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    题目:怎样提高学生的英语听力水平项目设计者景德慧富顺广播电视大学提交日期 2010年5月25日课程名称:教学实践设计Project Title:How to Improve OurStudents Listening AbilityInvestigatorJing Dehui Fu Shun Radio & TV UniversitySubmitted on 25th May 2010In fulfillment of the course Practical Project Design2AcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to my teacher Mr. Yang, without whose support this project would not implemented.I am also grateful to my colleagues for their time spent on brainstorming.No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation, it would have remained on paper:Last but not the least, big thanks to my teacher, without whose support; I would not have self-confidence to finish this project.摘 要听力在英语教学中是非常重要,但绝大部分学生的听力却非常差。此文论述的是如何解决大部分学生不喜欢进行口语和听力练习的问题。平时我建议学生在课后练习。据推测,学习者的口语和听力的兴趣会在课后的团体练习后大大提高。这个推测将通过一个有组织的口语活动进行为期五周的练习来检测。在科学调查所采用的方法是分析方法,原因分析,访谈及集思广义。关键词:听力 差劲 分析 方法 结论AbstractListening is very important in English teaching,but most students listening is very poor. It is discussed in this paper to solve the problem that most of my students dont like doing the oral and listening practice. I assign them to do after class. It is hypothesized that learners interest in oral and listening after class will be greatly increased by practicing in a better organization. This hypothesis is verified by a five-week practice of well-organized oral Work activities.Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method, cause analysis, interview and brainstorming.Key words: Listening, poor, analysis, method, solutionsContentsAcknowledgment.IAbstract (in Chinese)IIAbstract (in English).IIIContents.IV1. Introduction.12. Problem analysis.13. Possible solutions.24. Project objective.35. Project hypothesis36. Project rationale37. Project design.38. Project implementation.59. Data analysis.710. Project evaluation711. Conclusion.7References.9161. IntroductionI have been teaching the students who are in their second year of a junior middle school. In my teaching Ive found there are some problems. Now Ill finish my study in Szechwan Radio & TV University. I hope I can solve the problems that have troubled me for some time through the action research, so that I can apply my knowledge and theory into practice, which I learned from Szechwan Radio & TV University.In my class, I found my students listening was very poor. My problem is how to improve their listening. There are 64 students in one class and I cant give each student the opportunity to practice their listening. Therefore it is common that a student who can get high marks in an exam but cant listen clearly.To me, the most difficult thing is how to arouse the students interest in English, as most of them think that learning English is boring and monotonous task. Though the new textbook is being used, the traditional method is still adopted.My problem in teaching English is mainly financial. My school is faced with the lack of educational funds.Then I decided to how to improve my students listening in twelve weeks.2. Problem AnalysisThis part of my study was conducted during October 10, 2009November 25, 2009.The problem I have in my teaching is that most of my students dont like doing the listening practice I assign them to do after class.Some of my students dont like doing listening dictation. This made me think of why they cant get high marks in every exam.Moreover, my students are in contrast with my colleagues students. This prompted me to make a chain of reflections. What about some of my colleagues students? Is it also the case that they dont like doing listening? Then my problem is actually caused by myself, not by my students. Probably the pair work I asked my students to do was poorly designed.I thought that is might be a good idea to examine my problem further by “Socratic dialogue”.As analyzed by the analytic method and by “Socratic dialogue.”The class size of over 60 Ss has some negative effect.My Ss know the importance of listening practice and are willing to do more practice. Then if they dont do the practice often in class, they may not know how to do it after class. Then my problem is caused by myself, not by my students.2.1 Analytic methodThrough careful analysis, I was led to a serious of questions:For instance, I found a majority of my students do not like doing this assignment, and I wanted to know why it should be the case, and whether they thought it important and necessary to practice listening or not ? If they thought it important and necessary, the problem was actually caused by me and the poor environment, not by my students , Probably the listening work I assigned my students to do was poorly organized.2.2 Cause analysis Most of what we do, we do with a purpose. And so it is with listening. In real life, whenever we listen, we tend to have a purpose. We listen to things with a purpose and pay attention to the message being communicated.3. Possible solutionsWith these reasons in mind. I have correspondingly provided some possible solutions which are as follows.Help my students to make up nine groups.Give them some priming materials and necessary background information. I also provide topics that are close to real-lift and closely related to my purpose of listening to expand their view.Give them chances to listen and speak after class.4. Project objectiveMy research objective is to enhance my students interest in listening.5. Project hypothesisIt is hypothesized that learners interest in listening is increased by better organization.6. Project rationaleLearners interest in pair work is increased by better designed pair work exercises.If pair work exercises are better designed, then the learners interest in pair work will increase accordingly.To summarize, in my project, I decide to improve my error-correction technique in there ways: I would first make more detailed and insignful corrections of the Students errors. And then ask them to retell their work. Incorporating the corrections, next I would ask students to practice listening in pairs or groups; and lastly. I would pick up some typical errors from the students writing work, work out an error-analysis and design relevant remedial exercises.Based on the rationale, I am going to use three units of the existing Junior English textbook as the communicative material.7. Project design7.1 Description of subjectsFor this research, I chose the two classes of my students as subjects, one as the Experimental Group, the other as the Control Group. Throughout the project, the EG will receive special designed teaching method, while the CG goes on with its routine instruction. 