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    初中英语九年级下册Module 7 《Unit 1》课件.ppt

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    初中英语九年级下册Module 7 《Unit 1》课件.ppt

    外研新标准 初三下,Module 7,Eating together,Unit 1 Whens the school leavers party?,Review,Words and expressions,单词回顾,学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。,Read the words and expressions loudly.,n. (拇指以外的任何一 个)手指 n. 篮子 n. 面包 n. (吃食物用的)叉子 n. 刀 n. 柠檬味汽水;柠檬饮 料,finger basket bread fork knife lemonade,Words and expressions,Words and expressions,pancake serve spoon hold hot roll,n. 烙饼;薄饼 v.(为)端上 (食物和饮料) n. 勺;匙 v. 举办;召开 adj. 辣的 n. 小圆面包,Have you ever attended a party? Can you describe it? Now enjoy a video about Peppa Pigs birthday party.,Do you know?,In the USA 16th birthday parties are usually important celebrations for teenagers. They are held in hotels or in the home.,Other ways: go on a special trip together go to the cinema or a nice restaurant for a meal.,看图说出物品名称,knife and fork,spoon,lemonade,plate,chopsticks,sweet dumplings,fish and chips,1. To understand the conversation about traditional food 2. To answer the questions about the conversation by inferring and analysing 3. To review the structure of passive voice: be done 4. To know how to pause correctly according to the sense group(意群),Objectives:,Words: basket, bread, fork, knife, lemonade, pancake, serve, spoon, roll,Phrases: heat up in fact no good,Patterns: I have been asked to decorate the hall. In fact, Ive been chosen to Its made with chicken or pork and vegetables.,Focus on,Invitation Youre invited to the School Leavers Party on Saturday 30th May at 5pm. In the school hall Bring a traditional dish “finger food” Music and dancing,Look at the party invitation and answer the questions.,Questions,1. Whats a school leavers party? A party for students who are completing their secondary school education that year. 2. Whats a traditional dish? Something which belongs to the place where you live or where youre from.,3. What do you think “finger food” is? Food which you can eat with your hands - you dont need knives and forks or chopsticks. 4. What else is there to do at the party? Listen to music and dance.,Listen and answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you.,basket bread cheese fetch finger fork grapes ham knife lemonade pancake serve spoon tomato wine,1. How has Tonys mum carried the shopping home? In a basket. 2. What has she bought? Food and drink for the family and for the party. 3. What does she suggest for the school leavers party? Pancakes or pizza.,4. What food and drink is for the family? Grapes, bread and wine. 5. What food and drink is for Tony and the school leavers party? Lemonade and pizza (ham, tomatoes, cheese to make the pizza).,hamburgers,cheese, bread roll,suanla tang,chicken or pork and vegetables,pizza,cheese, tomato, ham,jiaozi,Listen and complete the table with notes.,Role-play,1. Read the dialogue aloud for a few minutes by yourself; 2. Role play in groups; 3. Role play in front of the class,Well see which group does the best.,1. How do you think Daming feels about his role at the school leavers party? I think he feels pleased and proud. 2. Where are they going to prepare the food? At home.,Answer the questions.,3. Why does Betty ask if Damings grandmother is coming to the school leavers party? Because their school asks the students, not their relatives, to prepare the food.,4. Why do you think Tony calls pizza a traditional English dish? Because you can eat it everywhere in England. 5. Why does Betty think Shakespeare didnt eat pizza? Because it is an Italian dish which wasnt introduced into Britain then.,Speaking,分析: 按照句子的一般语法结构来看,可划分成为以下意群视读单位: (1) 短句 (2) 名词短语 (3) 介词/不定式/分词短语 (4) 动词短语 (5) 主谓结构 (6) 动宾结构 (7) 系表结构 (8) 动状结构 (9) 主句-从句。,Pronunciation,Lingling: Will we be allowed / to cook it at school, / or must it be made / at home, / and brought here? Betty: I suppose / it can be heated up / in the school kitchen, / but it should be cooked / at home.,Work in pairs. Listen and repeat.,Tips: 听的时候注意按意群的断句位置正确停顿。