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    外研版小学英语四年级下册《Module8 Unit2The capital of America is Washington, D.C.》精品课件(一起点.ppt

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    外研版小学英语四年级下册《Module8 Unit2The capital of America is Washington, D.C.》精品课件(一起点.ppt

    Book8 Module8 Unit2 The capital of America is Washington, D.C. Taonan Road Primary School Rebecca,cousin,Simon,in the east,in the west,New York,Los Angeles,Washington, D.C. is in the east of America.,The capital of America is Washington, D.C.,Beijing,The capital of China is _.,The capital of England is _.,The capital of America is _.,The capital of America is Washington, D.C. Its in the east of America.,The First President of America 美国第一任总统,George Washington,District of Columbia 哥伦比亚特区,D.C.,badge 区徽,The White House 美国白宫,President Obama 奥巴马总统,A. English B. Chinese,A. English B. Chinese,America,World Map 世界地图,A country of Immigrants 移民国家,N,W,E,S,N,S,W,north,E,east,west,south,America,Mexico,Canada,America,S,N,W,E,America,Mexico is _ of America.,Canada is _(to/in) the north of America.,America,Mexico is _ of America.,Canada is _(to/in) the north of America.,Canada is to the north of America.,Mexico is to the south of America.,America,Mexico is _ of America.,Canada is _ of America.,Mexico is to the south of America.,Canada is to the north of America.,Mexico,Canada,America,Canada is _ of America.,Mexico is _ of America.,Mexico is to the south of America.,Canada is to the north of America.,America,Mexico is to the south of America.,Canada is to the north of America.,America,America,Mexico,Canada,New York,Los Angeles,America,America,Mexico,Canada,Washington, D.C.,America,Chant,North, north, to the north, I went to the north, Canada is to the north. South, south, to the south, I went to the south, Mexico is to the south.,The _ of America is Washington, D.C. _ is in the _ of America. People in America speak _. Canada is _ the north of America. Mexico is to the _.,Fill in the blanks.,capital,Washington,D.C.,east,English,to,south,The _ of America is _. _ is _ _ _ of America. People in America _ _. Canada is _ _ _ of America. Mexico is to the _.,Fill in the blanks.,_ is to the _(north/south) of America.,_ is to the _(east/west) of New York.,_is to the_(east/west) of Los Angeles.,A: Wheres Beijing? B: Its to the _(north/south/east/west) of Zhengzhou.,A: Wheres _ ? B: Its to the _(north/south/east/ west) of Zhengzhou.,Its to the _(north/south/east/west) of the school.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the _? B: Its to _ of the school.,A: Wheres the _? B: Its to the_ (north/south/east/west) of the school.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the supermarket? B: Its to _.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the bookshop? B: Its to _.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the bus station? B: Its to _.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the park? B: Its to _.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the zoo? B: Its to _.,A: Excuse me. Wheres the hospital? B: Its to _.,school,A New Community (社区),my home,A New Community (社区),Look at my new home. A park is to the north of my home.,Look at my new home. A supermarket is to the south.,Look at my new home. A KFC is to the west.,Look at my new home. A hospital is to the east. How beautiful !,Look at this new school. A park is to the north of the school.,Look at this new school. A supermarket is to the south of the school.,Look at this new school. A KFC is to the west of the school.,Look at this new school. A hospital is to the east of the school. Theyre beautiful.,A New Community,Look at my new home. A _ is to the north of my home. A _ is to the south. A _ is to the west. A _ is to the east. How beautiful !,park, hospital, KFC, bus station, zoo, bookshop, supermarket,Look at my new home. A _ is to the north of my home. A _ is to the south. A _ is to the west. A _ is to the east. How beautiful !,A New Community,Look at my new home. A _ is to the north of my home. A _ is to the south. A _ is to the west. A _ is to the east. How beautiful !,park, hospital, KFC, bus station zoo, bookshop, supermarket ,A _ is to the _ of the school. We can _there. fly a kite, see flowers feed ducks, see pandas / monkeys eat hamburgers / chips see a doctor, buy books, take a bus buy sweets / fruits / chocolates / CDs,Homework,Listen to the tape and read the text 3 times. 2. Try to introduce America, Canada and Mexico. 3. Go on finishing your design of the new community (社区)and try to talk about it.,America is a big and beautiful country. The _ of America is Washington, D.C. _ is in the _ of America. New York is in _. Los Angeles is _. People in America speak _. Canada is to the _ of America. Mexico is _.,Fill in the blanks.,A New Community,Look at my new home. A _ is to the north of the school. A _ is to the south. A _ is to the west. A _ is to the east. How beautiful !,


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