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    FS-LDM培训材料(DAY 3),NCR数据仓库事业部 2005-03,2,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individual or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A unit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A strategy, plan or promotional event for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has value,FS-LDM (第一级),3,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,4,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,5,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individual or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A unit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A strategy, plan or promotional event for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has value,FS-LDM (第一级),6,EVENT主题,事件是银行与客户或潜在客户之间的联系或交易活动,它记录了详细的行为和交易数据,包括存取款、收费、计息、咨询投诉、查询、市场调查、网上交易等。 可能需要也可能不需要银行与客户的直接接触;可能与帐户相关,也可能与帐户无关;可能与资金相关,也可能与资金无关。 通过事件可以帮助了解哪些客户使用哪些渠道做哪种交易事件,交易金额多少、什么时间、在什么地点、与金融机构的哪位员工或部门打交道。,7,Event (including Claims) Something that happened that is of interest.,Examples: Deposit, Withdrawal, Credit/debit card charge, Interest and fee charges, Complaint/Inquiry, Address Change, Balance Inquiry, Campaign solicitation/response, Internet page view, Brokerage buy/sell, Premium Payment, Payment Request (claim) Major Features: Financial and non-financial events Customer or financial institution initiated Information about insurance claims and relationship to parties and policies. Automatic transactions (e.g. interest/fee charges) Events grouped into sessions - e.g internet session Event-related currency code - multi-currency environment Activity classifications May trigger journal vouchers (debit and credit) Related to Channel, Parties, other Events, Ledger, Campaign, and Agreements,8,EVENT主题-关键实体和关系,事件 事件活动种类 事件关系 事件成本 事件分类 事件产品关系,事件地区关系 信用卡-购买、授权、结算 催收和还款事件,9,EVENT主题- 概貌,账户事件,事件,金融事件,联系事件,账户组事件,互不排斥!,10,EVENT主题-事件,事件实体记录了银行的所有交互活动。 这些事件可能与金钱相关,也可能与金钱无关。可能与帐户相关,也可能与帐户无关。 事件属性中保留业务系统的交易码Transaction Id。 事件包含存款、取款、查询、付款、利息入帐等交易,属性Event Activity Type Cd区别不同种类的事件活动。 与事件相关的当事人记录在EVENT PARTY中,一个事件可能与多个当事人相关,包括引发事件的客户、联系客户的员工、处理事件的金融机构、购买事件的商户、提供电话服务的呼叫中心。 客户与金融机构联系的渠道信息记录在CONTACT EVENT。,11,EVENT主题-事件活动种类,事件,活动种类交易类型,活动类型交易码,12,EVENT主题-事件组,EVENT GROUP记录了对于金融机构来说具有某种特定含义的事件,如一个客户在同一台ATM上连续进行的查询余额、存款、转帐交易,以上三个交易将称为一个session而被包含进相同的EVENT GROUP。金融机构可为不同的目的对事件进行多种方式的分组。 EVENT GROUP ASSOC实体将事件和事件组进行关联,一个事件可能和很多事件组关联,一个事件组包含多个事件。,事件,事件组,事件和事件组关系,事件关系,13,EVENT主题信用卡购买/授权/结算,实例:假设持卡人帐户行和商户行是同一家银行。 客户使用信用卡在商户购物,商户请求银行授权。 假如授权被银行批准,则商户允许客户购买。 日终,商户向银行送出所有信用卡购物的结算请求。 银行结算信用卡回单并向商户支付款项。 