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    Unit 5 China and the World Topic 2 He is really the pride of China. Section C,荚溺惑盲锻照做袁秀牢汾鸳筹蜂咋弱翘姐趋誓贺憾涵悲蝉滇而秀仁仕碎唱九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer. We Chinese people are proud of him.,Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of.,谣盅傻捧堡肛锯轩希胜曾娃邵抄捍宋茂敬兑酿靖森痰谨慑蔬处拂季摇登署九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Zheng He led seven ocean journeys. He took over 200 ships and 27 000 people every time. Zheng He who/that led seven ocean journeys took over 200 ships and 27 000 people every time.,藉吵节魏撵诉假丈话囊泞旧炙玉室铁请晓串洽峙犊居茹渴厅迎焕具贵迢赛九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Zheng He died on his way home in 1433. We Chinese people respect him. Zheng He whom we Chinese people respect died on his way home in 1433.,虫残轩辑葡漂谣采巡玫戌蔡盟伤凿激尾管芦由簇榔飘每褥惨疗防速懊简葛九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,The ship is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide. Its size was the biggest. The ship whose size was the biggest is about 151.8 meters long and 61.6 meters wide.,芬窟猩咒互车捷月志要赎让磅镇匆垂菊福雾谋牙鼓见驻溯俊艾非浴术锚辱九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,The journeys were to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries. The journeys covered more than 30 countries and areas. The journey which /that were to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries covered more than 30 countries and areas.,诊谊馏钳厢嚎贫播增短氮狗眷寸囤随吞廖创阮卜缚因意召子债阮勤儡物妆九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,1371 A.D.-1433 A.D.,1451 A.D.-1506 A.D.,紫签献浙剂丽喻啃杖兄痊胸眼酉宵驳梗嚼婚悦驶贺弯者棍寺比乞獭拱耸粤九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Qian Xuesen the Father of Chinas Missiles,n.导弹,怀蜀钎贡氖岳掖椰朔候烩奉峦群喷说诀挥波巢搜奄亩靶惮檬鼎藏帮揩龙社九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,He graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934.,n.大学,v.毕业,外柞跃糙订堕易几芦登悍苯意牡它捂药杨攻穷斌花蛹蜕女删蟹眯蔬车橡员九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,He received his Ph.D. degrees in both aerospace and mathematics in the United States.,n.(大学)学位,缴予臀灼慕酒助乐蜘擞缴攒攘蹲帜背斋退魁衰档醒萤柒挂衡杜阴墓蹬既颅九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,His devotion to his country was expressed in his sayings.,v.表达,表露,函溜更饵枯开汕我贤缴蠢闭吼汁呀湾芜逛射煤炯佳足邯嫩丘长傍呆锹挨旦九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,1b-1. What happened to Qian Xuesen in the following years? Write them down.,1911:_ 1934:_ 1955:_ 1956:_ 2009:_,born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province,graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University,set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles,passed away,赞近钉莹爪诧币蒲邱傻挑输删如淡壕兜壤考仗鸵尧植再溅伟栗浚佰拣镰震九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,1b-2. Answer the following questions.,1. What happened after Qian Xuesen graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University? He traveled to the USA for further study. 2. Why did Qian Xuesen come back to his motherland from the USA? Because he loved his motherland. 3. What contributions did Qian Xuesen make to the development of aerospace in China? In 1956, he set up the first research institute of rockets and missiles. From then on, he was in charge of developing Chinas missile, rocket and spacecraft research programs.,录音P13-1a,需薯缘醇园貌避翁馈括惊怨阎介蜘辟恰复末双瘴狗莱澳荫辽恬勉亚桌恿碱九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,1a Read and understand. 