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    新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习《Unit 5 First aid》精品课件.ppt

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    新人教版英语必修5高考一轮复习《Unit 5 First aid》精品课件.ppt

    必修五,Unit 5 First aid,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写 根据词性和词义写出下列单词。 1. _ vt./n. 帮助,救助,支援 2. _ n.伤害;损害 3. _ vi.出血,流血 4. _ vt. 使窒息;哽住 5. _ a. 血污的;流血的 6. _ vi. vt.n.发热, 燃烧; 烫伤 7. _ n. vt.毒药;毒物;使中毒 8. _ n. 对待;待遇,论述 9. _ n.发热;辐射,放射物 10. _ a. 温和的,温柔的,aid,injury,bleed,choke,bloody,burn,poison,treatment,radiation,mild,11. _ n. vt铁, 熨斗,烫平 12. _ a. 电的;发电的 13. _ vi. vt肿起,使增长 14. _ n. vt.损害;损失,毁坏 15. _ n. 珠宝;首饰 16. _ vt. vi榨,压,榨出,挤出 17. _ n.症状,征候,征兆 18. _ n.仪式,典礼,礼仪 19. _ n. 勇敢,勇气,壮观 20. _ n. 压;按;榨, 压迫,pressure,iron,electric,swell,damage,jewellery,squeeze,symptom,ceremony,bravery,二、单词运用 根据句子的结构和意义,在空格处填入一个恰当的单词,或者用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The villagers are busy repairing the houses d_ by the storm. 2. There was an accident on the road last night but there was no_ (受伤)reported according to the latest news. 3. First aid can be the first step in the _ (treat)of burns. 4. The injured person lay on the ground, b _ heavily. 5. The p_ of the city life forced him to move to the country,pressure,damaged,injury,treatment,bleeding,6. Did you attend your sisters wedding c _ when she got married? 7. There are several _(救护车) waiting for the injured in the fire. 8. She got badly _(injury) in the accident and was sent to hospital quickly. 9. They p _a sum of money to the college in memory of their son. 10. The committee is p _its report next week.,presenting,ceremony,ambulances,injured,presented,三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. During his (ill), John stayed indoors. 2.Most people protect themselves from _ (injure) to their self-esteem 3. Jack came home with a (blood) nose. 4.The heart is one of the body's vital _ (organic). 5. This medicine is (poison) if taken in large quantities.,illness,injury,bloody,organs,poisonous,6. I got an _(electricity)shock from the wire. 7. They _ (presentation)him with a bunch of flowers. 8. The policeman showed great _ ( brave) in the face of danger. 9. He works well under _ (press). 10I think he is the _ (mildly) man alive in the world.,electric,presented,bravery,pressure,mildest,四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. _生病 2. _榨出,挤出 3. _ 在适当的位置,在通常的位置 4. _ 找到,得到 5. _ 许多,大量(只修饰可数名词) 6. _ 受伤 7. _ 被烧伤 8. _ 保护免于 9. _ 触电 10. _ 轻微的红肿,mildly swollen,first aid,squeeze out,in place,put ones hand on,a number of,get injured,be burned,protect from,electric shock,11. be proud of 12. carry out 13. close to 14. depend on 15. first aid 16. hang up 17. in honour of 18. in hospital 19. in place 20. make a difference,起做用,为自豪,实施, 执行,靠近,依靠,急救,挂断电话,向表示敬意,住院,在原位,五、词组运用 词组填空 根据句子提供的语境,从第四大题中选一个适当的短语并用其适用的形式填空。 1. We should _ our face _the sunshine in summer. 2. There are _students in the classroom. 3. All the tables and chairs are _. 4. The thief cant _ anything valuable.,put his hand on,protect from,a number of,in place,翻译填空 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子。 5. 他对那个女孩施以急救。 He gave the to that girl. 6. 你可以信赖他。 7. 他生病的父亲正在住院治疗。 8. 她不等我说完便挂了电话。 She on me. 9. 他把水挤出来 10. 她最终实现了戒烟的诺言。 