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    《国际市场营销学》第14章 促销策略 1.ppt

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    《国际市场营销学》第14章 促销策略 1.ppt

    第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,How to let foreign consumers know and accept my products? it is a headache to me.,? ? ?,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,What any practical ideas do you have for your products in order to make it known by the consumers worldwide?,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,Coca Cola made lots of advertisements in the world markets,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,报纸广告,户外牌架广告,车身广告,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,But Amway seldom made advertisement through public medium. It usually uses personal sales to let consumers get familiar with its products.,Amway,会议推销,上门推销,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,Questions: 1. What products do you have in your company? 2. What are you going to do in order to make your products known and accepted by the consumers worldwide? To make advertisement everywhere as Coco Cola? Or do as Amway with direct selling?,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,Before you correctly answer above question, you need to learn Promotion Strategies for International Markets,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,Definition of Promotion Strategies: 促销策略定义 It is a decision by using advertisements, personal sales, sales promotion, public relations, etc., to transmit the company and its products information to the consumers in the international markets. It is helpful for companies to make their products and fames well known and accepted globally.,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,Definition of Promotion Strategies: 促销策略定义 它是通过广告、人员推销、营业推广、公 共关系等方式,把公司及其产品信息传递给 国际市场消费者的一种决策。它有利于企业 的产品和名声在全球广被接受。,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,Definition of Promotion Strategies: 促销策略定义 In another simple words, it is any kind of communications between the seller and the buyers about introductions for the products or services. 简单的说,它是买卖方之间任何关于介绍产 品或介绍服务方面的沟通。,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,International Advertisement Strategies Advertisement is necessary for the new company or for the new product to get into the market. Also it is very important for a company to share the market portion to make profits from existed products.,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,International Advertisement Strategies 广告对于新公司或新产品进入市场很有必 要,而且对于一家企业去分摊市场上已有产 品的市场份额继而创造利润亦非常重要。,Yes, it is really necessary for us to make an outstanding advertisement in Japan if we want to take back the watch markets,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,International Advertisement Strategies But Advertising internationally will cost you a large amount of money. And sometimes it can not help sales if you advertise through an unsuitable medium and at a wrong place and in a wrong period. So it is risky.,Where is my money?,Your money has been used for advertisement,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,International Advertisement Strategies 但是国际广告需要花费大量资金,而且如 果你的广告是通过不合适的媒介且在不恰当 的时间和地点做出时,它还并不会给销售带 来帮助。所以广告有风险。,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,International Advertisement Strategies So, international advertisement strategies require you to know how to make correct decisions on advertising target, advertising budget, processing information, selecting medium and estimating effect.,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,1. International Advertisement Target Strategies refer to Page 290 In the different stages of products lifecycle, the advertisement targets are different. 在产品生命周期的不同阶段,广告的目标 也不尽相同。,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,1. International Advertisement Target Strategies Three advertisement targets as follows: P290 information notification, 信息告知; purchase guidance, 劝导购买; usage solidification, 巩固使用。 For different stages of products lifecycle, what advertisement target are you going to choose?,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,1. International Advertisement Target Strategies Lifecycle advertisement target Leading in stage - information notification growing up, mature - purchase guidance decline stage - usage solidification,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,3D TV in leading in,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,3D TV in leading in,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,3D TV in leading in,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,3D TV in growing up,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,3D TV in growing up,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,3D TV in growing up,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,3D TV in growing up,3D TV in mature,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,电台里的电信座机电话广告: 打电话,还是座机好, 声音清晰稳定,没有辐射,价格更便宜。,Family phones in decline,Not only a simple timer, also a fashion on wrist. 不仅是简单的计时工具,更是腕上的时装,第十四章 国际市场促销策略 Promotion Strategies for International Markets,International Advertisement Strategies Questions: 1. In which stages of products lifecycle do your companys products stand? 2. What kind of advertisement target are you going to choose for your products?,


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