们能有机会与贵公司合 作,进一步拓展业务。 We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may work closely with you in further business development.,Dear Mr. Smith, The 111th Canton Fair will be held on April 15th, 2012. We sincerely invite you to attend for direct discussions on the order of Weifang Kites. It is appreciated to get your decision and schedule in time in order that we may complete the necessary formalities. We are looking forward to meeting you at the Fair. Best regards,Invitation letter,Sample 3. Invitation to Canton Fair,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Wang Dawei Weifang Kite Plant Tel:86-536-8881234 Fax: 86-536-8881235 E-mail:kitewfkites.com,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,1. What content does an invitation letter include?,Discussing Questions,Reasons for invitation Name and time of a fair The purpose for invitation Your decision and schedule Wishes and contact information,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Dear Mr. Wang, Thank you very much for your kind invitation received this morning. I will arrive at Guangzhou on April 26th with my sales manager, Mr. Johnson. The flight No. is BI747. I will call you then for our meeting. Thanks again for your efforts. Wish to meet you soon. B.rgds. Mr. Smith Global Trade Company, Kite Branch Tel: +44-(0)-8707-353666 Fax: +44-(0)-8707-353667 E-mail: infoglobaltrade.com Website: http:/www.globaltrade.uk,Sample 4. Reply to the invitation,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Practical Sentences,1)We hereby sincerely invite you and your company representatives to visit our booth at The Continental Exhibition Center from April 15th to 20th 2012. 2)From 28 April - 1 May 2012, we will be exhibiting at the “Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair 2012“. 3)we will attend the 104th Canton Fair which was held in canton on October15th to 20th 2012. 4)Our booth number is A102. 5)It would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Complimentary Close,Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Respectfully yours, Yours truly, Yours cordially, Very truly yours,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,You are the Sales Manager for Sunlight Auto Co., Ltd You are organizing your schedule for showing products at The China Import and Export Fair on 15th-20th April. Write an invitation letter to your client, whose name is Mr. Higgins from ABC company to visit your booth at that time.,Do it Yourself,Key to this letter,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,J. Higgins Manager 45 Broughton Street Brighton BN25 1XL Feb. 15,2009 Dear Mr. Higgins, As you are our valued customer, we look forward to every opportunity to meet with you. From 15th Apr. to 20th Apr. 2009, we will be exhibiting at the105th China Import and Export Fair. We cordially invite you to visit our booth. Our booth number is 2B28 in Hall 2. With Compliments, P. Matthews P. Matthews Sales Manager Sunlight Auto Company,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Promotion Letter,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Sample 5. Introducing New Products,Dear Sirs, We are manufacturer of kites in Weifang, China. Our new designed sport kite “2012 London Olympics” is introduced to the market now. We offer as follows: 1) Size: 160 x 80cm, 140 x 70cm, 120 x 60cm 2) Material: ripstop nylon or nylon 3) Frame: fibreglass 4) Wind range: 2-6bft,5) Line: 2 x 50mIndividual packing: 1pc/PVC bag or normal PVC + nylon sewn bag Outer packing: 40pcs/ctn Carton dimensions: 115 x 28 x 33cm We can offer other types of kites, details see our website: http:/www.wfkites.com Waiting for your response to kitewfkites.com Best regards Wang Dawei Weifang Kite Plant Add: 35, Weizhou Rd, Weifang, China Tel:86-536-8881234 Fax: 86-536-8881235 E-mail:kitewfkites.com,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,1.What aspects to introduce products?,Discussing Questions,规格(specification) ; (2) 材料(material) ; (3) 设计(design) ; (4) 质量(quality) : (5) 包装(package),Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,July 22nd, 2012 Dear Sirs, We are pleased to note from your e-mail of July 20th that you are manufacturer of Weifang kites and have a new product “2008 Olympics” with detailed information. Pls quote us your lowest price CIF EMP, inclusive of our 5 % commission, stating the earliest date of shipment. If your price is found competitive and the delivery date acceptable, we will place a large order with you. Waiting for your prompt response. Best regards Mr. Smith Global Trade Company, Kite Branch Tel: +44-(0)-8707-353666 Fax: +44-(0)-8707-353667 E-mail: infoglobaltrade.com Website: http:/www.globaltrade.uk,Sample 6. Response to introduce new products,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Practical Sentences,1)This model of typewriter is efficient and durable, economical and practical for middle school students. 这个型号的打字机对中学生来说,高效、耐用、经济、实惠。 2)The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality, compact size, energy saving and is also easy to learn and easy to operate. 我们生产的计算机其特点是质量好,体积小,节能,而且易学好。 3)They are not only as low-priced as the goods of other markers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects. 它们不但和其它厂家的产品一样低廉,而且在以下几个方面有其独特的优越性。,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,How to search buyers on line?,Section IV. Practical Leaning,Though most buyers prefer to look for products and suppliers by searching and browsing, almost a third of them post Buying Leads to let sellers find them instead. As a seller, you can search the buying trade leads posted by those buyers and send instant quotations.,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,Search 1. Click the “Buyers“ tab above the Search Bar. 2. Enter a product name in the Search Box (Related suggestions will be shown when you start typing. If you do not need Search Suggestions, you can click “Hide“ to remove them), then click “Search“.,Section IV. Practical Learning,Dialogues,Writing,Practical learning,Training,3. You can filter your search results by Country/Region and/or Category. 4. You can also use Refine Search to filter your search results.,


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