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    ,11. 预订信(Letter of Reservation) 预订信是出差或旅行是为了事先预定酒店、会议室或机票、船票、车票等,向对方发出的一种书面信函文件。预订信内容要全面,详细说明个人的合理要求,信件要具体确切。如需要预订房间的等级、类型、数量,以及预订的具体期限等。有的预订须注明付款方式。预订后通常要进行确认回复,说明是否满足要求,如未能满足要求还要说明原因。如果预订事宜有更动或是取消预订,应在规定期限之内通知对方,以免造成不必要的损失 预定信一般包括下列内容: (1)请求预订并说明预定的内容,如时间、地点、原因等。 (2)请对方进行确认并回复; (3)提供预订单位或个人的联系方式。,Sample 1 预订房间(Booking Rooms) Dear Sirs, Please reserve for me a (single, double, double-bed) room starting from (date) up to and including the night of (date), including (breakfast, half pension, full pension). Please confirm this reservation, in English, as soon as possible. All charges are to be directed to me at the address on Best regards _,Sample 2 预定车票(Booking Tickets) Manager Ticket Service Department Anhui Travel Service Hefei, P.R. of China Gentlemen, I shall be obliged if you will reserve me a berth船、列车等的)卧铺 in a non-smoking compartment train from Hefei to Hangzhou at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 20, for I am going to travel China late next month. Im enclosing herewith同此,因此 a check for US$ 59 for it, and a stamped加盖 addressed envelope. Sincerely yours, Michael Hudson I send you herewith two copies of the contract. 我随函附上合同一式两份。,Sample 3预订饭店席位并询问价格(Ordering seats at a restaurant and inquiring about the price) Gentlemen: We wish to entertain at dinner at west lake restaurant on Jan. 2 at 5 in the afternoon. This will be a party of eight people, and a private dining room would be preferable. We will need the services of a wine steward 乘务员, 服务员and we will choose our menu in advance. Please let us have information as to the accommodations available, and the approximate cost, including gratuities报酬; 小账, 小费, and tax, by return mail if possible. Yours, xxx,先生: 我们希望于一月二日下午五点在西湖饭店包桌。 就餐者共八人。我们希望包一间雅座,需要陪酒者一位,并提前定菜。 请在可能情况下,通过回信将包间,以及包括小帐和附加税在内的大体价格通知我们。 xxx,Sample 4. 预订席位的日期要求更改Changing the arrangement Gentlemen: On Jan. 10 I reserved two tables for 12 people for breakfast at 9 in the morning on Jan. 11 for our executives in the inner room. There has been a change in plans and the occasion will have to be postponed until Jan. 14 at 8:30. Will you be good enough to make the same arrangements for that date and send us a written confirmation? Thank you very much. Cordially, xxx,先生: 我于1月10日在贵饭店的套间为我们的董事们预订了1月11日早九点12人就早餐的两张包桌。 由于计划有了改变,包桌事宜只得推迟到1月14日早8点半,你如能将预约改在这个时间并写信确定一下,那就太好了。 xxx,Sample 5.询问票价,预订戏票 Inquiring about the price and ordering tickets Gentlemen: Do you have four box seats available for the evening of April 10 for the play? Two of our customers will be in London at that time, and we would like to obtain good seats for them. If you accommodate us, please let us know the price of the tickets so we may send you a check without delay. Cordially, xxx,先生: 您那有四张四月十日晚上那场剧包厢的戏票吗?我们有两位顾主将于那天来伦敦,所以我们希望为他们订几张好的座位。 如果您那里可容纳我们,请告诉我们戏票的价格,以便我们及时送一张支票给您。 您真诚的 xxx,Sample 6 Confirmation of reservation Dear Miss Lin, We have acknowledged your E-mail dated July 15th requesting us to book one economy-class seat for Mr. Zhang Xiaohua on a flight from Guangzhou to London. One seat has been reserved on flight S.A 917 departing Baiyun Airport, Guangzhou at 10:00 a.m. on the 28th, arriving London at 11:00 a.m. local time on the 30th. The account will be sent to Bank of China, as requested. Yours faithfully, Tang Xiaogang Reservations Manager,预订确认 亲爱的林小姐: 我们已收到你7月15日的电子邮件,要求我们为张晓华先生预订从广州到伦敦班机经济舱座位。 已预订南航917次班机的一个座位,该班机于28日早上10点从广州白云机场起飞,于30日当地时间早上11点抵达伦敦。 如你所要求的,账单将送到中国银行。 你忠实的 唐小刚 预订部经理,Useful expressions and patterns预订常用句型 (1 )I would like to make a reservation. 我想预订。 ( 2 )I would like to reserve a twin room at your hotel for four nights from June 8,2002. 我想要自2002年6月8日起4晚,向你们旅馆预订一间双人房。 (3)Please reserve a single room under the name of Mr.Lin. 请以林先生的名义定一间单人房。 (4) I would like to book a flight to paris in may 8, first class and round trip. 我要订一张巴黎的往返票,1月8日,法航,头等舱。,(5) Please guarantee our reservation for late arrival. 我们会晚点到,请保证我们的预定。 (6) Is hot water available any time? 随时都有热水供应吗? (7) Ill take one single room on the upper level with a front view. 我要一件楼上阳面的单人房。 (8) by the way, Id like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible. 顺便说一下,如有可能,我想要一个不临街的安静的房间。,(9)If there are no room available for the above period, please inform me ASAP (as soon as possible) as I must look for another hotel. 如果在上述期间没有空房,请尽快告知以边另寻旅馆。 (10) please send me a written conformation of this reservation. 请给我书面的确认回复。 (11) we will appreciate your early confirmation. 如能早日回复,将不胜感激。,Ex: 预订飞机座位 亲爱的先生/女士; 本公司营销部经理张晓华先生,希望搭乘尽可能早点的从广州飞往伦敦的班机。 如果你能为他预订1个经济舱的座位economy class seat ,在7月28日当天或者前后几天,飞离广州的话,不胜感激。 我们已委托中国银行支付机票费和预约费the fare and booking fee ,请你把账单直接交submit给他们。 我们感激你早日确认。 你真诚的, 林洁 张先生秘书 广州贸易公司,Key: Reservations for a Flight Dear Sir/madam, Mr.Zhang Xiaohua, our Marketing Manager, would like to fly from Guangzhou to London on the earliest flight possible. We would be obliged if you would book one economy class seat for him on a flight leaving Guangzhou on or about July 28th. Bank of China has been instructed to pay the fare and booking fee, and we would ask you to submit your account directly to them. We appreciate your early confirmation. Sincerely yours, Lin Jie Secretary to Mr.Zhang Guangzhou Trading Company,


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