以上例子引发的事件如下表:,14,EVENT主题信用卡购买/授权/结算,15,EVENT主题信用卡购买/授权/结算,16,PARTY、ACCOUNT、EVENT的关系,事件,当事人,事件和当事人,协议和当事人,协议,17,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,18,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individual or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A unit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A strategy, plan or promotional event for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has value,FS-LDM (第一级),19,CHANNEL主题,用户通过渠道向金融机构获取关金融机构或金融机构产品信息以及使用金融产品。金融机构通过渠道向用户销售产品或提供服务。 渠道与当事人、产品、帐号等其他实体存在各种关系。 渠道分为若干渠道类型。,20,Channel A vehicle for interaction with the financial institution,Examples: ATM, Branch workstation, Telephone, Web site/internet address, Call center, Voice Response Unit, Point of Sale terminal, Television, Radio, Mail Major Features: Includes specific channel devices Multiple channel types Channel characteristics and capacities Related to Events, Parties and Campaigns,21,CHANNEL主题 业务规则,渠道分为若干类型,例如ATM渠道。 当事人可以和渠道之间存在一种或多种关系,也可以不存在任何关系。 一个帐户可以属于一个渠道或者通过一个渠道来进行管理。 渠道有自己的一些相关信息,例如功能,特征或地理位置。 一个渠道有其最大容量,例如每小时可以处理的业务笔数。,22,CHANNEL主题 主要实体和关系,渠道 渠道类型 当事人/渠道 渠道/AGREEMENT 渠道/渠道事件 渠道成本 渠道收益 渠道事件 渠道容量 物理邮件 ATM,POS,街亭,电子 电话,柜面,电台 电视,印刷,呼叫中心,关系 渠道 - 当事人 渠道 - 帐户 渠道 - 渠道事件,23,CHANNEL主题 主要实体,渠道,渠道类型,渠道事件,渠道描述信息,渠道容量,账户和渠道,当事人和渠道关系,渠道营业时间,24,CHANNEL主题 - 渠道,实体CHANNEL标识了所有金融机构用来与用户进行销售或服务联系时所使用的渠道。 一个渠道是用户用来接受有关金融机构或金融机构产品信息以及使用金融产品时的载体。 在实体CHANNEL 中每一个特定的渠道都有一个ID号相对应。例如,一台ATM机有一个ID号,一个POS终端也有一个ID号。 实体CHANNEL也包含了外部渠道。例如其他机构的ATM机器。,25,CHANNEL主题分类,物理邮件 ATM 街亭 电子 电话 柜面 电台 电视 印刷 呼叫中心 LOCK BOX POS终端,26,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,27,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individual or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A unit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A strategy, plan or promotional event for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has value,FS-LDM (第一级),28,CAMPAIGN主题概述,营销活动是为了获取、维护、增强银行与客户的关系而开展的一些促销的活动; 营销活动是一些有组织的活动,其目的可以是为了把某些产品推向市场,也有可能是为了树立银行在市场上的形象; 完整的营销活动应该包括营销策略、营销行为以及营销活动的反馈信息; 收集营销活动的信息可以帮助银行发现最有效的营销方式,了解不同类型客户对营销活动的反馈;,29,Campaign A communication plan to deliver a message,Examples: Direct mail campaign, TV, Radio, Print Advertisement, Telemarketing, Internet Major Features: Multiple levels of campaigns from strategy to execution Multiple functions (Marketing & Collection/Recovery) Costs, revenues and dates Mass, micro and targeted campaign Advertisement message, offer and composition Related to Channels, Customer Segments, Products, Events,30,CAMPAIGN主题业务规则,营销活动的策略可能是很多层次的; 一个营销活动可能会导致实施一个或多个实际的促销事件; 一个营销活动可以通过和其他主题的关系,实现一些特别的活动,如只针对某些地区(LOCATION);只涉及某些产品(PRODUCT)、只在某些机构进行(内部组织机构)或者只和某类账户(ACCOUNT)相关; 一些外部的市场信息(如市场细分等)可以服务一些特定的营销活动; 高层营销策略会针对多种渠道设计,但是具体的一个营销事件只涉及一种渠道; 营销事件的结果可能会导致开立一个账户; 一个营销活动可能有多种优惠措施和条件;,31,CAMPAIGN主题主要实体和关系,营销活动策略 营销活动的分类 营销活动事件 目标营销 营销活动的优惠条件 营销活动的市场计划信息 广告的放置 广告活动的实施,营销活动和账户的关系 营销活动和内部机构的关系 营销活动和产品、当事人的关系 