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    大学外贸英语chapter 22 Some Important Laws Affecting Foreign Trade.ppt

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    大学外贸英语chapter 22 Some Important Laws Affecting Foreign Trade.ppt

    Chapter 22,Some Important Laws Affecting Foreign Trade 影响对外贸易的一些重要法律,有关背景与业务知识的必要补充,2.1关于产品责任法中的有关货物质量的两种默示担保 There are two implied warranties of the quality of goods: the waoranties of merchantability, and of fitness for a particular parpose, which are imposed on the seller of goods by operation of law (法律的实施) unless they are excluded or modified by the contract of sale.,有关背景与业务知识的必要补充,2.2对implied warranty of merchantability 商销性默示担保的详细解释 The implied warranty of merchantability is made by merchants dealing in goods of the kind sold, and means that in order for the goods to be up to the warranted standard they must: (1) pass in the frade under the contract description; (2) be of fair average quality with in the contract description if they are fungible goods(可互换/可替代货物);(3) be fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are sold; (4) be of even kind, quality, and quantity within each unit and among all units involved; (5) be adequately contained, packaged, and labeled; and (6) conform to promises or affirmations of fact, if any, contained or the label or container.,New words,New Words 1. to subsidize vt. 补贴=to did or support with a subsidy 2. simultaneous a. 同时的,同时发生的=occurring, done, crexisting at the same time 3. to stipulate vt.vi. 规定=to specify as the provision in a law 4. casual a. 偶然的,非事先安排好的=occurring by chance or accidental 5. to suspect vt. 怀疑=to think a company or a person guilty on little or no evidence 6. to assess vt. 估定,确定=to determine the amount of, as a tax on a company,7. retroactively adv. 可追溯既往地(形容词为retro active) 8. procedure(s) n. 程序(如:civil procedures民事程序and criminal procedares)刑事程序 9. outright a. 全部的, e.g. cash disbursement 全部的现金支付 10. to justify vt. 证明是正当的 11. exclusively adv. 独家地,排他地 12. to empower vt. 授权 13. signitory n. 缔约国,签署方=any of the states whose signiture is attached to a document,New words,14. susceptible a. 易受影响的=to be highly sensitive to 15. discuption n. 混乱 e.g. market市场混 16. non performance n. 不履行(合同,义务),New words,Economic and Legal Terms,1. The United Nations 联合国(常缩写成the UN=An organization of sovereign states, having its pernament head quarters in New York City since 1951, created by the United Nations Charter drafted in 1944. But the UN was estublihed in 1945.) 2. The United Nations Canvention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods (CISG) 联合国国际货物买卖合同公约: This Convention becoming effective in March, 1980 consists of four parts: (1) Application Scope, (2) Formation of Contracts, (3) Sales of Goods, and (4) Final Provions. 3. prsduct liability 产品责任/产品责任法(定义见课文) 4. antfrust and antisubsidies laws 反倾销与反托拉斯法 5. antitrust law 反托拉斯,Economic and Legal Terms,6. fair market value 公平市场价(also called market value = the price that a willing purchaser would pay and a willing seller would accept for a particular item in an ArmsLength transaction 彼此独立买卖交易 in an open market, where both are acting with full information, and neither is under particular pressare to buy or sell.) 7. imports n. 进口商品(与exports“出口商品”相对:注意必须用复数) 8. like products相同产品(此处like为形容词,表示“相同的”“同类的”) 9. countervailing duty 反倾销税(also called counfervailing tariff=extra import duty imposed by a country on certain imports. It is usally used to prevent dumping or to counteract export subsidies given by foreign countries 故有时也有人将它译成“反补贴税”),Economic and Legal Terms,10. tax exemptions 免税 11. cash disbursements 现金付出/现金支出 12. preferrentical exchange rates 特惠/优惠汇率 13. enforcement of law 执法 14. breach of warranty 违反担保 15. warranty of good title 有效所有权担保 16. warranty of no security interests 无抵押权益担保 17. implied and express warranties 默示与明示担保,Economic and Legal Terms,18. merchantability n. 可销性,商销性=goods being fit for the ordinary purposes for which such goods are used and of a quality that would be acceptable to merchants who regulurly deal in goods of that kind 19. fitness for human consumption 适合人的消费 20. compensatory dumages 赔偿性损害赔偿金 21. due care 应有的谨慎 22. a suit in negligence 关于疏忽的诉讼 23. the Clayton Act 克莱顿法,Economic and Legal Terms,24. monopoly n. 垄断=exclusive control of a purticular market that is marked by the power to control prices and exclude competition and that esp. is developed willfully rather than as the result of superior products or skill 25. the Robinson-Patmun Act 罗滨逊帕特曼法,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,1. to enter into force 生效=to become effective 2. to conform to. 与相一致 3. to file a complaint with. 向呈交起诉状 4. to cause material injury to 引起对的重大损害 5. to make redunduncies 裁员=to fire workers 6. to influted prices 以飞涨的价格 7. to run for president 竞选总统=to ofter oneself for election to be a president,Useful Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions,8. to compensate sb. for. 