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    试题为word版 下载可打印编辑课时跟踪练(十四)Warming Up & Reading Language Points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1As everybody knows, cancer doesnt show any symptoms (症状) in its early stages.2(2016·天津高考)Day after day I kept coming up with solutions, but none of them worked. My fatigue (疲惫) became almost unbearable (难以忍受的). 3The skin, whose functions are very complex, is our bodys largest organ which acts as a barrier (屏障) against disease and the suns harmful rays. 4(2017·全国卷)Try to make the hole in a damp (潮湿的) area to increase the water catchers productivity. 5We would have put Johns name on the race list yesterday but for his recent injury (受伤)6(2015·安徽高考)If you come to visit China, you will experience a culture of amazing depth and variety (多样性)7It was vital (至关重要的) to show that he was not afraid.8(2017·北京高考)The magazine makes complex (复杂的) ideas attractive and accessible to children. .单句改错1Dont eat the food that has gone bad, or you will be ill. befall2With aid of a compass the traveler can find the land. With后加the3There is a wide variety of flowers in the park. isare4To squeeze more juice out of, youd better cut up the apples before you put them in the machine. 去掉of5Dont take anything away. Mother likes everything to be in the place. 去掉the6The rain came pouring out, and of course the track meeting was canceled.outdown7He said mild to me that he didnt mean to upset me. mildmildly8Please stay which you are and wait until I come back. whichwhere.补全句子1Caught in a heavy rain on his way home, he fell_ill and couldnt but ask for a leave.由于回家途中遇上大雨,他生病了,只能请假。2Theres no denying that the attack did_a_severe_injury_to his reputation.不可否认,这次攻击对他的名誉造成了严重的损害。3(2015·广东高考写作)With such a technique, examiners are able to provide various/a_variety_of/varieties_of_suggestions_on appropriate ways of exercise for examinees.拥有这项技术,检测人员能够向受测者提供各种关于正确锻炼方式的建议。4In_the_first_place,_I think it very important to make more friends abroad.首先,我认为在国外多交朋友是非常重要的。5(2017·全国卷书面表达)I think it_is_vital_to_you to borrow a history book and learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you better understand the poems to be learned.我认为你借一本历史书提前学习唐朝的历史是非常重要的,这能帮助你更好地理解将要学习的诗歌。6The book is where_you_left_it. 书在你原来放的地方。7(2014·陕西高考满分作文)As_is_known_to_you,_our school is unique in English teaching and studying for all the students.正如你知道的那样,我们学校在英语教学方面非常独特。8Practice_it_over_and_over_again until you remember it.反复练习直到记住它。.课文语法填空The skin, which acts as a barrier 1.against disease, poisons and the suns harmful rays, is an essential part of your body.So if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. Depending on 2.which layers of the skin are burned, burns are called first, second, third degree burns. First degree burns have an effect 3.on only the top layer of the skin and it turns white when 4.pressed (press)Second degree burns include severe sunburn and burns 5.caused (cause) by hot liquids. Third degree burns cause little or no pain if nerves are damaged. If possible, we should do some first aid. First, remove clothing using scissors if necessary 6.unless it is stuck to the burn. Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.Cool burns immediately with cool 7.but not icy water which prevents the pain becoming 8.unbearable (bear) and reduces swelling. It is 9.helpful (help) to squeeze cool cloths out from a basin and place them on the burned area over and over again. Hold the bandage 10.in place with tape if necessary. Lastly, it is vital that we should get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once if the situation becomes worse and worse.串点成篇微表达在日常生活中,有人会突然轻度(mildly)烧伤(burnt)、突然生病(fall ill)或中毒(poison)。我们经常需要实施一些临时的(temporary)救治。为了正确地实施急救(first aid),我们要了解多种(a variety of)常见的症状(symptom),并反复(over and over again)练习急救的步骤(process)。总之,急救极其重要(vital)。In_our_daily_life,_we_often_need_to_do_some_temporary_treatments_when_someone_is_mildly_burnt,_falls_ill_or_becomes_poisoned_suddenly._In_order_to_perform_first_aid_properly,_we_must_know_about_a_variety_of_common_symptoms_and_practice_the_first_aid_process_over_and_over_again._In_a_word,_first_aid_is_of_vital_importance.