,Betty: Pizza isnt English! It was invented in Italy, not England! Tony: But pizza can be eaten everywhere in England. Betty: I dont think Shakespeare ate pizza!,Work in pairs. Say the sentences aloud.,Tips: 听的时候注意按意群的断句位置正确停顿。,/,/,/,/, food and drink,Practice,Work in pairs. Make plans for a party. Think about:,finger food such as potato crisps, bread, fruits, vegetables like tomatoes and cucumber, soft drink such as soda, coca-cola and so on.,Decoration: decorate the living room with balloons, colorful strips and lights.,Music and dancing: music such as soft music or rock,Where: in the living room,When: from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday,Talk about your parties, and say what plans have been made.,Everyone will be asked to bring something to eat. Music will be played all evening, and dancing has been planned from 7 am,Discuss,Sample plan:,A plan for my birthday party All my friends will be invited to my birthday party. The party has been planned to be held from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday in the living room of my house. They are welcomed to bring small presents.,Various food and drinks will be prepared such as finger food such as potato crisps, bread, fruits, vegetables like tomatoes and cucumber, soft drink such as soda, coca-cola and so on and the lunch will be served at 12:00 after we play games. Everyone will be welcomed to arrive early to help me decorate the living room with balloons, colorful strips and lights. Music will be played all the time and dancing has been planned from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.,1) In fact 2) Soups no good. 3) I see what you mean. 4) And everyone has been told to prepare a traditional dish from our own countries. 5) Its made with chicken or pork and vegetables.,本课时主要句型,课后回顾,Now 2 mins to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1. English-Chinese lemonade bread leavers party basket finger spoon knife 2. Chinese-English 举办/召开 事实上 发明(为)端上(食物和饮料),When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,QUIZ,注: word 文档 点击此处链接,. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示写单词。 1. Give me two _ (小圆面包), please. 2. She was so thirsty that she drank three bottles of _ (柠檬味汽水). 3. You should wrap the roast duck in the _ (烙饼) with the spring onion and the sweet bean sauce (甜面酱). 4. Im afraid that this dish is too _ (辣的) for children.,rolls,lemonade,pancake,hot,. 从方框内选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子(每词限用一次)。 basket serve tradition invite eat 1. Qingming Festival is one of the top _ festivals in China. 2. They were carrying several _ of fruit to the market.,traditional,baskets,3. Will you go to Mikes birthday party? Im not sure. I havent received his _ yet. 4. I like that restaurant. They _ nice food. 5. Sally has never _ Chinese food before.,invitation,serve,eaten,. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子(每空一词)。 1. 事实上,比尔不仅是个游泳好手,而且还是个烹调能手。 _ _, Bill is both a good swimmer and a good cook. 2. 水加热到了90度。 The water was _ _ to 90 degrees.,In fact,heated up,3. 我明白她的意思了。 I see _ _ _. 4. 他知道说什么也没有用了。 He knew it was _ _ saying anything. 5. 护士们把病人照料得很好。 The patients were well _ _ by the nurses. 6. 禁止小孩在这儿玩耍。 Children _ _ _ _ _ here.,what she means,no good,looked after,are not allowed to play,. 根据课文对话内容填空。 The _ _ _ will be held on 30th May. The students are all invited. Daming has _ _ to look after the dance music. Tony has _ _ to decorate the hall. And everyone has been told to prepare a _ _ - “finger food” from their own countries. They are discussing about it.,school leavers party,been chosen,been asked,traditional dish,Homework,Work in pairs. Search for information about Chinese eating customs as much as possible.,1. Preview the new words and expressions of Unit 2. 2. Preview the passage about Western meals and eating customs in Unit 2.,Preview,


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