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    2019英语同步人教必修四刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):5.5 Word版含答案.docx

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    2019英语同步人教必修四刷题首选卷(基础练+能力练):5.5 Word版含答案.docx

    试题为word版 下载可打印编辑Section Summary & Writing重点词汇1various adj. 不同的;各种各样的a variety_of 各种各样的2no_wonder 难怪;不足为奇no doubt 毫无疑问3preserve vt. 保存;保留n. 保护区be well preserved 保养/存得好4be modelled_after 根据模仿;仿造be named_after 根据命名5minority n. 少数;少数民族majority n. 大多数6in_advance 提前ahead of time 提前7come_to_life 活跃起来come to 恢复知觉;苏醒bring . back to life 使苏醒/复活;使恢复生机8be famous_for 因而闻名be famous as作为而闻名9center n中心central adj. 中心的;中央的10tourism n. 旅游业tourist n. 游客11long adj. 长的length n. 长度12advance vt.& vi. 前进;促进;提前advanced adj. 高级的;先进的13admit v允许进入;承认admission n. 入场费;承认;允许进入教材原句1Whichever_and_whatever_you_like,_there is a theme park for you!不论你喜欢哪一个,喜欢什么,总会有适合你的主题公园!2The theme park you_are_probably_most_familiar_with is Disneyland.你最熟悉的主题公园很可能就是迪斯尼乐园吧。3With all these attractions, no_wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪斯尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。4If_you_want_to_have_fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland!如果你想尽情娱乐,而且有更多的收获,那就来迪斯尼乐园吧!5Come to Dollywood to_have_fun_learning all about America's historical southeastern culture!来多莱坞尽情了解美国东南地区的历史文化吧!6To_enter_a_world_of_fantasy_about_ancient_England,_come to Camelot Park!想进入古英格兰的梦幻世界吗,那就来卡默洛特公园吧!短文改错Last winter vacation, some of my classmates decide to travel with their friends, while I chose to take part­time job to gain experiences and earn some money. I learned from my teacher that a nearby company was looking after students with good handwriting to write addresses on envelope. The pay were 10 cents per envelope. I headed for the company, feeling sure I would easy finish 300 envelopes in five hours and to earn the money. Actually, I only finished 200. Now I fully understand that hard it is to earn money. Getting out of the classroom is indeed necessary for we all.答案:Last winter vacation, some of my classmates to travel with their friends, while I chose to take part­time job to gain and earn some money. I learned from my teacher that a nearby company was looking students with good handwriting to write addresses on . The pay 10 cents per envelope. I headed for the company, feeling sure I would finish 300 envelopes in five hours and earn the money. Actually, I only finished 200. Now I fully understand hard it is to earn money. Getting out of the classroom is indeed necessary for all.难项分析:第六处:werewas考查主谓一致。主语是The pay,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。第七处:easyeasily考查副词。此处应用副词作状语修饰动词finish。第八处:去掉earn前的to考查并列谓语。and在此连接两个并列的谓语动词finish和earn,形式应保持一致;且这两个谓语动词都跟在would后面,应用原形,故去掉to。书面表达应用文写作景点介绍技法指导景点介绍类的文章就是对某一地方的自然环境,或对其过去、现在及未来的状况进行描述,向人们展示该地区的风貌,包括地域特点、位置、人口、面积等。写作时,应注意以下几点:1抓住该地点的基本特征。介绍地点,目的是让人准确无误地了解它,并且给人留下深刻的印象。因此写作时要首先抓住其基本特征,即该地点区别于其他地方的标志性特征。2要遵循一定的写作顺序,使文章条理清楚,中心突出。介绍地点通常采用空间顺序,即按照事物的空间存在形式,从外到内、从上到下、从前到后依次介绍或说明。3适当地运用描写,以增加文章的文采,使写作内容更能打动读者,达到最佳的表达效果。黄金表达(1)It is located in the centre of . (2)It is known for . (3)It lies in/to the south/east of . (4)On the top of . stand . (5)You will enjoy doing/seeing . (6)You can reach the building /museum by . (7)You can get there a little more quickly by . (8)You need to pay . for the entrance ticket and an additional charge of . yuan for . (9)Each activity costs . (10)They charge no additional fees except the entrance ticket.典题演练请根据以下要点,写一篇100词左右的英语短文,介绍香港海洋公园。1香港海洋公园位于香港的南部;2面积超过87万平方米,是世界上最大的海洋公园之一;3有30多年的历史,是亚洲主要的旅游景点之一;是香港最受人们喜欢的公园。每年吸引了大量的游客;4游客可以体验惊险之旅和观看各种表演;5香港海洋公园还为它提供的教育项目而自豪。谋篇布局1确定体裁: 本文为应用文2确定人称: 以第三人称为主3确定时态: 以一般现在时为主4话题:主题公园5构思联想词汇1海洋的marine2坐落于 be situated/located in; lie in3各种各样的 a wide variety of4对感到自豪 take pride in/be proud of5惊险的;刺激的thrilling连词成句1它是世界上最大的海洋公园之一,占地870,000平方米。一般句式It is one of the largest marine parks in the world. It covers more than 870,000 square meters.升级句式It is one of the largest marine parks in the world, covering an area of more than 870,000 square meters.2它是香港最受欢迎的公园,吸引了大量的游客。一般句式It is Hong Kong's favourite park. It attracts many visitors.升级句式It is Hong Kong's favourite park, which attracts a large number of visitors.3香港海洋公园会让你的一天充满神奇、快乐与兴奋,给你美好回忆。一般句式Hong Kong Ocean Park will give you wonder, pleasure and excitement in a day, and let you remember it forever. 升级句式Hong Kong Ocean Park will fill your day with wonder, pleasure and excitement, and reward you with satisfying memories.连句成篇 Hong Kong Ocean Park is situated in the southern side of Hong Kong. It is one of the largest marine parks in the world, covering an area of more than 870,000 square meters. With a history of over 30 years, the park has become one of the major tourist attractions in Asia.It is Hong Kong's favourite park, which attracts a large number of visitors. Visitors can experience thrilling rides and enjoy a wide variety of shows, such as dolphin shows.The park also takes pride in its educational programs. Hong Kong Ocean Park will fill your day with wonder, pleasure and excitement, and reward you with satisfying memories.试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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