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    新目标 九年级 Unit 14,Unit 14 Have you packed it yet?,Section B Period 2,3a,Listen and read the article. Write down what the New Ocean Waves have already done and what they havent done yet.,Dont miss the New Ocean Waves!,Things they have done: had three major concerts made a hit CD played other peoples songs played mostly our own songs had a few songs in the top ten,Things they havent done yet: appear on CCTV go on a world tour have a number one hit,True or False,The passage is about the New Ocean Wave band.,2. The have never had concerts.,3. Theyre going to go on a world tour and they will perform in five different cities.,T,F,F,5. They gave all the money they made to charity.,4. They have never played other peoples songs.,F,F,Complete this review of Apple Ice Cream. You can use the information from 2a and 2b.,Apple Ice Cream is a _ band. They have written their own _ songs although they used to sing other peoples songs.,rock,original,3b,_ _ _ _ _ _ _,They won “The Best New Group of the Year” award last year. They havent made a music video yet, but theyve had six concerts of their own. They havent been on TV yet, but they have talked to Bands on Parade about doing a TV show next month.,Write about your favorite band by using the information given.,Black Eyed Peas,members,4,10,Photo,“Where Is The Love ”,Have had concerts all over the world,many,Hit CD,“The Beginning ”,3c,Black Eyed Peas 黑眼豆豆,Black Eyed Peas is a pop band. They have been together for nearly 10 years. There are four American singers in the band. They have already written their own original songs.,My favorite band,They have already made many music records and have had many concerts of their own. They have won many awards many times. But they havent been to Taiyuan yet. I hope they can come to Taiyuan to have a concert this year,1. In the last twelve months, theyve had three major concerts and made a hit CD. 在过去的一年中, 他们已经举办了三次大型音乐会和发行一张大热CD。 hit n. 成功且轰动一时的事物 e.g. The song is a hit among young people. 这首歌在年轻人当中很受欢迎。,Language points,【拓展】 hit v. 撞击,碰撞 e.g. The car hit the wall. 车撞到了墙上。 hit v. 打 指打某人某部位时,常用hit sb. in the face (eye, mouth, etc.)和hit sb. on the head (nose, back, etc.)。 e.g. He hit Tom in the face and Tom was angry. 他打了汤姆的脸,汤姆很生气。,2. One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves. New Ocean Waves是乐坛最好乐队之一。 one of +最高级+名词的复数形式 表众多中的其中之一。谓语动词一般用单数形式。,e.g. Surfing is one of the most popular water sports in the world. 冲浪是世界上最受欢迎的水上运动之一。,3. Theyre going to appear on CCTV next month. 下个月他们将会出现在CCTV上。,appear v. 出现,露面,(公开)演出 e.g. Several planes appeared in the sky. 几架飞机出现在空中。,【拓展】 appear v. 似乎,显得,后接形容词、名词、不定式等。 e.g. You appear to have traveled quite a lot. 你似乎经常旅游。 appearance n. 外观 e.g. She was a young woman of good appearance. 她是一位有着不错外貌的年轻女人。,4. And theyre going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different cities. 他们将进行一次环球巡回演出,将会在10个不同的城市进行演出。 (1) tour n. 巡回比赛(演出)等 e.g. The band are on a two-month tour of Europe. 乐队目前正在欧洲进行为期两个月的巡 回演出。,(2) 旅行; 观光 e.g. a round-the-world tour 环球旅行,(3) in which they will perform. 这是一个定语从句,引导词which 前的介词是不可缺少的,其中关系代词which是作了介词in的宾语,介词既可以放句首,亦可放在句末。 e.g. This is the book for which you asked. 这是你所要的书。(介词前置) This is the book which you asked for. (介词后置),(4) 关系代词who和that用作介词宾语 时,介词须置于句末。 e.g. The people you were talking to are Germans. 你与之谈话的那些人是德国人。 This is the car that I told you about. 这就是我和你谈过的那辆车。,5. Be sure not to miss them if they come to a city near you if you can get tickets. 如果他们到了一个离你近的城市, 千万不要错过,如果你能得到票的 话。,be sure to do 务必,一定要 e.g. Be sure to tell me when you arrive home. 到家后务必要告诉我一声。 动词不定式to do的否定式,要直接在to do 前加not。,1. 别错过New Ocean Waves乐队。 Dont miss the New Ocean Waves! 2. 雨后,天空出现了一道彩虹(rainbow)。 A rainbow appears in the sky after the rain. 3. 他的车主要用于观光旅游。 He uses his car mostly for sightseeing.,Translation,4. 我从来没去过欧洲。 I have never been to Europe. 5. 对不起,我现在必须得走了。 Im sorry. I must be off now. 6. 这项工作的主要部分由机器来做。 The major part of the job is done by machine.,Answer the questions on Page 114. Then survey two other students like the sample below. Try to find out more information.,Groupwork,A: Have you ever been to a concert? B: Yes, I have. I went to the National Day concert last year. A: Did you enjoy it? B: Yes, I enjoyed it very much.,


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