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    ,西安交通大学图书馆 肖小勃、李娟 2001.12.11,国内INNOPAC用户情况 China INNOPAC users 实现一个共享的INNOPAC 系统 Implementing a shared INNOPAC 使用INNOPAC中的问题/建议 Some questions/comments after using INNOPAC,国内INNOPAC用户情况 China INNOPAC users,华东师范大学图书馆 East China Normal Universtiy Library 华中科技大学图书馆 Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Library 国家会计学院图书馆 National Accounting Institute Library 清华大学图书馆 Tsinghua University Library 西安交通大学图书馆 Xian Jiaotong University Library 西安电子科技大学图书馆 XiDian Univ. Library 浙江省图书馆 Zhejiang Provincial Library,从1996年到2001年,国内共有7所图书馆选择并使用Innopac作为他们的图书馆自动化管理系统。,In China mainland, From 1996 to 2001,there are 7 library have selected & used innopac as their automated library system.,East China Normal Universtiy Library http:/www.lib.ecnu.edu.cn Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. Library http:/www.lib.hust.edu.cn National Accounting Institute Library http:/library.nai.edu.cn Tsinghua University Library http:/www.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn Xian Jiaotong University Library http:/www.lib.xjtu.edu.cn Zhejiang Provincial Library http:/www.zjlib.net.cn XiDian Univ. Library(Have signed contract) http:/,China INNOPAC users Web Site,西安交大图书馆简介 Introduction to XJTU Library,西安交通大学图书馆前身为1896年创建于上海的南洋公学藏书楼。1959年9月,交通大学西安部分和上海部分独立建校,图书馆相应定名为西安交通大学图书馆。 1995年5月,经中共中央宣传部批准,将西安交大图书馆命名为“钱学森图书馆”,江泽民主席为之题写了馆名。,JiaoTong university Library was founded in 1896 in ShangHai. She have been called Xian Jiaotong University Library regularly in Sep. 1959. In May. 1995,Xian Jiaotong University Library has been naming “Qian xuesen Library”,President Jiang-zemin inscribed this library name.,实现一个共享的INNOPAC,2000年4月,西安交通大学与原西安医科大学和原陕西财经学院合并组建成新西安交通大学,合校后的西安交大图书馆设立总馆和医学、财经两个分馆,总建筑面积39830平方米,阅览座位增至3299席。,In April 2000, Xian JiaoTong University united the primary Xian Health Science Unversity And Shaanxi University of Finance and economics to form new Xian Jiaotong univerty. After united, Xian Jiaotong University Library had one main library and two branches,The total area of the library with a capacity of 3,299 seats is 39,830 square meters.,我馆Innopac使用情况 Basic infomation of using INNOPAC,西安交大图书馆于1998年9月正式运行INNOPAC系统,期间先后对INNOPAC系统进行四次升级,目前的版本是Release 2001 。系统通过校园网,服务于全校1万多名教师和2万9千多名学生。 系统开始运行时共64个并发用户,WebPAC用户组3个并发用户。,Xian JiaoTong University library began running INNOPAC in Sep. 1998. During this period, we have made 4 times upgrade.its current version is RLS 2001 . The system serverd over 10 thousand teachers and over 29 thousand students . At the beginning of INNOPAC, it had 64 simulaneous users licenses and WebPAC login group had 3 simulaneous users licenses.,图书馆硬件 XJTU Library Hardware,图书馆软件 XJTU Library Software,三馆合并后选择共享INNOPAC方案来建设 合校前总馆采用INNOPAC,财经分馆采用ILAS、医学分馆未上自动化系统。二分馆与总馆空间距离约10公里,如何统一起来,实现统采、统编,通借、通还? 我们选择了共享INNOPAC方案。,Before unite to one, main library using INNOPAC , Finance and economics branch running ILAS system. Health Science branch had no automated library system. Two branches are about 10 kilometers away from main library. So we select sharing INNOPAC solution to build our library automated system. i.e. To implement a shared automated library system based on main librarys INNOPAC.,什么是共享的自动化系统? what is Shared automated library system?,共享的图书馆自动化系统是指二个以上的图书馆通过通信网络连接起来,使用同一硬件平台及图书馆应用软件。这里,财经分馆、医学分馆实际是通过校园网通信线路共享总馆的Innopac系统。,“Shared System” means having at least two libraries,linked via a telecommunications network,using the same hardware platform and library application software(i.e.,online catalog,circulation system, etc.),共享的INNOPAC网络 A shared INNOPAC network,为共享INNOPAC,两个分馆各自通过高带宽接入校园网,与总馆INNOPAC远程联接。分馆不配置服务器、未安装任何应用软件。