因对某人进行补偿 9. in any line of commerce 在商业中的任何一个行业 10. to excuse sb. from performance of an obiligation 免除某人对义务的履行=to allow sb. not to complete sth. 11. to exempt sb. from. 免除某人的义务=to free sb. from a duty or doing sth. 12. to opt out of sth. 选择离开=to choose to leave sth. 13. in response to. 作为对的回应 14. a political not potato 一个政治上棘手的问题(也有人译成“政治上的烫手山芋”),This is a big question Many laws can do so, such as contract law, antidumpling law, antisabsidies law, antifrust law, WTO rules, product liability law, etc,1. What laws can affect our foreign trade? How many can you name?,The usual parpose of dumping is the sellers want to increase their shares of the other counties, markets.,2. What is the usual purpose of dumping?,The new antidumping code negotiated during kennedy Round requires the simultaneous determination of sules “at less than fair value” and “material injury”, prohibits retroactive procedures, and gives assurance of open procedures to offected exporters and importers. Thos new code arso stipulates that the imports sold at less than fair value be the principal casual factor of any injury to a do mestic in dustry producing “like products”. The U.S. congress refused to amend its anfidumping act to conform to such international ant dumping code because it thinks such code is not in Americarn interests.,3. Whats the content of the new antidumping code negotiated during the Kennedy Round? Why did the U.S. congress refuse to amend its antidumping act to conform to such international antidumping code?,4. What are the usual forms subsidies take?,Subsidies can fake several forms such as outright cash disbursements, tax exemptions, preferrential exchange rates, government contracts Nith special privilleges.,5. Can you tell the major legal grounds for product liability?,The major legal grounas for product liabity inclue (a) breach of warranties (b) negligence and (c) strict liability.,6. How many antitrust laws have been passed by the U.S. congress? What are their main stipulations?,Four antitrust laws: (a) The Sherman Act, which was enacted in 1980. This act made certain restraint of trade and monopolistic acts illegal. (b) the Clayton Act regulates mergers and prohibits certain exclusive dealing arrangements. (c) The Fedenal Trade Commission Act (F T C Act), which prohibits an fair methods of competition, and (d) The RobinsonPatman Act, which prohibits price discrimination.,7. What issue does Article 79 of CISG address?,It addresses the problem of changed circumstances wheve a party can be exempted from liability for breach of an international sales contract.,II. Translate the following into English:,1. 美国产品责任法是以以下三种法学理论为依据的: 疏忽说; 违反担保说; 严格责任说。凡原告由于使用有缺限的产品遭受损害向法院起诉要求赔偿损失时,他必须援引上述三种理由之一作为要求该产品的生产者或销售者承担责任的依据。,American product liability law is based on three law theories:(a) the theory of negligence; (b) breach of warranty, and (c) the doctrine of strict liability Any plaintiff filing a lawsuit with the court for reloveving damages caused through the use of a defective product must take one of the three theorits as a basis for holding liable the producer or the sellen of the product.,2.在肯尼迪回合期间谈判的新反倾销法于1968年7月1日生效。新的反倾销法规定对“低于公平市场价”的出售和“严重损害”进行同时确认,禁止追溯既往程序并确保对被影响的出口商与进口商在程序上的公开。,Translate the following into English:,The new antidumaping code negotiated during the Kennedy Round entered into force or July 1,1968 The new antidumping code requires the simultaneous determination of sales “at less than fair value” and “material injary”,prohibits retroactive procedures, and gives assurance of open procedures to affected exporters and importers.,1. Under the U.S. Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, a U.S. company that suspects dumping in the United States by a foreign firm may file a complaint with the U.S. International Tarde Administration (ITA) and the U.S. In ternational Trade Commission (ITC). 2. If ITA and ITC find that illegal dumping has occurred that has caused material injury to U.S. companies, they may assess an antidumping duty on imported goods:,III. Translate the following into Chinese:,根据1930年后被修正的美国关税法,怀疑一外国公司在美国倾销的美国公司可向美国国际贸易管理局和美国国际贸易委员会提出诉讼。 如果国际贸易管理局和国际贸易委员会判定给美国公司造成严重损害的非法倾销已经发生,他们可以对进口货物要惩收的反倾销税税率进行确定。,V. Define the following terms: 1. dumping 2. product liability 3. default 4. fair market value 5. warranty 6. privity of contract 7. subsidy 8. countervailing duty, dumping: According to the new antidumping code of GATT, It means selling at less than fair valued product liability: the liabilityusually strict liabilityof manufacturers for damage caused by defects in their products default: failure to fulfill a legal obligation, such as performing a contract, paying a debt. fair market value: same as market value Warranty: a sellers assurance that the goods meet certain standards privity of contract: the state of two specified parties being in a contract countervailing duty: same as antidumping duty,This is the end of Chapter 22,


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