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    Unit 1 Laughter is good for you,复合句(十) 状语从句(3) 经典背诵 1.Do as you are told to,or you'll be fired. 2.All plants need air as they need water. 3.The old lady treats the girl as if/though she were her own daughter. 4.He put up his hand as if/though to say something.,5.He talked as usual as if/though nothing had happened. 6.Try as/though you will,you won't succeed. 7.Child as/though he is,he knows a lot of things. 8.Even though/if it is raining,we'll go there. 9.Smart though/as she is,she doesn't study hard. 10.Although/Though she is smart,she doesn't study hard., 趁热打铁 1.他那样子就像被雷击了似的。_ 2.看来天气很快就会好起来。_ 3.他虽然年纪大了,但仍努力工作。_ 4.即使你有钱,也未必什么都能买到。_,【答案】 1.He looks as if (as though) he had been hit by lightening. 2.It looks as if the weather may pick up very soon. 3.Old as/though he is,he still works hard. 4.Even if you have money,you will not buy everything.,【名师点注】 1.引导方式状语从句的从属连词有:as,as if/though等,方式状语从句应放在主句之后。其中as if/though引导的从句一般用虚拟语气,但如果从句中所陈述的情况很可能实现,也可用陈述语气。 2.引导让步状语从句的从属连词有:although/though/as(尽管,虽然),even though/even if(即使),其中as引导让步状语从句时常用倒装语序,从句中的表语、状语或动词原形置于句首,若表语是单数名词,前置时要省略冠词。though引导的从句可以倒装也可不倒装,而although引导的从句只用正常语序。,.重点词汇 1_ adj.形体动作的 2_ n奖;奖品 3_ n常规;惯例;常规节目;节目 4_ adv.& adj.现场直播的;生动的 5_ n大师;师傅vt.掌握;精通 6_ vi.笑_ n笑声;笑 7_ n幽默_ adj.幽默的 8_ n喜剧_ n喜剧演员,9_ v回应_n回答;答复 10_ vi.反映_ n反映 11_ adj.适当的_ adv.适当地 12_ vt.使高兴;使愉快_ n可笑;娱乐 13_ adj.热心的;热情的_ n热心 14_ adj.最初的;初级的_ adv.最初地;初级地 15_ adj.熟练的_ adj.技术好的_ n技巧;技能,16_ adj.恼怒的;气恼的_ vt.恼怒;气恼 17_ adj.拥挤的_ n& v拥挤 18_ adj.整个的;全部的_ adv.整个地;全部地 19_vt.撕;扯_ (过去式)_(过去分词) 20_ vi.爆发;炸破_(过去式)_(过去分词),1physical 2.award 3.routine 4.live 5.master6.laugh;laughter 7.humour;humorous 8.comedy;comedian 9.respond;response 10.react;reaction 11.appropriate;appropriately12.amuse;amusement 13.enthusiastic;enthusiasm 14.initial;initially15.skilled;skillful;skill 16.annoyed;annoy 17.crowded;crowd18.entire;entirely 19.tear;tore;torn 20.burst;burst;burst,.短语回顾 1make fun_取笑 2in response_对作出回应 3make jokes_拿开玩笑 4queue_排队 5soon_不久之后 6take_接受;雇佣 7move_接下去;继续 8_pairs结队;两人一组,9go_发生;进行 10burst_突然冲入 11glare_对怒目而视 12hold_拿出 13laugh one's head_狂笑不止 14to smile_someone青睐某人 15_recite one's lines背台词,1of 2.to 3.about 4.up 5.after 6.on 7.on 8.in 9.on 10.in 11.at 12.out 13.off 14.on 15.to,.佳句回顾 1_,he kept silent. 听到这个消息他沉默了。 2She _(被逗乐了)the jokes. 3_(不要从事)too much work at a time. 4The workers _ (要求必须提高工资) 5She stood with her red face,_(生气地看着)the rude waiter.,1At the news 2.was amused at 3.Don't take on 4.demanded that their salaries (should) be raised 5.glaring at,1live adj.活的;现场直播的;精力充沛的,【经典例句】 Each time,he performs his stand­up routine in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.(P2) 每次,他在成千上万人面前表演单口喜剧,同时,该演出在电视上直播。 It wasn't a recorded show,it was a live_TV_broadcast. 这不是录像节目,是电视现场直播。 She is a live woman. 她是一位精力充沛的女人。,alive/living/live/lively alive adj.作表语、后置定语、宾(主)语补足语,表示“活着的”。 living adj.作定语(多前置)、表语,可指人、物,“活着的”,the living活着的人。 live adj.只用作前置定语,多说明(动)物,此外还可表示“现场直播,实况的”。 lively adj.表示“有生气的,生动的,活泼的”,与生死无关,可作定语、表语、补语。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 Every year many (1) _(现场直播) charity concerts are held to raise money for the poor people and raise public awareness of the hard life that they are (2) _(过着的)And the places they (3)_(居住) are so dirty and terrible that we really feel very sorry for them and more and more people take action to help them. 【答案】 (1)live (2)living (3)live,2award n奖品;奖金 vt.奖励;授予,【经典例句】 People around the world enjoy watching him when he hosts the Academy Awards.