总馆INNOPAC为支持分馆使用购买了4个number的scoping模块,同时还购买了流通e-mail通知模块,增加40个 bool review files,系统用户数增加到90个staff用户、webpac用户数无限制。,For sharing INNOPAC,two branches connected to campus network via highspeed network evice.branches havent configurated server ,even any application software.we buy two modules.one 4-number scoping module and circulation notice via e-mail module. Add user numbers ,installed an additional 40 bool reviewfiles. Now,our INNOPAC has 90 staff users and WEB OPAC users is unlimited.,共享INNOPAC后系统记录数情况 Record numbers after sharing INNOPAC,系统资源得到扩展 (The librarys resources are expanded) 成为一个更健壮、更复杂的系统 (More robust, sophisticated systems are available) 使共享编目更为可行 (Shared cataloging is more feasible) 使图书馆职员不必了解一套系统的完整知识,减轻了学习量 (Staff need not have complete knowledge of the systems operation) 加强了总馆与分馆之间的合作 (Library cooperation is enhanced),共享Innopac的优点 Advantages of using shared INNOPAC,本地控制及管理受到了危胁 (Local control and governance are compromised) 不同的馆/分馆服务于不同的读者群 (Different libraries serve different clienteles) 系统需求的特性应当被正确地定义 (The features needed from the system must be defined.) 通信开销 (Telecommunication expenses),共享Innopac的问题 Disadvantages of using shared INNOPAC,发展计划 Developing plans,两个分馆自2001年9月正式共享运行INNOPAC系统以来,比较稳定。偶尔出现校园网通信线路故障,影响分馆流通。因此,一段时间后我们将根据运行情况做进一步建设: 1.分馆与总馆提供专线备份。 2.采用INNOPAC PC-Circ软件。该软件独立运行于PC机上,可在不能联接INNOPAC系统时记录下流通事务,并在系统联通后更新INNOPAC系统的流通信息。,This shared INNOPAC had been running stablely from Sep. 2001.Only a few times when capus telecommunication failure affected two branches circulation.so we plan: 1.establish an dedicated line between two branches and main library. 2.using INNOPAC PC-Circ program. This software can record circulation transactions when access to the main INNOPAC system is unavailable.and can update the systems circulation information by transferring the recorded transactions to INNOPAC.,Innovatives integrated library system are installed in thousands of libraries in 29 countries around the world On Library Technology Guide website ,there is such a library automation Trends reports-i.e. in 122 ARL(Association of Research Libraries) library members, INNOPAC is the first chioce. We believe INNOPAC are good system. But as INNOPAC users, We are still willing to find some questions or unsuitablity for us.,使用INNOPAC中的问题/建议 Questiongs or comments,1、编目模块(Cataloging module) OPAC显示中,主题字段其他子字段标识可以变为“-”,而j不变。有些字段不应显示;有些字段未翻译; 215字段e显示时无标点区分; 有时,有Item记录,但在显示记录摘要时不显示,导致重复生成记录; 有时,书目记录已经删除,但连接的Item记录没删掉,导致显示重号; 区位码字符和个别汉字无法显示; 710在作者索引中出不来,在关键字索引中可以,但在目录表中是有设置的。,2、采访模块(Acquisitions module) 图书验收过帐后,用REVIEW FILE统计经费数据时只能依据ORDER记录预估价格来统计,而不能根据过帐后的价格来统计; 在付款文档中,处理每种书的验收付款记录时,复本、单价确认后,系统不能自动计算每种书的总价格,而是需要人为的去计算出总价格 ; 新建ORDER记录时,输入AUTHOR查重,系统不提示重复AUTHOR记录 ; 在数据的过帐处理过程中,遇到停电、死机等情况时,数据全部丢失不能自动保存 ; 在更新数据、生成Item以及过帐过程中,如果按照这个顺序进行操作,在生成馆藏Item的同时系统会自动生成验收日期,但在过帐过程中发现ORDER记录中的单价有时未修改(实际已改) ;,3、流通模块(Circulation module) 读者记录出现各种锁定,在借书时,计算机屏幕只出现提示,而不发出报警声,极易出现误操作 ; 借书时,当读者达到其借书限量还有二册或一册时,系统每一次都要提示是否借给该读者,且计算机不发报警。此方式与我们的工作习惯不适应,读者流通量大时,极易出现差错 ; 借书时,“目前借书”册数不做实时变化,并且屏幕只能显示5册图书,若出现错误,很难发现 ; 还书时,最好能显示读者的相关信息,如:所还图书的书名、读者还剩几册图书,便于读者能及时了解自己的借书信息 ; 还书时出现逾期罚款,屏幕不显示该书的借出日期,归还日期及超期天数 ; 应可追溯图书被读者借阅的历史记录;馆藏被借阅的历史记录 。,4、期刊模块(Serials module) 现刊的item记录不能自动按卷期排序,而是按期刊验收顺序排序。所以现刊验收后,必须依靠手工逐条排序 ; 打印催缺单时,在一个checkin记录中,如果有N期没有到,系统列印催缺单时同一种期刊下将列印n个催缺单。因此,在批次列印催缺单时,我们不得不将批次列印的信息转成文本文件,然后逐条进行合并,使每一催缺单对应一种期刊,缺的卷期数集中在一起 ; 列印期刊下架单时,列印出的字段太多(书目信息太多),导致一页窄行打印纸,最多只能列印2条记录。其实很多信息无须列印。但系统不允许用户自己设置列印信息选项 ; 在checkin模块中,参数中的卷和期设置的位数不够用,如:当卷是三位数、期是四位数时,系统不认,所以象Nature一类的杂志,只能或者输入卷,或者输入期 ; 在checkin模块中,卷中不能同时出现数字和字母,如:V.23a,否则系统不认。但外文期刊这样卷期表达很多 ;,谢谢大家!,Tel:029-2668101 Fax:029-2667859 http:/:www.lib.xjtu.edu.cn Email:xiaomail.lib.xjtu.edu.cn ljmail.lib.xjtu.edu.cn,


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