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    国际拔河竞赛规则2011之 修订条款,3 WEIGHT CLASSES 重量级别,In all International competitions the following team weights will apply: World (W)世锦赛 European (E)欧锦赛 Indoor (I.)室内 Outdoor (O.)草地 Ultra Featherweight not exceeding 480 Kilos Junior Women (I.O.) W.世锦赛 Featherweight not exceeding 500 Kilos U23 Women (I.O.) W 世锦赛 Light weight not exceeding 500 Kilos Senior Women (I.O.) W. 世锦赛 Light Heavyweight not exceeding 520 Kilos Senior women (O.) E欧锦赛 Heavyweight not exceeding 540 Kilos Senior Women (I.O.) W. 世锦赛 Heavyweight not exceeding 560 Kilos Senior Women (O.) E欧锦赛 Lightweight not exceeding 560 Kilos Junior Men (I.O.) W 世锦赛 Lightweight not exceeding 560 Kilos Senior men (I.) W.世锦赛.(O.) E. 欧锦赛 Lightweight not exceeding 580 Kilos Senior Men (O.) W. 世锦赛 Light Middleweight not exceeding 600 Kilos U23 Men (I.O.) W. 世锦赛 Light Middleweigh not exceeding 600 Kilos Senior Men (I.) Middleweight not exceeding 640 Kilos Senior Men (I.O.) E欧锦赛.W. 世锦赛 Cruserweight not exceeding 680 Kilos Senior Men (I.) W.世锦赛 (O.) E欧锦赛 Heavyweight not exceeding 700 Kilos Senior Men (O.) W. 世锦赛 Heavyweight not exceeding 720 Kilos Senior Men (O.) E.欧锦赛 Catchweight no weight limitations 没有体重限制 Mixed (4 x 4) not exceeding 600 Kilos Senior Mixed (I.O.) W,世锦赛 E欧锦赛,4 WEIGHING AND STAMPING 称重和打印记,1. All athletes first collect accreditation, having prepaid. 所有已付费的参赛运动员领取参赛证。 2. All potential pullers must weigh at a pre-determined time schedule. 所有参赛运动员必须在预先确定的时间称重。 3. An accreditation download will be carried out listing all athletes from a particular country. Accessible only by the controller and the appointed representative of a par-ticular country. 下载参赛证(列出参赛国家所有运动员),唯操作员和所在国家指定的代表可进入操作系统。 4. The athlete will weigh on an individual scale. The number of scales to be deter-mined by the organizers and TWIF. Only one weigh in on the official scales. 运动员在单人秤上称重。秤的数量由组委会和国际拔联决定,每人只能有一次正式秤重。 5.After weighing the athletes the weight will be recorded in an excel spreadsheet, and also hand written on the downloaded excel file as a back up. 称重后体重将记录在一张EXCEL表上,同时手写记录在下载的表上作为备用。 6.The athlete will be given his or her certified weight. The athlete can then give his or her weight to the coach of the team. 称重后将告知运动员其确认的体重,运动员可以将其体重数告知其教练。,7. Open Clubs entries 公开俱乐部的报名,The coach of a particular club entering in the TWIF clubs competition will bring a completed weigh list to control at a predetermined time. The weigh list shall contain the name, accreditation number and the weight of each puller, totaling the adequate weight of a particular weight class. Eight pullers, coach and trainer only. 任何报名参赛的俱乐部的教练应在指定时间将填好的体重表上交秤重裁判,体重表应包括每个运动员姓名、注册号以及体重以及所参加的重量级别的总体重。表中只能有8名队员、1名教练、1名助理教练。 7.1 A coach may change any and all pullers prior to and up until stamping, as long as the maximum weight for that particular weight class is not exceeded. Changes must be reported to control by the coach 30 minutes before stamp-ing begins. 只要不超参赛重量级别的体重要求,教练在打印记以前可以更换运动员(1名或全部)。更换运动员必须在打印记前30分钟由教练报告秤重裁判。,8. National team weigh in. 国家队称重,8.1The coach of a national team may choose any pullers that are listed and weighefrom the downloaded excel file from his/her country. 国家队教练可以选择所下载表上的名单上任何运动员。 8.2 A coach may change any and all pullers prior to and up until stamping , as long as the maximum weight for that particular weight class is not exceeded. Changes must be reported to control by the coach 30 minutes before stamp-ing begins. 