营销活动和location的关系,32,CAMPAIGN主题概貌,自关联,可存放所有层次的营销策略,主要记录营销活动计划收入、预计成本等;,“大众营销”实体主要记录电视广告、报刊杂志广告等类型的营销活动;,“目标营销”实体主要记录以目标客户为对象的营销活动,而目标客户的获得是依赖于对客户信息的分析结果;,营销活动实际实施的一些结果的记录;,33,CAMPAIGN主题目标营销,目标营销,营销活动,营销策略,目标营销活动的细分群,当事人细分,市场细分,细分标准,34,CAMPAIGN主题优惠条件,营销活动的优惠条件,包括需满足的条件以及提供的优惠;,优惠条件和营销活动的关系,营销活动优惠条件的期限、条件等具体特征,优惠条件和 产品的关系,优惠条件和 广告的关系,35,CAMPAIGN主题广告,广告的简单描述,广告的放置,广播广告,电视广告,传单,网络广告,促销活动,36,CAMPAIGN主题和EVENT的关系,促销活动,营销策略,目标营销,目标营销事件,接触事件,37,CAMPAIGN主题和其他主题的关系,营销活动和账户的关系,营销活动和内部机构的关系,营销活动和产品的关系,和地理位置的关系,营销策略和渠道类型的关系,38,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,39,FINANCE,ASSET,PARTY,Not all relationships are shown,LOCATION,A geographical area, physical or electronic address.,An individual or group of individuals.,EVENT,Financial or non-financial event which may involve contact with the customer.,INTERNAL ORGANIZATION,A unit of business within the financial institution or insurance company.,AGREEMENT,An arrangement between the customer and financial institution or insurance company for a product.,PRODUCT,Any marketable product or service including terms and conditions.,CAMPAIGN,A strategy, plan or promotional event for the purpose of acquiring retaining, or expanding usage by customers.,CHANNEL,The vehicle by which a customer interacts with the Financial institution/insurance company.,The internal accounting of the business,Things that Parties have an interest in and has value,FS-LDM (第一级),40,Major Features Tracks General Ledger and Journal Voucher information GL Subtyping - Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Revenue and Expense GL Balance over time - for budget and actual Link to Transaction Event and customer Account/Policy To provide for drill down from GL to Agreement and to transaction Event Example - if customer made a premium payment (Event) then this would result in debit and credit journal vouchers posted to the ledgers. Provides for flexibility in the GL numbering scheme.,Finance The internal accounting of the business,41,FINANCE主题主要实体,总帐科目,财务预算,总帐科目和内部机构关系,总帐科目余额信息,42,FINANCE主题主要实体,总帐科目,资产科目,负债科目,权益科目,收入科目,费用科目,43,议程安排,Event Channel Campaign Finance Summary,44,FS-LDM 10 Major Subject Areas,Product,Event,Agreement,Channel,Party,Party Asset,Finance,Location,Campaign,Internal Organization,45,丰富完善的文档模型说明,46,丰富完善的文档文档说明样本数据,47,如何为您所用?客户化,NCR FS-LDM,Your LDM,48,解决业务问题,两种类型的业务问题 简单问题:可以通过各种操作系统和一些独立的数据集市解决 复杂问题:由于数据分散的原因,目前很难解决一些跨部门、跨系统的问题 解决办法 在企业内部整合数据 为什么? 提供数据的单一视图,便于对关键业务元素的理解,更好地进行管理分析; 允许进行各种跨部门的分析,也使得分析详细数据以及跨系统之间的关系成为可能,能够增强对业务的管理和控制。,49,Business intelligence through analysis of integrated data include the following:,模型的应用,Customer analysis Profitability and Cost analysis Product affinity Channel analysis Customer activity Fraud detection Web activity analysis Regulatory Reporting Risk Analysis,50,谢谢,Q&A,


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