(P2) 全世界的人们都喜欢看他主持奥斯卡颁奖庆典。 Yan Ni won the best actress award. 闫妮获得了最佳女演员奖。 Einstein was_awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in physics. 爱因斯坦因在物理学方面的成就而被授予诺贝尔奖。,award/prize/reward award既可作动词也可作名词,指为鼓励在工作中达到所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。 prize为名词,多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽彩中所赢得的奖。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。 reward既可作动词也可作名词,指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。也指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到的赏金、酬金。,award与reward都可表示“给予”。award强调“授予”(奖章、奖金等),后面可接两个宾语:被授予的人和所授的奖励;reward则强调“报酬”,只能以人或人的行为作宾语,如果要说明因何获得报酬,须加with/for短语。,【即时应用】 完成句子 (4)A _ was given to the person who had the winning number. 奖品给了那个获得中奖号码的人。 (5)They _ the boy with 5 for bringing back the lost dog. 他们给了那个男孩五英镑,酬谢他把走失的狗送回来。 (6)He was _ the first prize for Outstanding Industrial Design. 他获得了“杰出工业设计”一等奖。 【答案】 (4)prize (5)rewarded (6)awarded,3response n回应;反应;回答 in response to对做出反应 make a quick response to对做出很快的反应 make/give no response (to)(对)没有做出回答/反应,【经典例句】 He or she might decide to tell different jokes in_response_to the reactions of an audience.(P2) 他或她或许会决定讲不同的笑话以回应观众的反应。 He wrote me a letter in_response at once. 他立刻答复了我的信。 They made_a_quick_response_to my inquiry five days ago. 五天前,他们对我的询问迅速作出了回答。,【即时应用】 (7)We can make some adjustments _ the reactions of the customers. Ain answer to Bin response to Cin reply to DA、B and C 【答案】 B,4burst vi.爆发 vt.使破裂;使爆炸 n(感情等的)爆发 burst in闯进;突然来到 burst out doing sth.突然干某事 burst into view/sight(景象,奇观的)突然出现 burst into the room闯入房间 burst into tears/laughter突然大哭/大笑,【经典例句】 Servant bursts_in,next to Queen,empty­handed,shrugs shoulders.(P15) 佣人急速进来,站在皇后身边,两手空空,耸着肩。 Hearing the news,she burst_out_crying. 听到那个消息,她突然哭了起来。 Last night the room was burst_into but nothing was taken away. 昨晚有人闯入房间但没带走任何东西。,【即时应用】 根据汉语提示完成下面小片段 Yesterday evening I was watching TV at home when the front door (8)_(突然开了)My neighbour (9)_(突然闯入) my room.He was out of breath,saying that his newly­bought electric bike was lost.A (10)_(阵) of anger appeared on his face while he was talking about the bike.Finally,he (11)_(大哭起来)What should I do?I had to go to the police station with him. 【答案】 (8)burst open (9)burst into (10)burst (11)burst into tears/burst out crying,5occur vi.发生;存在;被想起 sth. occurs to sb. (主意或想法突然)浮现于脑中;某事被想起 It occurs to sb. that.某人想到 It occurs to sb. to do sth.某人想到干,【经典例句】 This means all the action occurs at one time,in one place. 这意味着所有的表演发生在一个时间,一个场所。 Misprints occurred on every page. 每页都有印刷错误。 An idea suddenly occurred to me. 我突然想出了一个主意。,happen/occur/take place happen是普通用语,常表示偶然事情的“发生”,其后接不定式或用在It happened that.句型中时,作“ 恰好,碰巧,偶然”解。 occur属较正式的用语,还可表示抽象事件,如思想等的“产生”,其后接to sb.,时常作“想到,想起”解。 take place也作“发生”解,它通常用来指一个预先安排好的事情的“发生”,常作“举行”解。,【即时应用】 用happen/occur/take place的适当形式完成句子 (12)Just as I was leaving the house,it suddenly _ to me that I had forgotten my keys. (13)Great changes _ in our hometown in the last ten years. (14)It _ that he was out when you came here. 【答案】 (12)occurred (13)have taken place (14)happened,6tear vt.撕破;撕开 tear sth. down/pull down/knock down拆毁;拆除 tear oneself away from sth.依依不舍地离开 tear.apart拆散 tear.up撕毁(合同等) tear sth. open把撕开/扯开 tear sth. from/off/out of sth.将从上撕下/分开,【经典例句】 The King tears the paper in two.(P15) 国王把纸撕成两半。 The boy tore_up the test paper in order that his father wouldn't see it. 这个孩子撕毁了试卷,以免他爸爸看到。 Someone tore the last page out. 