只要不超参赛重量级别的体重要求,教练在打印记以前可以更换运动员(1名或全部)。更换运动员必须在打印记前30分钟由教练报告秤重裁判。,9. The coach of a particular national team will present a completed weigh certificate to control at a predetermined time schedule. 国家队的教练员应在指定时间向秤重裁判提交一份填好的体重证明表。 10. Control shall enter teams in a draw for a particular weigh class, after checking the weight & accreditation numbers against the completed excel downloaded list.组委会在依据下载的表格对体重和注册号检查后,对参加特定重量级别的各运动队进行抽签。 11.Scanners/ Bar code readers at designated areas to control substitutions, and team weight checks throughout the competitions. 在特定的区域设有扫描码或者条码认读器以配合秤重裁判,对队伍的体重检查将在比赛过程中随时进行。,5.3 Senior 成年组 A male puller is eligible to participate in the senior category from the beginning of the year in which the puller reaches the age of 18 years. 男子在该年度伊始满18岁即可参加成年组的比赛。 A female puller is eligible to participate in the senior category from the beginning of the year in which the puller reaches the age of 16 years.女子在该年度伊始满16岁即可参加成年组的比赛。,6.4 Substitution procedures. 替换程序 Both, the puller to be replaced and the substitute, must report in full pulling outfit, (shirts, shorts, stockings and footwear) with both of their accreditation cards available for checking by the Official in charge of the match; before being sent to the Official designated by the Chief Judge to deal with the substitutions.在到裁判长指定的负责处理替换工作的裁判那里以前,被替换下场的队员和替补队员应该穿好全套比赛服(上衣、短裤、袜子、鞋子)以及需提交给比赛当值裁判检查的注册证。 6.4.1 Accreditation cards will be used to verify the athletes and their weights, by scanning or typing the accreditation cards into the system. 6.4.1通过系统扫描或者输入注册证资料,可以识别运动员及其体重。,8.1.3 Headgear 头饰 Pullers, coach and team attendant are allowed to wear the following headgear; cap, visor or bandanna. The headgear shall conform to the colour(s) of the sport dress. 允许运动员、教练、训练员着以下的头饰:帽子、头盔或者头巾。头饰应该与运动服颜色相配。 Exemption; Headgear such as turbans or other such headgear may be allowed ac-cording to religion or culture. This would be decided on a case by case basis: 豁免:鉴于民族或者文化因素,诸如伊斯兰头巾或其他诸如此类的头饰是许可的,这将根据具体情况做出决定。,8.4.1 Out-door shoes 户外比赛用鞋 The sole, heel and side of the heel must be perfectly flush. No metal sole, toe caps or toe plates are permitted. 鞋底、鞋跟以及鞋跟的侧面必须完全是平的。禁止使用金属鞋跟、脚趾,21 NO PULL 中止比赛,A “No Pull” will be declared in the event of; a) both teams being guilty of infringements; after twice being cautioned 两队同时第三次犯规 b) both teams being guilty of inactivity两队消极比赛。 c) both teams leaving go of the rope before the finish of a pull两队在比赛结束前同时松绳。 d) a pull being interrupted without infringement by either of the teams 比赛不是因其中某队犯规而被中断。 When a “No pull” is declared in the case a), b) or c), no rest period will be granted and the pull shall be retaken immediately and without any aid or service.如果是a)b)c)的情况,两队不得休息,比赛立即重新开始。When a “No pull” is declared in the case of d) a reasonable rest period will be granted. 如果是d)的情况,将给与一定的休息时间。,22 OFFICIALS AND JUDGES 竞赛官员和裁判,Officials shall be appointed by the Tug of War International Federation to have control of all internationalcompetitions国际拔河联合会指定裁判担任国际比赛的管理工作。 The final selection of judges for international competition shall be the responsibility of the Technical Commission. 最终确定的国际比赛裁判由技术委员会负责。,23 POWERS OF REFEREE, CONTROLLER AND CHIEF JUDGE 裁判、控制员和裁判长的权力,In case Clubs and/or Individuals at an event are liable of action of bringing the tug of war sport into disrepute, the Referee, Controller and the Chief Judge, in coordination with each other, are empowered to expel the club and/or individuals from further par-ticipation during the event. The Referee shall prepare a report to the TWIF ExCo, which in accordance with Article 12 of the Constitution might take further disciplinary action against the club and/or individuals 如参赛俱乐部、个人有诋毁拔河名誉的的行为,有权终止其继续比赛的权利。