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    西方礼仪文化unit 1 The Eti官quette of Daily Personal Communication.ppt

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    西方礼仪文化unit 1 The Eti官quette of Daily Personal Communication.ppt

    Western Etiquette Culture,About the course:,Objectives: Get to know more about the ways to get along with foreigners. Get to know more about the foreign cultures. Get to cultivate your personal accomplishment. Get to know how to behave appropriately in certain situations.,Requirements to the students,Adequate attendance to the class Enough effort to search materials related to the text Effective cooperation to do with the designed tasks Active participation in the classroom activities Reading of the textbook outside the class Awareness to strengthen language skills Enlargement of general cultural knowledge of foreign countries.,About the assessment,10% for attendance 10% for assigned work in the class 80% for written paper at the end of the term,Brainstorming,What may get into your minds when it comes to etiquette? What do you think may be included into etiquette?,1. What is etiquette?,The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority. 由社会习俗或权威所规定的常规或惯例 A sort of supplement to the law, which enables society to protect itself against offences which the law cannot touch.,Brief Introduction to Etiquette,Etiquette The informal rules of society reflect the historic, cultural and religious preferences of a society beyond the formal legal applications, applied by the individual with other individuals.,Brief Introduction to Etiquette,2. Why does etiquette need to exist? What are the functions of etiquette?,To facilitate the interaction between people. To show respect to people around you. To remove many chances for misunderstandings. To make life simpler and more pleasant. .,Brief Introduction to Etiquette,There is no reason why you should be bored when you can be otherwise. But if you find yourself sitting in the hedgerow(灌木篱墙) with nothing but weeds, there is no reason for shutting your eyes and seeing nothing, instead of finding what beauty you may in the weeds. Emily Post,不学礼,无以立。 孔子 If you do not learn the rules of Propriety, your character cannot be established. Confucius,What is etiquette for?,3. How did etiquette come into being?,Brief Introduction to Etiquette,originated in the French royal court during the 1600-1700's. deal with a serious problem. dissuade their unwanted behavior by posting signs called etiquets which warned them to “Keep off the Grass“ . issue an official decree that no one could go beyond the bounds of the signs. the name “etiquette“ was given to a ticket for court functions that included rules regarding where to stand and what to do.,King Louis XIV,Brief Introduction to Etiquette,The nobles who lived at court did not work, and so they developed elaborate social customs mostly to avoid becoming bored. The nobles drew up a list of proper social behavior and called it etiquette. This code of behavior soon spread to other European courts and eventually was adopted by the upper classes throughout the Western world. from Wikipedia,Brief Introduction to Etiquette,It goes without saying that etiquette is heavily dependent on culture; what is excellent etiquette in one society may be a shock in another. Etiquette evolves within culture. Etiquette can vary widely between different cultures and nations.,Could you please give some examples to illustrate how different cultures greatly influence the etiquette of a country?,4. Whats the relationship between etiquette and culture,Lets move on to something more specific.,What rules do we need to follow in our daily personal communication?,Unit 1 The Etiquette of Daily Personal Communication,What rules do we need to observe when we greet the foreigners?,The Etiquette of Daily Personal Communication,1. Daily Greetings,Greetings a handshake, a bow, a kiss on the cheek, a hug, a pat on the back and even a nod When meeting someone rise if you are seated. smile and extend your hand. repeat the other persons name in your greeting. A good handshake is importantit should be firm and held for three-four seconds. In todays business world it is not necessary to wait for a female to initiate the handshake. Females & males should both be ready to initiate the handshake.,2. Introduction,In informal situations, introductions can be made by simply saying: “This is (name).” “Hi” or “Hello” is often held as a response in this informal situation. When introducing someone, give some brief appropriate information about that person. Sometimes at a meeting or gathering it is all right to introduce oneself to others present.,3. Hands-shaking,Hands-shaking is a widely adopted practice which comes from European countries. There are different forms of hands-shaking between persons of the same sex, between different sexes, between two persons of different ranks Offering a firm handshake which lasts for 3-5 seconds upon greeting and leaving is proper in business or other formal occasions.,4. Invitations,Invitations may be in the form of a telephone call, a printed card, or a written note. The choice of form may depend on the size and for reality of the event and the time available for preparing it.,Formal invitation: given in advance, three