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    期中讲评: 我有一个大志愿,我是个没有什么大志愿的人。,Im a person without ambitions. Im a person without big ambitions. Collocation: big, great, high / small little× Reference: Im not an ambitious person,ambition: countable? uncountable? C a strong desire to achieve something U determination to be successful, rich, powerful etc,我向来没说过自己有如何了不起的学问与天才,也没觉得谁的职业比我自己的高贵或低贱。,学问 knowledge: n.u how much knowledge I have/ how knowledgeable I am learning: n.u ×I have great learning I am a man of great learning scholarship: n.u This is a fine piece of scholarship. Collocation: excellent, outstanding, superior, superb great, vast, profound,天才 gift: I have a gifted mind. I am gifted. talent: I have great talent./ Im talented. genius: n.c someone who has an unusually high level of intelligence, mental skill, or ability a genius for (doing) sth special skill at doing something e.g. That woman has a genius for choosing the right word.,职业 career: 职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。 profession: 作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩展了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。 vocation: 正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。,高贵或低贱 (collocation!) noble/humble/cheap higher/lower elegant/deteriorated decent/indecent superior/inferior 语气: I dont know whose jobs are I have never sensed that Reference: and never claim to be learned or gifted, nor do I consider anyone elses profession as superior or inferior or anything for that matter.,我只希望吃得饱,穿得暖,而尽心尽力地写些文章。,to have enough food to eat and enough clothes to wear to live like a fighting cock I only hope to make a living, so I try my best to write articles. I contribute myself to writing to keep myself warm and starved. Reference: I merely wish to have enough to eat and wear so that I can devote myself to writing.,在写文章中我可是有个志愿希望能写出一本好的剧本来,虽然我是没有什么远大志愿的人,这个志愿写个好心中剧本可的确不算小。,prose/ scripture script / screenplay/ play/ drama Reference: Talking about writing, however, I have a dream to realize I wish to write a play, a good play, some day. This dream is by no means a small one.,要达到这个志愿,我须第一,去读很多很多的书顶好是能上外国去读几年书。,读很多书 to read myriad of books to read an amount of books to have a wide range of exposure to books to do a large amount of study, a myriad of books, amount of books, to be exposed to, to do a lot of reading,去国外读书 to go abroad and educate myself to receive decent education to apply for academic certificate 顶好是 the best choice is .will be best. it would be best if Reference: To realize this dream, I need to read a lot in the first place or, better still, spend a couple of years studying abroad., to study abroad to further my study abroad, it would be better if ,better still,第二,我须有戏必看,去“养”我的眼睛。,to satisfy my eyes to practice my eyes for my eyes sake to enjoy my eyes to widen my eyes/ to enlarge my eyesight to “feed” my eyes/ to have a feast for my eyes/ to feast my eyes Reference: Secondly, I must go to the theater and see as many plays as possible just to cultivate my mind.,第三,我想我应当到什么剧团中做两年职员,天天和导演、演员,与其他的专门技术人员有亲密的接触。,theatrical company/ play company/ play department/ drama office/ drama troupe to have intimate contact with. Reference: Thirdly, I should get a job at the theatre and work there for a year or two to be in daily contact with directors, actors, and technical staff.,第四,或者我还应当学学演戏,常扮个什么不重要的角色。,不重要的角色 unimportant/ insignificant /minor roles little potato ? 常: regularly? usually? always? occasionally? Reference: Fourthly, perhaps, I should also learn some acting, with some minor role to play from time to time.,把上述四项都做到,我还不知道我是否有写剧的天才。假若没有,我的功夫虽然下到了,可还是难以如愿。这个志愿真不小!,Reference: But even given all these prerequisites, I am still not sure that I have the aptitudes of a playwright. If that is the case, my dream cannot come true even if I have worked very hard. So you see, in this sense, my dream is really not a small one.,恐怕有人以为我很不诚实吧写个剧本也值得发这么大的愿?,Reference: You might think I am not telling the truth, making such a fuss over the business of writing a play. Maybe someone think that Im exaggerating and doubt whether writing a play requires such great effort.,好,让咱们往远里说说。第一,即使在没有用文字写出来的小说的民族中,他们也必定有口传的诗歌与故事。,文字写出来的小说 novels in written form/ in black and white/ fictions written in character/ in written words novel: n.c a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary,口传的诗歌与故事 oral form of poems and stories vocal poems and songs verbal poetry and songs in the world of mouth/ pass down by the mouth Reference: Very well. Lets look at the matter in a broader perspective. Even in a nation without written fiction, there must be ballads and folk-tales passed down orally., in oral forms , relating to voice vocal music, relating to use of words,人,从一个意义来说,是活在记忆中的。他要记得过去,才关切未来。否则他们活在虚无缥缈中,不知道自己从何而来,和要往哪里去。,Man, in a sense, lives in memories. He remembers the past so that he could care for the future. Otherwise, they would live in. in a sense in a certain meaning to some meaning from a certain sense from a certain perspective,×,×,×,obscurity the state of not being known or remembered e.g. He died in obscurity something that is difficult to understand e.g. obscurities in the text vagueness oblivion: being completely forgotten nihility virtual world live in the air live with nothing,人,从一个意义来说,是活在记忆中的。他要记得过去,才关切未来。否则他们活在虚无缥缈中,不知道自己从何而来,和要往哪里去。,Reference: Man, in a sense, lives in memory. As he remembers the past, he cares for the future. Otherwise, he loses his sense of continuity, not knowing where he comes from and where he is going.,


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