有人把最后一页撕掉了。,【即时应用】 (15)Did you enjoy the book? Yes,it was so interesting that I could hardly _ it. Aget rid of Bbreak away from Ckeep away from Dtear myself away from 【解析】 get rid of摆脱;break away from脱离;keep away from远离,不接近;tear oneself away from依依不舍地离开。句意:这本书如此有趣以至于我爱不释手。 【答案】 D,7appropriate adj.适当的;适合的;相称的,【经典例句】 It seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films!(P3) 看来,他不愧是靠演无声电影起家的啊! Her speech is_appropriate_to the occasion. 她的演讲很合时宜。 It's appropriate that he (should) set out early. 他早出发是恰当的。,【即时应用】 (16)Which dress do you think is more _ for the party,the red one or the blue one? Aappropriate Bpopular Cconvenient Dimportant 【解析】 be appropriate for“合适”。 【答案】 A,1hold out拿出;伸出;提出;提供;坚持;抵抗到底 【经典例句】 Your Highness?(holds_out a roll of toilet paper)(P15) 殿下?(拿出一卷卫生纸) The princess held_out her hand to me. 公主向我伸出了手。 The disaster­stricken people are in bad need of grain,for their supplies of grain won't hold_out long. 灾民急需粮食,因为他们的粮食存量维持不了多久。,hold back阻止;保留不讲 hold down压制;镇压 hold on坚持住;停住;别挂(电话) hold on to紧紧抓住;不放弃;保留/保有某物 hold up举起;拿起;妨碍,【对接高考】 (17)Is Peter there? _,please.I'll see if I can find him for you. AHold up BHold on CHold out DHold off 【解析】 hold up支撑,耽搁,推迟;hold out维持,持续,坚守;hold off拖延,延缓,抵挡住;hold on别挂电话。 【答案】 B,【即时应用】 用hold相关短语的适当形式填空 (18)The child _ her mother;he didn't want her to go. (19)How long will our supply of food _? (20)The workers are still _ more pay. (21)Heavy snow _ the workers on the highway. 【答案】 (18)held on to (19)hold out (20)holding out for (21)held up,2take on开始雇用(某人);接受(工作);承担(责任);开始具有(某种特征);呈现;露出 【经典例句】 In an interview,he told us that he is always happy to take_on new foreign students. 在一次采访中,他告诉我们他总是乐意雇佣新来的外国学生。 We must take_on much work.Otherwise,it's impossible for us to complete the task. 我们必须多承担工作,要不然我们不可能完成这项任务。 Our school has taken_on a new look since last year. 从去年以来,我们学校呈现出了一片新面貌。,take in吸收;理解;欺骗;留宿 take over接管 take up占据;从事 take down记下 take away剥夺;拿走 take off起飞;脱下,【即时应用】 完成句子 (22)There she _(收留)by an aged couple and they brought her up. (23)Alan _(接管)the farm when his father died. (24)Learning English _(占用)so much of my time that I have no time to play basketball. 【答案】 (22)was taken in (23)took over (24)takes up,3make fun of取笑;拿开玩笑 【经典例句】 People make_fun_of her because she wears such strange hats. 人们嘲笑她,因为她经常戴那么奇怪的帽子。 He is serious,so we never play_jokes on him. 他很严肃,我们从不开他的玩笑。 He only said it in_funhe didn't really mean it. 他只是说着玩儿并非真是那个意思。,【即时应用】 (25)This is not a match.We're playing chess just for _. Ahabit Bhobby Cfun Dgame 【解析】 for fun常在句中用作状语,意为“说/做着玩的”。 【答案】 C,1It_seems appropriate that he got his start in silent films! 看来,他不愧是从无声电影起步的啊! 【句式分析】 it作形式主语,真正主语为后面的that引导的从句。 it作形式主语的句型: (1)It takes sb. some time to do sth.,(2)Itbeadj.to do/that­clause 常用的形容词有possible,necessary,important,strange,natural等。 (3)Itben.to do/that­clause 常用的名词有a pity,an honour,a shame,one's duty,a wonder等。 (4)Itbeadj.(n.)doing sth.常用于此句型的名词和形容词有no need,no use,useless等。 (5)Itbe过去分词that­clause 常用于本句型的过去分词有said,announced,believed,reported,known,hoped等。,【对接高考】 (26)(2010·浙江高考)It is uncertain _ side effect the medicine will bring about,although about two thousand patients have taken it. Athat Bwhat Chow Dwhether 【答案】 B,【即时应用】 翻译句子 (27)这男孩起床需用5分钟。 _ (28)干这样无用的活等于浪费时间。 _ (29)据报道,昨天一场飓风袭击了美国。 _ 【答案】 (27)It takes the boy five minutes to get up. (28)It's a waste of time doing such useless things. (29)It was reported that a hurricane hit the USA yesterday.,2It is exciting to think of them_saying the words I have been imagining for months. 