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    《What is happiness to you Welcome to the unit 》 教学案.doc

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    《What is happiness to you Welcome to the unit 》 教学案.doc

    What is happiness to you Welcome to the unit 教学案课程分析:(本课的作用和学习本课的意义) 通过本课的学习锻炼学生英语的口语表达能力,帮助学生树立正确的幸福观,从而建立起正确的人生观和价值观。问题设计问题: 1、What kinds of sports can you see in the video? 2、How do you find the video? 3、Do you think it makes you feel happy? 4、What is happiness ? 5、Do you think happiness may mean different things to different people? 6、Show you some pictures. Look at the pictures. What do you think their performance? 7、To small children, what is happiness?8、To a sick man, what is happiness?9、Why is the man happy?10、What do you think of the dialogue?教学构想及目标: 知识目标:锻炼学生口语的表达能力 能力目标: 通过本课的学习提升学生运用英语的读写能力。情感目标: 培养学生正确的幸福观教学重点: 学生口语的表达 教学难点:Conclusion 教学方法:讨论法、小组合作法 所需设备:校园网、多媒体投影(展示学习网站和多媒体课件)教师活动学生活动设计意图1、What kinds of sports can you see in the video? 2)How do you find the video? Yes, the amusing video makes all of us burst into laughter. Do you think it makes you feel happy? Today well talk about happiness.2、What is happiness ?3、You hold different views on happiness. Do you think happiness may mean different things to different people?4、Show you some pictures. Look at the pictures. What do you think their performance?5、ConclusionSo ideas of happiness lie in people themselves. Whats your point of view? What things can bring you happiness? Tell the truth and what youre really thinking about in your heart. Lets have a competition, You can use the following sentence structures: I will feel happy when_. _ can make me feel happy. _ can bring me happiness. Happiness is a cup of water to those dying of thirsty. Happiness is a loaf of bread to those starving to death. In a word, happiness means beauty, love, family, friends/friendship, gifts, hobbies, success, victory, progress, helping others, health, comfort, encouragement, humor, traveling, wealth, job or power, and so on.6、Picture-talkingLook at the six pictures. What are people doing in each picture? How do they feel? Discuss each picture. All of people in the six pictures are doing things that can make them happy. It seems that happiness is easy to reach. Do you think so? Since happiness is so easy to get, why not make yourself happy and why not make the people around you feel happy? 7、AppreciationAppreciate two poems about happiness.HappinessBirds are happy, for They dedicate their songsTo the woods and fields.Flowers are happy, for They dedicate their sweet fragranceTo the birds, bees and butterflies.People are happy, for They dedicate their livesTo their motherland and the world.Happiness itself is not a possession,But a kind of selfless dedication.If you stretch out a greedy hand to it,It will fly high away Like a red-crowned craneOn happinessHappiness is a tree , With joy, sweetness, and excitement as its fruits. Happiness is a house, With gentleness, comfort and love as its furniture. Happiness is a teacher, Who teaches us to love, to sacrifice and ownHappiness is a hope plus faith of you and me. Happiness is Spring's wind, 8、In search of happinessSince happiness is very important to us, learn to find happiness in our daily life.have an eye to appreciate beautiful sides of life.Be brave to fight for bright future.Smile at life.Always be in a good mood.Hold a positive attitude towards life.Go ahead with determination to achieve goals.If you can do as Im telling you,if you can cherish everyone and everything around you, if you can remember how lucky you are, youll feel on top of the world.Summers flowers , Autumn's fruits , and Winter's snow. Happiness is shapeless and invisible at all, We need to touch it with full hearts. funny, interesting, amusingthree students answerstudents answerstudents answer beautifulstudents answerTalkingreadingsearch导入新课设疑导思激发学生的兴趣,提升口语的能力让学生明白他们使我们感到幸福的原因让学生明白幸福的原因锻炼学生口语表达的能力,并使学生感受幸福锻炼学生口语的能力,并使学生感受幸福


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