or more weeks before the occasion either hand-written or typed on double sheets of quality paper to show the dignity of the occasion. Standard and fixed patterns are often used If a married person is invited, his or her spouse should also be included in a formal invitation in most cases. When a family with young children is invited, if the inviter intends to invite all the children, all the childrens first names should be listed on the invitation, instead of “and family”. Otherwise, “adults only” is written on the invitation. It is important to reply as soon as possible to any invitation by telephone or by mail.,4. Invitations,Sample invitation letter 1,Dr. and Mrs. Richard Wilbur request the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strands company at dinner on Thursday, July the twenty-second at eight oclock 200 Forest Avenue,Sample invitation letter 2,Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strand accept with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilburs kind invitation to dinner on Thursday, July the twenty-second at eight oclock,Sample invitation letter 3,Mr. and Mark Strand regret that previous engagement prevents their accepting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilburs kind invitation to dinner on Thursday, July the twenty-second,Practice,Suppose you are going to get married and send an invitation to your old classmates to invite him or her to take part in your wedding ceremony.,4. Invitations,5. Paying a Visit,make an appointment in advance Be punctual (but not too early) bring some gifts, such as a bunch of flower for the hostess, a box of choc or candy, a bottle of wine Keep good eye contact during social conversations shows interest, sincerity and confidence keep a moderate space It is not proper to stay in others house for a long period of time Before leaving any house, you must find your hostess and thank her.,6. Expressing thanks Find the host or hostess to say thank-you after your visit. Write a thank-you note for a gift, a favor, or some other hospitality. Your friend from UK sends you a birthday gift. Write a thank-you letter to her/him to express your appreciation.,7. Giving and receiving Gifts,Occasions calling for giving and receiving gift: bridal shower, wedding, baby shower, birthday, house warming party, visiting ones home, visiting a patient, funeral and so on. It is not considered polite for a male to give too expensive or too personal a gift Open the gift at the presence of the giver, saying words like “thank you!” “I really appreciate it” “its so pretty” to show you gratitude and appreciation to the giver. If the gift is food, unwrap it and share it with the people at present.,8. Making a phone call,Choose the appropriate time to call. Courtesy is as important as when having a face-to-face talk Suppose you have some questions to ask a teacher and you call him/her. Role-play a phone call with your partners.,9. Gentlemanlike Manners,Many etiquettes are expected to be performed toward women by men. Nowadays, most men still continue to perform the conventional courtesies, yet both parties dont attach the same importance to it as before.,Tips originates in England. It means “ to insure prompt service”. The occasions to pay: Hotels: doorman, porter, food deliverer, room service men Restaurants: waiters, music players, cleaners Beauty saloon or hairdressing shops Taxi driving Theater and opera: waiters at the checkroom Traveling: guide and driver How much to pay: According to the percentage 10%-20% According to the ratio: different countries, different ratio,10. Tipping,Compare western etiquettes of daily personal communication with our Chinese practice. Make a list of some differences.,Further thinking,Exercises One,There are some English idioms used to describe the daily communication, please match the idioms from 1) to 6) with the meaning s form A to F respectively.,A. You will be influenced by the people with whom you stay gradually. B. When you are in a new place, you should follow the local peoples practice. C. Youd better avoid making a mistake, even it is a minor one. D. One may plan a thing carefully but there are many other factors beyond his control contribute to the success of it. E. Dont treat others the way in which you hate being treated. F. It is very hard for a person to quit his old habit.,1) Do as the Romans do. 2) If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas. 3) Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 4) Old habits die hard. 5) Man proposes, God disposes. 6) It is a sin to steal a pin.,Choose one response from the following answers to complete each of the short dialogues which happen in daily communication.,Exercises Two,1) Excuse me. May I use your dictionary, please? _ . A. No, thanks. B. It doesnt matter. C. Sorry, Im referring a word in it now. D. Thats nothing. 2) You are very beautiful in this dress? _ . A. No, not at all. B. Thanks. C. Where, where. D. You are flattering me. 3) If youre free this afternoon, how about shopping together? _ . A. All right. B. No, not at all. C. See you later. D. Bye. 4) Do you mind if I use the computer here? _ . Its for Mr. Ford. A. Not at all. B. Never mind. C. Im sorry you cant. D. Of course not.,C,A,B,C,


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