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. _1_, illness or accidents may occur without any _2_. Frequently the person who is _3_ can be cared for at home if there is someone who can _4_ him under the doctors _5_. Sometimes arrangements can be _6_ for a visiting nurse to give the necessary _7_ once a day, or often, if necessary. The responsible one at home _8_ on with the rest of the care during the interval (间隔) between the nurses _9_.The rapid diagnosis (诊断) and _10_ treatment on the spot of an accident or sudden illness, _11_ waiting for the arrival of doctors, is called first aid and quite _12_ from the home nursing.When illness does come, the _13_ family is affected. Many adjustments have to be made _14_ the family routine neednt be disturbed (打乱) completely. Often it can be _15_ with home duties simplified (简化) to _16_ time and energy, thus reducing strain (压力) on the family.The _17_ work for giving nursing care is usually _18_ by one person, frequently the mother. _19_, in order that she may have some rest, or _20_ she herself is ill, other members of the family should learn how to help when sickness occurs.语篇解读:每个人都想健康、快乐,但疾病或事故难免发生,因此懂得一些家庭护理知识就尤为重要了。1A.SometimesBUnfortunatelyCActually DNaturally解析:选Bsometimes“有时”;unfortunately“不幸地”;actually“事实上”;naturally“自然地”。上文说“人人都想健康快乐”,然后笔锋一转,“_,疾病或事故可能会没有预兆地降临”,上下文有明显的句意转折,只有unfortunately可以表达出这层意义。2A.reason BnoticeCwarning Dsignal解析:选Creason表示“原因”;notice表示“通知”;warning表示“警报”;signal表示“信号”。without warning意为“没有预兆;没有警报”,“疾病或事故可能会没有预兆地降临”,与上文中的“人人都想健康快乐”相呼应。3A.weak BpatientCill Dhealthy解析:选Cweak表示“虚弱的”;patient表示“耐心的”;ill表示“生病的”;healthy表示“健康的”。因前面提到“疾病”,后面又提到cared for,由此可以推知C项正确。4A.wait for Blook forClook after Dlook at解析:选Cwait for“等待”;look for“寻找”;look after“照顾”;look at“看”。生病的人应是得到家人的照顾,即选择“look after”。5A.introduction BcontrolCdecision Ddirection解析:选Dintroduction“介绍”;control“控制”;decision“决定”;direction“指导”。家人对病人的照顾,应在医生的指导(direction)下进行。6A.done BmadeCplaced Dsupplied解析:选B词组make arrangements为固定短语,意思是“作安排”。7A.look BcureCtreatment Dtraining解析:选Clook“看”;cure“治愈”;treatment“治疗”;training“训练”。根据上下文意思,此处应指“治疗”。8A.works BcarriesClooks Ddepends解析:选Bwork on表示“继续工作”;carry on表示“继续开展,继续进行”;look on表示“袖手旁观”;depend on表示“依靠”。由句意可知此处应选B。9A.words BlettersCvisits Dhopes解析:选Cword表示“话语,单词”;letter表示“信件,字母”;visit表示“探望,参观”;hope表示“希望”。家人在家照顾病人,但护士还要按时过来看看,因此C项为正确答案。10A.immediate BquickCearly Dlate解析:选Aimmediate表示“即刻的,直接的”;quick表示“迅速的”;early表示“早的”;late表示“晚的,迟到的”。一旦发生事故,我们应该立刻进行急救,因此应用immediate。11A.before BwhileCas Dwhere解析:选Bbefore表示“在之前”;while表示“在的时候”;as表示“当的时候”;where表示“到的地方”。急救应是在等医生到来的过程中进行。12A.similar BdifferentCurgent Dseparate解析:选Bsimilar“相似的”,常与to连用;different“不同的”,常与from连用,表示“与不同”;urgent“紧急的”;separate“单独的,各自的”。此处指“急救和家庭护理有很大不同”。13A.big BhalfCwhole Dall解析:选Cbig表示“大的”;half表示“一半的”;whole表示“整个的”,位于冠词the的后面;all表示“所有的”,位于冠词the的前面。指整个家庭时要用“the whole family”。14A.and BbutCunless Dsince解析:选B上下文有明显的转折关系。句意:需要作出许多调整,但正常的家庭常规没有必要被完全打乱。15A.learned BtriedCsolved Drearranged解析:选Dlearn表示“学习”;try表示“尝试”;solve表示“解决”;rearrange表示“重新安排”。既然不想完全打乱家庭常规,就必须对其进行重新安排。16A.save BwasteCget Dlose解析:选Asave表示“节省,拯救”;waste表示“浪费”;get表示“得到”;lose表示“失去”。将家庭事务简单化,目的是节省(save)时间和精力。17A.technical BentireCall Dreasonable解析:选Btechnical表示“技术的,工艺的”;entire表示“整个的,完全的”;all表示“所有的”;reasonable表示“合情合理的”。表达一整件事,应用entire。18A.got BdoneCmade Dsent解析:选Bdo the work表示“做工作”;get the work表示“得到工作”;make和send不与the work连用。19A.Consequently BMoreoverCUnexpectedly DHowever解析:选Dconsequently“因此”;moreover“此外”;unexpectedly“出乎意料地”;however“然而”。上下文的意思有着明显的转折关系,应用however。20A.in fact Bin caseCas a result Don the contrary解析:选Bin fact表示“事实上”,在句子中作状语;in case是连词,表示“万一”;as a result表示“因此”;on the contrary表示“相反”。由句意知此处应该用in case。.短文改错It was a beautiful morning. My friend Bob had persuaded us have a country walk and picnic, start from his village. So soon as we left the village we found the footpath. The sun began to get hotter as we walk across the fields. Sometimes we stopped to look at wild flowers, and Bob knew most of their name. After a few hours we reached for a lake and stopped to eat our sandwiches. It wasnt until I sat down that I realised how much my feet hurt. I lay down for the rest, but no sooner had I closed my eyes that Bob said we should set off again. Final the village came into view. It was a great relieve to get back to Bobs house!答案:第二句:have前加to; startstarting第三句:SoAs第四句:walkwalked第五句:namenames第六句:去掉for第八句:thea; thatthan第九句:FinalFinally第十句:relieverelief试题为word版 下载可打印编辑


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