She had finally her promise to quit smoking.,carried out,first aid,You can depend on him.,His sick father is in hospital.,hung up,He squeezed the water out.,六、语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Knowing how to give first aid is 31_ important skill that can save lives. The letter DR ABC can help us remember 32_to do .First, we should make sure 33_ the accident scene is no longer dangerous. If we get hurt, we cant help the 34_ ( injury) people. 35_, we should try to get a response from the injured people. 36_ they respond, we know that they are breathing and conscious. Third,an,what,that,injured,Second,If,we should make sure that 37_injured persons airway is clear. If he or she isnt breathing, we must try to start 38_or her breathing. Fourth, we should find if the persons blood is circulating. We can check this by 39_(feel) the persons pulse. After 40_(give) first aid, we should place the person in the recovery position. Finally, we should keep the person warm.,the,his,feeling,giving,七、基础写作 用括号中所给词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子联成一篇5句话的连贯的短文。 1.李华被一辆汽车撞伤而住了医院。(in hospital) 2.他很小心,直到看到绿灯亮时才开始过马路。( not until) 3.可他刚走到街中心时,右侧突然出现了一辆小汽车,径直向他开来。( hardlywhen) 4.他立即被送进了医院,并动了手术。( and ) 5.虽然已脱险,但仍然面色苍白。(although ),(One possible version) Lihua had been hit by a car and was in hospital. The other day he was very careful and didnt go until he saw traffic light turn green. However, hardly had he got to the middle of the street when he saw a car suddenly appearing on his right hand side and come directly towards him. Immediately he was sent to hospital and had an operation. Although he was out of danger , he still looked pale.,重要考点突破,核心单词 1. aid n. 援助,救护,帮助;n.辅助者,有助之物 vt.帮助 When his son was in danger, the doctor cant come to his aid. 当他儿子处于危险时,这位医生无法救助他。 搭配 do first aid = give first aid= offer first aid 进行急救 with the aid of = with the help of 在帮助下,借助于 call in ones aid 就某人帮助,运用:请将下列句子译成英文 (1)词典是学习新语言的重要工具。 _ _ (2)我们援助遭受雪灾的灾民。 _,We aided the heavy snow victims.,A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.,2. present vt. 赠予,造成,提交 n. 目前,现在,礼物 adj. 出席的,在场的,现在的 理解:指出下列句中present的词性和词义。 (1)I've got a little present for your birthday. (2)Im not at all satisfied with the present situation. (3)His words moved everyone present. (4)When she left the company, the director presented her with a set of golf clubs. (5)Falling interest rates present the firm with a new problem.,句中的present是名词,意为“礼物”。,句中的present是形容词,意为“目前的”。,句中的present是形容词,作后置定语,意为“在场的”。,句中的present是动词,意为“赠给”。,句中的present是动词,意为“向显示, 给造成”。,拓展: 写出适当的单词或用适当的介词填空。 (1)_ n.出席,在场(与absence反义) (2) _ present (adj.)的反义词 (3) _adv. 不久,马上(=soon) (4)present sb. _ sth. = present sth. to sb.向某人赠送某物 (5) _present 现在,目前 (6) _the present暂时,就目前来说 (7) _the presence of sb. = in sb.s presence 有某人在场,in,presence,absent,presently,with,at,for,3. injure vt. 伤害,使受伤,损害 理解:理解下列各句的意思。 (1)Three people were killed and five injured in the crash. _ (2)He injured his knee yesterday. _ (3)I hope I didn't injure her feelings. _ (4)Dishonest injures a business. _,撞车事故中三人死亡, 五人受伤。,他昨天伤了膝盖。,我希望我没有伤害她的感情。,欺骗有害生意。,拓展:用injure的适当形式填空。 (1)_ adj. 有害的(=harmful) (2)_n.伤害,损害 (3) He suffered serious_ to the arms and legs. (4) Smoking is_ to health.,injurious,injury,injuries,injurious,辨析:injure, wound, hurt (1) injure常指身体上或精神上的伤害,常指在意外事故中受伤。 (2)hurt没有injure正式,可以指身体上的疼痛,也可指精神上的痛苦或感情上的伤害。Hurt的伤害可与injure同样严重,也可指较轻的疼痛。 (3)wound主要指用刀枪等武器打伤、切伤等,多指在战争中或战斗中受伤,有时也用于精神上的伤害,但远不及前两者常见。,运用:用injure, hurt或wound的适当形式填空,或者用所给词的适当形式填空。 (1) In that war he was seriously _ by an enemy bullet. (2) You'll _her feelings if you forget her birthday (3)No one was seriously _in the traffic accident (4)The tight shoe _my foot. (5) The _(伤者) were rushed to hospital.,wounded,injured/hurt,injured /hurt,hurt,injured/wounded,4. burn vt. & vi. (被)烧毁;(被)烧伤 He burnt his hands. 他烫伤了手。 搭配burn down 焚毁 burn to the ground 烧毁;被夷为平地 burn away 烧光 burn off 烧掉 burn up 烧毁;烧光,运用:用上述短语的适当形式填空。 The building was _ in 2000. 那座房子在2000年被烧毁了。 The fire _ more than $ 5000 worth of things. 大火烧掉了价值5000美圆的财物。 Half of the candle had _.蜡烛已烧去一半。 提醒burn 的过去式和过去分词均可burned或burnt, 但用作形容词是只能用burnt.,burnt away,burnt to the ground,burned up,5. damage vt. 损害,伤害,毁害 n. 损害,伤害,赔偿金 The heavy snow in South China did much damage .华南的大雪造车成不少损害。 Quite a few cars were damaged in the terrible accident.不少小车在事故中损毁。 搭配 get damaged 损毁 do damage to 造成损毁,运用 用选用injure, hurt ,wound, damage , harm的适当形式填空。 (1) The bike_ by my little son. (2)The old man fell from the step and _ legs. (3) Drinking too much will _your health. (4)Their divorce _the child. (5)I _my eyes by reading under the sun. (6)He got _in the war.,wounded,was damaged,hurt/injured his,damage/harm,will hurt,harmed,重要词组 1. fall ill = become ill 生病 He was so tired that he fell ill. 他累得病倒了。 After his father had fallen ill, the family was unable to make a living.他的父亲病倒后,整个家庭生活无法维持。 联想 fall asleep 睡着 提醒 fall 用作系动词 ,意为“变成”,和become的意义相近。后面常跟形容词作表语,常见的系动词有go ,become, turn, get, grow, stay, keep, remain, smell, taste, look, sound, feel, seem, appear, prove等。,They look friendly. The meat will easily go bad if you dont put it in the fridge. 运用:请将下列句子译成英文。 (1)他直到午夜才睡着。 _ (2)面包变质了。 _ (3)这种录音机变便宜了,我们每个人都买得起。 _ _,The kind of recorder has gone so cheap that every one of us can afford one,He didnt fall asleep until midnight.,The bread went bad.,2. over and over again 重复地,再三地 I have told you over and over again to finish your homework before 9clock. 我已经多次告诉你们在9点前完成家庭作业。 联想again and again 一次又一次地,反复地 time and again 反复地 over again 再一遍,重新 ever and again 不时地,时时地,3in place 在适当的位置,适当 All the tables and chairs are in place. 所有的桌子、椅子都摆好了。 联想:in place of 代替 take place 发生 out of place 不合适,不在适当的位置 in the first place 首先 take the place of 代替 from place to place 到处,运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 我将代理我父亲。 I will _my father. 最近几年发生了巨大的变化。 Great changes have _in recent years. 她的衣服不适合在会议上穿。 Her dress is _ at the meeting.,out of place,take the place of,taken place,4a number of 若干;许多 There are a number of students in the classroom. 在教室里有很多学生。 提醒a number of 后面跟可数名词的复数形式,当该名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 A large number of students have bought the book. 大量学生已经买了那本书。 辨析a number of 和 the number of a number of 接复数名词,复数谓语,意为“许多,大量”;the number of 接复数名词,单数谓语,意为“的数目”,运用:根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 出席会议的学生人数有50人。 The number of students present at the meeting _be50. 有许多学生出席这个会议。 A number of students _(be) present at the meeting.,were,was,5put ones hands on 找到 The thief cant put his hands on anything valuable. 那个贼找不到任何值钱的东西。 联想:填入适当的介词或副词。 (1)put up _ 忍受 (2)put _推迟 (3)put _挂起,张贴 (4)put _上演 (5)put _写下,down,with,off,up,on,6. make a difference (to sb.) (对)起作用,有影响 Your help has made a big difference I understand the work better now.你给予的帮助起了作用我现在对工作较熟悉了 One false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,谬以千里。 运用:翻译下面的句子。 (1)Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. _ (2)The sea air has made a difference to her health.。 _,海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。,下不下雨对我来说都一样。,Bye-bye,


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