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    Unit 4 Topic 1 What can I do for you? Section B,福州十二中 林晨兰,Revision,shop 商店,madam 夫人;女士,buy 买,there 在那里,over 穿过;遍布;在.上方,over there,try 试图,try on,How much.?,seventy 七十,buys,tries,Revision,thirty 三十,forty 四十,fifty 五十,eighty 八十,sixty 六十,ninety 九十,hundred 百,pair 一条;一对,think of,What about.?=How about.?,Revision,just 刚才,shirt 衬衫,skirt 短裙,cap 帽子,dress 长裙,think about,T-shirt T恤衫,coat 大衣,shoe 鞋子,pants 长裤,Revision,a pair of pants,two pairs of pants,a pair of shoes,three pairs of shoes,try it on,try them on,try on the coat try the coat on,Lets count the numbers. one, two, three,12+11=23 A: Whats twelve and eleven? B: Its twenty-three. 23+17=? 6+8=? 25+30=? 60+23=? 10+29=? 30+64=? 100+13=? 100+119=?,forty,fourteen,fifty-five,eighty-three,thirty-nine,ninety-four,one hundred and thirteen,two hundred and nineteen,Pair work,40,55,39,113,14,83,94,219,Guess!,How much is it /are they? Its / Theyre ,35,50,300,250,100,60,400,320,2a Listen and write down the price.,7.00,18.00,25.00,100.00,108.00,60.00,139.00,180.00,(录音),2b Make a shopping list.,7.00,18.00,25.00,100.00,108.00,60.00,139.00,180.00,Shopping List _ _ _ _,a pair of shoes,three pens,some chicken,a cake,245,Total:,I want to buy a pair of shoes, three pens, some chicken and a cake.,Suppose you have only 300 yuan with you. What can you buy? Make a shopping list before shopping.,1. Im just looking. 2. -How do you like the shoes? -They are too long. 3. -What do you think of this dress? -I dont like it at all. 4. Are you kidding? 5. Ill think about it. 6. Thank you all the same.,Guess!,2. -你觉得怎么样? (用于征求某人对某事的看法。) -他们太长了。,3. -你觉得怎么样? (用于征求某人对某事的看法。) -我一点也不喜欢它。,4. 你不是在开玩笑吧?(表吃惊,不相信。),5. 我会考虑(计划,意见,行动等是否可行。),6. 谢谢。(用于别人提供帮助,但未成功。),1. 我只是随便看看。,Pair work A:What do you think of ? = How do you like? B: Its / They are I dont like it / them at all. I like it / them very much.,A: can I do for you? B:I want to something for Maria. A: What do you want? B: I want a skirt. A: What is her favorite ? B: Its red. A: What do you of this one? B: I like it very much. How is it? A: Its only . B: Are you ? Well, Ill think it. Thank you all the .,What,buy,color,think,much,108,kidding,about,same,108.00,yuan,Group work Shopping What can I do for you? Can / May I help you? -I want to buy What do you think of? =How do you like? -Its /They are Why not try it / them on? - All right. It looks nice on you. / I like it very much. How much is it? How much are they? Thats fine. Ill take it. Ill think about it. Thank you all the same.,服务用语:,征求意见:,提建议:,作评价:,问价格:,做决定:,Section B 句型: 1. Im just looking. 2. What do you think of ? =How do you like ? -I like it a lot/very much/a little. - I dont like it at all. - Its too long /too big. 3. Are you kidding? 4. Ill think about it. 5. Thank you all the same. (用于别人提供帮助,但未成功),Summary,Complete the dialog,Saleslady: Kangkang: Yes, please. I want a pair of pants. Saleslady : Kangkang : White. Saleslady : Kangkang: Its nice. Saleslady: 70 yuan . Kangkang: 70 yuan ! Well,Ill think about it .Thank you all the same.,Can I help you?,What color do you like?,How do you like this pair?,How much are they?,Are you kidding?,Exercises:,_ , are you _ ? I dont believe(相信) it. (kid) How much are they ? They are _ ( 45 元). A new pair of pants _(is/are) over there . The clothes_ ( is/are ) too long for _ (他), so he will not _ _ _.( 考虑它们). Why not _ (try it on/try on it)? 你认为这辆车这么样?(2种) What do you think of this car? How do you like this car? 7.-Excuse me, where is Xinhua Book Shop? -Sorry, I am new here. -_ _ _ _ _.,kidding,forty-five yuan,is,are,him,think about them,try it on,Thank you all the same,Kids,Homework,1.Review Section B. 2. Recite P79 - 1a. 3. Finish off the exercises in Section B. 4.Preview Section C.,Thank you and see you!,


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