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    暨南大学《项目管理》chapter 6 developing a project plan.ppt

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    暨南大学《项目管理》chapter 6 developing a project plan.ppt

    管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong, MPM,MBA,2019/7/1,1,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,62,Where We Are Now,64,Developing the Project Plan,The Project Network A flow chart that graphically depicts the sequence, interdependencies, and start and finish times of the project job plan of activities that is the critical path through the network. Provides the basis for scheduling labor and equipment. Enhances communication among project participants. Provides an estimate of the projects duration. Provides a basis for budgeting cash flow. Identifies activities that are critical. Highlights activities that are “critical” and can not be delayed. Help managers get and stay on plan.,65,WBS/Work Packages to Network,FIGURE 6.1,66,WBS/Work Package to Network (contd),FIGURE 6.1 (contd),67,Constructing a Project Network,Terminology Activity: an element of the project that requires time. Merge Activity: an activity that has two or more preceding activities on which it depends. Parallel (Concurrent) Activities: Activities that can occur independently and, if desired, not at the same time.,A,C,D,B,68,Constructing a Project Network (contd),Terminology Path: a sequence of connected, dependent activities. Critical path: the longest path through the activity network that allows for the completion of all project-related activities; the shortest expected time in which the entire project can be completed. Delays on the critical path will delay completion of the entire project.,A,B,D,(Assumes that minimum of A + B minimum of C in length of times to complete activities.),C,69,Constructing a Project Network (contd),Terminology Event: a point in time when an activity is started or completed. It does not consume time. Burst Activity: an activity that has more than one activity immediately following it (more than one dependency arrow flowing from it). Two Approaches Activity-on-Node (AON) Uses a node to depict an activity. Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) Uses an arrow to depict an activity.,B,D,A,C,610,Basic Rules to Follow in Developing Project Networks,Networks typically flow from left to right. An activity cannot begin until all preceding connected activities are complete. Arrows indicate precedence and flow and can cross over each other. Each activity must have a unique identify number that is greater than any of its predecessor activities. Looping is not allowed. Conditional statements are not allowed. Use common start and stop nodes.,611,Activity-on-Node Fundamentals,FIGURE 6.2,612,Activity-on-Node Fundamentals (contd),FIGURE 6.2 (contd),613,Network Information,TABLE 6.1,614,Koll Business CenterPartial Network,FIGURE 6.3,615,Koll Business CenterComplete Network,FIGURE 6.4,616,Network Computation Process,Forward PassEarliest Times How soon can the activity start? (early startES) How soon can the activity finish? (early finishEF) How soon can the project finish? (expected timeET) Backward PassLatest Times How late can the activity start? (late startLS) How late can the activity finish? (late finishLF) Which activities represent the critical path? How long can activity be delayed? (slack or floatSL),617,Network Information,TABLE 6.2,618,Activity-on-Node Network,FIGURE 6.5,619,Activity-on-Node Network Forward Pass,FIGURE 6.6,620,Forward Pass Computation,Add activity times along each path in the network (ES + Duration = EF). Carry the early finish (EF) to the next activity where it becomes its early start (ES) unless The next succeeding activity is a merge activity, in which case the largest EF of all preceding activities is selected.,621,Activity-on-Node Network Backward Pass,FIGURE 6.7,622,Backward Pass Computation,Subtract activity times along each path in the network (LF - Duration = LS). Carry the late start (LS) to the next activity where it becomes its late finish (LF) unless The next succeeding activity is a burst activity, in which case the smallest LF of all preceding activities is selected.,623,Determining Free Slack (or Float),Free Slack (or Float) Is the amount of time an activity can be delayed after the start of a longer parallel activity or activities. Is how long an activity can exceed its early finish date without affecting early start dates of any successor(s). Allows flexibility in scheduling scarce resources. Sensitivity The likelihood the original critical path(s) will change once the project is initiated. The critical path is the network path(s) that has (have) the least slack in common.,624,Activity-on-Node Network with Slack,FIGURE 6.8,625,Free Slack Example,FIGURE 6.9,626,Practical Considerations,Network Logic Errors Activity Numbering Use of Computers to Develop Networks Calendar Dates Multiple Starts and Multiple