7.2 The principles adoptedMy hypothesis is that learners interest in listening practice after class is increased by better organized activities.7.3 Teaching planI designed four listening to be tried out in four weeks. They are reported as follows.Week1. Activity 1 invites friends for Autumn Festival. This activity is based as in Junior English for China, Book II A, Unit 3, lesson10.Purpose: to review to the names of the food.Instructions: Ss worked in groups, they must find out what the girls ate after listening, and say out the dialogue with books closed. Procedures: I taught the text of lesson 10. Then I provided them a lot of related material, ask them to listen carefully. Next I ask them some questions. E.g.: how many children are there in the dialogue? Who are they? What are they doing? Etc. They I ask them to open their books, listen again and check their answer. At last, I ask each groups act out the dialogue without books.Week2. Activity2 Find the right place. This activity is based as in Junior English for China. Book21A. Unit6, lesson 24.Purpose: to practice expressing needs and review Asking for directions and Giving directions.Instructions: I divided them to two groups. One is visitors the other is Chinese. They must act out the dialogue after listening Procedure: First I give some places to do, let them know where they are. Then told them some visitors would visit someplace but they dont know how to go. Then let them listen to the stage and draw the map. Then ask them open the books. Listen and check their maps let them listen and read. Ask them to act out the dialogue without books.Week3 Activity 3 the Swedish rock band.This activity is based as in Junior English for China. Book 2A, lesson35. “Yesterday” in concert.Purpose: to practice the listening in noisy place.Instructions: must listen clearly the dialogue in noisy place.I got to work in groups after class.Procedure: In class I taught the text. I told them that they most retell something about who, whom, when, how and the main ideas of the text and Ask them to act out the dialogue in groups. Then let them open the books and listen again.Week4, Activity4. Come to the party.This activity is based as in Junior English for China, Book2A, Unit 13 lesson 52.Purpose: to review how to make a telephone.Instructions: I ask them listen to the tape and write a telephone message and act.8. Project implementation8.1 Selecting suitable listening materialsJust as listening purpose are diversified, so are the texts that we listen to every day, which arrange from the advertisements on television, to weather forecasts on the radio, to announcements at the railway station, and to a chat with a friend on the telephone .Listening texts are different from one another not only in that they center on different topics, but in that they are produced in different contexts, conveyed through different media, and uttered by different speakers.8.2 Major listening skillsDespite the fact that we are in real life listening to a diversity of texts, their approaches to understanding them are more or less the same. Then what goes on in a listeners head when he processes a spoken message? Before he listens, the listener always has an expectation of what is to be said Language and background knowledge constitute the two main sources of information the listener can resort to in achieving understanding . In addition to the knowledge of language, the listener also calls upon the knowledge of topic.The major listen skills consist listening for Gist, Listening for Specific information, listening for detailed information, inferring and note taking.There are no fixed answers to this problem. Because different teachers who teaches different answers. However, there are still a few principles for us to apply when he tries to select for our students suitable listening materials.As the name suggests, it refers to the period before the students start listening. The main purpose is to introduce enough about the topic, type of text or purpose for listening in order to activate the students schema and get them ready to predict what they will hear and make sense of it. It also can serve several purposes. First, they can help students establish listening expectations. Second, it can activate students prior knowledge about the topic, which will mm out to be very helpful when they try to understand the speakers message. The third purpose is to solve for students potential language or knowledge by providing with them in advance the explanation of some new words or related background knowledge. It refers to the period in which students perform the act of listening its the stage in which students actually carry out all the activities while the teacher observes and operates the machine. The activities done by the students at this stage are while-listening activities. This purpose is for students to employ a certain listening skill. The skills might be listening for gist, listening for specific information, listening for detail and inferring.This stage is the last period of a listening class. The activities conducted at this stage are the post-listening activities. In a number of teachers mind, the post-listening stage is a period in which the teacher checks the students answers, point out their problems or explains the listening text. These are all the traditional activities frequently done in a listening class. In recent years, however, there has been a trend to engage students in some kinds of speaking or writing activities after they have finished listening. And the successful completion of such activities is build upon the comprehension of listening text. The purpose of this stage is to consolidate what has been learned by the students. They can use the new information and language gained from their listening in a different context and connects it with the language they already have. So, for example, if you have been using a listening text to draw students attention to intonation, patents expressing certain attitudes, you would want them to use that information in a role-play in which they might have to express the same attitudes. If you have been using the listening text to teach the students how to take notes, then they should be using those notes for some writing or speaking purpose. Such as explaining something to some one, or writing out someones views on a problem. If new vocabulary has been learned for the listening activities, then it should be practiced at this stage in an activity that requires it .So if the text was about newspapers and the students leafed such expressions as “daily”, “weekly”, “circulation” and “copy”. Then they could be encouraged to use those by writing about or discussing the most popular Chinese newspapers, especially if the teacher is able to provide then with the relevant circulation figures.8.3 Check their listeningI decided to check their listening because many as would usually do better under the supervision of their teachers or parents. Sometimes I told them to recite some passages before me, sometimes I gave them five minutes to write from memory. Sometimes I asked their parents to record the time of every listening at home.8.4 Reduce their pressureThey often complained they had too much homework. So they had no enough time to do listening. I thought I should make allow-wanes for their pressure. So I adopted two effective measures to reduce their pressure.One was that I gave them less written homework when I ask them to do listening after class. The other was I simplified the


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