裁判应向执委会提交一份报告,并将依据章程第12条规定视情况给予进一步的处罚。,24 POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE JUDGE 裁判的权责,The appointed judge for a match shall have sole control. 被选调的裁判对于一场比赛拥有独立的控制权 He shall be responsible for ensuring: 负责: (1) that the Rules of “TWIF” are adhered to 遵守规则 (2) that the rope is laid out ready for competition before the teams arrive in the pull-ing area 在队伍抵达场地前将绳子放好准备比赛 (3) that, as far as possible, the pre-determined timetable is adhered to. 尽可能遵守大会预定时间表。 (4) grant rest periods as shown in Rule 17 按照规则17条规定控制休息时间。 (5) declare a “No pull” 宣布中止比赛 (6) disqualify a team or teams after caution.警告后取消队伍资格。 (7) A judge may award only 1 friendly caution to a particular team during a pull.裁判在一场比赛中只可以给特定的参赛队伍一次警告。 (8) disqualify a team without caution which he deems to be guilty of ungentlemanly conduct, by word or act, which is likely to bring the sport into disrepute.直接取消有诋毁拔河声誉的言行的队伍的参赛资格,无需警告。 In the event of the judge in charge giving a caution, which he will indicate by the common signal code, naming the team and adding “first caution” or “last caution”. Any such instructions given by the judge in charge must be clear and brief using the appropriate signals. 主裁判给与警告应明确给出手势、说出队伍名称并说明是第一次犯规或者最后一次犯规。主裁的判罚须明确、简洁并使用恰当的手势。 The judge decision shall be final at all times. 任何时候裁判的判罚是终局的。,25 RESPONSIBILITIES OF SIDE JUDGES 副裁的职责 Side judges shall at all times act under the directions of the judge in charge. During the actual pulling the side judge shall take up a position alongside the competing teams and to the opposite side of the judge in charge. The side judge shall observe the competing teams and indicate the infringements of the teams to the judge in charge, using the common signal code. The side judge will inform the offenders of the cautions given by the judge in charge. 副裁始终在主裁的指导下进行工作。比赛过程中,副裁在比赛队伍的一侧,位于主裁对面。副裁负责观察参赛队伍并通过手势向主裁示意队伍的犯规行为。副裁应该向主裁指明所犯规的队员。 26 WEIGHMASTER 称重裁判 In international competitions, stewards may be appointed by TWIF who shall be re-sponsible to the Weigh master (judge in charge of the weigh-in) for correctly weighing and stamping all competitors. 在国际比赛中,国际拔河联合会可以任用工作人员,协助称重裁判以准确称重和打印记。,33 Competition with one group 一组 When less than 12 teams have entered in a weight class, all teams will compete in one qualifying points competition. The top four teams of the qualifying point competition will enter into the semi-finals. The team in 1st. place will be matched against the team in 4th place and the team in 2nd place will be matched against the team in 3rd place 小组赛第一名的队伍将对决第四名,第二名的队伍将对决第三名。 The winners of the matches will then compete for the gold and silver medal and the losers will compete for the bronze medal 34 Competition with more than one group 一组以上 The teams ranking first and second place after the qualifying points competition will enter into the semi-finals. The teams ranking first in their group will compete against the teams ranking second from the other group. In case, after the qualifying competi-tion, the first two teams in a particular group are equal on points, teams will be ranked in accordance with rule 35. 两个小组的前两名队伍出线,一对二。,The End,


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