想到他们说出了我几个月来苦思冥想的台词,真是令人兴奋。 【句式分析】 them saying是动名词复合结构,充当think of的宾语。 动名词的复合结构是:“物主代词或名词所有格动名词”。物主代词或名词所有格是动名词的逻辑上的主语。这种结构作宾语时,代词也可以用宾格形式,名词也可以省去所有格。这种结构通常在句中作主语和宾语。,【对接高考】 (30)(2007·全国卷)At the beginning of class,the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom. Aopened and closed Bto be opened and closed Cbeing opened and closed Dto open and close 【解析】 句意:开始上课时,课桌打开和关闭发出的声音在教室外面都能听到。动名词复合结构作of的宾语。 【答案】 C,【即时应用】 完成句子 (31)_ late made her teacher angry. 玛丽的迟到使她老师很生气。 (32)Do you mind my _? 我可以抽烟吗? (33)He has never heard of _ a pilot. 他从来没有听说过女人当飞行员。 【答案】 (31)Mary's coming (32)smoking (33)a woman being,.单词拼写 1On the whole,foreigners are h_,for they usually have a sense of humour. 2Laughing is an important part of all c_. 3Xiao Shenyang is on the way to becoming an outstanding c_. 4Reading morning paper over breakfast is his r_. 5We were left a deep i_ on the West Lake.,6Beijing hosted the Olympics _(成功) 7Now more and more girls are _(追随)in the footsteps of Super Girls. 8It is dangerous to skate on a _(拥挤的)street. 9He was asked to write a poem _(出乎意料) 10It had never_(想到)to him that my brother might be falling in love with her. 【答案】 1.humorous 2.comedies 3.comedian 4.routine5.impression 6.successfully 7.following 8.crowded 9unexpectedly 10.occurred,.选词填空 make fun of;agree with;queue up;trip over;have effect on;send out;in response to;take on;move on;hold out 1A stand­up comedian may _ the audience. 2The rubbish dump _ a terrible smell;you'd better leave here. 3The people _ became angry when someone wanted to jump the queue. 4Seeing her baby _ a chair brought her heart into her mouth.,5So much does he love her that he _whatever she says. 6So far no medicine _ AIDS,which is a headache to scientists and doctors. 7_ the Party's call,the young graduates have decided to go to the west to work. 8How long will our food supplies _? 9As time _,I'd like the children to do more challenging work. 10It is illegal _ child workers.,【答案】 1.make fun of 2.is sending out 3.queuing up 4tripping over 5.agrees with 6.has had effect on 7.In response to 8.hold out 9.moves on 10.to take on,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1Generally speaking,girls _(be)fond of beautiful clothes. 2Don't disturb her.She _(prepare)for the coming examination all the afternoon. 3I know a little more about this city because this is the third time I _(be)here. 4John,you _(always lose)your temper. 5Tom _(work)in the garage.Can I get him to answer your call?,6It's hard to drive downtown to work and that's why I _(go)to work by train recently. 7Can I help you,Madam? No,thanks.I _ just _(look around) 8My money _(run)out.I have to go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I've none in hand. 9The war between the two countries is reported _(result in) a great loss. 10It won't be long before everything in the flooded area _(return)to normal.,【答案】 1.are 2.has been preparing 3.have been 4.are always losing 5.is working 6.have gone 7.am;looking around8.is running 9.to have resulted in 10.returns,.完成句子 1The mayor _ solve the problem of migrant workers' pay­defaulting _ their complaint. 市长对农民工的投诉作出回答,决心解决拖欠他们工资的问题。 2College students _ doing _ they can find. 我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干。,3Owing to the financial crisis,Disneyland doesn't _ visitors as much as before. 由于经济危机,迪斯尼乐园不如以前吸引人了。 4It is appropriate _


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