Projects,627,Illogical Loop,FIGURE 6.10,628,Air Control ProjectNetwork Diagram,FIGURE 6.11,629,Air Control ProjectGantt Chart,FIGURE 6.12,630,Extended Network Techniques to Come Close to Reality,Laddering Activities are broken into segments so the following activity can begin sooner and not delay the work. Lags The minimum amount of time a dependent activity must be delayed to begin or end. Lengthy activities are broken down to reduce the delay in the start of successor activities. Lags can be used to constrain finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, start-to-finish, or combination relationships.,631,Example of Laddering Using Finish-to-Start Relationship,FIGURE 6.13,632,Use of Lags,FIGURE 6.14,FIGURE 6.15,Finish-to-Start Relationship,Start-to-Start Relationship,633,Use of Lags Contd,FIGURE 6.16,Use of Lags to Reduce Detail,634,New Product Development Process,FIGURE 6.17,635,Use of Lags (contd),FIGURE 6.18,FIGURE 6.19,FIGURE 6.20,Finish-to-Finish Relationship,Start-to-Finish Relationship,Combination Relationship,636,Network Using Lags,FIGURE 6.21,637,Hammock Activities,Hammock Activity An activity that spans over a segment of a project. Duration of hammock activities is determined after the network plan is drawn. Hammock activities are used to aggregate sections of the project to facilitate getting the right amount of detail for specific sections of a project.,638,Hammock Activity Example,FIGURE 6.22,639,Key Terms,Activity Activity-on-arrow (AOA) Activity-on-node (AON) Burst activity Concurrent engineering Critical path Early and late times,Gantt chart Hammock activity Lag relationship Merge activity Network sensitivity Parallel activity Slack/floattotal and free,640,Activity-on-Arrow Network Building Blocks,FIGURE A6.1,641,Activity-on-Arrow Network Fundamentals,FIGURE A6.2,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,42,1,Information to develop a project network is collected from the b A. Organization breakdown structure B. Work breakdown structure C. Budget D. Project proposal E. Responsibility matrix,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,43,2,Which of the following represents an activity on an AON project network? c A. An arrow B. A line C. A node D. Both A and B are correct E. A, B, and C are all correct,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,44,3,Arrows on an AON project network represent: d A. An activity B. Project flow C. Dependency D. Both B and C are correct E. Both A and B are correct,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,45,4,When translated into a project network, a work package will become b A. A single activity B. One or more activities C. A milestone D. A critical path E. An arrow,5,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,46,Which of the following is provided by a project network but not by the work breakdown structure? e A. Dependencies B. Sequencing C. Interrelationships D. Both A and B are correct E. A, B, and C are all correct,6,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,47,On a project network, the activity times are derived from the A. Organization breakdown structure b B. Work packages C. Budget D. Project proposal E. Responsibility matrix,7,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,48,Part of a project is to Develop Product Specifications. This is best classified as a(n) c A. Event B. Path C. Activity D. Node E. Milestone,8,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,49,An activity that has more than one dependency arrow flowing into it is termed a(n) d A. Parallel activity B. Critical path C. Burst activity D. Merge activity E. Independent activity,9,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,50,The critical path in a project network is the b A. Shortest path through the network B. Longest path through the network C. Network path with the most difficult activities D. Network path using the most resources E. Network path with the most merge activities,10,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,51,A/an _ activity has more than one dependency arrow flowing from it. c A. Parallel B. Critical path C. Burst D. Merge E. Independent,11,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,52,An item on a project network is Design Software Completed. This is best described as a(n) a A. Event B. Path C. Activity D. Node E. Milestone,12,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,53,Activities which can take place at the same time are termed a A. Parallel activity B. Critical path C. Burst activity D. Merge activity E. Independent activity,13,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,54,A sequence of connected, dependent activities is termed a(n) d A. Critical path B. Parallel path C. Activity chain D. Path E. Dependent chain,14,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,55,An AON project network uses which of the following basic building blocks? d A. Arrows B. Bars C. Nodes D. Both A and C are correct