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    how the customer is using cics - anne.ppt

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    how the customer is using cics - anne.ppt

    How the customer is using CICS?,Qin Li(Anne) 09/13/2013,Agenda,1. What is CICS 2. CICS transaction 3. CICSPlex System Manager 4. CICS intercommunication 5. Customer scenarios,Whats CICS,Customer Information Control System How do I pronounce CICS? KICKS in the UK(from1969) CICS Family CICS TS (Transaction Server) : z/OS Platform CICS TX Serials : Open System Platform CICS tools,Whats CICS,CICS is a transaction management system Provide services to assist the customer in implementing online business applications A database/data communications system Provide user access, with security, to online business systems and data An Application Server to user application classed as Middleware Providing the customer services to help them implement online business applications.,Transaction = Request for Service Many users Repetitive Short interactions Shared data Data integrity Low cost and transaction,Why CICS,Business logic Multithreading Administration Connectivity Data integrity Performance Locking Logging Scheduling Security Exception handling Queue management,Communications,Operating System,Hard Ware,Application,Database Manger,6,Open System,Mainframe,Real World CICS TS,/CICS0FO JOB NOTIFY=&SYSUID,CLASS=B,MSGCLASS=X /* /CICS01 EXEC PGM=DFHSIP,PARM='SI',REGION=0M,TIME=1440 /STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CTS310.CICS640.SDFHAUTH / DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CTS310.CICS640.SDFJAUTH /DFHRPL DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CTS310.CICS640.SDFHLOAD / DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CTS310.CICS640.SDFJLOAD /DFHCSD DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.CSD,DISP=SHR /DFHDMPA DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.DUMPA,DISP=SHR /DFHDMPB DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.DUMPB,DISP=SHR /DFHAUXT DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.AUXA,DISP=SHR /DFHBUXT DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.AUXB,DISP=SHR /DFHLCD DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.LCD,DISP=SHR /DFHGCD DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.GCD,DISP=SHR /DFHINTRA DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.INTRA,DISP=OLD /DFHTEMP DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.TEMP,DISP=OLD /DFHLRQ DD DSN=CNTESTF.CICS0FO.RCER.LRQ,DISP=SHR /SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* /SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* /SYSABEND DD SYSOUT=Z /SYSIN DD * SYSIDNT=Z0FO START=INITIAL APPLID=IYK3Z0FO EDSALIM=500M TCPIP=YES SEC=NO .END /*,CICS Setup JCL,STEPLIB,DFHRPL,System Dataset,System Initialization Parameters,Add applications in DFHRPL,Agenda,1. What is CICS 2. CICS transaction 3. CICSPlex System Manager 4. CICS intercommunication 5. Customer scenarios,Agenda,1. What is CICS 2. CICS transaction 3. CICSPlex System Manager 4. CICS intercommunication 5. Customer scenarios,CICSPlex System Manager (CPSM),A way to manage logical groups of CICS systems from a single point.,Review of terms used to describe CICS topologies,Roles of a CICS region in a CICSplex,Terminal-owning region (TOR) A CICS region that connects terminals and printers to the CICSplex Application-owning region (AOR) A CICS region that manages application programs File-owning region (FOR) A CICS address space that manages access to files Queue-owning region (QOR) A CICS address space that manages access to queues Etc,CICSPlex SM architecture,MP,CICSPlex SM WUI browser example,Agenda,1. What is CICS 2. CICS transaction 3. CICSPlex System Manager 4. CICS intercommunication 5. Customer scenarios,Intercommunication,How CICS connects to other system Multiregion operation (MRO) Intersystem communication (ISC) IP interconnectivity connections (IPIC) Intercommunication Facilities Transaction Routing Function Shipping Distributed Program Link(DPL) Asynchronous Transaction Processing (ATP) DTP (Distributed Transaction Processing),Overview of intercommunication services,Agenda,1. What is CICS 2. CICS transaction 3. CICSPlex System Manager 4. CICS intercommunication 5. Customer scenarios,CICS Transaction Server for z/OS still powering the planet today,Each red pin is a geographic location where CICS TS is installed Many locations (i.e., New York), have very many customers !,36,CICS TS in China,Big 5 Banks IT system profile(工农中建交),The Typical Big 5 IT Infrastructure characteristic : 1)“Big” 30,000+ branches serving the entire country 70,000,000+ transactions/day, 4000-6000 TPS. 200,000,000 + accounts in system 2)Homogeneous system Utilized, Simple and big SYSPlex ( Homogeneous system ) 3)IT System Intensive Management Centralized Data center 20 years ago. Extremely high availability, stability Requirement,Customer System overview,35,Customer Internet Banking Scenarios - Promotion,LPAR 2,TOR1,TOR2,LPAR 1,TOR1,TOR2,Client,P Client,P,P Client,AOR1,AOR2,AOR1,AOR2,AOR2,AOR2,DB2 Member,P,DB2 Member,Gateway Client,Access to CICS TS,MXT,Challenges on the Legacy System for CICS,Rapidly growing internet banking workload - CICSPlex Capability and Workload Distribution Access to CICSPlex Modernization - SNA to TCPIP,37,Considerations Workload Management,Client,Client,P,P,P Client,P,THREAD,Gateway Client,AOR1,AOR2,AOR2,AOR1,AOR2,AOR2,TOR1,TOR2,TOR1,TOR2,Dispatch,LPAR 1,DB2 Member LPAR 2,DB2 Member,30,Considerations Modernization,Access to CICS over TCPIP,§ Web services over SOAP,§ CICS Transaction Gateway,§ CICS Web Support,§ CICS sockets,TOR1,TOR2,TOR1,TOR2,Client,P Client,P,P Client,LPAR 1 AOR1,AOR2,LPAR 2 AOR1,AOR2,AOR2,AOR2,DB2 Member,P,DB2 Member,Gateway Client,Access to CICS TS,CICS Web Services Support,Service Requester,Service Provider,Business Logic Program,Client Application,CICS,CICS Web Services Support,Language structure 0101001,TCPIPSERVICE URIMAP PIPELINE WEBSERVICE,45,Minibank introduction,Management and Control Subsystem Senior teller type(BMS),46,Minibank introduction,Management and Control Subsystem Common teller type(BMS),47,Logon (Web interface),48,Logon (Web interface),


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