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    交通标志知多少?,turn left,turn right,go straight,go straight,Turn left,Turn right,go up ,go down ,go / walk along,on the left,on the right,on your left,on your right,on the left of,on the right of,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Yes, there is.Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its next to a supermarket.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a post office in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Yes, there is.Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its next to a supermarket.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Yes, there is.Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its between a post office and a hotel.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a bank in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Yes, there is.Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its across from a hotel.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Yes, there is.Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the left.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,1 . Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?,Yes, there is.,Go straight down New Street and turn right.,There s a pay phone on the right.,2.Where is the bank?,Go straight down New Street and turn right.,Turn left at Bridge Street.,The bank is across from the street.,3. Is there a post office in the neighborhood?,Yes, there is.,Turn right, then go straight down Bridge Street.,The post office is on the left.,Its across from the restaurant, next to the supermarket.,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its next to a supermarket.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,Nancy: Yes, there is.,Paul: How can I get to the hotel?,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a supermarket in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its between a hotel and a post office.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,Nancy: Yes, there is.,Paul: How can I get to the supermarket?,Paul: Excuse me. Is there a bank in the neighborhood?,Nancy: Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Its across from a hotel.,Paul: Thank you very much.,Nancy: Youre welcome.,Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture.,a,Nancy: Yes, there is.,Paul: How can I get to the bank?,A:Excuse me. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?,A: Thanks a lot.,B: Thats all right.,a,B: Yes, there is.,A: Can you tell me the way to the pay phone?,B: Go straight down New Street and turn right.,There s a pay phone on the right.,A:Excuse me.Where is the bank?,A: Thanks a lot.,B: Not at all.,a,B: Go straight down New Street and turn right.,Turn left at Bridge Street.,The bank is across from the street.,A:Excuse me. Is there a post office in the neighborhood?,A: Thank you very much.,B: Youre welcome.,a,B: Yes, there is.,A: Can you tell me the way to the post office?,B: Turn right, then go straight down Bridge Street.,The post office is on the left.,Its across from the restaurant, next to the supermarket.,Asking the Way,Is there a near here? Where is the nearest ? Can you tell me how I can get to the? Can you tell me how to get to the ? Could you tell me the way to the , please? Which is the way to? Do you know the way to,Showing the Way,Go down this street. / Walk along this road. Take the first turning on the right. / Turn left at the first crossing. Its on your right/left. / Its next to /between-and- Go across the bridge./Cross the bridge. You will see-in front of you. You cant miss it.,Excuse me.,小结,_ a clean park _ a new hotel _ a quiet street,_ a big supermarket,_a dirty park,_an old hotel _ a busy street,_a small supermarket,e,d,a,g,f,h,c,b,Listen and draw.,Fifth Avenue,Bridge Street,Michaels house,Read the tour guide and circle the description words.,Welcome to the Garden District Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the citys quiet streets and small parks. Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. Across from the park is an old hotel. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. This is the beginning of the garden tour.,3a,Come to visit Bridge Street Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. It is a very busy street. You can play the guitar in the _ . Its there , between the _ and the _ . And if youre hungry, you can buy some food in the _ . Its _ the post office.,Look at the picture and fill in the blanks for this tour guide.,park,restaurant,post office,supermarket,across from,3b,I know you are arriving next Sunday. Let me tell you the way to my house. Take a taxi from the airport. You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street. You go through Sixth Avenue ,Seventh Avenue, and Eighth Avenue. When you see a big supermarket, turn left. Then go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park. Go down Center Street and my house is on your right. I hope you have a good trip. Yours, Mike,Dear friend,Read and draw!,Exercises 1. A: Excuse me. Which is the_ to East Park, please? B: Let me see. Er, walk _ this road and _ right. Go _ until you _ the end. Youll _ the park in front of you.,way,along/down,turn,on,reach,find,2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me _ to the post office, please? B: Sure. Go _ this street and _ right. Then youll see a tall building. Thats the _ _, and it s between the zoo _ the fruit shop. You cant _ it. A: Is it _ from here? B: No, it s quite near. Itll only _ you about 10 minutes if you walk there. A: Thanks a lot. B: Youre welcome.,how,along,turn,post office,and,miss,far,take,3. Rewrite the sentences as required. (1)Walk along this road. (1 - 5 同义句) _ _ this road. (2)Take the fifth turning on the left. _ left _ the fifth turning. (3) I can get to the zoo by bus. I can _ a bus _ the zoo. (4) My father is going to Beijing by air tomorrow. My father _ _ to Beijing tomorrow.,Go along,Turn,at,take,to,will fly,Go down,(5) She neednt clean the room every day. She _ _ to clean the room every day. (6) The park is about 6 kilometres away. _ _ is the park?(划线提问) (7) You will take a No.6 bus. (划线提问) _ _ shall I _? (8) Mr. zhang needs some help. (改一般疑问句) _ Mr. zhang _ _ help?,doesn't have,How far,Which bus,take,Does,need any,在桌子下有一本书。 在书橱里有一些书。 在地上有一个篮球。 在椅子旁边有一些篮球。 在门的后边有一个书包。 在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。,在梳妆台上没有手表. 在抽屉里没有(一些)字典. 在附近没有邮局. 在超市的对面没有饭馆. 在第六条大街上没有银行. 在我们学校没有外国学生.,在图书馆旁边有一个投币电话吗? 在第五条大街上有一家超市吗? 在你家附近有宾馆吗? 在宾馆对面有银行吗? 在邮局后边有饭馆吗? -在你家有兄弟姐妹吗? -是的,有,在椅子旁边有一些篮球。 在门的后边有一个书包。 在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。,在超市的对面没有饭馆. 在第六条大街上没有银行. 在我们学校没有外国学生.,在桌子下有一本书。 在书橱里有一些书。 在地上有一个篮球。 在椅子旁边有一些篮球。 在门的后边有一个书包。 在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。,There is,a book,under the table (desk).,some books,There are,in the bookcase.,a basketball,There is,on the floor.,some basketballs,There are,near the chair.,a backpack,There is,behind the door.,some kids,There are,in front of the car.,在梳妆台上没有手表. 在抽屉里没有(一些)字典. 在附近没有邮局. 在超市的对面没有饭馆. 在第六条大街上没有银行. 在我们学校没有外国学生.,There isnt a watch on the dresser.,There arent any dictionaries in the drawer.,There isnt a post office in the neighborhood.,There isnt a restaurant across from the supermarket.,There isnt a bank on Sixth Avenue.,There arent any foreign students in our school.,在图书馆旁边有一个投币电话吗? 在第五条大街上有一家超市吗? 在你家附近有宾馆吗? 在宾馆对面有银行吗? 在邮局后边有饭馆吗? -在你家有兄弟姐妹吗? -是的,有,Is there a pay phone next to the library?,Is there a supermarket on Fifth Avenue?,Is there a hotel near your home?,Is there a bank across from the hotel?,Is there a restaurant behind the post office?,Are there any brothers or sisters in your family?,Yes, there are.,There be 句型:,它表示某处存在有什么人或物。,Eg. There is a book on the desk.,There are 148 students in Grade Seven.,There be 句型结构:,There be 主语介词短语,There be 代表“有”, be指be动词is , are。由主语决定be动词。如果主语为c.n. 的单数或u.n,be动词用is, 如果主语为c.n.的复数,be动词用are。,There is a sofa in the room.,There are twelve balls under the bed.,There is a lot of chicken in the bowl.,1. 房间里有一张沙发。,2. 床下有个球。,3. 碗里有许多鸡肉(碗bowl)。,. 篮子里有一个苹果,四个鸡蛋和一些沙拉。,There is an apple, four eggs and some salad in the basket.,2. 篮子里有四个鸡蛋,一个苹果和一些沙拉。,3. 篮子里有一些沙拉,一个苹果和四个鸡蛋。,There are four eggs, an apple and some salad in the basket.,There is some salad , an apple and four eggsin the basket.,There be 句型的临近原则:由离be动词最近的主语决定用is 或are。,There are nine books on the desk.,There is some water in the glass.,划线部分提问:,How many books are there on the desk?,How much water is there in the glass?,how many 问可数名词数量的多少.,how much 问不可数名词数量的多少或价格的多少.,There are twelve balls under the bed.,There is a lot of chicken in the bowl.,How many balls are there under the bed?,How much chicken is there in the bowl?,划线部分提问:,


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