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    Module Module 1 1 Deep South BasketballDeep South Basketball 高效演练··稳达标 【基础巩固题组】 单句语法填空 1. The country life his grandparents were used to (change)greatly since 2009. 2. The young man standing there takes (possess)of the company. 3. Chinese scientists deserve (praise)because they have made great progress in space travel and have gained international recognition. 4. Diaoyu Islands events made the Chinese realize that its everyones duty (defend)our country when it is attacked by the enemy. 5. As we all know, she is always the first (come)to the office and the last to go. 6. There is no doubt wealth brings happiness, especially in the modern society. 7. He (appoint)ambassador to the United States since 2012. 8. Dont look for the answer to one question all the time. Leave it and come back to it later necessary. 9. Your proposal is now consideration. 10. It is believed that advertisements (base) on these facts have been printed in newspapers but have not helped much. 答案: 1. has changed 2. possession 3. praising 4. to defend 5. to come 6. that 7. has been appointed 8. if 9. under 1 10. based 单句改错 1. I must make an apology to the delay in replying to your letter. _ 2. The first group had the highest score with average of 119. _ 3. The boy didnt look up when I came near, his attention was fixing on the novel he was reading. _ 4. The bridge was named by the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. _ 5. Based an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later. _ 6. There is still some doubt if the autumn sports meeting will be held in our school, but there is no doubt that it will be held soon after our National Day holiday. _ 7. Such a courageous behavior really deserves praised. _ 8. As a student, it is bad manner to come late to class. _ 9. Amie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse appointing to guard her. _ 10. I am still not used to get up early now. _ 答案: 1. 第一个 tofor 2. 在 with 后加 an 3. fixingfixed 2 4. byafter 5. BasedBasing 6. ifwhether 7. praisedpraising 8. mannermanners 9. appointingappointed 10. getgetting 【教材变形题组】 教材与语法填空 根据课文内容, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Michael Jordan was the most successful basketball player in 1. _history of the game. Playing for the Chicago Bulls from 1984 to 1993, he was named their 2._(much)valued player five times. In 1987, three years after 3. _(join)the Chicago Bulls, he became the second player 4. _(score)more than 3, 000 points in a season. With him, the Bulls won the NBA championship three times from 1991 to 1993. He also played in the United States Olympic Basketball Team, 5. _ (know)as“the Dream Team”. Jordan 6. _(surprise)everyone when he retired before the 19931994 season, 7. _he rejoined the Chicago Bulls and won three more 8. _ (championship)with them from 1996 to 1998. He played for the Washington Wizards before 9._(final)retiring from sport in 2003 at the age of 40. Off the basketball court, Jordan was also very successful in his business and he even found success 10. _an actor. 答案: 1. the 2. most 3. joining 4. to score 5. known 6. surprised 7. but 8. championships 9. finally 10. as . 教材与短文改错 根据课文内容, 对下面的材料进行修改。文中共有 10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每 处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 Footballor soccerstarted in England 800 years before. The game was played 3 with a round ball that player kicked but could not carry. There were two teams, there were often a hundred players on each team! However, in 1823, William Webb Ellis, a pupil at Rugby School in England, picking up the ball during the soccer game and ran with it. Teachers at the school was shocked and angry but Webb Elliss schoolmates enjoyed this new game, that they named after the school. Eventually, rugby was played by an oval ball that could be both carried and thrown. Rugby was exported to the United States, changed a lot of and became the sport that Americans now called football. 答案: 1. 第一句 before 改为 ago 2. 第二句 player 改为 players 3. 第三句逗号后加 but 4. 第四句 picking 改为 picked 5. 第四句 during 后面的 the改为 a 6. 第五句 was 改为 were 7. 第五句 that 改为 which 8. 第六句 by 改为 with 9. 最后一句去掉 of 10. 最后一句 called改为 call . 教材与话题写作 用本模块所学知识完成下列句子, 并按照逻辑连成短文。 1. A singing competition_last Friday to make our school life colorful. 为了使我们的校园生活丰富多彩, 上周五我们学校举办了一场歌咏比赛。 2. More than 300 students_._. 包括我在内有 300多名学生参加了这一活动。 3. Although it was the first time that I_, I_._. 尽管这是我第一次参加这样的活动, 我却发现自己是一个非常有才华的歌者。 4. My sweet voice_, and I became an instant hit in the school. 我的甜美声音引起了许多人的注意, 我很快成了一位校园明星。 5. I was_because of_._. 4 因为我的出色的表演, 我被授予了一等奖。 6. _the singing competition was a complete success. I_to our schoolmates in the singing competition. 毫无疑问, 这次歌咏比赛取得了巨大成功。我在这次歌咏比赛中找到了向同学们展示我的才华 的机会。 答案: 1. was held in our school 2. took part in the activity, including me 3. had been in such an activity;found myself a talented singer. 4. drew many peoples attention 5. given the first prize;my outstanding performance. 6. There is no doubt that;found an opportunity to show my talents 组篇公式: 加入适当的过渡词。 【参考范文】 A singing competition was held in our school last Friday to make our school life colorful. More than 300 students took part in the activity, including me. Although it was the first time that I had been in such an activity, I found myself a talented singer. My sweet voice drew many peoples attention, and of course I became an instant hit in the school. I was given the first prize because of my outstanding performance. There is no doubt that the singing competition was a complete success. More important, I found an opportunity to show my talents to our schoolmates in the singing competition. 5


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