E. A, B, and C are all correct,15,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,56,Which of the following is not one of the basic rules to follow when developing project networks? c A. An activity cannot begin until all preceding activities have been completed B. Each activity must have a unique identification number C. Conditional statements are allowed but looping statements are not allowed D. An activity identification number must be larger that that of any preceding activities E. Networks flow from left to right,16,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,57,_ activities must be completed immediately before a particular activity. c A. Merge B. Burst C. Predecessor D. Successor E. Critical,17,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,58,_ activities are to be completed immediately following a particular activity. d A. Merge B. Burst C. Predecessor D. Successor E. Critical,18,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,59,The forward pass in project network calculations determines the e A. Earliest time's activities can begin B. Earliest time's activities can be finished C. Duration of the project D. Both A and B are correct E. A, B, and C are all correct,19,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,60,The backward pass in project network calculations determines the d A. Latest time's activities can begin B. Earliest time's activities can be finished C. Critical path D. Both A and C are correct E. A, B, and C are all correct,20,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,61,Which of the following correctly calculates the early finish for an activity? b A. LS + DUR B. ES + DUR C. LF + DUR D. ES + SL E. LF + SL,21,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,62,Which of the following correctly calculates the late start for an activity? c A. EF - DUR B. ES - DUR C. LF - DUR D. ES - SL E. LF - SLACK,22,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,63,The amount of time an activity can be delayed and yet not delay the project is termed a A. Total slack B. Free slack C. Critical float D. Float pad E. Slip pad,23,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,64,Which of the following will correctly calculate the total slack in an activity? e A. LS - ES B. LF - EF C. LS - LF D. LF - ES E. Both A and B are correct,24,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,65,The laying pipe example in the text illustrates the concept of a A. Laddering B. Hammock activities C. Critical path D. Concurrent engineering E. Forward pass,25,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,66,Using a special color copy machine for a tradeshow publication illustrates the concept of b A. Laddering B. Hammock activities C. Critical path D. Concurrent engineering E. Forward pass,26,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,67,If, for some reason, the project must be expedited to meet an earlier date, which of the following actions would the project manager take first? c A. Check to see which activities cost the least B. Check to see which activities have the longest duration C. Check to see which activities are on the critical path D. Check to see which activities have the most slack E. Check to see which activities have the highest risk,27,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,68,Typically an activity on a project network represents b A. A single work package B. One or more tasks from a work package C. Several work packages D. A sub-deliverable E. A cost account,28,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,69,Project network logic errors include which of the following? d A. Activities with less than 1 day duration B. Sequences such as “if test successful build prototype, if failure redesign“ C. A sequence such as B succeeds A, C succeeds B, A succeeds C D. Both B and C are network logic errors E. A, B, and C are all network logic errors,29,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,70,Which company utilized concurrent engineering to design a new line of cars and in the process completed its development six months ahead of schedule? b A. General Motors B. Chrysler C. Ford D. Nissan E. Toyota,30,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,71,The minimum amount of time a dependent activity must be delayed to begin or end is referred to as: c A. Hammock B. Laddering C. Lag D. Cushion E. Buffer,31,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,72,The requirement for a freshly poured foundation to cure before beginning construction is an example of which of the following type of lag? d A. Start to Start B. Start to Finish C. Finish to Finish D. Finish to Start E. Any of these could be correct,32,2019/7/1,Edward Tong2008 copy reserved Jinan University,73,Concurrent engineering is a good example of good use of a A. Start to Start lags B. Start to Finish lags C. Finish to Finish lags D. Finish to Sta


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