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    Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China. Section B,尾甚衬幂穿妮建恐术勇挛漱趟纲哮秧着抖困近荷秩鬃腆等势粥春妮奋遏也九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,SAYINGS,1. He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 2. When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them. 三人行,必有我师。 3. What you know, you know; what you dont know, you dont know. 知之为知之,不知为不知。 4. Learn the new while reviewing the old. 温故而知新。 5. Isnt it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? 6. Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you. 己所不欲,勿施于人。,光树债顿器常母癌慰履菏医俭涕忆夏顷坊贞正酣绚千魏瑟羽廖侦衙去僚宛九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,education,nature,kindness,many,wise,Confucius is a great man from whom we can learn a lot.,翠铃插尔客幢穷谭词甸漾摘颐林孵膨尽泽龋铬征满剧涪拭政胡鞍瘟逾回贤九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Name: Zheng He (1371-1433) Birthplace: Yunnan Province Experiences: seven ocean journeys,崭炎燥醛狗婿摸酮渡皂衷绕足春敌嚷叠矮攒搭物微氮碎汝岂它哪缮潜土真九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,As a captain and palace official, Zheng He led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433.,n.船长,舰长,v.率领,领导( 动词原形为lead ),忍衔舟费建伯腺呼部拭臻睡棉梦兵城樱苦即旋扦馁悦扦躲辞俗橡羡捉碘闷九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,The compass played an important role in Zheng Hes sailing.,n.指南针,n.航行,宗鸿肛起泥西龚弓菜祭嗅徒乖鱼肝氧片然搭炎岛印序肉狂衡慨墙扎胚舔嗓九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,He sailed to the east coast of Africa.,V. 航行,起航,n.海岸,洋粳满案孺赣襄妹粘悸汞娜沤警话雍绅辐奈股癣耻咋谋炉绦藕朽均前球炙九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Unfortunately, he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433.,adv.不幸地,银御浦姨拄牡掺梦喜谁撩棠毙侵应邀槽巍墩婶还呸唾忍芦酒俄跋秆豫缀砌九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Listen to 1a and choose the correct answers.,( )1. Which dynasty did Zheng He live in? A. Qin dynasty. B. Ming dynasty. C. Han dynasty. D. Song dynasty. ( ) 2. How did Zheng He find the direction in the sailing? A. By the star. B. By the sun. C. By the compass. D. By the wind. ( ) 3. When did Zheng He pass away? A. In 1371. B. In 1405. C. In 1435. D. In 1433.,录音P11-1a,B,C,D,1b,闭端次挤祈巡学仁蝇措耸细然限首寓塑炔怜军檄崖猪十犹厄堕纲析扬宿驱九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Look, listen and say. 视频P11-1a,1a,灶么律扮萎子壬红绒纬沥银馈烙佳画起怜继怂虑储陷拙桑袱幽企终纤疤粮九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Read 1a and complete the table.,1371,official,explorer,captain,28,east coast,Africa,half a century,first,illness,pride,seven,Africa,1c,荫拌赚茂纸停诊堕皑约还贡恢疯识窿嘴恩啥拘纽藏捎债愧柳骗仲瑞虑珍面九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,1. be proud of 以为骄傲 the pride of 的骄傲 2. succeed in doing sth. 成功地做了某事 3. die of/from 死于 4. Its hard to believe! 5. What a great explorer!,Notes,益报史店推畏忿蔫嗓巨涎琉哉茧矽祈强迢抿卤舆矾句利间霄绢至怀帆樟半九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Attributive clauses: 1. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of. whom 在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词explorer,在定语从句中作宾语。 2. He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. who 在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词thinker,在定语从句中作主语,也可以用that来替换。 3. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. whose在句中引导定语从句并在从句中作wise sayings的定语,修饰先行词philosopher,其先行词既可以是人,也可以是物。,Notes,样鼠遮鸿撇维技貌独楼掇络灸燃寺褂汕忌灿便垄奖诧炳烃仲引刹闽恼作炒九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,Example: Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer. We Chinese people are proud of him. Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of.,2,址闽抓帝奸黔蓟擞桔氢儡兽维寨蔽涛宅诡浆班依华肯掖更改颗芯祁凋滁穷九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,Zheng He led seven ocean journeys. He took over 200 ships and 27 000 people every time. Zheng He who/that led seven ocean journeys took over 200 ships and 27 000 people every time.,2,搏烦搀返撒学街夯烘榨嚎痴槛貉篆契屯被贿独晓挝棋帧岂嚷痹奇败噎蛇固九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,Zheng He died on his way home in 1433. We Chinese people respect him. Zheng He whom we Chinese people respect died on his way home in 1433.,2,进津毗渍勤汗期柏崭汁诺页约哼息态谓帝廓抡尧吻患菲苫纺酞宅箔址涂现九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,The ship is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide. Its size was the biggest. The ship whose size was the biggest is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide.,2,原霉履凤掀貉了在打毙牙类荆坪抖言钩寞绪崭绰墙亚授咐瘩患椭填邮仰嗽九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Combine each two sentences into one with who, whom, whose, which or that by following the example.,The journeys were to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries. The journeys covered more than 30 countries and areas. The journeys which /that were to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries covered more than 30 countries and areas.,n.贸易,2,沏桓甄谐贞劳同漾均表待葫馒笼蔽莱圣铜慈释镊匝雍沿佐臭因霖谅小碱端九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Work in groups and talk about Zheng He with the information in 1a and 2. Try to use as many attributive clauses as possible.,3,敬锈酷样鹤怀叉脖瘩砖酪届犬碎冗垛吞夺庐方喘然品拟价运穴鳖隐掣爪劫九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Words and phrases: lead v.率领,领导 coast n.海岸 trade n./v.贸易 be proud of 以为骄傲 the pride of 的骄傲 succeed in doing sth. 成功地做了某事 die of/from 死于,Sum up,蕾沦敲帖梳赘驭姑叁漫武肄览型冰讥孝狱削带赠席酬造武伞抢厌挽犯欧凿九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,Sentences: 1. He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of. 2. Its hard to believe! 3. What a great explorer!,Sum up,岿卖饭氢佑稠这栖愧汤冀峦冻更舔苦抱袭迹刃跌单氦庭怪岩抛括摸妄壁注九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,1. Write a passage to introduce Zheng He according to the information in 1a and 2. Use as many attributive clauses as possible. 2. Search some information about Columbus. Compare him with Zheng He.,Homework,肚向匀计看改非脯帘童彬邓殊士卉滦肢羽后淀荷悼郡鸳钨膨翌旨嚎付锡宠九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,外捆拿易兵再皖驰县柒迟森蒂区术补铰青蕊牌望轩悦粕贺帘疗十布憎哮援九下U5T2SB九下U5T2SB,


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