视频P13-1a,挎牌棚门芳进酪屁装萄湘痹迭扶芒外包壕端俐渊郎枷魁饮但戈戚烃赫手员九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,1c Work in groups. Read the following words by Qian Xuesen and discuss what kind of person he is and what you can learn from him.,My career is in China, my success is in China and my destination is in China. 我的事业在中国,我的成就在中国,我的归宿也在中国! 2. My family name is Qian, but I dont like qian. 我姓钱,但是我不爱钱。,掉娶涝挚骄刁疫演弃垣寿渝男惊纯纲度从驱挚元辞藤也屏哮脸兑绑闽否羹九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Notes:,1. make important contributions to (doing) sth. 为做出重要贡献 2. return to 返回 3. in charge of 主管;负责,骋躺平必自刚猛镑时盆呕尔鹤配忙单荧汲尤珊徊振渍币易孩教马剧饵慰殆九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,2 Make up conversations by following the example and pay attention to the attributive clauses.,Example: A: Who is Qian Xuesen? B: He is a scientist who was honored as “The Father of Chinas Missiles”. A: What should we learn from him? B: His love and devotion to our country.,Qian Xuesen/scientist/ be honored as “The Father of Chinas Missiles”,掳伺俄倍殴侣浇总毗姻蝎倘市协哼命场理赞茎泞莽砖娄蜗灵鲁盗鹿娃尊煮九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,A: Who is Zheng He? B: He is an explorer who led seven ocean journeys. A: What should we learn from him? B: His devotion to our countrys sailing and trading.,Zheng He/explorer/ lead seven ocean journeys,蜗毫园昔伸娟奢琳辫捐逛敏姚巨凿草辟夹熏囤陀掂蚜天驯榷糯丧茁灭汐主九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,A: Who is Confucius? B: He was a thinker who had great influence on Chinese education. A: What should we learn from him? B: His ideas about kindness and good manners.,Confucius/thinker/ have great influence on Chinese education,豌亭谨眺辱扁祁惭秸戌筹达展乃删雄贫宅柔脉骡申氟帽禁姆欢婿泅敞篮患九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,A: Who is Yuan Longping? B: He is a scientist who developed hybrid rice. A: What should we learn from him? B: His devotion to the science.,Yuan Longping/ scientist/ develop hybrid rice,涨道喻赞初黄咐省侠脆现搅愧赔桥帽览谚协呵柴蹬杖坦酣哗顿媚畴阵看层九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Qian Xuesen/scientist/ be honored as “The Father of Chinas Missiles”,3 Choose one famous person who has influenced you a lot and write a short passage about him or her.,Yuan Longping/ scientist/ develop hybrid rice,Zheng He/explorer/ lead seven ocean journeys,Confucius/thinker/have great influence on Chinese education,垃最聂份层腮柳俐己裂城办烟耍概梆仙组琉蚊虞彼滓寨盔骗卧取床饱赴吝九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Sum up,Words and phrases: university n. 大学 degree n.(大学)学位 express v. 表达;表露 make important contributions to (doing) sth. 为做出重要贡献 return to 返回 in charge of 主管;负责,剃叠仲铺抹人恐谢囊屎畜彻旋谭秀舵该痛砾搁精揉园纫炬裴陌杨唆饵涌呻九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Sum up,Sayings: My career is in China, my success is in China and my destination is in China. 我的事业在中国,我的成就在中国,我的归宿也在 中国! 2. My family name is Qian, but I dont like qian. 我姓钱,但是我不爱钱。,蒸耿眼抑俭糟呵竭静莹诽袱镊囊味婴骂亭再替饮拒寒萍蒲茹林忍食孽戳烯九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,Homework,1. Finish the written work. 2. Search for some information about the Four Great Inventions of ancient China.,最股始顽卯傅簇夏镜追炔若富夸挫纫逗膳迎晒务辜酒晶垃捧居蚂郝概裕舌九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,泥诧掌玫卿描志捻跃箭哄钝巷丛愿界刚吾揭储煽驾蹭寅哑沦踢离纳鲍基祭九下U5T2SC九下U5T2SC,


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